
140 lines
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Org Mode

#+TITLE: Ocaml layer
#+TAGS: general|layer|multi-paradigm|programming
* Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#features][Features:]]
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#layer][Layer]]
- [[#using-merlin-for-error-reporting][Using merlin for error reporting]]
- [[#opam-packages][OPAM packages]]
- [[#enabling-formatting-on-save][Enabling formatting on save]]
- [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]]
- [[#repl-utop][REPL (utop)]]
- [[#dune][Dune]]
- [[#layer-improvements-list][layer improvements list]]
* Description
This is a very basic layer for editing ocaml files.
** Features:
- Syntax highlighting (major-mode) via [[][tuareg-mode]]
- Error reporting, completion and type display via [[][merlin]]
- auto-completion with company mode via [[][merlin]]
- syntax-checking via [[][flycheck-ocaml]] (or alternatively [[][merlin]])
- =dune= file syntax highlighting and template insertion via [[][dune-mode]]
- Automatic formatting via [[][ocamlformat]]
* Install
** Layer
To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =ocaml= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
** Using merlin for error reporting
By default [[][flycheck-ocaml]] is used for error reporting when the
=syntax-checking= layer is also enabled as this is common throughout spacemacs.
You can disable this and switch back to [[][merlin]]'s default error reporting method
by adding [[][flycheck-ocaml]] to your excluded packages list in =.spacemacs=:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(... flycheck-ocaml ... )
** OPAM packages
This layer requires some [[][opam]] packages:
- =merlin= for auto-completion
- =utop=
- =ocp-indent=
- =ocamlformat= for auto-formatting
To install them, use the following command:
opam install merlin utop ocp-indent ocamlformat
Make sure opam is initialized and configured.
opam init
opam config setup -a
** Enabling formatting on save
To enable automatic formatting on save with [[][ocamlformat]], set the layer
variable =ocaml-format-on-save=, e.g.,
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(ocaml :variables ocaml-format-on-save t)
* Key bindings
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m =~ | Indent buffer. |
| ~SPC m c c~ | Compile |
| ~SPC m c p~ | Check .merlin for errors |
| ~SPC m c r~ | Refresh changed .cmis in merlin |
| ~SPC m e C~ | Check for errors in current buffer |
| ~SPC m e n~ | Jump to next error |
| ~SPC m e N~ | Jump back to previous error |
| ~SPC m g a~ | Switch ML <-> MLI |
| ~SPC m g b~ | Go back to the last position where the user did a locate |
| ~SPC m g g~ | Locate the identifier under point (same window) |
| ~SPC m g G~ | Locate the identifier under point (different window) |
| ~SPC m g i~ | Prompt for module name and switch to ML file |
| ~SPC m g I~ | Prompt for module name and switch to MLI file |
| ~SPC m g l~ | Prompt for identifier and locate |
| ~SPC m g o~ | List occurrences for identifier under point |
| ~SPC m h h~ | Document the identifier under point |
| ~SPC m h t~ | Highlight identifier under cursor and print its type |
| ~SPC m h T~ | Prompt for expression and show its type |
| ~SPC m r d~ | Case analyze the current enclosing |
| ~SPC m t p~ | Dune run tests and promote. |
| ~SPC m t P~ | Dune promote. |
** REPL (utop)
| Key binding | Description |
| ~C-j~ | (in REPL) next item in history |
| ~C-k~ | (in REPL) previous item in history |
| ~SPC m s b~ | Send buffer to the REPL |
| ~SPC m s B~ | Send buffer to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s i~ | Start a REPL |
| ~SPC m s p~ | Send phrase to the REPL |
| ~SPC m s P~ | Send phrase to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s r~ | Send region to the REPL |
| ~SPC m s R~ | Send region to the REPL and switch to the REPL in =insert state= |
** Dune
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m c c~ | Compile. |
| ~SPC m i a~ | Insert ~alias~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i c~ | Insert ~copyfiles~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i d~ | Insert ignored subdirs stanza. |
| ~SPC m i e~ | Insert ~executable~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i i~ | Insert ~install~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i l~ | Insert ~library~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i m~ | Insert ~menhir~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i p~ | Insert ~ocamllex~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i r~ | Insert ~rule~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i t~ | Insert ~tests~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i v~ | Insert ~env~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i x~ | Insert ~executables~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m i y~ | Insert ~ocamlyacc~ stanza. |
| ~SPC m t p~ | Dune run tests and promote. |
| ~SPC m t P~ | Dune promote. |
* TODO layer improvements list
1. Add more proper spacemacs key bindings for basic merlin tasks
2. Add proper key bindings for ocamldebug
3. Add more key bindings for tuareg-mode