2015-11-05 00:23:05 -05:00

435 lines
17 KiB

;;; packages.el --- Perspectives Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq perspectives-packages
(defun perspectives/init-persp-mode ()
(use-package persp-mode
:no-require t
:diminish persp-mode
(setq persp-nil-name spacemacs-persp-nil-name
persp-save-dir spacemacs-persp-save-dir)
(push #'(lambda (b) (with-current-buffer b
(cond ((eq major-mode 'erc-mode) t)
((eq major-mode 'rcirc-mode) t)
((eq major-mode 'exwm-mode) t)
(t nil)))) persp-filter-save-buffers-functions)
;; By default, persp mode wont affect either helm or ido
(defadvice persp-mode
(after suppress-buffer-isolation activate)
(remove-hook 'ido-make-buffer-list-hook #'persp-restrict-ido-buffers))
;; quick swtiching between perspectives
(defvar persp-toggle-perspective persp-nil-name
"Previously selected perspective. Used with `persp-jump-to-last-persp'.")
(defun persp-jump-to-last-persp ()
(persp-switch persp-toggle-perspective))
(defadvice persp-activate
(before save-toggle-persp activate)
(setq persp-toggle-perspective persp-last-persp-name))
(defun persp-autosave ()
"Perspectives mode autosave.
Autosaves perspectives layouts every `persp-autosave-interal' seconds.
Cancels autosave on exiting perspectives mode."
(if (and persp-mode persp-mode-autosave)
(message "Perspectives mode autosaving enabled.")
(setq persp-autosave-timer
(lambda ()
(message "Saving perspectives to file.")
(when persp-autosave-timer
(cancel-timer persp-autosave-timer)
(setq persp-autosave-timer nil))))
(add-hook 'persp-mode-hook #'persp-autosave)
;; activate persp mode
(persp-mode 1)
(when spacemacs-persp-show-home-at-startup
(defadvice dotspacemacs/user-config (after show-spacemacs-home activate)
"Show Spacemacs Home Buffer after perspectives load."
(persp-switch persp-nil-name)
(switch-to-buffer "*spacemacs*")
(defun persp-curr-name ()
(safe-persp-name (get-frame-persp)))
(defface persp-selected-face
'((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
"The face used to highlight the current perspective on the modeline.")
(defun persp-format-name (name)
"Format the perspective name given by NAME for display in `persp-modestring'."
(let ((string-name (format "%s" name)))
(if (equal name (persp-curr-name))
(propertize string-name 'face 'persp-selected-face)
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-by-pos (pos)
"Switch to perspective of position (1-index)."
(let ((persp-to-switch
(nth (1- pos) (persp-names-current-frame-fast-ordered))))
(if persp-to-switch
(persp-switch persp-to-switch)
(when (y-or-n-p (format
(concat "Perspective in position %s doesn't exist.\n"
"Do you want to create one? ") pos))
(persp-switch nil)))))
(defun spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos (pos)
"Switch to perspective by position POS (1-index) and return to micro-state"
(spacemacs/persp-switch-by-pos pos)
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-1 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 1))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-2 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 2))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-3 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 3))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-4 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 4))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-5 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 5))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-6 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 6))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-7 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 7))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-8 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 8))
(defun spacemacs/persp-switch-to-9 ()
(spacemacs/persp-ms-switch-by-pos 9))
(defvar spacemacs--perspectives-ms-doc-toggle 1
"Display a short doc when nil, full doc otherwise.")
(defun spacemacs//perspectives-ms-doc ()
"Return the docstring for the perspectives micro-state."
