2014-10-18 15:58:02 -04:00

191 lines
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;; Spacemacs Contribution System
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "")
("gnu" . "")
("melpa" . "")))
(setq warning-minimum-level :error)
;; Emacs 24.3 and above ships with python.el but in some Emacs 24.3.1 packages
;; for Ubuntu, python.el seems to be missing.
;; This hack adds marmalade repository for this case only.
(unless (or (package-installed-p 'python) (version< emacs-version "24.3"))
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("marmalade" . "")))
(load (concat spacemacs-core-directory "ht.el"))
(defvar spacemacs-config-layers '()
"Alist of configuration layers with the form (symbol . plist) where
SYMBOL is the name of the layer and PLIST is a property list with the following
:contrib if t then the layer is a contribution layer.
:dir the absolute path to the base directory of the layer.
:ext-dir the absolute path to the directory containing the extensions.
(defvar spacemacs-config-disabled-packages '()
"A list of packages that are disabled and will not be loaded.
Users can set this in their .spacemacs file in the event they don't want one of
the default packages.'")
(defvar spacemacs-all-packages #s(hash-table size 200 data ())
"Hash table of all declared packages in all layers where the key is a package
symbol and the value is the layer symbol where to initialize the package. ")
(defvar spacemacs-all-pre-extensions #s(hash-table size 64 data ())
"Hash table of all declared pre-extensions in all layers where the key is a
extension symbol and the value is the layer symbol where to load and
initialize the extension. ")
(defvar spacemacs-all-post-extensions #s(hash-table size 64 data ())
"Hash table of all declared post-extensions in all layers where the key is a
extension symbol and the value is the layer symbol where to load and
initialize the extension. ")
(defun contribsys/declare-layer (sym &optional contrib)
"Declare a layer with SYM name (symbol). If CONTRIB is non nil then the layer
is a contribution layer."
(let* ((sym-name (symbol-name sym))
(base-dir (if contrib spacemacs-contrib-config-directory
(dir (format "%s%s/" base-dir sym-name))
(ext-dir (format "%sextensions/" dir)))
(push (cons sym (list :contrib contrib :dir dir :ext-dir ext-dir))
(defun contribsys/load-layers ()
"Load all declared layers."
(contribsys/load-layer-files '("funcs.el" "config.el"))
(contribsys/initialize-extensions spacemacs-all-pre-extensions)
(spacemacs/append-to-buffer spacemacs-loading-text)
(contribsys/initialize-extensions spacemacs-all-post-extensions)
(contribsys/load-layer-files '("keybindings.el")))
(defun contribsys/load-layer-files (files)
"Load the files of list FILES from all declared layers."
(dolist (layer (reverse spacemacs-config-layers))
(let* ((sym (car layer))
(dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir)))
(dolist (file files)
(let ((file (concat dir file)))
(if (file-exists-p file)
(load file)))))))
(defun contribsys/read-packages-and-extensions ()
"Load all packages and extensions declared in all layers and fill the
corresponding hash tables:
By using a hash table we ensure that *only one layer* is responsible for the
initialization of a package or extensions (as well as the loading in case of
extension), the winner layer is the last layer to declare the package or
(dolist (layer (reverse spacemacs-config-layers))
(let* ((sym (car layer))
(dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir))
(pkg-file (concat dir "packages.el"))
(ext-file (concat dir "extensions.el")))
;; packages
(unless (not (file-exists-p pkg-file))
(load pkg-file)
(dolist (pkg (eval (intern (format "%s-packages" (symbol-name sym)))))
(unless (member pkg spacemacs-config-disabled-packages)
(puthash pkg sym spacemacs-all-packages))))
;; extensions
(unless (not (file-exists-p ext-file))
(load ext-file)
(dolist (pkg (eval (intern (format "%s-pre-extensions"
(symbol-name sym)))))
(puthash pkg sym spacemacs-all-pre-extensions))
(dolist (pkg (eval (intern (format "%s-post-extensions"
(symbol-name sym)))))
(puthash pkg sym spacemacs-all-post-extensions))))))
;; number of chuncks for the loading screen
(let ((total (+ (ht-size spacemacs-all-packages)
(ht-size spacemacs-all-pre-extensions)
(ht-size spacemacs-all-post-extensions))))
(setq spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold
(/ total spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count))))
(defun contribsys/install-packages ()
"Install the packages all the packages if there are not currently installed."
(let* ((pkg-list (ht-keys spacemacs-all-packages))
(sorted-pkg-list (mapcar 'intern
(sort (mapcar 'symbol-name pkg-list)
(not-installed (remove-if 'package-installed-p sorted-pkg-list))
(not-installed-count (length not-installed)))
;; installation
(if not-installed
(format "Found %s new package(s) to install...\n"
"--> fetching new package repository indexes...\n")
(setq installed-count 0)
(dolist (pkg not-installed)
(setq installed-count (1+ installed-count))
(when (not (package-installed-p pkg))
(format "--> installing %s:%s... [%s/%s]"
(ht-get spacemacs-all-packages pkg)
not-installed-count) t)
(package-install pkg))
(spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\n")))))
(defun contribsys/initialize-packages ()
"Initialize all the declared packages."
(ht-each 'contribsys/initialize-package spacemacs-all-packages))
(defun contribsys/initialize-package (pkg lsym)
"Initialize the package PKG from the configuration layer LSYM."
(let* ((layer (assq lsym spacemacs-config-layers))
(init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" (symbol-name lsym) pkg))))
(if (and (package-installed-p pkg) (fboundp init-func))
(progn (message "(Spacemacs) Initializing %s:%s..."
(symbol-name lsym) pkg)
(funcall init-func)))))
(defun contribsys/initialize-extensions (ext-list)
"Initialize all the declared extensions in EXT-LIST hash table."
(ht-each 'contribsys/initialize-extension ext-list))
(defun contribsys/initialize-extension (ext lsym)
"Initialize the extension EXT from the configuration layer LSYM."
(let* ((layer (assq lsym spacemacs-config-layers))
(ext-dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :ext-dir))
(init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" (symbol-name lsym) ext))))
(add-to-list 'load-path (format "%s%s/" ext-dir ext))
(message "(Spacemacs) Initializing %s:%s..." (symbol-name lsym) ext)
(if (fboundp init-func) (funcall init-func))))
(defun contribsys/initialized-packages-count ()
"Return the number of initialized packages and extensions."
(+ (ht-size spacemacs-all-packages)
(ht-size spacemacs-all-pre-extensions)
(ht-size spacemacs-all-post-extensions)))
(defun contribsys/declare-configuration-layers ()
"Declare the configuration layer in order of appearance in list
dotspacemacs-configuration-layers defined in ~/.spacemacs."
(if (boundp 'dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)
(dolist (layer dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)
(contribsys/declare-layer layer t))))
(defun contribsys/get-layer-property (symlayer prop)
"Return the value of the PROPerty for the given SYMLAYER symbol."
(let* ((layer (assq symlayer spacemacs-config-layers)))
(plist-get (cdr layer) prop)))