2020-03-10 20:54:57 +02:00

621 lines
25 KiB

;;; core-spacebind-utest.el --- Core Unit Test File -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Eugene "JAremko" Yaremenko <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(require 'core-spacebind)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defconst test-spacebind-moked-fns-sig
"Signature of the functions that we will mock for the `spacebind' tests.")
;;;; Helpers:
(defmacro test-spacebind|subst-eval (rep-fun &rest body)
"Substitute calls to binding functions with calls to REP-FUN.
REP-FUN applied to the form: (fn-sym (args)).
Binding functions are listed in `test-spacebind-moked-fns-sig'. "
(((symbol-function 'spacemacs/leader-key) (lambda () "SPC"))
((symbol-function 'spacemacs/major-mode-prefix) (lambda () "m"))
(lambda (seg)
(let* ((f-s (car seg))
(args (cadr seg))
(pl-args (cl-set-difference args '(&rest &optional))))
`((symbol-function ',f-s)
(lambda ,args (,rep-fun ',f-s (list ,@pl-args))))))
(defmacro test-spacebind|log-calls (&rest body)
"Evaluate BODY while mocking and logging calls to the binding functions.
The log is returned.
Binding functions are listed in `test-spacebind-moked-fns-sig'.
NOTE: `spacebind--eager-bind' set to true. "
`(let ((spacebind--eager-bind t)
(acc nil))
(lambda (fn args)
(push (cons fn args) acc))
;; Example:
(thread-last (spacemacs|spacebind
("a" "section a"
("a" foo-fn "execute foo-fn"))))
(format "%S")
;; Prevents execution
(defun test-spacebind/plist-diff (plist1 plist2)
"Returns difference of PLIST1 and PLIST2 using `equal'."
(cl-labels ((recur
(acc plist)
(let* ((key (car plist))
(val (cadr plist))
(rest (cddr plist))
(pair (list key val))
(new-acc (append (list pair) acc)))
(if rest
(recur new-acc rest)
(let ((set-1 (recur '() plist1))
(set-2 (recur '() plist2)))
(cl-set-exclusive-or set-1 set-2 :test 'equal))))
(defmacro test-spacebind|log-stack-eval (&rest body)
"Evaluate BODY while mocking `spacebind//process-bind-stack'.
Stack values after the evaluation are returned and the stacks cleaned.
The return value is a plist with the shape:
(:minor-mode-replacements <STACK>
:major-mode-replacements <STACK>
:declare-prefix <STACK>
:declare-prefix-for-mode <STACK>
:set-leader-keys <STACK>
:set-leader-keys-for-major-mode <STACK>
:set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode <STACK>
:add-global-replacements <STACK>)
<STACK> is a corresponding binding stack.
NOTE: `spacebind--eager-bind' set to true."
`(let ((spacebind--eager-bind t)
(ret-plist nil))
(cl-labels ((spacebind//process-bind-stack
(setq ret-plist (list
spacebind--bs-add-global-replacements nil
spacebind--bs-set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode nil
spacebind--bs-set-leader-keys-for-major-mode nil
spacebind--bs-set-leader-keys nil
spacebind--bs-declare-prefix-for-mode nil
spacebind--bs-declare-prefix nil
spacebind--bs-add-major-mode-replacements nil
spacebind--bs-add-minor-mode-replacements nil
spacebind--timer [t])))
;; Example:
(thread-last (spacemacs|spacebind
("a" "section a"
("a" foo-fn "execute foo-fn"))))
(format "%S")
;; Prevents execution
(defmacro test-spacebind|validate-keys (&rest body)
"Mocks `spacebind//process-bind-stack' and validate key sequences.
NOTE: `spacebind--eager-bind' set to true. "
`(cl-letf* ((invalid-key-seqs '())
(spacebind--eager-bind t)
(spacebind--bs-add-minor-mode-replacements '())
(spacebind--bs-add-major-mode-replacements '())
(spacebind--bs-declare-prefix '())
(spacebind--bs-declare-prefix-for-mode '())
(spacebind--bs-set-leader-keys '())
(spacebind--bs-set-leader-keys-for-major-mode '())
(spacebind--bs-set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode '())
(spacebind--bs-add-global-replacements '())
(spacebind--timer [t])
(called nil)
((symbol-function 'spacebind//process-bind-stack)
(lambda () (progn))))
(dolist (el (apply 'append
(append spacebind--bs-add-minor-mode-replacements
(when (listp el) ;; all list arguments are key sequences.
