justbur 4640f4ffa2 core-release: Add checks to switch-to-version
Mainly adds a check to make sure the working directory is clean before
switching versions. The automatic update should not remove changes by
the user. They can do that manually if they wish.

Also restructures the function to make it a little easier to follow.
2015-10-18 22:11:15 -04:00

297 lines
13 KiB

;;; core-spacemacs.el --- Spacemacs Core File
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(defconst spacemacs-repository "spacemacs"
"Name of the Spacemacs remote repository.")
(defconst spacemacs-repository-owner "syl20bnr"
"Name of the Spacemacs remote repository owner.")
(defconst spacemacs-checkversion-remote "checkversion"
"Name of the remote repository used to check for new version.")
(defconst spacemacs-checkversion-branch "master"
"Name of the branch used to check for new version.")
;; new version variables
(defvar spacemacs-new-version nil
"If non-nil a new Spacemacs version is available.")
(defvar spacemacs-version-check-timer nil
"The current timer for new version check.")
(defvar spacemacs-version-check-interval "6 hours"
"Time between two version checks.")
(defvar spacemacs-version-check-lighter "[+]"
"Text displayed in the mode-line when a new version is available.")
(defun spacemacs/switch-to-version (&optional version)
"Switch spacemacs to VERSION.
VERSION is a string with the format `x.x.x'.
IMPORTANT: The switch is performed by hard resetting the current branch.
If VERSION is nil then a prompt will ask for a version number.
If the current version is not `master' and not `develop' then
a prompt will ask for confirmation before actually switching to the
specified version.
It is not possible to switch version when you are on `develop' branch,
users on `develop' branch must manually pull last commits instead."
(let ((branch (spacemacs/git-get-current-branch))
(dirty (spacemacs/git-working-directory-dirty)))
(unless version
(message "Getting version information...")
(let ((last-version (spacemacs/get-last-version)))
(setq version (read-string
(format "Version (default %s [latest]): " last-version)
nil nil last-version))))
(cond ((string-equal "develop" branch)
(message (concat "Cannot switch version because you are on develop.\n"
"You have to manually `pull --rebase' the latest commits.")))
(message "Your Emacs directory is not clean.\ngit status:\n%s" dirty))
((string-equal version spacemacs-version)
(message "You are already on the latest version."))
((or (string-equal "master" branch)
(format (concat "You are not on master. This command will switch branches.\n"
"Are you sure that you want to switch to version %s ? ")
(let ((tag (concat "v" version)))
(if (spacemacs/git-hard-reset-to-tag tag)
(setq spacemacs-version version)
(message "Succesfully switched to version %s" version))
(message "An error occurred while switching to version %s"
(message "Update aborted.")))))
(defun spacemacs/check-for-new-version (&optional interval)
"Periodicly check for new for new Spacemacs version.
Update `spacemacs-new-version' variable if any new version has been
(if (string-equal "develop" (spacemacs/git-get-current-branch))
(message "Skipping check for new version because you are on develop.")
(message "Start checking for new version...")
(lambda ()
(load-file (concat user-emacs-directory "core/core-load-paths.el"))
(require 'core-spacemacs)
(lambda (result)
(if result
(if (or (version< result spacemacs-version)
(string= result spacemacs-version)
(if spacemacs-new-version
(string= result spacemacs-new-version)))
(message "Spacemacs is up to date.")
(message "New version of Spacemacs available: %s" result)
(setq spacemacs-new-version result))
(message "Unable to check for new version."))))
(when interval
(setq spacemacs-version-check-timer
(run-at-time t (timer-duration interval)
(defun spacemacs/get-last-version ()
"Return the last tagged version."
(spacemacs//get-last-version spacemacs-repository
(defun spacemacs//get-last-version (repo owner remote branch)
"Return the last tagged version of BRANCH on REMOTE repository from
(let ((url (format "" owner repo)))
(spacemacs/git-remove-remote remote)
(spacemacs/git-add-remote remote url)
(spacemacs/git-fetch-remote remote)
(spacemacs/git-fetch-tags remote branch))
(let ((version (spacemacs/git-latest-tag remote branch)))
(when version
(string-match "^.*\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\)$" version)
(match-string 1 version)))))
(defun spacemacs/get-new-version-lighter-face (current new)
"Return the new version lighter face given the difference between the CURRENT
version and the NEW version."
(let* ((lcur (version-to-list current))
(lnew (version-to-list new))
(scur (spacemacs//compute-version-score lcur))
(snew (spacemacs//compute-version-score lnew))
(diff (- snew scur)))
((< diff 3000) 'spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighter-success-face)
((< diff 5000) 'spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighter-warning-face)
(t 'spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighter-error-face))))
(defun spacemacs/git-has-remote (remote)
