#+TITLE: Spacemacs Conventions #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: * Spacemacs conventions :TOC_4_org:noexport: - [[Code guidelines][Code guidelines]] - [[Spacemacs core and layer][Spacemacs core and layer]] - [[All layers][All layers]] - [[Key bindings conventions][Key bindings conventions]] - [[Reserved prefix][Reserved prefix]] - [[User prefix][User prefix]] - [[Major mode prefix][Major mode prefix]] - [[Micro-state][Micro-state]] - [[Evilified buffers][Evilified buffers]] - [[Navigation][Navigation]] - [[n and N][n and N]] - [[Code Navigation][Code Navigation]] - [[=insert state= buffers][=insert state= buffers]] - [[Messages editing][Messages editing]] - [[Evaluation][Evaluation]] - [[REPLs][REPLs]] - [[Send code][Send code]] - [[In terminal][In terminal]] - [[Building and Compilation][Building and Compilation]] - [[Debugging][Debugging]] - [[Plain Text Markup Languages][Plain Text Markup Languages]] - [[Headers][Headers]] - [[Insertion of common elements][Insertion of common elements]] - [[Text manipulation][Text manipulation]] - [[Movement in normal mode][Movement in normal mode]] - [[Promotion, Demotion and element movement][Promotion, Demotion and element movement]] - [[Table editing][Table editing]] - [[Tests][Tests]] - [[All languages][All languages]] - [[Language specific][Language specific]] - [[Toggles][Toggles]] - [[Refactoring][Refactoring]] - [[Help or Documentation][Help or Documentation]] - [[Writing documentation][Writing documentation]] - [[Spacing in documentation][Spacing in documentation]] * Code guidelines ** Spacemacs core and layer Function names follow these conventions: - =spacemacs/xxx= is an interactive function called =xxx= - =spacemacs//xxx= is a private function called =xxx= (implementation details) - =spacemacs|xxx= is a /macro/ called =xxx= Variables follow these conventions: - =spacemacs-xxx= is a variable - =spacemacs--xxx= is a private variable (implementation details) ** All layers A package is initialized in a function with name =/init-xxx= where: - == is the layer name - =xxx= is the package name * Key bindings conventions ** Reserved prefix *** User prefix ~SPC o~ and ~SPC m o~ must not be used by any layer. They are reserved for the user. *** Major mode prefix ~SPC m~ is reserved for the current major mode. Three keys bindings are not an issue (ie. ~SPC m h d~) since ~SPC m~ can be accessed via ~,~. *** Micro-state Whenever possible a micro-state should be enabled with ~M-SPC~ and ~s-M-SPC~. We need the latter bindings on OS X since ~M-SPC~ is used by the OS for spotlight. For instance micro-states dedicated to special buffers like =helm= or =ido= buffers are good candidates to be put on ~M-SPC~ and ~s-M-SPC~. It is recommended to add ~q~ to leave the micro-state. ** Evilified buffers /Evilifying/ a buffer is to set the =evilified state= as the default state for the major mode of the buffer. The =evilified state= is derived from the =emacs state= and modify the map to: - add ~hjkl~ navigation - add scrolling feature on ~C-f~, ~C-b~, ~C-d~ and ~C-u~ - ~G~ and ~gg~ to go to the end and beginning of the buffer - add incremental search with ~/~, ~n~ and ~N~ - enabling =evil-ex= on ~:~ - add =visual state= and =visual line state= on ~v~ and ~V~ - add yank on ~y~ _in visual state only_ - activate evil-leader key on ~SPC~ Setting the =evilified state= to a mode is done by calling the macro =spacemacs|evilify-map=. /Evilification/ rebinds shadowed key bindings according to the following rules: - alphabetic key bindings: ~x~ -> ~X~ -> ~C-x~ -> ~C-X~ - ~SPC~ -> ~'~ - ~/~ -> ~\~ - ~:~ -> ~|~ - ~C-g~ cannot be shadowed If a key binding cannot be remapped then it is ignored and a warning message is displayed in =*Messages*=. ** Navigation *** n and N To be consistent with the Vim way, ~n~ and ~N~ are favored over Emacs ~n~ and ~p~. Ideally a micro-state should be provided to smooth the navigation experience. A micro-state allows to repeat key bindings without entering each time the prefix commands. More info on micro-states in the [[file:DOCUMENTATION.org::Micro-states][documentation]]. *** Code Navigation The prefix for going to something is ~SPC m g~. | Key | Description | |---------+-------------------------------------------------| | ~m g a~ | go to alternate file (i.e. =.h <--> .cpp=) | | ~m g b~ | go back to previous location (before last jump) | | ~m g g~ | go to things under point | | ~m g G~ | go to things under point in other window | | ~m g t~ | go to corresponding test file if any | *** =insert state= buffers Navigation in buffers like =Helm= and =ido= which are in =insert state= should be performed with ~C-j~ and ~C-k~ bindings for vertical movements. | Key | Description | |-------+-------------| | ~C-j~ | go down | | ~C-k~ | go up | ** Messages editing Modes that are used to edit messages (texts, notes, mails, …) and are subjects to user validation (traditionally bound to ~C-c C-c~ and ~C-c C-k~ in emacs) should use the following bindings: | Key | Description | |-----------+---------------------------| | ~SPC m ,~ | Valid/Confirm the message | | ~SPC m c~ | Valid/Confirm the message | | ~SPC m k~ | Abort/Discard the message | Some example of these modes are =magit= commit messages, =message-mode= for mails or =org-mode= notes. ** Evaluation Live evaluation of code is under the prefix ~SPC m e~. | Key | Description | |---------+---------------------------------------------------| | ~m e $~ | put the point at the end of the line and evaluate | | ~m e b~ | evaluate buffer | | ~m e e~ | evaluate last expression | | ~m e f~ | evaluate function | | ~m e l~ | evaluate line | | ~m e r~ | evaluate region | ** REPLs *** Send code A lot of languages can interact with a REPL. To help keeping a consistent behavior between those languages the following conventions should be followed: - ~SPC m s~ is the prefix for sending code. This allows fast interaction with the REPL whenever it is possible - lower case key bindings keep the focus on the current buffer - upper case key bindings move the focus to the REPL buffer | Key | Description | |---------+--------------------------------------------------------------| | ~m s b~ | send buffer | | ~m s B~ | send buffer and switch to REPL | | ~m s d~ | first key to send buffer and switch to REPL to debug (step) | | ~m s D~ | second key to send buffer and switch to REPL to debug (step) | | ~m s f~ | send function | | ~m s F~ | send function and switch to REPL | | ~m s i~ | start/switch to REPL inferior process | | ~m s l~ | send line | | ~m s L~ | send line and switch to REPL | | ~m s r~ | send region | | ~m s R~ | send region and switch to REPL | Note: we don't distinguish between the file and the buffer. *** In terminal History navigation in shells or REPLs buffers should be bound as well to ~C-j~ and ~C-k~. | Key | Description | |-------+----------------------------| | ~C-j~ | next item in history | | ~C-k~ | previous item in history | | ~C-l~ | clear screen | | ~C-r~ | search backward in history | ** Building and Compilation The base prefix for major mode specific compilation is ~SPC m c~. | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-------------------| | ~m c b~ | compile buffer | | ~m c c~ | compile | | ~m c r~ | clean and compile | Note: we don't distinguish between the file and the buffer. We can implement an auto-save of the buffer before compiling the buffer. ** Debugging The base prefix for debugging commands is ~SPC d~. | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-------------------------| | ~m d a~ | abandon current process | | ~m d b~ | toggle a breakpoint | | ~m d B~ | clear all breakpoints | | ~m d c~ | continue | | ~m d d~ | start debug session | | ~m d i~ | inspect value at point | | ~m d l~ | local variables | | ~m d n~ | next | | ~m d r~ | run | | ~m d s~ | step | Notes: - Ideally a micro-state for breakpoint navigation should be provided. - If there is no toggle breakpoint function, then it should be implemented at the spacemacs level and ideally the function should be proposed as a patch upstream (major mode repository). ** Plain Text Markup Languages For layers supporting markup languages please follow the following keybindings whenever applicable. *** Headers All header functionality should be grouped under ~SPC m h~ | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+--------------------------------------------------| | ~m h i~ | Insert