(condition-case err (kbd (string-join el " "))
((error nil) (push err invalid-key-seqs)))))
(cl-remove-duplicates invalid-key-seqs :test 'equal)))
;;;; Tests:
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-major-mode-always-generates-right-stack ()
(thread-last (spacemacs|spacebind
"with a description"
("c" "compile/execute"
("c" spacemacs/python-execute-file "execute file"))))
((py-mode ("c" "c") "execute file"))
((py-mode ("c") "compile/execute"))
((py-mode ("c" "c") spacemacs/python-execute-file))
:minor-mode-replacements nil
:declare-prefix nil
:set-leader-keys nil
:set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode nil
:add-global-replacements nil))
(eq nil)
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-minor-mode-always-generates-right-stack ()
(thread-last (spacemacs|spacebind
"With a description"
("a" "section under a key"
("b" baz-fn "call baz-fn"))))
((foo-mode ("a" "b") "call baz-fn"))
((foo-mode ("a" "b") baz-fn))
((foo-mode ("a") "section under a key"))
:major-mode-replacements nil
:declare-prefix nil
:set-leader-keys nil
:set-leader-keys-for-major-mode nil
:add-global-replacements nil))
(eq nil)
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-global-always-generates-right-stack ()
(thread-last (spacemacs|spacebind
"With a description"
(("a" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn"))))
((("a") "section under a key"))
((("a" "b") bar-fn))
((("a" "b") "call bar-fn"))
:minor-mode-replacements nil
:major-mode-replacements nil
:declare-prefix-for-mode nil
:set-leader-keys-for-major-mode nil
:set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode nil))
(eq nil)
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-doc-string-always-ignored ()
(should (equal (test-spacebind|log-stack-eval
"With a doc-string"
("c" "compile/execute"
("c" spacemacs/python-execute-file "execute file")))))
("c" "compile/execute"
("c" spacemacs/python-execute-file "execute file")))))))
(should (equal (test-spacebind|log-stack-eval
"With a doc-string"
("a" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn")))
"With a doc-string"
("c" "section under a key"
("d" qux-fn "call qux-fn")))))
("a" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn")))
("c" "section under a key"
("d" qux-fn "call qux-fn")))))))
(should (equal (test-spacebind|log-stack-eval
("With a doc-string"
("a" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn")))))
(("a" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn"))))))))
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-labels-multi-line-strings-allways-joined ()
(thread-first (spacemacs|spacebind
(("a" foo-fn "This is a
multi line string")))
(plist-get :add-global-replacements)
(equal '(("a") "This is a multi line string"))
(thread-first (spacemacs|spacebind
("a" foo-fn "This is a
multi line string")))
(plist-get :minor-mode-replacements)
(equal '(foo-mode ("a") "This is a multi line string"))
(thread-first (spacemacs|spacebind
("a" foo-fn "This is a
multi line string")))
(plist-get :major-mode-replacements)
(equal '(foo-mode ("a") "This is a multi line string"))
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-labels-pipe-slicing-always-works ()
(thread-first (spacemacs|spacebind
(("a" foo-fn "this part goes into label | that part omitted")))
(plist-get :add-global-replacements)
(equal '(("a") "this part goes into label"))
(thread-first (spacemacs|spacebind
("a" foo-fn "this part goes into label | that part omitted")))
(plist-get :minor-mode-replacements)
(equal '(foo-mode ("a") "this part goes into label"))
(thread-first (spacemacs|spacebind
("a" foo-fn "this part goes into label | that part omitted")))
