syl20bnr a131c89909 core: add support for mode-line themes
New layer variable `dotspacemacs-mode-line-themes`:

Set the theme for the Spaceline. Supported themes are `spacemacs',
`all-the-icons', `custom', `vim-powerline' and `vanilla'. The first three
are spaceline themes. `vanilla' is default Emacs mode-line. `custom' is a
user defined themes, refer to the for more info on how
to create your own spaceline theme."

See changes for more info.

This commit adds support for `spaceline-all-the-icons` package.
2018-01-11 23:53:44 -05:00

189 lines
7.2 KiB

;; The colors in this file are from the original vim-powerline
;; repository at
(defun powerline--expand-alist (alist)
(cl-loop for (keys . vals) in alist append
(mapcar #'(lambda (key) (cons key vals)) keys)))
(defun powerline--build-face (fg &optional bg bold)
`((t (:foreground ,fg
:background ,bg
:bold ,bold
:overline ,(when (null powerline-default-separator) bg)
:underline nil
:box ,(when (eq powerline-default-separator 'utf-8) bg)))))
(defun powerline--gen-facedef (feature mode args)
(let* ((name (format "powerline-%s-%s" feature mode))
(doc (format "Powerline face %s" name)))
`(defface ,(intern name)
(quote ,(apply 'powerline--build-face args))
(defun powerline--generate-facedefs (alist)
(cl-loop for (feature . modes) in alist append
(cl-loop for (mode . args) in modes collect
(powerline--gen-facedef feature mode args))))
;; Color definitions
(setf powerline-vim-colors-alist
(let ((black "#000000") ; 16
(white "#FFFFFF") ; 231
(darkestgreen "#005F00") ; 22
(darkgreen "#008700") ; 28
(mediumgreen "#5faf00") ; 70
(brightgreen "#afd700") ; 148
(darkestcyan "#005f5f") ; 23
(mediumcyan "#87d7ff") ; 117
(darkestblue "#005f87") ; 24
(darkblue "#0087af") ; 31
(darkestred "#5f0000") ; 52
(darkred "#870000") ; 88
(mediumred "#af0000") ; 124
(brightred "#d70000") ; 160
(brightestred "#ff0000") ; 196
(darkestpurple "#5f00af") ; 55
(mediumpurple "#875fd7") ; 98
(brightpurple "#d7d7ff") ; 189
(brightorange "#ff8700") ; 208
(brightestorange "#ffaf00") ; 214
(gray0 "#121212") ; 233
(gray1 "#262626") ; 235
(gray2 "#303030") ; 236
(gray3 "#4e4e4e") ; 239
(gray4 "#585858") ; 240
(gray5 "#626262") ; 241
(gray6 "#808080") ; 244
(gray7 "#8a8a8a") ; 245
(gray8 "#9e9e9e") ; 247
(gray9 "#bcbcbc") ; 250
(gray10 "#d0d0d0")) ; 252
(normal ,white ,gray2)
(inactive ,white ,gray0)
(insert ,white ,darkestblue))
(normal ,darkestgreen ,brightgreen t)
;;(inactive ,gray6 ,gray2 t)
(insert ,darkestcyan ,white t)
(visual ,darkred ,brightorange t)
(replace ,white ,brightred t)
(select ,white ,gray5 t)
(motion ,brightpurple ,mediumpurple t)
(emacs ,darkestcyan ,white t)
(iedit ,darkred ,brightestred t)
(lisp ,brightpurple ,mediumpurple t))
(("branch" "scrollpercent" "raw" "filesize")
(normal ,gray9 ,gray4)
(inactive ,gray4 ,gray1)
(insert ,mediumcyan ,darkblue))
(("fileinfo" "filename")
(normal ,white ,gray4 t)
(inactive ,gray7 ,gray1 t)
(insert ,white ,darkblue t))
(normal ,gray10)
(inactive ,gray5)
(insert ,mediumcyan))
(normal ,white ,gray4)
(inactive ,gray7 ,gray1)
(insert ,white ,darkblue))
(normal ,brightestred nil t)
(inactive ,darkred)
(insert ,brightestred nil t))
(("currenttag" "fullcurrenttag" "fileformat" "fileencoding"
"pwd" "filetype" "rvm.string" "rvm.statusline"
"virtualenv.statusline" "charcode" "currhigroup")
(normal ,gray8 ,gray2)
(inactive ,gray3 ,gray0)
(insert ,mediumcyan ,darkestblue))
(normal ,gray2 ,gray10 t)
(inactive ,gray7 ,gray1 t)
(insert ,darkestcyan ,mediumcyan t))
(normal ,brightestorange ,gray2 t)
(insert ,brightestorange ,darkestblue t))
(normal ,gray6)
(inactive ,gray5)
(insert ,darkestcyan))
(("paste_indicator" "ws_marker")
(normal ,white ,brightred t))
(("" "")
(normal ,white ,mediumred t)
(inactive ,brightred ,darkestred t))
(("gundo.static_str.buffer" "command_t.raw.line")
(normal ,white ,darkred)
(inactive ,brightred ,darkestred))
(("gundo.SPLIT" "command_t.SPLIT")
(normal ,white ,darkred)
(inactive ,white ,darkestred))
"" "")
(normal ,white ,mediumgreen t)
(inactive ,mediumgreen ,darkestgreen t))
(normal ,brightgreen ,darkgreen)
(inactive ,mediumgreen ,darkestgreen))
(("lustyexplorer.SPLIT" "minibufexplorer.SPLIT"
"nerdtree.SPLIT" "tagbar.SPLIT")
(normal ,white ,darkgreen)
(inactive ,white ,darkestgreen))
(("ctrlp.focus" "ctrlp.byfname")
(normal ,brightpurple ,darkestpurple))
(("ctrlp.prev" "" "ctrlp.pwd")
(normal ,white ,mediumpurple))
(normal ,darkestpurple ,white t))
(normal ,brightestred ,darkestpurple t))
(normal ,darkestpurple ,white))
(normal ,white ,darkestpurple))))))
(provide 'vim-colors)
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; eval: (when (fboundp 'rainbow-mode) (rainbow-mode 1))
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; vim-colors.el ends here