a header | | ~m h I~ | Insert a header alternative method (if existing) | | ~m h 1..10~ | Insert a header of level 1..10 (if possible) | *** Insertion of common elements Insertion of common elements like links or footnotes should be grouped under ~SPC m i~ | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+------------------| | ~m i f~ | Insert footnote | | ~m i i~ | Insert image | | ~m i l~ | Insert link | | ~m i u~ | Insert url | | ~m i w~ | Insert wiki-link | *** Text manipulation Manipulation of text regions should be grouped under ~SPC m x~ | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-------------------------------| | ~m x b~ | Make region bold | | ~m x c~ | Make region code | | ~m x i~ | Make region italic | | ~m x q~ | Quote a region | | ~m x r~ | Remove formatting from region | | ~m x s~ | Make region strike-through | | ~m x u~ | Make region underlined | | ~m x v~ | Make region verbose | *** Movement in normal mode In normal mode Vim style movement should be enabled with these keybindings: | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+----------------------------------------| | ~g h~ | Move up one level in headings | | ~g j~ | Move to next heading on same level | | ~g k~ | Move to previous heading on same level | | ~g l~ | Move down one level in headings | *** Promotion, Demotion and element movement Promotion, demotion and movement of headings or list elements (whatever is possible) should be enabled with the following keys in any mode | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+------------------------------| | ~M-h~ | Promote heading by one level | | ~M-j~ | Move element down | | ~M-k~ | Move element up | | ~M-l~ | Demote heading by one level | *** Table editing If table specific commands are available the they are grouped under the ~SPC m t~ group. ** Tests A lot of languages have their own test frameworks. These frameworks share common actions that we can unite under the same key bindings: - ~SPC m t~ is the prefix for test execution. - ~SPC m t X~ is used to execute ~SPC m t x~ but in debug mode (if supported). *** All languages | Key | Description | |---------+--------------------------------------------------------------| | ~m t a~ | execute all the tests of the current project | | ~m t A~ | execute all the tests of the current project in debug | | ~m t b~ | execute all the tests of the current buffer | | ~m t B~ | execute all the tests of the current buffer in debug | | ~m t t~ | execute the current test (thing at point, function) | | ~m t T~ | execute the current test in debug (thing at point, function) | Note: we don't distinguish between the file and the buffer. We can implement an auto-save of the buffer before executing the tests of buffer. *** Language specific | Key | Description | |---------+--------------------------------------------------| | ~m t m~ | execute the tests of the current module | | ~m t M~ | execute the tests of the current module in debug | | ~m t s~ | execute the tests of the current suite | | ~m t S~ | execute the tests of the current suite in debug | Note that there are overlaps, depending on the language we will choose one or more bindings for the same thing ** Toggles - Global toggles are under ~SPC t~, ~SPC T~ and ~SPC C-t~ - Major mode toggles are only under ~SPC m T~ ** Refactoring Refactoring prefix is ~SPC m r~. ** Help or Documentation The base prefix for help commands is ~SPC h~. Documentation is considered as an help command. | Key | Description | |---------+------------------------------------| | ~m h h~ | documentation of thing under point | | ~m h r~ | documentation of selected region | * Writing documentation Spacemacs provides an example layer =README.org= file in =~/.emacs.d/core/templates/README.org.template=. ** Spacing in documentation Spacemacs tries to keep the documentation consistent between all layers by providing some rules for spacing: - After each header, you should not add an empty line - *Exception*: If the first item under the header is a table, add an empty line after it - At the end of each header node, there should be an empty line - Note: Many layer =READMEs= do not follow this convention yet. Please fix them if you can.