2015-03-16 01:43:38 -04:00

191 lines
7.9 KiB

(defvar rcirc-packages
"List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages
which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.")
(defvar rcirc-excluded-packages '()
"List of packages to exclude.")
(defun rcirc/init-rcirc ()
(use-package rcirc
:defer t
(add-to-hook 'rcirc-mode-hook '(flyspell-mode rcirc-omit-mode))
(defun spacemacs/rcirc (arg)
"Configure rcirc"
(interactive "P")
(when (and rcirc-enable-authinfo-support
(file-exists-p "~/.authinfo.gpg"))
;; Allow rcirc to read authinfo from ~/.authinfo.gpg
;; via the auth-source API. This doesn't support the
;; chanserv auth method.
(unless arg (spacemacs//rcirc-authinfo-config))
;; znc need
(when rcirc-enable-znc-support (spacemacs//rcirc-znc-config)))
(rcirc arg))
(evil-leader/set-key "ai" 'spacemacs/rcirc)
(defun spacemacs//rcirc-authinfo-config ()
"Initialize authinfo."
(dolist (p (auth-source-search
:port '("nickserv" "bitlbee" "quakenet")
:require '(:port :user :secret)))
(let ((secret (plist-get p :secret))
(method (intern (plist-get p :port))))
(list (plist-get p :host) method
(plist-get p :user) (if (functionp secret)
(funcall secret)
(defun spacemacs//rcirc-znc-config ()
"Initialize ZNC, requires authinfo."
(defun dim:auth-source-fetch-password (server)
"Given a server with at least :host :port :login, return the :password"
(destructuring-bind (&key host auth &allow-other-keys)
(cdr server)
(destructuring-bind (&key secret &allow-other-keys)
(car (auth-source-search :host host
:port "irc"
:user auth
:require '(:user :secret)))
(if (functionp secret) (funcall secret) secret))))
;; (setq auth (auth-source--aput :host ""))
;; build rcirc-authinfo from rcirc-server-alist and authinfo
(defun dim:rcirc-server-alist-get-authinfo (server-alist)
"replace :auth in rcirc-server-alist with :password \"user:password\" from .authinfo.gpg"
(dolist (server server-alist server-alist)
(let* ((host (car server))
(plist (cdr server))
(auth (plist-get plist :auth))
(pass (dim:auth-source-fetch-password server)))
(when auth
(plist-put plist
:password (format "%s:%s" auth pass))))))
;; rcirc does not know how to connect to the same server more than once, so
;; we build our own connection routine from our own rcirc-server-alist,
;; using :host rather than the server name for connecting.
(defun dim:rcirc ()
"Connect to rcirc-server-alist servers."
for s in rcirc-server-alist
(destructuring-bind (&key host
(port rcirc-default-port)
(nick rcirc-default-nick)
(user-name rcirc-default-user-name)
(full-name rcirc-default-full-name)
&aux contact (server (car s)))
(cdr s)
(let ((host (or host server)) ; catter with server without :host
(loop for p in (rcirc-process-list)
thereis (string= server (process-get p :rcirc-server)))))
(unless connected
(let ((process
(rcirc-connect host port nick user-name
full-name channels password encryption)))
(process-put process :rcirc-server server)))))))
(setq rcirc-server-alist
;; This will replace :auth with the correct thing, see the
;; doc for that function
;; (set-input-method "latin-1-prefix")
(set (make-local-variable 'scroll-conservatively) 8192)
(setq rcirc-fill-column 80
rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines 2048
rcirc-omit-responses '("JOIN" "PART" "QUIT" "NICK" "AWAY" "MODE")
rcirc-time-format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M "
rcirc-omit-threshold 20)
;; Exclude rcirc properties when yanking, in order to be able to send mails
;; for example.
(add-to-list 'yank-excluded-properties 'rcirc-text)
;; rcirc-reconnect
(let ((dir (configuration-layer/get-layer-property 'rcirc :ext-dir)))
(require 'rcirc-reconnect
(concat dir "rcirc-reconnect/rcirc-reconnect.el")))
;; load this file from the dropbox location load-path
;; this is where you can store personal information
(require 'pinit-rcirc nil 'noerror)
(define-key rcirc-mode-map (kbd "C-j") 'rcirc-insert-prev-input)
(define-key rcirc-mode-map (kbd "C-k") 'rcirc-insert-next-input)
;; add a key for EMMS integration
(when (boundp 'emms-track-description)
(defun rcirc/insert-current-emms-track ()
(insert (emms-track-description (emms-playlist-current-selected-track))))
(define-key rcirc-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'rcirc/insert-current-emms-track))
;; Minimal logging to `~/.rcirc-logs/channel'
;; by courtesy of Trent Buck.
(setq rcirc-log-directory "~/.emacs/.cache/rcirc-logs/")
(setq rcirc-log-flag t)
(defun rcirc-write-log (process sender response target text)
(when rcirc-log-directory
;; Sometimes TARGET is a buffer :-(
(when (bufferp target)
(setq target (with-current-buffer buffer rcirc-target)))
;; Sometimes buffer is not anything at all!
(unless (or (null target) (string= target ""))
;; Print the line into the temp buffer.
(insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M "))
(insert (format "%-16s " (rcirc-user-nick sender)))
(unless (string= response "PRIVMSG")
(insert "/" (downcase response) " "))
(insert text "\n")
;; Append the line to the appropriate logfile.
(let ((coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion))
(write-region (point-min) (point-max)
(concat rcirc-log-directory (downcase target))
t 'quietly))))))
(add-hook 'rcirc-print-hooks 'rcirc-write-log)
;; dependencies
;; will autoload rcirc-notify
(require 'rcirc-color))))
(defun rcirc/init-rcirc-notify ()
(use-package rcirc-notify
:defer t
(defun spacemacs/rcirc-notify-beep (msg)
"Beep when notifying."
(let ((player "mplayer")
(sound "~/.emacs.d/site-misc/startup.ogg"))
(when (and (executable-find player)
(file-exists-p sound)))
(start-process "beep-process" nil player sound)))
(add-hook 'rcirc-notify-page-me-hooks 'spacemacs/rcirc-notify-beep))))
(defun rcirc/init-rcirc-color ()
(use-package rcirc-color :defer t))