William McBee 40c42e6af5 Support system-type 'cygwin
A minor change allowing environment variables to be stored when running Cygwin version of Emacs.
2021-02-28 22:17:07 +01:00

137 lines
6.3 KiB

;;; core-env.el --- Spacemacs Core File
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(require 'core-dotspacemacs)
(require 'load-env-vars)
(defvar spacemacs-env-vars-file
(concat (or dotspacemacs-directory user-home-directory) ".spacemacs.env")
"Absolute path to the env file where environment variables are set.")
(defvar spacemacs-ignored-environment-variables
"Ignored environments variables.
Environment variables with names matching these regexps are not
imported into the `.spacemacs.env' file.")
(defvar spacemacs--spacemacs-env-loaded nil
"non-nil if `spacemacs/load-spacemacs-env' has been called at least once.")
(defun spacemacs//init-spacemacs-env (&optional force)
"Attempt to fetch the environment variables from the users shell.
This solution is far from perfect and we should not rely on this function
a lot. We use it only to initialize the env file when it does not exist
If FORCE is non-nil then force the initialization of the file, note that the
current contents of the file will be overwritten."
(when (or force (not (file-exists-p spacemacs-env-vars-file)))
(with-temp-file spacemacs-env-vars-file
(let ((shell-command-switches (cond
((or(eq system-type 'darwin)
(eq system-type 'cygwin)
(eq system-type 'gnu/linux))
;; execute env twice, once with a
;; non-interactive login shell and
;; once with an interactive shell
;; in order to capture all the init
;; files possible.
'("-lc" "-ic"))
((eq system-type 'windows-nt) '("-c"))))
(tmpfile (make-temp-file spacemacs-env-vars-file))
(executable (cond ((or(eq system-type 'darwin)
(eq system-type 'cygwin)
(eq system-type 'gnu/linux)) "env")
((eq system-type 'windows-nt) "set"))))
"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"# Spacemacs environment variables\n"
"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"# This file has been generated by Spacemacs. It contains all environment\n"
"# variables defined in your default shell except those with names matching\n"
"# regexps in `spacemacs-ignored-environment-variables'. If you add any\n"
"# duplicate settings for a variable, only the first setting is effective.\n"
"# PATH is a special case: all PATH settings are read, each non-duplicate\n"
"# directory entry is prepended to the `exec-path' variable, and then PATH is\n"
"# set to the final value of `exec-path'.\n"
"# You can safely edit this file to change values or add or remove entries.\n"
"# Spacemacs won't overwrite the file unless you call the function\n"
"# `spacemacs/force-init-spacemacs-env'.\n"
"# If you don't want to use this file but would rather manage your environment\n"
"# variables yourself, remove the call to `spacemacs/load-spacemacs-env' from\n"
"# the `dotspacemacs/user-env' function in your dotfile and replace it with\n"
"# your own initialization code. You can use `exec-path-from-shell' if you add\n"
"# it to your additional packages, or simply use `setenv' and\n"
"# `(add-to-list 'exec-path ...)', which are built-in.\n"
"# It is recommended to use this file as it unambiguously and explicitly sets\n"
"# the values of your environment variables.\n"
"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"# Environment variables:\n"
"# ----------------------\n"))
(let ((env-point (point)))
(dolist (shell-command-switch shell-command-switches)
(concat executable " > " (shell-quote-argument tmpfile)))
(insert-file-contents tmpfile))
(delete-file tmpfile)
;; sort the environment variables
(sort-regexp-fields nil "^.*$" ".*?=" env-point (point-max))
;; remove adjacent duplicated lines
(delete-duplicate-lines env-point (point-max) nil t)
;; remove ignored environment variables
(dolist (v spacemacs-ignored-environment-variables)
(flush-lines v env-point (point-max))))))
(concat "Spacemacs has imported your environment variables from "
"your shell and saved them to `%s'.\n"
"Open this file for more info (SPC f e e) or call "
"`spacemacs/edit-env' function.")
(defun spacemacs/force-init-spacemacs-env ()
"Forces a reinitialization of environment variables."
(spacemacs//init-spacemacs-env t))
(defun spacemacs/edit-env ()
"Open the `.spacemacs.env' file for editing."
(if (and spacemacs--spacemacs-env-loaded
(file-exists-p spacemacs-env-vars-file))
(find-file spacemacs-env-vars-file)
(when (fboundp 'dotenv-mode)
;; fallback to the dotspacemacs/user-env
(defun spacemacs/load-spacemacs-env (&optional force)
"Load the environment variables from the `.spacemacs.env' file.
If FORCE is non-nil then force the loading of environment variables from env.
(interactive "P")
(setq spacemacs--spacemacs-env-loaded t)
(when (or force (display-graphic-p))
(spacemacs//init-spacemacs-env force)
(load-env-vars spacemacs-env-vars-file)))
(provide 'core-env)