syl20bnr 74fdbb6795 Refactor and simplify company backends declaration
Enabling a company backend for a specific mode was a tedious tasks with code
scattered at different locations, one for local variable definitions, one for
company hook function definitions and another where the backends were pushed to
the local variables (which was problematic, since we ended up pushing the same
backends over and over again with `SPC f e R`, pushes have been replaced by
add-to-list calls in the new macro).

All these steps are now put together at one place with the new macro
spacemacs|add-company-backends, check its docstring for more info on its

This macro also allows to define arbitrary buffer local variables to tune
company for specific modes (similar to layer variables via a keyword :variables)

The code related to company backends management has been moved to the
auto-completion layer in the funcs.el file. A nice side effect of this move is
that it enforces correct encapsulation of company backends related code. We can
now easily detect if there is some configuration leakage when the
auto-completion layer is not used. But we loose macro expansion at file loading
time (not sue it is a big concern though).

The function spacemacs|enable-auto-complete was never used so it has been
deleted which led to the deletion of the now empty file core-auto-completion.el.

The example in regarding auto-completion is now out of date and has
been deleted. An example to setup auto-completion is provided in the
file of the auto-completion layer.
2017-01-02 00:39:04 -05:00
config.el Refactor and simplify company backends declaration 2017-01-02 00:39:04 -05:00
packages.el Refactor and simplify company backends declaration 2017-01-02 00:39:04 -05:00

JavaScript layer

/TakeV/spacemacs/media/commit/74fdbb6795018a93a665fa2c417589cd4cbd51fc/layers/+lang/javascript/img/javascript.png /TakeV/spacemacs/media/commit/74fdbb6795018a93a665fa2c417589cd4cbd51fc/layers/+lang/javascript/img/coffee.png


This layer adds support for the JavaScript language using js2-mode.



To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add javascript to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

You will also need to install tern to use the auto-completion and documentation features:

  $ npm install -g tern

To use the formatting features, install js-beautify:

  $ npm install -g js-beautify

To activate error checking using flycheck, install one of the available linters such as ESLint or JSHint:

  $ npm install -g eslint
  # or
  $ npm install -g jshint



To make tern re-use the server across multiple different editing sessions (thus creating multiple .tern-port files for each document you have open see here for more details):

The variables provided below can be set when adding the javascript configuration layer, as detailed in this section of the documentation.

  (javascript :variables javascript-disable-tern-port-files nil)

Windows users may need to set the variable tern-command in order for emacs to locate and launch tern server successfully. See this open issue for more details. The variable can be set when adding the javascript configuration layer:

  (javascript :variables tern-command '("node" "/path/to/tern/bin/tern"))


To change how js2-mode indents code, set the variable js2-basic-offset, as such:

  (setq-default js2-basic-offset 2)

Similarly, to change how js-mode indents JSON files, set the variable js-indent-level, as such:

  (setq-default js-indent-level 2)


To use the available JS repl, you need a running httpd server and a page loaded with skewer. If a blank page serves your needs, just use the run-skewer command in your javascript buffer. If you want to inject it in your own page, follow these instructions (install the Greasemonkey script and then click the triangle in the top-right corner - if it turns green, you're good to go).

Key Bindings


Key Binding Description
SPC m w toggle js2-mode warnings and errors
% jump between blockswith evil-matchit

Folding (js2-mode)

Key Binding Description
SPC m z c hide element
SPC m z o show element
SPC m z r show all element
SPC m z e toggle hide/show element
SPC m z F toggle hide functions
SPC m z C toggle hide comments

Refactoring (js2-refactor)

Bindings should match the plain emacs assignments.

Key Binding Description
SPC m k deletes to the end of the line, but does not cross semantic boundaries
SPC m r 3 i converts ternary operator to if-statement
SPC m r a g creates a /* global */ annotation if it is missing, and adds var to point to it
SPC m r a o replaces arguments to a function call with an object literal of named arguments
SPC m r b a moves the last child out of current function, if-statement, for-loop or while-loop
SPC m r c a converts a multiline array to one line
SPC m r c o converts a multiline object literal to one line
SPC m r c u converts a multiline function to one line (expecting semicolons as statement delimiters)
SPC m r e a converts a one line array to multiline
SPC m r e f extracts the marked expressions into a new named function
SPC m r e m extracts the marked expressions out into a new method in an object literal
SPC m r e o converts a one line object literal to multiline
SPC m r e u converts a one line function to multiline (expecting semicolons as statement delimiters)
SPC m r e v takes a marked expression and replaces it with a var
SPC m r i g creates a shortcut for a marked global by injecting it in the wrapping immediately invoked function expression
SPC m r i p changes the marked expression to a parameter in a local function
SPC m r i v replaces all instances of a variable with its initial value
SPC m r l p changes a parameter to a local var in a local function
SPC m r l t adds a console.log statement for what is at point (or region)
SPC m r r v renames the variable on point and all occurrences in its lexical scope
SPC m r s l moves the next statement into current function, if-statement, for-loop, while-loop
SPC m r s s splits a String
SPC m r s v splits a var with multiple vars declared into several var statements
SPC m r t f toggle between function declaration and function expression
SPC m r u w replaces the parent statement with the selected region
SPC m r v t changes local var a to be this.a instead
SPC m r w i wraps the entire buffer in an immediately invoked function expression
SPC m r w l wraps the region in a for-loop
SPC m x m j move line down, while keeping commas correctly placed
SPC m x m k move line up, while keeping commas correctly placed

Formatting (web-beautify)

Key Binding Description
SPC m = beautify code in js2-mode, json-mode, web-mode, and css-mode

Documentation (js-doc)

You can check more here

Key Binding Description
SPC m r d b insert JSDoc comment for current file
SPC m r d f insert JSDoc comment for function
SPC m r d t insert tag to comment
SPC m r d h show list of available jsdoc tags

Auto-complete and documentation (tern)

Key Binding Description
SPC m C-g brings you back to last place you were when you pressed M-..
SPC m g g jump to the definition of the thing under the cursor
SPC m g G jump to definition for the given name
SPC m h d find docs of the thing under the cursor. Press again to open the associated URL (if any)
SPC m h t find the type of the thing under the cursor
SPC m r r V rename variable under the cursor using tern


Key Binding Description
SPC m h p Get the path of the value at point

REPL (skewer-mode)

Key Binding Description
SPC m e e evaluates the last expression
SPC m e E evaluates and inserts the result of the last expression at point
Key Binding Description
SPC m s a Toggle live evaluation of whole buffer in REPL on buffer changes
SPC m s b send current buffer contents to the skewer REPL
SPC m s B send current buffer contents to the skewer REPL and switch to it in insert state
SPC m s f send current function at point to the skewer REPL
SPC m s F send current function at point to the skewer REPL and switch to it in insert state
SPC m s i starts/switch to the skewer REPL
SPC m s r send current region to the skewer REPL
SPC m s R send current region to the skewer REPL and switch to it in insert state
SPC m s s switch to REPL