#+TITLE: Purescript contribution layer for Spacemacs [[file:img/purescript-logo.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC@4: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#install][Install]] - [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]] - [[#purescript][Purescript]] - [[#imports][Imports]] - [[#repl][REPL]] * Description This layer provides basic Purescript editing support for spacemacs thanks to the following packages: - [[https://github.com/dysinger/purescript-mode][purescript-mode]] - [[https://github.com/ardumont/emacs-psci][psci]] * Install To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs= #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(purescript)) #+END_SRC * Key bindings ** Purescript *** Imports | Key Binding | Description | |---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------| | ~ m i =~ | Format imports | | ~ m i \~ | Return to where you were editing before navigating to imports | | ~ m i a~ | Align imports | | ~ m i n~ | Navigate to the imports | ** REPL [[https://github.com/ardumont/emacs-psci][psci]] provides a very basic REPL for purescript. The following key bindings are available: | Key Binding | Description | |---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ~ m s b~ | Equivalent of =:m /path/to/current/module/file.purs= - Load for importing | | ~ m s i~ | Launch a psci console buffer | | ~ m s m~ | Equivalent of =:i your.current.module.name= - Import for use in PSCI | | ~ m s p~ | Load or reload files defined in the project file .psci |