2015-03-13 23:22:39 -04:00
packages.el Add haskell-type-on-previous-line function 2015-03-13 23:22:39 -04:00 Updated haskell/shm bindings + misc haskell 2015-03-02 18:43:43 -05:00

Haskell contribution layer for Spacemacs


Table of Contents


This layer adds support for the Haskell language.


This layer is in construction, it needs your contributions and bug reports.



To use this contribution add it to your ~/.spacemacs

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(haskell))

Cabal packages

This layer requires some cabal packages:

  • ghc-mod
  • hlint
  • stylish-haskell

To install them, use the following command:

cabal install stylish-haskell hlint ghc-mod

Next Emacs needs to know where to find these binaries, you can locate them with the following shell command:

dirname $(which ghc-mod)

Then you have to add this path to your system $PATH (preferred):

export PATH=~/.cabal/bin/:$PATH

or to the Emacs exec-path variable in the dotspacemacs/init function of your .spacemacs file:

(add-to-list 'exec-path "~/.cabal/bin/")

Note: it is important to add the path in the dotspacemacs/init function, so that the path is added before any layers is loaded.


Note that for OS X does not pick up $PATH from ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc when launched from outside a terminal.

Optional extras

The Haskell layer supports some extra features that can be enabled through layer variables.

GHCi-ng support

ghci-ng adds some nice features to haskell-mode, and is supported in Spacemacs by a layer variable:

Follow the instructions to install ghci-ng (remember to add :set +c in ~/.ghci, next set the layer variable:

;; List of configuration layers to load.
  (haskell :variables haskell-enable-ghci-ng-support t))

Once ghci-ng is enabled, two of the old keybindings are overriden with improved versions from ghci-ng, and a new keybinding available:

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m t | gets the type of the identifier under the cursor or for the active region SPC m g g | go to definition SPC m u | finds uses of identifier


structured-haskell-mode, or shm, replaces hi2 (and any other Haskell-indentation modes) and adds some nice functionality. To enable shm, run cabal install structured-haskell-mode and set the layer variable:

;; List of configuration layers to load.
dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(company-mode (haskell :variables haskell-enable-shm-support t) git)

After shm has been enabled, some of the evil normal-mode bindings are overridden:

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ D | shm/kill-line R | shm/raise P | shm/yank ( | shm/forward-node ) | shm/backward-node

For a nice visualization of these functions, please refer to the github page for structured-haskell-mode.


hindent is an extensible Haskell pretty printer, which let's you reformat your code. You need to install the executable with cabal install hindent; to enable it set:

;; List of configuration layers to load.
    (haskell :variables haskell-enable-hindent-support t))

By default it uses the style called fundamental, if you want to use another, johan-tibell, run M-x customize-variable hindent-style.

Key bindings

All Haskell specific bindings are prefixed with SPC m

Haskell source code:

Haskell commands:

Top-level commands are prefixed by SPC m:

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m t | gets the type of the identifier under the cursor SPC m i | gets information for the identifier under the cursor SPC m g g | go to definition or tag SPC m f | format buffer using haskell-stylish SPC m F | format declaration using hindent (if enabled)

Documentation commands:

Documentation commands are prefixed by SPC m h

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m h d | find or generate Haddock documentation for the identifier under the cursor SPC m h h | do a Hoogle lookup SPC m h y | do a Hayoo lookup

Cabal commands:

Cabal commands are prefixed by SPC m c:

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m c a | cabal actions SPC m c b | build the current cabal project, i.e. invoke cabal build SPC m c c | compile the current project, i.e. invoke ghc SPC m c v | visit the cabal file

Debug commands:

Debug commands are prefixed by SPC m d:

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m d d | start debug process, needs to be run first SPC m d b | insert breakpoint at function SPC m d n | next breakpoint SPC m d N | previous breakpoint SPC m d B | delete breakpoint SPC m d c | continue current process SPC m d a | abandon current process SPC m d r | refresh process buffer

REPL commands:

REPL commands are prefixed by SPC m s:

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m s b | load or reload the current buffer into the REPL SPC m s c | clear the REPL SPC m s s | show the REPL SPC m s S | show and switch to the REPL

Cabal files:

Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m d | add a dependency to the project SPC m b | go to benchmark section SPC m e | go to executable section SPC m t | go to test-suite section SPC m m | go to exposed modules SPC m l | go to libary section SPC m n | go to next subsection SPC m p | go to previous subsection SPC m N | go to next section SPC m P | go to previous section SPC m f | find or create source-file under the cursor