syl20bnr 9507684b27 Prefix command names need to be unique
This commit only fix some of the non unique occurences.
We need some way to detect duplicates and warn the user about them.
2015-08-31 16:21:46 -04:00
config.el Prefix command names need to be unique 2015-08-31 16:21:46 -04:00
packages.el Use melpa version of magit-gh-pulls. 2015-08-26 23:11:23 -04:00 Add documentation for '# g c' to the github layer 2015-08-10 22:47:30 -04:00

Github contribution layer for Spacemacs



This layers adds support for Github.




To use this contribution add it to your ~/.spacemacs

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(github))

Key Bindings


In a magit status buffer (SPC g s):

Key Binding Description
# g c create a pull request
# g g get a list of all PRs in the current repository
# g f fetch the commits associated to the current PR
# g b create a branch for the current PR
# g m merge the PR with current branch

Note that magit-gh-pulls will try to fast-forward the PRs whenever it is possible.


Key Binding Description
SPC g g b create a public gist with the buffer content
SPC g g B create a private gist with the buffer content
SPC g g l open the gist list buffer
SPC g g r create a public gist with the region content
SPC g g R create a private gist with the region content

In the gist list buffer:

Key Binding Description
/ evil search
+ add buffer to gist
- remove file for gist
b or o open current gist in browser
f fetch current gist
g refresh the list
h go left
j go down
k go up
K kill current gist
l go right
n next search occurrence
N next previous occurrence
v visual state
V visual-line state
y print URL and copy it

Browse files

Key Binding Description
SPC g f b browse to file on github
SPC g f c browse to file on github/bitbucket/etc (on current line at commit)
SPC g f C only copy the generated link on the kill ring
SPC g f l browse to file on github/bitbucket/etc (on current line position)
SPC g f L only copy the generated link on the kill ring


  • You can use the universal argument SPC u to select a remote repository.
  • You can use git-link on a region.
  • When the link is opened, the URL is also copied in the kill ring, you can override this behavior by setting the variable git-link-open-in-browser to nil.