2019-07-13 15:53:26 +02:00

214 lines
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;;; packages.el --- sql Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Brian Hicks <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq sql-packages
;; This mode is more up-to-date than the MELPA one.
;; Turns out that it is available in GNU ELPA but we cannot
;; force Spacemacs to fetch from it for now, it will always
;; pickup the MELPA version. So for now we use an explicit
;; recip to fetch from GitHUb the package.
(sql-indent :location (recipe
:fetcher github
:repo "alex-hhh/emacs-sql-indent"
:files ("sql-indent.el")))
(sqlfmt :location local)
(sqlup-mode :toggle sql-capitalize-keywords)
(defun sql/init-sql ()
(use-package sql
:defer t
:init (spacemacs/register-repl 'sql 'spacemacs/sql-start "sql")
;; should not set this to anything else than nil
;; the focus of SQLi is handled by spacemacs conventions
sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region nil)
(advice-add 'sql-add-product :after #'spacemacs/sql-populate-products-list)
(advice-add 'sql-del-product :after #'spacemacs/sql-populate-products-list)
(defun spacemacs//sql-source (products)
"return a source for helm selection"
`((name . "SQL Products")
(candidates . ,(mapcar (lambda (product)
(cons (sql-get-product-feature (car product) :name)
(car product)))
(action . (lambda (candidate) (helm-marked-candidates)))))
(defun spacemacs/sql-highlight ()
"set SQL dialect-specific highlighting"
(let ((product (car (helm
:sources (list (spacemacs//sql-source spacemacs-sql-highlightable))))))
(sql-set-product product)))
(defun spacemacs/sql-start ()
"set SQL dialect-specific highlighting and start inferior SQLi process"
(let ((product (car (helm
:sources (list (spacemacs//sql-source spacemacs-sql-startable))))))
(sql-set-product product)
(sql-product-interactive product)))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-string-and-focus ()
"Send a string to SQLi and switch to SQLi in `insert state'."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region t))
(call-interactively 'sql-send-string)
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-buffer-and-focus ()
"Send the buffer to SQLi and switch to SQLi in `insert state'."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region t))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-paragraph-and-focus ()
"Send the paragraph to SQLi and switch to SQLi in `insert state'."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region t))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-region-and-focus (start end)
"Send region to SQLi and switch to SQLi in `insert state'."
(interactive "r")
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region t))
(sql-send-region start end)
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-line-and-next-and-focus ()
"Send the current line to SQLi and switch to SQLi in `insert state'."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region t))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-string ()
"Send a string to SQLi and stays in the same region."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region nil))
(call-interactively 'sql-send-string)))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-buffer ()
"Send the buffer to SQLi and stays in the same region."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region nil))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-paragraph ()
"Send the paragraph to SQLi and stays in the same region."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region nil))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-region (start end)
"Send region to SQLi and stays in the same region."
(interactive "r")
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region nil))
(sql-send-region start end)))
(defun spacemacs/sql-send-line-and-next ()
"Send the current line to SQLi and stays in the same region."
(let ((sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region nil))
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'sql-mode "mb" "buffer")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'sql-mode "mh" "dialects")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'sql-mode "ms" "interactivity")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'sql-mode "ml" "listing")
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'sql-mode
"'" 'spacemacs/sql-start
;; sqli buffer
"bb" 'sql-show-sqli-buffer
"bc" 'sql-connect
"bs" 'sql-set-sqli-buffer
;; dialects
"hk" 'spacemacs/sql-highlight
;; interactivity
"sb" 'sql-send-buffer
"sB" 'spacemacs/sql-send-buffer-and-focus
"si" 'spacemacs/sql-start
;; paragraph gets "f" here because they can be assimilated to functions.
;; If you separate your commands in a SQL file, this key will send the
;; command around point, which is what you probably want.
"sf" 'spacemacs/sql-send-paragraph
"sF" 'spacemacs/sql-send-paragraph-and-focus
"sl" 'spacemacs/sql-send-line-and-next
"sL" 'spacemacs/sql-send-line-and-next-and-focus
"sq" 'spacemacs/sql-send-string
"sQ" 'spacemacs/sql-send-string-and-focus
"sr" 'spacemacs/sql-send-region
"sR" 'spacemacs/sql-send-region-and-focus
;; listing
"la" 'sql-list-all
"lt" 'sql-list-table)
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'sql-interactive-mode "mb" "buffer")
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'sql-interactive-mode
;; sqli buffer
"br" 'sql-rename-buffer
"bS" 'sql-save-connection)
(add-hook 'sql-interactive-mode-hook
(lambda () (toggle-truncate-lines t))))))
(defun sql/init-sql-indent ()
(use-package sql-indent
:if sql-auto-indent
:defer t
:init (add-hook 'sql-mode-hook 'sqlind-minor-mode)
:config (spacemacs|hide-lighter sqlind-minor-mode)))
(defun sql/init-sqlfmt ()
(use-package sqlfmt
:commands sqlfmt-buffer
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'sql-mode
"=" 'sqlfmt-buffer)))
(defun sql/init-sqlup-mode ()
(use-package sqlup-mode
:defer t
(add-hook 'sql-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode)
(unless sql-capitalize-keywords-disable-interactive
(add-hook 'sql-interactive-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode))
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'sql-mode
"c" 'sqlup-capitalize-keywords-in-region))
(spacemacs|hide-lighter sqlup-mode)
(setq sqlup-blacklist (append sqlup-blacklist
(defun sql/post-init-company ()
:backends company-capf
:modes sql-mode))
(defun sql/pre-init-org ()
(spacemacs|use-package-add-hook org
:post-config (add-to-list 'org-babel-load-languages '(sql . t))))