
300 lines
12 KiB

(setq message-log-max 16384)
(defconst emacs-start-time (current-time))
(require 'subr-x nil 'noerror)
(require 'emacs-backports)
(defconst spacemacs-version "0.41.2"
"Spacemacs version.")
(defconst spacemacs-min-version "24.3"
"Mininal required version of Emacs.")
(defconst spacemacs-banner-directory
(expand-file-name (concat spacemacs-core-directory "banners/"))
"Spacemacs banners directory.")
;; additional paths
(defconst user-home-directory
(expand-file-name "~/")
"User home directory (~/).")
(defconst spacemacs-directory
(expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "spacemacs/"))
"Spacemacs base directory.")
(defconst spacemacs-cache-directory
(expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory ".cache/"))
"Spacemacs storage area for persistent files.")
(unless (file-exists-p spacemacs-cache-directory)
(make-directory spacemacs-cache-directory))
(defconst user-dropbox-directory
(expand-file-name (concat user-home-directory "Dropbox/"))
"Dropbox directory.")
;; if you have a dropbox, then ~/Dropbox/emacs is added to load path
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat user-dropbox-directory "emacs/"))
(defvar spacemacs-title-length 75)
(defvar spacemacs-loading-counter 0)
(defvar spacemacs-loading-text "Loading")
(defvar spacemacs-loading-done-text "Ready!")
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count 3)
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-count
(- spacemacs-title-length
(length spacemacs-loading-text)
(length spacemacs-loading-done-text)))
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-size
(/ spacemacs-loading-dots-count spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count))
(defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold 0)
(defvar spacemacs-solarized-dark-createdp nil)
(defgroup spacemacs nil
"Spacemacs customizations."
:group 'starter-kit
:prefix 'spacemacs-)
(define-derived-mode spacemacs-mode special-mode "spacemacs-mode"
"Spacemacs major mode for startup screen."
:syntax-table nil
:abbrev-table nil
(setq truncate-lines t)
(setq cursor-type nil)
;; no welcome buffer
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
;; Unless Emacs stock themes
(unless (memq dotspacemacs-default-theme (custom-available-themes))
;; Spacemacs default theme
((or (eq 'solarized-light dotspacemacs-default-theme)
(eq 'solarized-dark dotspacemacs-default-theme))
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat spacemacs-directory
;; solarized dependency
(spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'dash)
(require 'solarized)
(deftheme solarized-dark "The dark variant of the Solarized colour theme")
(deftheme solarized-light "The light variant of the Solarized colour theme"))
;; Support for all base16 themes
((string-match "base16" (symbol-name dotspacemacs-default-theme))
(let ((pkg-dir (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'base16-theme)))
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path pkg-dir)))
;; other themes
;; we assume that the package name is suffixed with `-theme'
;; if not we will handle the special themes as we get issues in the tracker.
(let ((pkg (format "%s-theme" (symbol-name dotspacemacs-default-theme))))
(spacemacs/load-or-install-package (intern pkg))))))
(load-theme dotspacemacs-default-theme t)
(setq-default spacemacs-cur-theme dotspacemacs-default-theme)
;; remove GUI elements
(unless (eq tool-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(when (not (eq window-system 'mac))
(menu-bar-mode -1))
(scroll-bar-mode -1))
;; font
;; Dynamic font size depending on the system
(let ((font "Source Code Pro"))
(when (member font (font-family-list))
(pcase window-system
(`x (spacemacs/set-font font 10))
(`mac (spacemacs/set-font font 12))
(`w32 (spacemacs/set-font font 9))
(other (spacemacs/set-font font 10)))))
;; banner
;; bind-key is required by use-package
(spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'bind-key t)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'use-package t)
;; evil and evil-leader must be installed at the beginning of the boot sequence
;; use C-u as scroll-up (must be set before actually loading evil)
(setq-default evil-want-C-u-scroll t)
(setq-default evil-want-fine-undo nil)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'evil t)
(spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'evil-leader t)
;; motion state since this is a special mode
(add-to-list 'evil-motion-state-modes 'spacemacs-mode))
(defun spacemacs/initialize ()
"Create the special buffer for `spacemacs-mode' and perform startup
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*spacemacs*"))
(defun spacemacs//get-package-directory (pkg)
"Return the directory of PKG. Return nil if not found."
(let ((elpa-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "elpa/")))
(when (file-exists-p elpa-dir)
(let ((dir (reduce (lambda (x y) (if x x y))
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(if (string-match (symbol-name pkg) x) x))
(directory-files elpa-dir 'full))
:initial-value nil)))
(if dir (file-name-as-directory dir))))))
(defun spacemacs/load-or-install-package (pkg &optional log file-to-load)
"Load PKG package. PKG will be installed if it is not already installed.
Whenever the initial require fails the absolute path to the package
directory is returned.
If LOG is non-nil a message is displayed in spacemacs-mode buffer.
FILE-TO-LOAD is an explicit file to load after the installation."
