syl20bnr 4bad31779d Check for existence of layer configration files
Now it is not mandatory to create all the files of a
configuration layer (i.e. if you define no new functions
in your layer, you are not compelled to create it).
2014-10-04 23:14:12 -04:00

178 lines
7.9 KiB

;; Spacemacs Contribution System
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "")
("gnu" . "")
("melpa" . "")))
(setq warning-minimum-level :error)
;; Emacs 24.3 and above ships with python.el but in some Emacs 24.3.1 packages
;; for Ubuntu, python.el seems to be missing.
;; This hack adds marmalade repository for this case only.
(unless (or (package-installed-p 'python) (version< emacs-version "24.3"))
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("marmalade" . "")))
(load (concat spacemacs-core-directory "ht.el"))
(defvar spacemacs-config-layers '()
"Alist of configuration layers with the form (symbol . plist) where
SYMBOL is the name of the layer and PLIST is a property list with the following
:contrib if t then the layer is a contribution layer.
:dir the absolute path to the base directory of the layer.
:ext-dir the absolute path to the directory containing the extensions.
(defvar spacemacs-all-packages #s(hash-table size 200 data ())
"Hash table of all declared packages in all layers where the key is a package
symbol and the value is the layer symbol where to initialize the package. ")
(defvar spacemacs-all-pre-extensions #s(hash-table size 64 data ())
"Hash table of all declared pre-extensions in all layers where the key is a
extension symbol and the value is the layer symbol where to load and
initialize the extension. ")
(defvar spacemacs-all-post-extensions #s(hash-table size 64 data ())
"Hash table of all declared post-extensions in all layers where the key is a
extension symbol and the value is the layer symbol where to load and
initialize the extension. ")
(defun contribsys/declare-layer (sym &optional contrib)
"Declare a layer with SYM name (symbol). If CONTRIB is non nil then the layer
is a contribution layer."
(let* ((sym-name (symbol-name sym))
(base-dir (if contrib spacemacs-contrib-config-directory
(dir (format "%s%s/" base-dir sym-name))
(ext-dir (format "%sextensions/" dir)))
(push (cons sym (list :contrib contrib :dir dir :ext-dir ext-dir))
(defun contribsys/load-layers ()
"Load all declared layers."
(contribsys/load-layer-files '("funcs.el" "config.el"))
(contribsys/initialize-extensions spacemacs-all-pre-extensions)
(spacemacs/append-to-buffer spacemacs-loading-text)
(contribsys/initialize-extensions spacemacs-all-post-extensions)
(contribsys/load-layer-files '("keybindings.el")))
(defun contribsys/load-layer-files (files)
"Load the files of list FILES from all declared layers."
(dolist (layer (reverse spacemacs-config-layers))
(let* ((sym (car layer))
(dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir)))
(dolist (file files)
(let ((file (concat dir file)))
(if (file-exists-p file)
(load file)))))))
(defun contribsys/read-packages-and-extensions ()
"Load all packages and extensions declared in all layers and fill the
corresponding hash tables:
By using a hash table we ensure that *only one layer* is responsible for the
initialization of a package or extensions (as well as the loading in case of
extension), the winner layer is the last layer to declare the package or
(dolist (layer (reverse spacemacs-config-layers))
(let* ((sym (car layer))
(dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir))
(pkg-file (concat dir "packages.el"))
(ext-file (concat dir "extensions.el")))
;; packages
(load pkg-file)
(dolist (pkg (eval (intern (format "%s-packages" (symbol-name sym)))))
(puthash pkg sym spacemacs-all-packages))
;; extensions
(load ext-file)
(dolist (pkg (eval (intern (format "%s-pre-extensions"
(symbol-name sym)))))
(puthash pkg sym spacemacs-all-pre-extensions))
(dolist (pkg (eval (intern (format "%s-post-extensions"
(symbol-name sym)))))
(puthash pkg sym spacemacs-all-post-extensions)))))
;; number of chuncks for the loading screen
(let ((total (+ (ht-size spacemacs-all-packages)
(ht-size spacemacs-all-pre-extensions)
(ht-size spacemacs-all-post-extensions))))
(setq spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold
(/ total spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count))))
(defun contribsys/install-packages ()
"Install the packages all the packages if there are not currently installed."
(let* ((pkg-list (ht-keys spacemacs-all-packages))
(sorted-pkg-list (mapcar 'intern
(sort (mapcar 'symbol-name pkg-list)
(not-installed (remove-if 'package-installed-p sorted-pkg-list))
(not-installed-count (length not-installed)))
;; installation
(if not-installed
(format "Found %s new package(s) to install...\n"
"--> fetching new package repository indexes...\n")
(setq installed-count 0)
(dolist (pkg not-installed)
(setq installed-count (1+ installed-count))
(when (not (package-installed-p pkg))
(format "--> installing %s:%s... [%s/%s]"
(ht-get spacemacs-all-packages pkg)
not-installed-count) t)
(package-install pkg))
(spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\n")))))
(defun contribsys/initialize-packages ()
"Initialize all the declared packages."
(ht-each 'contribsys/initialize-package spacemacs-all-packages))
(defun contribsys/initialize-package (pkg lsym)
"Initialize the package PKG from the configuration layer LSYM."
(let* ((layer (assq lsym spacemacs-config-layers))
(init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" (symbol-name lsym) pkg))))
(if (and (package-installed-p pkg) (fboundp init-func))
(progn (message "(Spacemacs) Initializing %s:%s..."
(symbol-name lsym) pkg)
(funcall init-func)))))
(defun contribsys/initialize-extensions (ext-list)
"Initialize all the declared extensions in EXT-LIST hash table."
(ht-each 'contribsys/initialize-extension ext-list))
(defun contribsys/initialize-extension (ext lsym)
"Initialize the extension EXT from the configuration layer LSYM."
(let* ((layer (assq lsym spacemacs-config-layers))
(ext-dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :ext-dir))
(init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" (symbol-name lsym) ext))))
(add-to-list 'load-path (format "%s%s/" ext-dir ext))
(message "(Spacemacs) Initializing %s:%s..." (symbol-name lsym) ext)
(if (fboundp init-func) (funcall init-func))))
(defun contribsys/declare-configuration-layers ()
"Declare the configuration layer in order of appearance in list
dotspacemacs-configuration-layers defined in ~/.spacemacs."
(if (boundp 'dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)
(dolist (layer dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)
(contribsys/declare-layer layer t))))
(defun contribsys/get-layer-property (symlayer prop)
"Return the value of the PROPerty for the given SYMLAYER symbol."
(let* ((layer (assq symlayer spacemacs-config-layers)))
(plist-get (cdr layer) prop)))