Move packages related functions from func.el to init.el
139 lines
5.8 KiB
139 lines
5.8 KiB
;; from jwiegley
;; https://github.com/jwiegley/dot-emacs/blob/master/init.el
(setq message-log-max 16384)
(defconst emacs-start-time (current-time))
(defconst user-home-directory
(expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "../"))
"User home directory (~/).")
(defconst contrib-config-directory
(expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "contrib/"))
"Contribution layers base directory.")
(defvar user-dropbox-directory
(expand-file-name (concat user-home-directory "Dropbox/"))
"Dropbox directory.")
;; if you have a dropbox, then ~/Dropbox/emacs is added to load path
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat user-dropbox-directory "emacs/"))
;; User configuration file for Spacemacs: ~/.spacemacs
(load (concat user-home-directory ".spacemacs"))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Init Macros and Functions
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro spacemacs/declare-layer (name &optional contrib)
"Declare a layer with name NAME. If CONTRIB is non nil then the layer is a
contribution layer."
(let ((layer-dir-sym (intern (concat name "-config-directory")))
(base-dir (if contrib contrib-config-directory
(defconst ,layer-dir-sym
(expand-file-name (concat ,base-dir (concat ,name "/")))
,(concat name " layer directory."))
(defconst ,(intern (concat name "-extensions-directory"))
(concat ,layer-dir-sym "extensions/")
,(concat name " layer extensions directory."))
(defconst ,(intern (concat name "-init-extension-directory"))
(concat ,layer-dir-sym "init-extension/")
,(concat name " layer extension initialization directory."))
(defconst ,(intern (concat name "-init-package-directory"))
(concat ,layer-dir-sym "init-package/")
,(concat name " layer package initialization directory."))
(defconst ,(intern (concat name "-contribp")) ,contrib))))
(defmacro spacemacs/initialize-layer (name)
"Initialize the given Spacemacs configuration layer. NAME is the
configuration layer name."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((base-dir (intern (concat name "-config-directory"))))
(load (concat ,base-dir "funcs.el"))
(load (concat ,base-dir "macros.el"))
(load (concat ,base-dir "extensions.el"))
(load (concat ,base-dir "packages.el"))
;; pre-extensions
,(intern (concat name "-pre-extensions"))
,(intern (concat name "-extensions-directory"))
,(intern (concat name "-init-extension-directory")))
;; packages
,(intern (concat name "-packages")))
,(intern (concat name "-init-package-directory")))
;; post extensions
,(intern (concat name "-post-extensions"))
,(intern (concat name "-extensions-directory"))
,(intern (concat name "-init-extension-directory")))
;; key bindings
(load (concat ,base-dir "keybindings.el"))
;; emacs config
(load (concat ,base-dir "config.el")))))
(defun spacemacs/install-missing-packages (pkg-list)
"Install the missing package from given PKG-LIST"
(let ((not-installed (remove-if 'package-installed-p pkg-list)))
(if not-installed
(if (y-or-n-p (format "there are %d packages to be installed. install them? "
(length not-installed)))
(progn (package-refresh-contents)
(dolist (package pkg-list)
(when (not (package-installed-p package))
(package-install package))))))))
(defun spacemacs/initialize-packages (init-dir)
"Load init-xxx for each xxx packages listed in spacemacs-packages."
(dolist (package spacemacs-packages)
(let* ((initfile (concat init-dir (format "init-%s.el" package))))
(if (and (package-installed-p package)
(file-exists-p initfile))
(load initfile)))))
(defun spacemacs/load-and-initialize-extensions (ext-list ext-dir init-dir)
"Load init-xxx for each xxx extensions in EXT-LIST"
(dolist (ext ext-list)
(add-to-list 'load-path (format "%s%s/" ext-dir ext))
(let* ((initfile (concat init-dir (format "init-%s.el" ext))))
(if (file-exists-p initfile)
(load initfile)))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Configuration Layers
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(spacemacs/declare-layer "spacemacs")
(spacemacs/initialize-layer "spacemacs")
;; for now hardcoded contrib config layers
(spacemacs/declare-layer "syl20bnr" t)
(spacemacs/initialize-layer "syl20bnr")
;; Last configuration decisions are given to the user who can defined them
;; in ~/.spacemacs
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Post initialization
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; from jwiegley
;; https://github.com/jwiegley/dot-emacs/blob/master/init.el
;; Display load times after init.el and after all buffers has been loaded
(when window-system
(let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time)
(message "Loading %s...done (%.3fs)" load-file-name elapsed))
(add-hook 'after-init-hook
`(lambda ()
(let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time)
(message "Loading %s...done (%.3fs) [after-init]"
,load-file-name elapsed)))