syl20bnr ebe4c60264 Revert "Defer packages by default using use-package-always-defer"
This reverts commit 29c78ce841 and all other fixes
that have been made afterwards.

The motivation is that use-package is seen by many as a replacement for
`require`. Is use-package always defer the loading of packages then is breaks
this use case, this does not respect POLA so even if it was making Spacemacs
loading faster (up to 3s faster on some startup on my machine) we just cannot
use it, it would be irresponsible. Spacemacs should be easy to use, loading
performance will come with time but it is not a priority.
2018-03-03 23:40:10 -05:00
config.el Happy New Year 2018! 2018-01-04 02:00:25 -05:00
funcs.el cl-loop instead of loop 2018-01-06 21:38:13 -05:00
packages.el Revert "Defer packages by default using use-package-always-defer" 2018-03-03 23:40:10 -05:00 Fix doc for octave, sql and go layers 2018-02-17 17:30:27 +02:00

GO layer



This layer adds extensive support for go to Spacemacs.


  • gofmt/goimports on file save
  • Auto-completion using go-autocomplete (with the auto-completion layer)
  • Source analysis using go-guru
  • Refactoring with godoctor
  • Edit struct field tag with gomodifytags
  • Linting with flycheck's built-in checkers or flycheck-gometalinter
  • Coverage profile visualization



You will need gocode, gogetdoc, godef and godoctor:

  go get -u -v
  go get -u -v
  go get -u -v
  go get -u -v
  go get -u -v
  go get -u -v

If you wish to use gometalinter set the value of go-use-gometalinter to t:

  (go :variables go-use-gometalinter t)

and install the tool:

  go get -u -v
  gometalinter --install --update

For more information read gometalinter and flycheck-gometalinter

If you wish to use godoctor for refactoring, install it too:

  go get -u -v
  go install

If you want to use gomodifytags to edit field tags, install it too:

  go get -u -v

Make sure that the gocode executable is in your PATH. For information about setting up $PATH, check out the corresponding section in the FAQ (SPC h f $PATH RET).

For best results, make sure that the auto-completion and syntax-checking layers are enabled as well.


To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add go to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.


By default, go buffers are run through gofmt on save. To use a different formatter, set the value of gofmt-command, e.g.

  (setq gofmt-command "goimports")


  (go :variables gofmt-command "goimports")


By default, the tab width in Go mode is 8 spaces. To use a different value set the layer variable go-tab-width, e.g.

  (go :variables go-tab-width 4)


If you're using gocheck in your project you can use the go-use-gocheck-for-testing variable to enable suite testing and to get single function testing to work.

go-coverage-display-buffer-func controls how go-coverage should display the coverage buffer. See display-buffer for a list of possible functions. The default value is display-buffer-reuse-window.

Tests are run in a compilation buffer displayed in a popup window that can be closed by pressing C-g from any other window. The variable go-test-buffer-name can be customized to set the output buffer name.

To provide additional arguments to go test, specify go-use-test-args.

  (go :variables go-use-test-args "-race -timeout 10s"


Go Oracle has been deprecated as of October 1, 2016, it's replacement is go-guru.

If you would like to use the goguru bindings in your work, you will need to install it, and in your project you will need to set the scope with SPC m f o. The scope is a comma separated set of packages, and go's recursive operator is supported. In addition, you can prefix with - to exclude a package from searching.

In addition, GOPATH must be set prior to go-guru initialization.


For auto-completion there are actually two choices. First there is the classic gocode. This has been around for quite a long time now, however gocode has many shortcomings like not being able to show documentation for build-in objects or being fully dependent on installed binary files to provide its suggestions.

A more modern and complete solution is provided by gogetdoc which is able to precisely detect all documentations in your go projects independent on where they have been added. This is also the choice recommended from go-mode.el.

To choose gocode nothing more needs to be done. To use gogetdoc you need to set

  (go :variables godoc-at-point-function 'godoc-gogetdoc)

in your dotfile.

If you choose to use gocode there are some suggestions to improve its results. As gocode uses the output from installed binary files to provide its suggestions. You have a few options to ensure you always get up to date suggestions:

  • Run go install ./... in your package directory when you make a file change.
  • Run gocode set autobuild true to have gocode attempt to run go install ./... for you.
  • You can configure your task runner to run go install ./... command on every file change.

Working with Go

Go commands (start with m):

Key Binding Description
SPC m e b go-play buffer
SPC m e d download go-play snippet
SPC m e r go-play region
SPC m g a jump to matching test file or back from test to code file
SPC m g c open a clone of the current buffer with a coverage info (go tool cover -h for help)
SPC m g g go jump to definition
SPC m i a add import
SPC m i g goto imports
SPC m i r remove unused import
SPC m h h godoc at point
SPC m r n go rename
SPC m t p run "go test" for the current package
SPC m t P run "go test" for the current package and all packages under it
SPC m t s run "go test" for the suite you're currently in (requires gocheck)
SPC m t t run "go test" for the function you're currently in (while you're in a _.test.go file)
SPC m x x run "go run" for the current 'main' package

Go Guru

Key Binding Description
SPC m f < go-guru show possible callers
SPC m f > go-guru show call targets
SPC m f c go-guru show channel sends/receives
SPC m f d go-guru describe symbol at point
SPC m f e go-guru show possible contants/types for error value
SPC m f f go-guru show free variables
SPC m f i go-guru show implements relation
SPC m f j go-guru jump to symbol definition
SPC m f o go-guru set analysis scope
SPC m f p go-guru show what the select expression points to
SPC m f r go-guru show referrers
SPC m f s go-guru show callstack


Key Binding Description
SPC m r d Add comment stubs
SPC m r e Extract code as new function
SPC m r f Add field tags
SPC m r F Remove field tags
SPC m r n Rename (with godoctor)
SPC m r N Rename (with go-rename)
SPC m r t Toggle declaration and assignment