"Return non nil if REMOTE is declared."
(let((proc-buffer "git-has-remote")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(when (eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil "remote"))
(with-current-buffer proc-buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward (format "^%s$" remote) nil 'noerror)
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))))
(defun spacemacs/git-add-remote (remote url)
"Add a REMOTE with URL, return t if no error."
(let((proc-buffer "git-add-remote")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"remote" "add" remote url))
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))
(defun spacemacs/git-remove-remote (remote)
"Remove a REMOTE, return t if no error."
(let((proc-buffer "git-remove-remote")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"remote" "remove" remote))
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))
(defun spacemacs/git-fetch-remote (remote)
"Fetch last commits from REMOTE, return t if no error."
(let((proc-buffer "git-remove-remote")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"fetch" remote))
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))
(defun spacemacs/git-fetch-tags (remote branch)
"Fetch the tags for BRANCH in REMOTE repository."
(let((proc-buffer "git-fetch-tags")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
;; seems necessary to fetch first
(eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"fetch" remote branch))
;; explicitly fetch the new tags
(eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"fetch" "--tags" remote branch))
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))
(defun spacemacs/git-hard-reset-to-tag (tag)
"Hard reset the current branch to specifed TAG."
(let((proc-buffer "git-hard-reset")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"reset" "--hard" tag))
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))
(defun spacemacs/git-latest-tag (remote branch)
"Returns the latest tag on REMOTE/BRANCH."
(let((proc-buffer "git-latest-tag")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory))
(where (format "%s/%s" remote branch)))
(when (eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"describe" "--tags" "--abbrev=0"
"--match=v*" where "FETCH_HEAD"))
(with-current-buffer proc-buffer
(when (buffer-string)
(forward-line -1)
"\n$" ""
(buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))))
(defun spacemacs/git-checkout (branch)
"Checkout the given BRANCH. Return t if there is no error."
(let((proc-buffer "git-checkout")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"checkout" branch))
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))
(defun spacemacs/git-get-current-branch ()
"Return the current branch. Return nil if an error occurred."
(let((proc-buffer "git-get-current-branch")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(when (eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"symbolic-ref" "--short" "-q" "HEAD"))
(with-current-buffer proc-buffer
(when (buffer-string)
(goto-char (point-min))
"\n$" ""
(buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))))
(defun spacemacs/git-get-current-branch-rev ()
"Returns the hash of the head commit on the current branch.
Returns nil if an error occurred."
(let((proc-buffer "git-get-current-branch-head-hash")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(when (eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"rev-parse" "--short" "HEAD"))
(with-current-buffer proc-buffer
(when (buffer-string)
(goto-char (point-min))
"\n$" ""
(buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))))
(defun spacemacs/git-working-directory-dirty ()
"Non-nil if the user's emacs directory is not clean.
Returns the output of git status --porcelain."
(let((proc-buffer "git-working-directory-dirty")
(default-directory (file-truename user-emacs-directory)))
(when (eq 0 (process-file "git" nil proc-buffer nil
"status" "--porcelain"))
(with-current-buffer proc-buffer
(when (and (buffer-string)
(string-match-p "[^ \t\n]" (buffer-string)))
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n\\'" "" (buffer-string)))
(kill-buffer proc-buffer))))))
(defun spacemacs//deffaces-new-version-lighter (state)
"Define a new version lighter face for the given STATE."
(let* ((fname (intern (format "spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighter-%s-face"
(symbol-name state))))
(foreground (face-foreground state)))
(eval `(defface ,fname '((t ()))
,(format "Color for new version lighter in mode line (%s)."
(symbol-name state))
:group 'spacemacs))
(set-face-attribute fname nil
:foreground foreground
:box (face-attribute 'mode-line :box))))
(defun spacemacs/set-new-version-lighter-mode-line-faces ()
"Define or set the new version lighter mode-line faces."
(mapcar 'spacemacs//deffaces-new-version-lighter
'(error warning success)))
(defun spacemacs//compute-version-score (version)
"Returns an integer from the version list.
Example: (1 42 3) = 1 042 003"
(let ((i -1))
(reduce '+ (mapcar (lambda (n) (setq i (1+ i)) (* n (expt 10 (* i 3))))
(reverse version)))))
(provide 'core-release-management)