(plist-get :major-mode-replacements)
(equal '(foo-mode ("a") "this part goes into label"))
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-always-generates-right-stack ()
"Docstring for documentation"
("C-p" "compile/execute"
("TAB" spacemacs/python-execute-file "execute file")
("C" spacemacs/python-execute-file-focus "execute file and focus"))
("d" "debug"
("b" spacemacs/python-toggle-breakpoint "toggle breakpoint"))
("r" "refactor"
("i" spacemacs/python-remove-unused-imports "remove unused import"))
("s" "REPL"
("s" spacemacs/python-shell-send-buffer-switch
"send buffer to REPL and focus")
("S" python-shell-send-buffer
"send buffer to REPL")
("d" spacemacs/python-shell-send-defun-switch
"send function around point to REPL and focus")
("D" python-shell-send-defun
"send function around point to REPL")
("r" spacemacs/python-shell-send-region-switch
"send region to REPL and focus")
("R" python-shell-send-region "send region to REPL")))
("a" "section under a key"
("b" foo-fn "call foo-fn")
("c" "sub section under c key"
("d" "sub sub section under d key"
("e" baz-fn "call baz-fn")))))
("a" "section under a key"
("b" "sub section under b key"
("c" "sub sub section under c key"
("b" baz-fn "call baz-fn")))))
(("C-v" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn"))))
((some-another-minor-mode ("a" "b" "c" "b") "call baz-fn")
(some-minor-mode ("a" "c" "d" "e") "call baz-fn")
(some-minor-mode ("a" "b") "call foo-fn"))
((py-mode ("s" "R") "send region to REPL")
(py-mode ("s" "r") "send region to REPL and focus")
(py-mode ("s" "D") "send function around point to REPL")
(py-mode ("s" "d") "send function around point to REPL and focus")
(py-mode ("s" "S") "send buffer to REPL")
(py-mode ("s" "s") "send buffer to REPL and focus")
(py-mode ("r" "i") "remove unused import")
(py-mode ("d" "b") "toggle breakpoint")
(py-mode ("C-p" "C") "execute file and focus")
(py-mode ("C-p" "TAB") "execute file"))
((("C-v") "section under a key"))
((some-another-minor-mode ("a" "b" "c") "sub sub section under c key")
(some-another-minor-mode ("a" "b") "sub section under b key")
(some-another-minor-mode ("a") "section under a key")
(some-minor-mode ("a" "c" "d") "sub sub section under d key")
(some-minor-mode ("a" "c") "sub section under c key")
(some-minor-mode ("a") "section under a key")
(py-mode ("s") "REPL")
(py-mode ("r") "refactor")
(py-mode ("d") "debug")
(py-mode ("C-p") "compile/execute"))
((("C-v" "b") bar-fn))
((py-mode ("s" "R") python-shell-send-region)
(py-mode ("s" "r") spacemacs/python-shell-send-region-switch)
(py-mode ("s" "D") python-shell-send-defun)
(py-mode ("s" "d") spacemacs/python-shell-send-defun-switch)
(py-mode ("s" "S") python-shell-send-buffer)
(py-mode ("s" "s") spacemacs/python-shell-send-buffer-switch)
(py-mode ("r" "i") spacemacs/python-remove-unused-imports)
(py-mode ("d" "b") spacemacs/python-toggle-breakpoint)
(py-mode ("C-p" "C") spacemacs/python-execute-file-focus)
(py-mode ("C-p" "TAB") spacemacs/python-execute-file))
((some-another-minor-mode ("a" "b" "c" "b") baz-fn)
(some-minor-mode ("a" "c" "d" "e") baz-fn)
(some-minor-mode ("a" "b") foo-fn))
((("C-v" "b") "call bar-fn"))))
(eq nil)
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-always-generates-right-calls ()
"Docstring for documentation"
("C-p" "compile/execute"
("TAB" spacemacs/python-execute-file "execute file")
("C" spacemacs/python-execute-file-focus "execute file and focus"))
("d" "debug"
("b" spacemacs/python-toggle-breakpoint "toggle breakpoint"))
("r" "refactor"
("i" spacemacs/python-remove-unused-imports "remove unused import"))
("s" "REPL"
("s" spacemacs/python-shell-send-buffer-switch
