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;;; funcs.el --- vue layer funcs file for Spacemacs. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Thanh Vuong <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; backend
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-backend ()
"Conditionally setup vue backend."
(pcase vue-backend
('dumb (spacemacs//vue-setup-dumb))
('lsp (spacemacs//vue-setup-lsp))))
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-company ()
"Conditionally setup company based on backend."
(pcase vue-backend
('dumb (spacemacs//vue-setup-dumb-company))))
;; lsp
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-lsp ()
"Setup lsp backend."
(if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'lsp)
;; error checking from lsp langserver sucks, turn it off
;; so eslint won't be overriden
(setq-local lsp-diagnostics-provider :none)
(message (concat "`lsp' layer is not installed, "
"please add `lsp' layer to your dotfile."))))
;; dumb
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-dumb-imenu ()
(setq imenu-generic-expression '(("html" "^<template>$" 0)
("js" "^<script>$" 0)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(data\\).*()\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(mounted\\).*()\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(beforeMount\\).*()\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(beforeDestroy\\).*()\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(created\\).*()\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(computed\\):\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(watch\\):\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(methods\\):\\s-?{" 1)
("js" "^\\s-*\\(props\\):\\s-?{" 1)
("css" "^<css>$" 0))
imenu-create-index-function #'imenu-default-create-index-function))
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-dumb ()
(add-to-list 'spacemacs-jump-handlers-vue-mode 'dumb-jump-go)
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-dumb-company ()
(spacemacs|add-company-backends :backends (company-web-html company-css company-files company-dabbrev)
:modes vue-mode
:variables company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
;; Others
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-yasnippet ()
(yas-activate-extra-mode 'js-mode))
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-editor-style ()
"such as indent rules comment style etc"
(setq web-mode-script-padding 0)
(add-to-list 'web-mode-comment-formats '("javascript" . "//")))
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-keybindings ()
"free stuff from `html' layer"
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'vue-mode "m=" "format")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'vue-mode "mE" "errors")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'vue-mode "me" "element")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'vue-mode "mg" "goto")
(unless (equal vue-backend 'lsp)
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'vue-mode "mh" "help")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'vue-mode "mr" "refactor"))
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'vue-mode
"El" 'web-mode-dom-errors-show
"eb" 'web-mode-element-beginning
"ec" 'web-mode-element-child
"ep" 'web-mode-element-parent
"es" 'web-mode-element-sibling-next
"hp" 'web-mode-dom-xpath
"rc" 'web-mode-element-clone
"rd" 'web-mode-element-vanish
"rk" 'web-mode-element-kill
"rn" 'web-mode-element-rename
"rw" 'web-mode-element-wrap
"z" 'web-mode-fold-or-unfold))
(defun spacemacs//vue-setup-transient-state ()
(defvar spacemacs--vue-ts-full-hint-toggle nil
"Toggle the state of the vue transient state documentation.")
(defvar spacemacs--vue-ts-full-hint nil
"Display full vue transient state documentation.")
(defvar spacemacs--vue-ts-minified-hint nil
"Display minified vue transient state documentation.")
(defun spacemacs//vue-ts-toggle-hint ()
"Toggle the full hint docstring for the vue transient state."
(setq spacemacs--vue-ts-full-hint-toggle
(not spacemacs--vue-ts-full-hint-toggle)))
(defun spacemacs//vue-ts-hint ()
"Return a condensed/full hint for the vue transient state"
" "
(if spacemacs--vue-ts-full-hint-toggle
(concat "[" (propertize "?" 'face 'hydra-face-red) "] help"
(spacemacs|transient-state-format-hint vue
spacemacs--vue-ts-minified-hint "\n
Navigate: _j_ _k_ _J_ _K_ _h_ _l_ Element: _c_ _d_ _D_ _r_ _w_ Other: _p_")
(spacemacs|transient-state-format-hint vue
(format "\n[_?_] toggle help
Navigate^^^^ Element^^ Other
[_j_/_k_] next/prev element [_c_] clone [_p_] xpath (display path)
[_J_/_K_] next/prev sibling [_d_] vanish (keep content) [_q_] quit
[_h_/_l_] parent/child [_D_] kill (inkl. content)
^^^^ [_r_] rename
^^^^ [_w_] wrap"))
(spacemacs|define-transient-state vue
:title "Vue Transient State"
:hint-is-doc t
:dynamic-hint (spacemacs//vue-ts-hint)
:foreign-keys run
:evil-leader-for-mode (vue-mode . ".")
("?" spacemacs//vue-ts-toggle-hint)
;; Navigate
("j" web-mode-element-next)
("k" web-mode-element-previous)
("J" web-mode-element-sibling-next)
("gj" web-mode-element-sibling-next)
("K" web-mode-element-sibling-previous)
("gk" web-mode-element-sibling-previous)
("h" web-mode-element-parent)
("l" web-mode-element-child)
;; Element
("c" web-mode-element-clone)
("d" web-mode-element-vanish)
("D" web-mode-element-kill)
("r" web-mode-element-rename)
("w" web-mode-element-wrap)
;; Other
("p" web-mode-dom-xpath)
("q" nil :exit t)
("<escape>" nil :exit t)))