
11 KiB

PHP layer



This layer adds PHP language support to Spacemacs.


The gtags layer is recommended to benefit from better eldoc and helm-gtags.



To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add php to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.


For php you have the choice between a set of possible backends with different setup instructions and different capabilities.


Note that you'll need to use the lsp layer to enable these backends.


This is the recommended LSP server solution. To activate it set the layer variable php-backend:

  (php :variables php-backend 'lsp)

and install the npm server with:

  npm install -g intelephense

You can find further information on the project's website and GitHub page.


This is an alternative LSP server implementation working on PHP basis rather than nodejs. To activate it set the layer variable php-backend like for the intelephense backend and install the server via composer:

  composer require felixfbecker/language-server
  composer run-script --working-dir=vendor/felixfbecker/language-server parse-stubs

You can find further information on the project's GitHub page.


In case of using any of LSP backends You can debug using dap.

First of all You have to add dap to layer list of Your dotspacemacs/layers function of a .spacemacs config file.

As mentioned in dap-mode doc for php, dap-mode uses a VSCode extension as a debugging backend and includes a convenient dap-php-setup command to install it into Your emacs. To embrace it open any PHP file in any PHP project just after restarting emacs with dap layer enabled. Now You can call the extension installation command: <M-x> dap-php-setup.

After that You can try to debug something. For example add a breakpoint to any of Your phpunit tests with SPC m d b a. And start debugging with SPC m d d d and selecting a debug template. Now run the test to ensure everything is working. The command to run the test while debugging could look like this:

  php -d xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM -d xdebug.remote_autostart=1 -d xdebug.remote_enable=1 -d xdebug.remote_host= -d xdebug.remote_port=9000 bin/phpunit ./path/to/Test.php

The test is now expected to be paused by emacs/dap when it catches code at the breakpoint.

You may wish to propagate some config options for the VSCode extension which is used as a debug server. For example if You are running Your code in a docker container the project source path may differ between the container (and Xdebug PHP extension consequently) and Emacs. The VSCode extension provides a config option to map the path. In VSCode it is done by adding an appropriate json config. For spacemacs it could be done for example by adding a next call to dotspacemacs/user-config function of Your .spacemacs config:

  (with-eval-after-load 'dap-php
    (dap-register-debug-template "PHP debug with custom path"
      (list :type "php"
            :cwd nil
            :request "launch"
            :name "Php Debug with path"
            :args '("--server=4711")
            :pathMappings (ht ("/docker/src/path" "/emacs/src/path"))
            :sourceMaps t)))


This is a non server solution working entirely from an elisp package. This requires no installation of external services but also delivers the least amount of IDE like integrations with spacemacs.

To activate it just don't set the variable php-backend in your dotfile. Remember that additional setup instructions are necessary on a per project basis which you can find below.


Because of the way that the ac-php-core package works, there are a couple of simple initialization tasks which must occur to get the completion working as it should. On any new project make sure to perform the following initialization tasks:

  1. Run the following

      cd /root/of/project
      touch .ac-php-conf.json
  2. Inside of spacemacs run: = ac-php-remake-tags =

The .ac-php-conf.json file is required to enable auto-completion. When you run ac-php-remake-tags and your .ac-php-conf.json file is empty the default configuration will be used and inserted in the file.

If your project contains the following files at the root folder:

  1. .projectile
  2. vendor/autoload.php

the necessary configuration file (.ac-php-conf.json) will be created automatically if it does not exist.


This backend provides refactoring and class auto-completion capabilities via phpactor.el. To ensure that the phpactor package is intact, just run M-x phpactor-install-or-update and the package itself will make sure that you're good to go.


While using ac-php-core debug capabilities are provided via the geben package. Please refer for details to the project page.

Key bindings


Key binding Description
SPC m g g jump to define at point
C-t jump back

Refactoring for non LSP backends

For more precise insights on the meaning of the key bindings please refer to phpactor API reference.

Key binding Description
SPC m r i import class under cursor
SPC m r r rename local variable
SPC m r R rename variable in a whole file
SPC m r n synchronize namespace with file location
SPC m r v toggle method visibility (public->protected->private)
SPC m r g a generate unknown property accessors
SPC m r g m generate a method signature by a call example
SPC m r c n create a new class at a given path
SPC m r c c copy current class elsewhere
SPC m r c m move (rename) current class
SPC m r c i generate an interface from class' public methods
SPC m r p c declare class properties by constructor signature
SPC m r p p add missing class properties
SPC m r e c extract constant under cursor from a class
SPC m r e e extract expression to a variable
SPC m r e m extract a code hunk to a method
SPC m r m c add non-implemented stubs from parent classes/contracts
SPC m P s ask phpactor about it's status
SPC m P u install/update phpactor package

Debugging for non LSP backends

XDebug client management:

Key binding Description
SPC m d x start XDebug client
SPC m d X stop XDebug client
SPC m d b set a predefined breakpoint on current line
SPC m d C clear predefined breakpoints

Debugger interaction:

Key binding Description
o or n step over statement
s or i step into current call
r step out of function
c resume execution until cursor position or next breakpoint
e evaluate expression in local context
L focus line the execution stopped on
v display context (local/global variables, user-defined constants)
b b set breakpoint here
b c set conditional breakpoint here
b e set breakpoint on exception here
u unset breakpoint here
U clear all breakpoints (in all files!)
w show current stack trace
g f find debugged file in a worktree
q quit debugging

Variable listing:

Key binding Description
j next variable or section
k previous variable or section
TAB fold/unfold variable or section
q close variable listing

LSP key bindings

For a detailed list of key bindings in lsp-mode please checkout the file of the lsp layer.

Debugging for LSP backends

See file of the dap-layer for key bindings available in dap-mode