2015-03-06 23:48:05 -05:00

226 lines
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;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; core-micro-state.el --- Spacemacs Core File
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(require 'lv)
(defun spacemacs//defface-micro-state-faces ()
"Define faces for micro-states."
(let* ((hname 'spacemacs-micro-state-header-face)
(bname 'spacemacs-micro-state-binding-face)
(box '(:line-width -1 :color (plist-get (face-attribute
'mode-line :box) :color)))
(err (face-attribute 'error :foreground)))
(eval `(defface ,hname '((t ()))
"Face for micro-state header in echo area.
The header is the name of the micro-state."
:group 'spacemacs))
(set-face-attribute hname nil
:background "DarkGoldenrod2"
:foreground "black"
:bold t
:box box)
(eval `(defface ,bname '((t ()))
"Face for micro-state key binding in echo area.
Characters enclosed in `[]' will have this face applied to them."
:group 'spacemacs))
(set-face-attribute bname nil
:foreground err
:bold t)))
(defmacro spacemacs|define-micro-state (name &rest props)
"Define a micro-state called NAME.
NAME is a symbol.
Available PROPS:
`:on-enter SEXP'
Evaluate SEXP when the micro-state is switched on.
`:on-exit SEXP'
Evaluate SEXP when leaving the micro-state.
`:doc STRING or SEXP'
A STRING or a SEXP that evaluates to a string
`:persistent BOOLEAN'
If BOOLEAN is non nil then the micro-state never exits. A binding
with an explicitly set `exit t' property is required.
`:bindings EXPRESSIONS'
One or several EXPRESSIONS with the form
:pre SEXP
:post SEXP
:exit SYMBOL)
- STRING1 is a key to be bound to the function SYMBOL1.
- :doc STRING or SEXP is a STRING or an SEXP that evalutes
to a string
- :pre is an SEXP evaluated before the bound action
- :post is an SEXP evaluated after the bound action
- :exit SYMBOL is either `:exit t' or `:exit nil', if non nil then
pressing this key will leave the micro-state (default is nil).
All properties supported by `spacemacs//create-key-binding-form' can be
(declare (indent 1))
(let* ((func (spacemacs//micro-state-func-name name))
(doc (spacemacs/mplist-get props :doc))
(persistent (plist-get props :persistent))
(exec-binding (plist-get props :execute-binding-on-enter))
(on-enter (spacemacs/mplist-get props :on-enter))
(on-exit (spacemacs/mplist-get props :on-exit))
(bindings (spacemacs/mplist-get props :bindings))
(wrappers (spacemacs//micro-state-create-wrappers name doc bindings))
(keymap-body (spacemacs//micro-state-fill-map-sexps wrappers))
(bindkeys (spacemacs//create-key-binding-form props func)))
`(progn (defun ,func ()
,(format "%S micro-state." name)
(let ((doc ,@doc))
(when doc
(lv-message (spacemacs//micro-state-propertize-doc
(format "%S: %s" ',name doc)))))
,(when exec-binding
(spacemacs//micro-state-auto-execute bindings))
(,(if (version< emacs-version "24.4")
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
,@keymap-body map) ',(spacemacs//micro-state-create-exit-func
name wrappers persistent on-exit)))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-func-name (name)
"Return the name of the micro-state function."
(intern (format "spacemacs/%S-micro-state" name)))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-auto-execute (bindings)
"Auto execute the binding corresponding to `this-command-keys'."
`(let* ((key (substring (this-command-keys)
(1- (length (this-command-keys)))))
(binding (assoc key ',bindings)))
(when binding
(call-interactively (cadr binding)))))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-create-wrappers (name doc bindings)
"Return an alist (key wrapper) for each binding in BINDINGS."
(mapcar (lambda (x) (spacemacs//micro-state-create-wrapper name doc x))
(append bindings
;; force SPC to quit the micro-state to avoid a edge case
;; with evil-leader
(list '("SPC" nil :exit t)))))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-create-wrapper (name default-doc binding)
"Create a wrapper of FUNC and return a tuple (key wrapper BINDING)."
(let* ((key (car binding))
(wrapped (cadr binding))
(binding-doc (spacemacs/mplist-get binding :doc))
(binding-pre (spacemacs/mplist-get binding :pre))
(binding-post (spacemacs/mplist-get binding :post))
(wrapper-name (intern (format "spacemacs//%S-%S-%s" name wrapped key)))
(doc-body `((let ((bdoc ,@binding-doc)
(defdoc ,@default-doc))
(if bdoc
(lv-message (spacemacs//micro-state-propertize-doc
(format "%S: %s" ',name bdoc)))
(when (and defdoc
',wrapped (not (plist-get ',binding :exit)))
(lv-message (spacemacs//micro-state-propertize-doc
(format "%S: %s" ',name defdoc))))))))
(eval `(defun ,wrapper-name ()
"Auto-generated function"
(let ((throwp t))
(catch 'exit
(when ',wrapped
(call-interactively ',wrapped))
(setq throwp nil))
(when throwp (throw 'exit nil)))
(append (list (car binding) wrapper-func) binding)))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-fill-map-sexps (wrappers)
"Return a list of `define-key' sexp to fill the micro-state temporary map."
(mapcar (lambda (x) `(define-key map ,(kbd (car x)) ',(cadr x)))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-create-exit-func
(name wrappers persistent on-exit)
"Return a function to execute when leaving the micro-state.
The returned function returns nil if the executed command exits the
(let ((func (intern (format "spacemacs//%s-on-exit" name))))
(eval `(defun ,func ()
"Function executed after each micro-state command."
(let* ((cur-wrapper (spacemacs//get-current-wrapper
',name ',wrappers))
(exitp (if cur-wrapper (plist-get cur-wrapper :exit)
,(not persistent))))
(when exitp ,@on-exit (spacemacs//micro-state-close-window))
(not exitp))))))
(defun spacemacs//get-current-wrapper (name wrappers)
"Return the wrapper being executed.
Return nil if no wrapper is being executed (i.e. an unbound key has been
(let ((micro-state-fun (spacemacs//micro-state-func-name name)))
(catch 'found
(dolist (wrapper wrappers)
(let ((key (car wrapper))
(func (cadr wrapper)))
(if (and (or (eq this-command micro-state-fun)
(eq this-command func))
(equal (this-command-keys) (kbd key)))
(throw 'found wrapper))))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-propertize-doc (doc)
"Return a propertized doc string from DOC."
(when (string-match "^\\(.+?\\):\\([[:ascii:]]*\\)$" doc)
(let* ((header (match-string 1 doc))
(pheader (when header
(propertize (concat " " header " ")
'face 'spacemacs-micro-state-header-face)))
(tail (spacemacs//micro-state-propertize-doc-rec
(match-string 2 doc))))
(concat pheader tail))))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-propertize-doc-rec (doc)
"Recursively propertize keys"
(if (string-match "^\\([[:ascii:]]*?\\)\\(\\[.+?\\]\\)\\([[:ascii:]]*\\)$" doc)
(let* ((head (match-string 1 doc))
(key (match-string 2 doc))
(pkey (when key
(propertize key 'face 'spacemacs-micro-state-binding-face)))
(tail (spacemacs//micro-state-propertize-doc-rec
(match-string 3 doc))))
(concat head pkey tail))
(defun spacemacs//micro-state-close-window ()
"Close micro-state help window."
(when (window-live-p lv-wnd)
(let ((buf (window-buffer lv-wnd)))
(delete-window lv-wnd)
(kill-buffer buf))))
(provide 'core-micro-state)