2016-01-11 21:42:17 -05:00

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;;; packages.el --- Colors Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq colors-packages
;; not working well for now
;; rainbow-blocks
;; (defun colors/init-rainbow-blocks ()
;; (use-package rainbow-blocks
;; :disabled t
;; :init (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'rainbow-blocks-mode)))
(defun colors/init-rainbow-identifiers ()
(use-package rainbow-identifiers
:if colors-enable-rainbow-identifiers
:commands rainbow-identifiers-mode
(setq rainbow-identifiers-choose-face-function 'rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-choose-face
rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-saturation 100
rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-lightness 40
;; override theme faces
rainbow-identifiers-faces-to-override '(highlight-quoted-symbol
(spacemacs|add-toggle rainbow-identifier-globally
:status rainbow-identifiers-mode
:on (rainbow-identifiers-mode)
:off (rainbow-identifiers-mode -1)
:documentation "Colorize identifiers globally."
:evil-leader "tCi")
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'rainbow-identifiers-mode)
(defun colors//tweak-theme-colors (theme)
"Tweak color themes by adjusting rainbow-identifiers."
;; tweak the saturation and lightness of identifier colors
(let ((sat&light (assq theme colors-theme-identifiers-sat&light)))
(if sat&light
(setq rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-saturation (cadr sat&light)
rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-lightness (caddr sat&light))
(setq rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-saturation 80
rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-lightness 45)))))
(colors//tweak-theme-colors spacemacs--cur-theme)
(defadvice spacemacs/post-theme-init (after colors/post-theme-init activate)
"Adjust lightness and brightness of rainbow-identifiers on post theme init."
(colors//tweak-theme-colors spacemacs--cur-theme))
;; functions to change saturation and lightness of colors
(defun colors//change-color-mini-mode-doc (component)
"Display a short documentation in the mini buffer."
(let ((var (intern (format
"rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-%s" component))))
(spacemacs/echo "Change color %s mini-mode (value: %s)
+ to increase %s
- to decrease %s
= to reset
Press any other key to exit." component (eval var) component component)))
(defun colors/change-color-component-overlay-map (component)
"Set a temporary overlay map to easily change a color COMPONENT from
rainbow-identifier mode. The color COMPONENT can be 'saturation' or
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
(up-func (intern (format "colors/change-color-%s-up" component)))
(down-func (intern (format "colors/change-color-%s-down" component)))
(reset-func (intern (format "colors/change-color-%s-reset" component))))
(define-key map (kbd "+") up-func)
(define-key map (kbd "-") down-func)
(define-key map (kbd "=") reset-func)
map) t)
(colors//change-color-mini-mode-doc component))
(defun colors/start-change-color-saturation ()
"Initiate the overlay map to change the saturation."
(colors/change-color-component-overlay-map "saturation"))
(defun colors/change-color-saturation-up ()
"Increase the saturation by 5 units."
(colors//change-color-component-func "saturation" 5))
(defun colors/change-color-saturation-down ()
"Decrease the saturation by 5 units."
(colors//change-color-component-func "saturation" -5))
(defun colors/change-color-saturation-reset ()
"Reset the saturation to 100."
(colors//change-color-component-func "saturation" 100 t))
(defun colors/start-change-color-lightness ()
"Initiate the overlay map to change the lightness."
(colors/change-color-component-overlay-map "lightness"))
(defun colors/change-color-lightness-up ()
"Increase the lightness by 5 units."
(colors//change-color-component-func "lightness" 5))
(defun colors/change-color-lightness-down ()
"Decrease the lightness by 5 units."
(colors//change-color-component-func "lightness" -5))
(defun colors/change-color-lightness-reset ()
"Reset the lightness to 40."
(colors//change-color-component-func "lightness" 40 t))
(defun colors//change-color-component-func
(component inc &optional reset)
"Change the color component by adding INC value to it. If RESET is not
nil the color component is set to INC."
(let* ((var (intern (format
"rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-%s" component)))
(new-value (+ (eval var) inc)))
(if reset
(set var inc)
(if (< new-value 0)
(setq new-value 0))
(set var new-value)))
(colors/change-color-component-overlay-map component)))
;; key bindings
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "Cis" 'colors/start-change-color-saturation)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "Cil" 'colors/start-change-color-lightness))))
(defun colors/init-rainbow-mode ()
(use-package rainbow-mode
:commands rainbow-mode
:init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "tCc" 'rainbow-mode)
:config (spacemacs|hide-lighter rainbow-mode)))