
bepo contribution layer for Spacemacs




This layer change the key bindings in spacemacs to be compatible with the bepo keyboard layout. bepo is a keyboard layout optimized for the French language. This package first switch traditional hjkl movement keys with ctsr, and then try to correct the bugs induced by these changes in other modes/packages.



The mapping correction is the one proposed for vim on the bepo's official wiki. This layer tries to do the following changes when the following characters are used for doing a movement:

  • Map the movements keys under the right hand's fingers:

    • c → h
    • t → j
    • s → k
    • r → l
  • Map lost functionnalites back to some keys:

    • h → r
    • j → t
    • k → s
    • l → c

The equivalent remapping is also valid for uppercase characters when they are used te represent a movement, or to keep the mnemonic between the lower/upper-case consistent.

Some bepo keys are not used in traditional mapping, mainly because they are not present on the en-us keyboard layout. They can be used as an alias for other shortcuts:

  • Map unused é key as an alias of w, more usefull in vim mode:

    • é → w
    • É → W
  • Map indentation on direct-access keys:

    • » → >
    • « → <

Some default configurations are also not optimal for vim, so the following defaults are changed:

  • Change evil-escape escape combination to something faster to type, while being nearly nonexistant in french or english words:

    • fd → gq
  • In avy, the key used to select words/lines are remapped to the 8 characters under the fingers:

    • a u i e t s r n
  • Add « and » as operators for evil-surround, surrounding text with the specified symbols.

There will be some cases when the keys remapping will not follow these conventions, mainly because there is better alternatives, or because some moves don't make sense.

Example: In magit status, the c is used for commit by default, but if we want to follow the conventions, it should be remapped to "move left". As it is not usefull to move left on magit, because operations are done on lines, the c is not be remapped.

Note: One difference exists with the wiki version: the w is not remapped to C-w to avoid having to change its meaning in other modes. Spacemacs provides already a SPC w key binding for working with windows.

Supported modes/packages/layer

  • avy
  • company
  • evil
  • evil-escape
  • evil-surround
  • evil-window
  • helm
  • magit
  • neotree
  • org
  • ranger
  • spacemacs


To use this contribution add it to your ~/.spacemacs

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(bepo))

Key bindings

Thanks to `wich-keys`, you shouldn't probably have to go through this list, the keys being shown after a small delay following a keypress.


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
C-t Company next line C-j
C-s Company previous line C-k
C-r Company complete selection C-l


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
c Move the cursor left h
t Move the cursor down j
s Move the cursor up k
r Move the cursor right l
C Top of the windows L
T Join lines J
S Smart doc lookup K
R Bottom of the windows H
h Replace r
j Until t
k Substitute s
l Change c
H Replace mode R
J Backward Until T
K Substitute line S
L Change line C
é Word (without punctuation) w
É WORD (with punctuation) W
» Indent >
« Unindent <


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
gq Escape fd


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
k Evil-surround functionnalites s


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
SPC w c Window left SPC w h
SPC w t Window down SPC w j
SPC w s Window up SPC w k
SPC w r Window right SPC w l
SPC w C Window move far left SPC w H
SPC w T Window move very bottom SPC w J
SPC w S Window move very top SPC w K
SPC w R Window move far right SPC w L
SPC w k Split window below SPC w s
SPC w l Delete window SPC w c
SPC w H Rotate windows SPC w R
SPC w K Split window below and focus SPC w S
SPC w L Ace delete window SPC w C
SPC w é Other window SPC w w
SPC w q Delete window SPC w c
SPC é Alias for SPC w SPC w


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
C-t Helm next line C-j
C-s Helm previous line C-k
C-j Helm toggle resplit and spawn windows C-t
C-k Helm find files run grep C-s


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
t Next line j
s Previous line k
k Stage change s
j Tag popup t
h Discard change k


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
c Spacemacs/neotree collapse or up h
t Evil next visual line j
s Evil previous visual line k
r Spacemacs/neotree expand or open l
C Neotree select previous sibling node H
T Neotree select down node J
S Neotree select up node K
R Neotree select next sibling node L
h Neotree hidden file toggle l
k Neotree rename node r
l Neotree create node c
H Neotree change root R


Key Binding Description
t Evil next visual line
M c Org metaleft
M t Org metadown
M s Org metaup
M r Org metaright
M C Org shiftmetaleft
M T Org shiftmetadown
M S Org shiftmetaup
M R Org shiftmetaright
SPC m C Org shiftleft
SPC m T Org shiftdown
SPC m S Org shiftup
SPC m R Org shiftright
SPC m s Org schedule
SPC j Org todo
C S c Org shiftcontrolleft
C S t Org shiftcontroldown
C S s Org shiftcontrolup
C S r Org shiftcontrolright
SPC m t C Org table move column left
SPC m t T Org table move row down
SPC m t S Org table move row up
SPC m t R Org table move column right
SPC m t c Org table previous field
SPC m t t Org table next row
SPC m t r Org table next field
SPC g t Org forward heading same level
SPC g s Org backward heading same level
M h Capitalize word
M j Transpose chars
M l Move to window line top bottom
M H Capitalize word
M J Transpose chars
M L Move to window line top bottom
SPC m H Org refile
SPC m J Org show todo tree
SPC m K r Org demote subtree
SPC m K c Org promote subtree
SPC m K t Org move subtree down
SPC m K s Org move subtree up
SPC m L Evil org recompute clocks
SPC m t h Org table recalculate
SPC m t k Org table sort lines
SPC m t l Org table convert
SPC m t j f Org table toggle formula debugger
SPC m t j o Org table toggle coordinate overlays
SPC « Org metaleft
SPC » Org metaright


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
c Ranger up directory h
t Ranger next file j
s Ranger prev file k
r Ranger find file l
C Ranger prev history H
T Ranger next subdir J
S Ranger prev subdir K
R Ranger next history L
H Dired do rename R
K Eshell S


Key Binding Description Replace/equivalent
SPC j c Push mark and goto beginning of line SPC j h
SPC j t Sp newline SPC j j
SPC j s Evil goto next line and indent SPC j k
SPC j r Push mark and goto end of line SPC j l
SPC j T Split and new line SPC j J
SPC i T Insert line below no indent SPC i J
SPC i t Evil insert line below SPC i j
SPC i y Helm yas SPC i S
SPC i Yc Auto yasnippet create SPC i Sc
SPC i Ye Auto yasnippet expand SPC i Se
SPC i Yw Auto yasnippet persist snippet SPC i Sw


  • Fabien Dubosson


The bepo logo and the keymap image come from the bepo official website. They are licensed under the CC-BY-SA.