"send buffer to REPL and focus")
("S" python-shell-send-buffer
"send buffer to REPL")
("d" spacemacs/python-shell-send-defun-switch
"send function around point to REPL and focus")
("D" python-shell-send-defun
"send function around point to REPL")
("r" spacemacs/python-shell-send-region-switch
"send region to REPL and focus")
("R" python-shell-send-region "send region to REPL")))
("a" "section under a key"
("b" foo-fn "call foo-fn")
("c" "sub section under c key"
("d" "sub sub section under d key"
("e" baz-fn "call baz-fn")))))
("a" "section under a key"
("b" "sub section under b key"
("c" "sub sub section under c key"
("b" baz-fn "call baz-fn")))))
(("C-v" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn"))))
"SPC C-v b" "call bar-fn" nil)
some-minor-mode "a b" foo-fn nil)
some-minor-mode "a c d e" baz-fn nil)
some-another-minor-mode "a b c b" baz-fn nil)
py-mode "C-p TAB" spacemacs/python-execute-file nil)
py-mode "C-p C" spacemacs/python-execute-file-focus nil)
py-mode "d b" spacemacs/python-toggle-breakpoint nil)
py-mode "r i" spacemacs/python-remove-unused-imports nil)
py-mode "s s" spacemacs/python-shell-send-buffer-switch nil)
py-mode "s S" python-shell-send-buffer nil)
py-mode "s d" spacemacs/python-shell-send-defun-switch nil)
py-mode "s D" python-shell-send-defun nil)
py-mode "s r" spacemacs/python-shell-send-region-switch nil)
py-mode "s R" python-shell-send-region nil)
"C-v b" bar-fn nil)
"C-p" "compile/execute" nil)
"d" "debug" nil)
"r" "refactor" nil)
"s" "REPL" nil)
"a" "section under a key" nil)
"a c" "sub section under c key" nil)
"a c d" "sub sub section under d key" nil)
"a" "section under a key" nil)
"a b" "sub section under b key" nil)
"a b c" "sub sub section under c key" nil)
"C-v" "section under a key" nil)
py-mode "SPC m C-p TAB" "execute file" nil)
py-mode "SPC m C-p C" "execute file and focus" nil)
py-mode "SPC m d b" "toggle breakpoint" nil)
py-mode "SPC m r i" "remove unused import" nil)
py-mode "SPC m s s" "send buffer to REPL and focus" nil)
py-mode "SPC m s S" "send buffer to REPL" nil)
py-mode "SPC m s d" "send function around point to REPL and focus" nil)
py-mode "SPC m s D" "send function around point to REPL" nil)
py-mode "SPC m s r" "send region to REPL and focus" nil)
py-mode "SPC m s R" "send region to REPL" nil)
some-minor-mode "SPC a b" "call foo-fn" nil)
some-minor-mode "SPC a c d e" "call baz-fn" nil)
some-another-minor-mode "SPC a b c b" "call baz-fn" nil))
:test 'equal)
(eq nil)
(ert-deftest test-spacebind-always-generate-valid-key-seqs ()
"Docstring for documentation"
("C-p" "compile/execute"
("TAB" spacemacs/python-execute-file "execute file")
("C" spacemacs/python-execute-file-focus "execute file and focus"))
("d" "debug"
("b" spacemacs/python-toggle-breakpoint "toggle breakpoint"))
("r" "refactor"
("i" spacemacs/python-remove-unused-imports "remove unused import"))
("s" "REPL"
("s" spacemacs/python-shell-send-buffer-switch
"send buffer to REPL and focus")
("S" python-shell-send-buffer
"send buffer to REPL")
("d" spacemacs/python-shell-send-defun-switch
"send function around point to REPL and focus")
("D" python-shell-send-defun
"send function around point to REPL")
("r" spacemacs/python-shell-send-region-switch
"send region to REPL and focus")
("R" python-shell-send-region "send region to REPL")))
("a" "section under a key"
("b" foo-fn "call foo-fn")
("c" "sub section under c key"
("d" "sub sub section under d key"
("e" baz-fn "call baz-fn")))))
("a" "section under a key"
("b" "sub section under b key"
("c" "sub sub section under c key"
("b" baz-fn "call baz-fn")))))
(("C-v" "section under a key"
("b" bar-fn "call bar-fn"))))
(eq '())