(condition-case nil
(require pkg)
;; not installed, we try to initialize package.el only if required to
;; precious seconds during boot time
(require 'cl)
(let ((pkg-elpa-dir (spacemacs//get-package-directory pkg)))
(if pkg-elpa-dir
(message "dir: %s" pkg-elpa-dir)
(add-to-list 'load-path pkg-elpa-dir))
;; install the package
(when log
(format "(Bootstrap) Installing %s...\n" pkg))
(package-install pkg)
(setq pkg-elpa-dir (spacemacs//get-package-directory pkg)))
(require pkg nil 'noerror)
(when file-to-load
(load-file (concat pkg-elpa-dir file-to-load)))
(defun spacemacs/emacs-version-ok ()
(not (version< emacs-version spacemacs-min-version)))
(defun spacemacs/display-and-copy-version ()
"Echo the current spacemacs version and copy it."
(let ((msg (format "Spacemacs v.%s" spacemacs-version)))
(message msg) (kill-new msg)))
(defun display-startup-echo-area-message ()
"Change the default welcome message of minibuffer to another one."
(message "Spacemacs is ready."))
(defun spacemacs/set-font (font size &optional options)
(let* ((fontstr (if options
(format "%s-%s:%s" font size options)
(format "%s-%s" font size))))
(spacemacs/message (format "Set default font: %s" fontstr))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist (cons 'font fontstr))
(set-default-font fontstr)))
(defun spacemacs//insert-banner ()
"Choose a banner and insert in spacemacs buffer.
Doge special banner can be reachable via `999', `doge' or `random*'.
`random' ignore special banners whereas `random*' does not."
(let ((banner (cond
((eq 'random dotspacemacs-startup-banner)
((eq 'random* dotspacemacs-startup-banner)
(spacemacs//choose-random-banner t))
((eq 'doge dotspacemacs-startup-banner)
(spacemacs//get-banner-path 999))
((integerp dotspacemacs-startup-banner)
(spacemacs//get-banner-path dotspacemacs-startup-banner))))
(buffer-read-only nil))
(when banner
(spacemacs/message (format "Banner: %s" banner))
(insert-file-contents banner)
(defun spacemacs//choose-random-banner (&optional all)
"Return the full path of a banner chosen randomly.
If ALL is non-nil then truly all banners can be selected."
(let* ((files (directory-files spacemacs-banner-directory t))
(count (length files))
;; -2 then +2 to remove `.' and `..'
(choice (+ 2 (random (- count (if all 2 3))))))
(nth choice files)))
(defun spacemacs//get-banner-path (index)
"Return the full path to banner with index INDEX."
(concat spacemacs-banner-directory (format "%03d-banner.txt" index)))
(defun spacemacs//inject-version-in-buffer ()
"Inject the current version of spacemacs in the first line of the
buffer, right justified."
(let* ((maxcol spacemacs-title-length)
(injected (format "(%s)" spacemacs-version))
(pos (- maxcol (length injected)))
(buffer-read-only nil))
;; fill the first line with spaces if required
(when (< (line-end-position) maxcol)
(insert-char ?\s (- maxcol (line-end-position))))
(goto-char pos)
(delete-char (length injected))
(insert injected))))
(defun spacemacs/message (msg &rest args)
"Display MSG in message prepended with '(Spacemacs)'."
(message "(Spacemacs) %s" (apply 'format msg args)))
(defun spacemacs/append-to-buffer (msg &optional messagebuf)
"Append MSG to spacemacs buffer. If MESSAGEBUF is not nil then MSG is
also written in message buffer."
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*spacemacs*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((buffer-read-only nil))
(insert msg)
(if messagebuf (message "(Spacemacs) %s" msg)))))
(defun spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (msg &optional messagebuf)
"Replace the last line of the spacemacs buffer with MSG. If MESSAGEBUF is
not nil then MSG is also written in message buffer."
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*spacemacs*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((buffer-read-only nil))
(delete-region (line-beginning-position) (point-max))
(insert msg)
(if messagebuf (message "(Spacemacs) %s" msg)))))
(defun spacemacs/loading-animation ()
"Display LOADING-TITLE with trailing dots of max length
SPACEMACS-TITLE-LENGTH. New loading title is displayed by chunk
(setq spacemacs-loading-counter (1+ spacemacs-loading-counter))
(if (>= spacemacs-loading-counter spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold)
(setq spacemacs-loading-counter 0)
(let ((i 0))
(while (< i spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-size)
(setq spacemacs-loading-text (concat spacemacs-loading-text "."))
(setq i (1+ i))))
(spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer spacemacs-loading-text)
(defun spacemacs/insert-buttons ()
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert " ")
(insert-button "Homepage" 'action
(lambda (b) (browse-url ""))
'follow-link t)
(insert " ")
(insert-button "Documentation" 'action
(lambda (b) (browse-url ""))
'follow-link t)
(insert " ")
(insert-button "Gitter Chat" 'action
(lambda (b) (browse-url ""))
'follow-link t)
(insert " ")
(insert-button "Messages Buffer" 'action (lambda (b) (switch-to-buffer "*Messages*")) 'follow-link t)
(insert " ")
(insert-button "Spacemacs Folder" 'action (lambda (b) (find-file user-emacs-directory)) 'follow-link t)
(insert "\n")
(insert " ")
(insert-button "Update Spacemacs" 'action (lambda (b) (configuration-layer/update-packages)) 'follow-link t)
(insert "\n\n")
(provide 'spacemacs-mode)