
312 lines
13 KiB

;;; core-spacemacs.el --- Spacemacs Core File
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq message-log-max 16384)
(defconst emacs-start-time (current-time))
(require 'subr-x nil 'noerror)
(require 'core-debug)
(require 'core-command-line)
(require 'core-dotspacemacs)
(require 'core-emacs-backports)
(require 'core-release-management)
(require 'core-auto-completion)
(require 'core-display-init)
(require 'core-themes-support)
(require 'core-fonts-support)
(require 'core-spacemacs-buffer)
(require 'core-keybindings)
(require 'core-toggle)
(require 'core-funcs)
(require 'core-micro-state)
(require 'core-transient-state)
(require 'core-use-package-ext)
(defgroup spacemacs nil
"Spacemacs customizations."
:group 'starter-kit
:prefix 'spacemacs-)
;; loading progress bar variables
(defvar spacemacs-loading-char ?█)
(defvar spacemacs-loading-string "")
(defvar spacemacs-loading-counter 0)
;; (defvar spacemacs-loading-text "Loading")
;; (defvar spacemacs-loading-done-text "Ready!")
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count 3)
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-count (window-total-size nil 'width))
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-size
(/ spacemacs-loading-dots-count spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count))
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold 0)
(defvar spacemacs-post-user-config-hook nil
"Hook run after dotspacemacs/user-config")
(defvar spacemacs-post-user-config-hook-run nil
"Whether `spacemacs-post-user-config-hook' has been run")
(defvar spacemacs--default-mode-line mode-line-format
"Backup of default mode line format.")
(defun spacemacs/init ()
"Perform startup initialization."
(when spacemacs-debugp (spacemacs/init-debug))
;; silence ad-handle-definition about advised functions getting redefined
(setq ad-redefinition-action 'accept)
;; this is for a smoother UX at startup (i.e. less graphical glitches)
;; explicitly set the prefered coding systems to avoid annoying prompt
;; from emacs (especially on Microsoft Windows)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
;; TODO move these variables when evil is removed from the bootstrapped
;; packages.
(setq-default evil-want-C-u-scroll t
;; `evil-want-C-i-jump' is set to nil to avoid `TAB' being
;; overlapped in terminal mode. The GUI specific `<C-i>' is used
;; instead.
evil-want-C-i-jump nil)
(require 'core-configuration-layer)
(dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/init "Calling dotfile init...")
(dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/user-init "Calling dotfile user init...")
(setq dotspacemacs-editing-style (dotspacemacs//read-editing-style-config
;; default theme
(let ((default-theme (car dotspacemacs-themes)))
(spacemacs/load-theme default-theme)
;; protect used themes from deletion as orphans
(setq configuration-layer--protected-packages
(delq nil (mapcar 'spacemacs//get-theme-package
(setq-default spacemacs--cur-theme default-theme)
(setq-default spacemacs--cycle-themes (cdr dotspacemacs-themes)))
;; font
(if (find-font (font-spec :name (car dotspacemacs-default-font)))
(spacemacs/set-default-font dotspacemacs-default-font)
(spacemacs-buffer/warning "Cannot find font \"%s\"!"
(car dotspacemacs-default-font))))
;; spacemacs init
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(unless (display-graphic-p)
;; explicitly recreate the home buffer for the first GUI client
;; in order to correctly display the logo
(kill-buffer (get-buffer spacemacs-buffer-name))
(setq initial-buffer-choice nil)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
;; bootstrap packages
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'dash t)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 's t)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'f t)
(setq evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol dotspacemacs-remap-Y-to-y$
evil-ex-substitute-global dotspacemacs-ex-substitute-global)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'evil t)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'bind-map t)
;; bind-key is required by use-package
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'bind-key t)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'which-key t)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'use-package t)
(setq use-package-verbose init-file-debug)
;; package-build is required by quelpa
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'package-build t)
(setq quelpa-verbose init-file-debug
quelpa-dir (concat spacemacs-cache-directory "quelpa/")
quelpa-build-dir (expand-file-name "build" quelpa-dir)
quelpa-persistent-cache-file (expand-file-name "cache" quelpa-dir)
quelpa-update-melpa-p nil)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'quelpa t)
;; required for some micro-states
(spacemacs/load-or-install-protected-package 'hydra t)
;; inject use-package hooks for easy customization of stock package
;; configuration
(setq use-package-inject-hooks t)
(require 'core-keybindings)
;; for convenience and user support
(unless (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode)
(spacemacs-buffer/message (concat "No graphical support detected, "
"you won't be able to launch a "
"graphical instance of Emacs"
"with this build.")))
;; check for new version
(if dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols
(setq-default spacemacs-version-check-lighter "[⇪]"))
(defun spacemacs//removes-gui-elements ()
"Remove the menu bar, tool bar and scroll bars."
