Maximilian Wolff 9720127282
Revise python layer
Make LSP be used as default backend
Request DAP layer when LSP is used as backend
Update with latest pyls package dependencies
Remove obsolete getter functions
2019-12-15 14:29:33 +01:00

80 lines
2.5 KiB

;;; config.el --- Python Layer Configuration File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; variables
(spacemacs|define-jump-handlers python-mode)
(spacemacs|define-jump-handlers cython-mode anaconda-mode-goto)
(defvar python-backend 'lsp
"The backend to use for IDE features.
Possible values are `anaconda' and `lsp'.")
(defvar python-lsp-server 'pyls
"Language server to use for lsp backend. Possible values are `pyls'
and `mspyls'")
(defvar python-lsp-git-root nil
"If non-nil, use a development version of the language server in this folder")
(defvar python-pipenv-activate nil
"If non-nil, activate pipenv before enabling backend")
(defvar python-formatter nil
"The formatter to use. Possible values are `yapf',
`black' and `lsp'. If left empty a default will be selected based on the backend.")
(defvar python-format-on-save nil
"If non-nil, automatically format code with formatter selected
via `python-formatter' on save.")
(defvar python-test-runner 'nose
"Test runner to use. Possible values are `nose' or `pytest'.")
(defvar python-save-before-test t
"If non nil, current buffer will be save before call a test function")
(defvar python-fill-column 79
"Fill column value for python buffers")
(defvar python-tab-width 4
"Tab width value for python buffers")
(defvar python-spacemacs-indent-guess t
"If non-nil, try to guess correct indentation settings for python buffers on opening")
(defvar python-auto-set-local-pyenv-version 'on-visit
"Automatically set pyenv version from \".python-version\".
Possible values are `on-visit', `on-project-switch' or `nil'.")
(defvar python-auto-set-local-pyvenv-virtualenv 'on-visit
"Automatically set pyvenv virtualenv from \".venv\".
Possible values are `on-visit', `on-project-switch' or `nil'.")
(defvar python-sort-imports-on-save nil
"If non-nil, automatically sort imports on save.")
(defvar spacemacs--python-pyenv-modes nil
"List of major modes where to add pyenv support.")
(defvar spacemacs--python-pyvenv-modes nil
"List of major modes where to add pyvenv support.")
(defvar spacemacs--python-pipenv-modes nil
"List of major modes where to add pipenv support.")
;; inferior-python-mode needs these variables to be defined. The python
;; package declares them but does not initialize them.
(defvar python-shell--interpreter nil)
(defvar python-shell--interpreter-args nil)