justbur 6eab954afe Use + instead of ! for layer categories
Helm seems to treat "!" specially in pattern matching, so having a ! in
the pattern string when traversing directories is problematic. This
change fixes #2737, because as far as I can tell "+" has no special
meaning in a helm pattern.

Of course, we can choose a different character, but I'm fond of "+" as
representing "more layers here".
2015-09-11 00:13:51 -04:00

12 lines
313 B

(setq nim-pre-extensions
(setq nim-post-extensions
;; taken from
(defun nim/init-flycheck-nim ()
(add-hook 'nim-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
(use-package flycheck-nim
:if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'syntax-checking)))