2015-06-08 00:30:40 -04:00

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Clojure contribution layer for Spacemacs

logo_clojure logo_cider

Table of Contents


This layer adds support for Clojure language using Cider.




To use this contribution add it to your ~/.spacemacs

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(clojure))

Pretty Symbols

Pretty symbols for anonymous functions, set literals and partial, like (λ [a] (+ a 5)), ƒ(+ % 5), ∈{2 4 6} and Ƥ.

To enable this feature, add the following snippet to the dotspacemacs/config section of your ~/.spacemacs file:

(setq clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)

Or set this variable when loading the configuration layer:

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)))

Cider and clj-refactor

Quick Start with lein

  • Install lein via your OS package manager.
  • Create a file ~/.lein/profiles.clj with the following content:
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.0-SNAPSHOT"]
                  [refactor-nrepl "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
        :dependencies [[alembic "0.3.2"]
                       [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.7"]]}}

More details

More info regarding installation of nREPL middleware can be found here:

Key Bindings


Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m h h | cider doc SPC m h g | cider grimoire SPC m h j | cider javadoc


Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m e b | eval buffer SPC m e e | eval last sexp SPC m e f | eval function at point SPC m e r | eval region SPC m e w | eval last sexp and replace with result


Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m g g | goto var SPC m g e | goto error SPC m g r | goto resource SPC m g b | go back


Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m s b | send and eval buffer in REPL SPC m s B | send and eval buffer and switch to REPL in insert state SPC m s c | connect to REPL (cider-connect) SPC m s e | send and eval last sexp in REPL SPC m s E | send and eval last sexp and switch to REPL in insert state SPC m s f | send and eval function in REPL SPC m s F | send and eval function and switch to REPL in insert state SPC m s i | start REPL (cider-jack-in) SPC m s n | send and eval ns form in REPL SPC m s N | send and eval ns form and switch to REPL in insert state SPC m s q | kill REPL (cider-quit) SPC m s r | send and eval region in REPL SPC m s R | send and eval region and switch to REPL in insert state SPC m s s | switch to REPL


Key Binding       |                 Description

----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m t a | run all tests in namespace SPC m t r | re-run test failures for namespace SPC m t t | run test at point


Key Binding         |                 Description

------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m r a d | add declaration SPC m r a i | add import to ns SPC m r a m | add missing libspec SPC m r a p | add project dependency SPC m r a r | add require to ns SPC m r a u | add use to ns SPC m r c c | cycle coll SPC m r c i | cycle if SPC m r c n | clean ns SPC m r c p | cycle privacy SPC m r d k | destructure keys SPC m r e f | extract function SPC m r e l | expand let SPC m r f u | find usages SPC m r h d | hotload dependency SPC m r i l | introduce let SPC m r m f | move form SPC m r m l | move to let SPC m r p c | project clean SPC m r p f | promote function SPC m r r d | remove debug fns SPC m r r f | rename file SPC m r r l | remove let SPC m r r r | remove unused requires SPC m r r s | rename symbol SPC m r r u | replace use SPC m r s n | sort ns SPC m r s p | sort project dependencies SPC m r s r | stop referring SPC m r t f | thread first all SPC m r t h | thread SPC m r t l | thread last all SPC m r u a | unwind all SPC m r u w | unwind


Forms currently handled:

  • let
  • when-let
  • if-let
  • binding
  • loop
  • with-open
  • literal hashes {}
  • defroute
  • cond
  • condp (except :>> subforms)

More info here.

Key Binding         |                 Description

------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m f l | reformat current form