(let* ((persp-list (persp-names-current-frame-fast-ordered))
(formatted-persp-list (mapconcat
(lambda (persp)
(persp-format-name persp))
(or persp-list (list persp-nil-name)) " | ")))
(concat formatted-persp-list
(when (and perspectives-display-help
(equal 0 spacemacs--perspectives-ms-doc-toggle))
"[n|p] [next|previous] perspective, "
"[tab] jump to last perspective \n"
"[s|r] [switch to or create|rename] perspective\n"
"[P] Projectile switch to perspective, [o] open custom perspective\n"
"[c|C] kill [current|other] perspective, "
"[t|K] switch [to|remove] buffer from [other|current] perspective\n"
"[a|i] import [one|all] buffer(s) from other perspective\n"
"[w|l] [save|load] configuration [to|from] file")))))
(defun spacemacs//perspectives-ms-toggle-doc ()
(setq spacemacs--perspectives-ms-doc-toggle
(logxor spacemacs--perspectives-ms-doc-toggle 1)))
(spacemacs|define-micro-state perspectives
:doc (spacemacs//perspectives-ms-doc)
:use-minibuffer t
:evil-leader "L"
;; need to exit in case number doesn't exist
("?" spacemacs//perspectives-ms-toggle-doc)
("1" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-1 :exit t)
("2" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-2 :exit t)
("3" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-3 :exit t)
("4" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-4 :exit t)
("5" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-5 :exit t)
("6" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-6 :exit t)
("7" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-7 :exit t)
("8" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-8 :exit t)
("9" spacemacs/persp-switch-to-9 :exit t)
("<tab>" persp-jump-to-last-persp)
("n" persp-next)
("N" persp-prev)
("p" persp-prev)
("P" spacemacs/helm-persp-switch-project :exit t)
("L" spacemacs/helm-perspectives :exit t)
("s" spacemacs/helm-persp-switch :exit t)
("b" spacemacs/persp-helm-mini :exit t)
("r" spacemacs/persp-ms-rename :exit t)
("x" spacemacs/persp-ms-kill)
("X" spacemacs/persp-ms-kill-other :exit t)
("c" spacemacs/persp-ms-close)
("C" spacemacs/persp-ms-close-other :exit t)
("a" persp-add-buffer :exit t)
("t" persp-temporarily-display-buffer :exit t)
("i" persp-import-buffers :exit t)
("K" persp-remove-buffer :exit t)
("w" persp-save-state-to-file :exit t)
("l" persp-load-state-from-file :exit t)
("o" spacemacs/select-custom-persps :exit t))
(defun spacemacs/persp-ms-rename ()
"Rename a perspective and get back to the perspectives micro-state."
(call-interactively #'persp-rename)
(defun spacemacs/persp-ms-close ()
"Kill current perspective"
(persp-kill-without-buffers (persp-curr-name)))
(defun spacemacs/persp-ms-close-other ()
(call-interactively 'spacemacs/helm-persp-close)
(defun spacemacs/persp-ms-kill ()
"Kill current perspective"
(persp-kill (persp-curr-name)))
(defun spacemacs/persp-ms-kill-other ()
(call-interactively 'spacemacs/helm-persp-kill)
;; (defun spacemacs/persp-ms-last ()
;; "Switch to the last active perspective"
;; (interactive)
;; (persp-switch persp-last-persp-name))
;;; Custom Perspectives Micro State
(defvar spacemacs-custom-persp-alist '()
"List of custom perspectives with their bindkeys.
Do not modify directly, use provided `spacemacs|define-custom-persp'")
(defun spacemacs/select-custom-persps ()
"Update the custom-persps microstate and then activate it."
(eval (macroexpand '(spacemacs|update-custom-persps)))
(call-interactively #'spacemacs/custom-persps-micro-state))
(defun spacemacs//custom-persps-ms-documentation ()
"Return the docstring for the custom perspectives micro-state."
(if spacemacs-custom-persp-alist
(concat (mapconcat (lambda (custom-persp)
(format "[%s] %s" (car custom-persp) (cdr custom-persp)))
" ")
"\n[q] quit to perspectives-micro-state")
(warn (format "`spacemacs-custom-persp-alist' variable is empty" ))))
(defmacro spacemacs|update-custom-persps ()
"Ensure the custom-persps micro-state is updated.
Takes each element in the list `spacemacs-custom-persp-alist'
format so they are supported by the
`spacemacs/custom-persps-micro-state' macro."
(let ((bindings '(("q" spacemacs/perspectives-micro-state :exit t))))
(dolist (custom-persp spacemacs-custom-persp-alist bindings)
(let* ((binding (car custom-persp))
(name (cdr custom-persp))
(func-name (spacemacs//custom-persps-func-name name)))
(push (list binding func-name) bindings)))
`(spacemacs|define-micro-state custom-persps
:doc (spacemacs//custom-persps-ms-documentation)
:use-minibuffer t
(defun spacemacs//custom-persps-func-name (name)
"Return the name of the custom-perspective function."
(intern (concat "spacemacs/custom-perspective-" name)))
(defmacro spacemacs|define-custom-persp (name &rest props)
"Define a custom-perspective called NAME.