;; removes the GUI elements
(unless (spacemacs/system-is-mac)
(when (and (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (not (eq menu-bar-mode -1)))
(menu-bar-mode -1)))
(when (and (fboundp 'scroll-bar-mode) (not (eq scroll-bar-mode -1)))
(scroll-bar-mode -1))
(when (and (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (not (eq tool-bar-mode -1)))
(tool-bar-mode -1))
;; tooltips in echo-aera
(when (and (fboundp 'tooltip-mode) (not (eq tooltip-mode -1)))
(tooltip-mode -1)))
(defun spacemacs/maybe-install-dotfile ()
"Install the dotfile if it does not exist."
(unless (file-exists-p dotspacemacs-filepath)
(spacemacs-buffer/set-mode-line "Dotfile wizard installer")
(when (dotspacemacs/install 'with-wizard)
(dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers '(16)))))
(defun spacemacs/display-and-copy-version ()
"Echo the current spacemacs version and copy it."
(let ((msg (format "Spacemacs v.%s" spacemacs-version)))
(message msg) (kill-new msg)))
(defun display-startup-echo-area-message ()
"Change the default welcome message of minibuffer to another one."
(message "Spacemacs is ready."))
(defun spacemacs/defer-until-after-user-config (func)
"Call FUNC if dotspacemacs/user-config has been called. Otherwise,
defer call using `spacemacs-post-user-config-hook'."
(if spacemacs-post-user-config-hook-run
(funcall func)
(add-hook 'spacemacs-post-user-config-hook func)))
(defun spacemacs/setup-startup-hook ()
"Add post init processing."
(lambda ()
;; Ultimate configuration decisions are given to the user who can defined
;; them in his/her ~/.spacemacs file
(dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/user-config
"Calling dotfile user config...")
(run-hooks 'spacemacs-post-user-config-hook)
(setq spacemacs-post-user-config-hook-run t)
(when (fboundp dotspacemacs-scratch-mode)
(with-current-buffer "*scratch*"
(funcall dotspacemacs-scratch-mode)))
;; from jwiegley
(let ((elapsed (float-time
(time-subtract (current-time) emacs-start-time))))
(format "\n[%s packages loaded in %.3fs]\n"
(spacemacs/check-for-new-version spacemacs-version-check-interval))))
(defun spacemacs//describe-system-info-string ()
"Gathers info about your Spacemacs setup and returns it as a string."
(concat "#### System Info\n"
"- OS: %s\n"
"- Emacs: %s\n"
"- Spacemacs: %s\n"
"- Spacemacs branch: %s (rev. %s)\n"
"- Graphic display: %s\n"
"- Distribution: %s\n"
"- Editing style: %s\n"
"- Completion: %s\n"
"- Layers:\n```elisp\n%s```\n")
(cond ((configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'spacemacs-helm)
((configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'spacemacs-ivy)
(t 'helm))
(pp-to-string dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)))
(defun spacemacs/describe-system-info ()
"Gathers info about your Spacemacs setup and copies to clipboard."
(let ((sysinfo (spacemacs//describe-system-info-string)))
(kill-new sysinfo)
(message sysinfo)
(message (concat "Information has been copied to clipboard.\n"
"You can paste it in the gitter chat.\n"
"Check the *Messages* buffer if you need to review it"))))
(defun spacemacs//describe-last-keys-string ()
"Gathers info about your Emacs last keys and returns it as a string."
(let* ((lossage-buffer "*Help*")
(last-keys (format "#### Emacs last keys\n```text\n%s```\n"
(with-current-buffer lossage-buffer
(kill-buffer lossage-buffer)
(defun spacemacs/describe-last-keys ()
"Gathers info about your Emacs last keys and copies to clipboard."
(let ((lossage (spacemacs//describe-last-keys-string)))
(kill-new lossage)
(message lossage)
(message (concat "Information has been copied to clipboard.\n"
'face 'font-lock-warning-face)
"You can paste it in the gitter chat.\n"
"Check the *Messages* buffer if you need to review it"))))
(defun spacemacs/report-issue (arg)
"Browse the page for creating a new Spacemacs issue on GitHub,
with the message pre-filled with template and information."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((url "")
(template (with-temp-buffer
(concat configuration-layer-template-directory "REPORTING.template"))
;; Include the system info description directly into the template
(setq template (replace-regexp-in-string
template [keep-case]))
;; Include the backtrace directly in the template, if it exists
(setq template (replace-regexp-in-string
(if (get-buffer "*Backtrace*")
(with-current-buffer "*Backtrace*"
(point-min) (min (point-max) 1000)))
template [keep-case]))
;; Include the last keys description directly into the template, if
;; prefix argument has been passed
(setq template (replace-regexp-in-string
(if (and arg (y-or-n-p (concat "Do you really want to "
"include your last pressed keys? It "
"may include some sensitive data.")))
(concat (spacemacs//describe-last-keys-string) "\n")
template [keep-case]))
;; Create the encoded url
(setq url (url-encode-url (concat url template)))
;; HACK: Needed because the first `#' is not encoded
(setq url (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "%23" url))
(browse-url url)))
(provide 'core-spacemacs)