pancho horrillo 4c1245e8c5 [go] Drop support for deprecated gometalinter
gometalinter¹ was deprecated on 2019-02-28, in favor of the more advanced

. Drop references to gometalinter from
. Update reference to available meta-linter (golangci-lint) in
. Add attribution in CHANGELOG.develop

2019-09-05 20:49:43 +02:00

45 lines
1.5 KiB

;;; config.el --- Go Layer config File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; variables
(spacemacs|define-jump-handlers go-mode godef-jump)
(defvar go-backend 'go-mode
"The backend to use for IDE features. Possible values are `go-mode' and `lsp'.")
(defvar go-use-gocheck-for-testing nil
"If using gocheck for testing when running the tests -check.f will be used instead of -run to specify the test that will be ran. Gocheck is mandatory for testing suites.")
(defvar go-use-testify-for-testing nil
"If using testify for testing when running the tests -testify.m will be used instead of -run to specify the test that will be ran. Testify is mandatory for testing suites.")
(defvar go-format-before-save nil
"Use gofmt before save. Set to non-nil to enable gofmt before saving. Default is nil.")
(defvar go-tab-width 8
"Set the `tab-width' in Go mode. Default is 8.")
(defvar go-use-golangci-lint nil
"Use `golangci-lint' if the variable has non-nil value.")
(defvar go-test-buffer-name "*go test*"
"Name of the buffer for go test output. Default is *go test*.")
(defvar go-use-test-args ""
"Additional arguments to be supplied to `go test` during runtime.")
(defvar go-test-verbose nil
"Control verbosity of `go test` output")
(defvar go-run-args ""
"Additional arguments to by supplied to `go run` during runtime.")