FUNC is a FUNCTION defined using NAME and the result of
`spacemacs//custom-persps-func-name', it takes care of
creating the perspective NAME and executing the expressions given
in the :body property to this macro.
Available PROPS:
`:binding STRING'
Key to be bound to the function FUNC
One or several EXPRESSIONS that are going to be evaluated after
we change into the perspective NAME."
(declare (indent 1))
(let* ((func (spacemacs//custom-persps-func-name name))
(binding (car (spacemacs/mplist-get props :binding)))
(body (spacemacs/mplist-get props :body))
(already-defined? (cdr
(assoc binding spacemacs-custom-persp-alist))))
(defun ,func ()
,(format "Open custom perspective %s" name)
(let ((initialize (not (gethash ,name *persp-hash*))))
(persp-switch ,name)
(when initialize ,@body)))
;; Check for Clashes
(if ,already-defined?
(unless (equal ,already-defined? ,name)
(warn "Replacing existing binding \"%s\" for %s with %s"
,binding ,already-defined? ,name )
(push '(,binding . ,name) spacemacs-custom-persp-alist))
(push '(,binding . ,name) spacemacs-custom-persp-alist)))))
(spacemacs|define-custom-persp "@Spacemacs"
:binding "e"
(when (configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'org)
(spacemacs|define-custom-persp "@Org"
:binding "o"
(find-file (first org-agenda-files))))
(when (configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'erc)
(spacemacs|define-custom-persp "@ERC"
:binding "E"
(call-interactively 'erc)))))
(defun perspectives/post-init-helm ()
(defun spacemacs/persp-helm-mini ()
"As `helm-mini' but restricts visible buffers by perspective."
(with-persp-buffer-list ()
(defun spacemacs/helm-perspectives-source ()
(concat "Current Perspective: " (persp-curr-name))
:data (persp-names)
:fuzzy-match t
'(("Switch to perspective" . persp-switch)
("Close perspective(s)" . (lambda (candidate)
("Kill perspective(s)" . (lambda (candidate)
(mapcar 'persp-kill
(defun spacemacs/helm-perspectives ()
"Control Panel for perspectives. Has many actions.
If match is found
f1: (default) Select perspective
f2: Close Perspective(s) <- mark with C-SPC to close more than one-window
f3: Kill Perspective(s)
If match is not found
<enter> Creates perspective
Closing doesn't kill buffers inside the perspective while killing
perspectives does."
:buffer "*Helm Perspectives*"
:sources `(,(spacemacs/helm-perspectives-source)
,(helm-build-dummy-source "Create new perspective"
:requires-pattern t
:action #'persp-switch))))
(defun spacemacs/helm-persp-switch ()
"Selects or creates perspective."
:buffer "*Helm Switch Perspectives*"
:sources `(,(helm-build-in-buffer-source
(concat "Current Perspective: " (persp-curr-name))
:data (persp-names)
:fuzzy-match t
:action #'persp-switch)
,(helm-build-dummy-source "Create new perspective"
:requires-pattern t
:action #'persp-switch))))
;; ability to use helm find files but also adds to current perspective
(defun spacemacs/helm-persp-close ()
"Kills perspectives without killing the buffers"
:buffer "*Helm Kill Perspectives (without killing buffers)*"
:sources (helm-build-in-buffer-source
(concat "Current Perspective: " (persp-curr-name))
:data (persp-names)
:fuzzy-match t
'(("Close perspective(s)" . (lambda (candidate)
(defun spacemacs/helm-persp-kill ()
"Kills perspectives with all their buffers"
:buffer "*Helm Kill Perspectives with all their buffers*"
:sources (helm-build-in-buffer-source
(s-concat "Current Perspective: "
:data (persp-names)
:fuzzy-match t
'(("Kill perspective(s)" . (lambda (candidate)
(mapcar 'persp-kill
(defun perspectives/post-init-helm-projectile ()
(defun spacemacs/helm-persp-switch-project (arg)
(interactive "P")
:sources (helm-build-in-buffer-source "*Helm Switch Project Perspective*"
:data (lambda ()
(if (projectile-project-p)
(cons (abbreviate-file-name (projectile-project-root))
:fuzzy-match helm-projectile-fuzzy-match
:mode-line helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string
:action '(("Switch to Project Perspective" .
(lambda (project)
(persp-switch project)
(let ((projectile-completion-system 'helm))
(projectile-switch-project-by-name project)))
:buffer "*Projectile Perspectives*")))