(defvar fasd-packages '( fasd ;; package fasds go here ) "List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.") (defvar fasd-excluded-packages '() "List of packages to exclude.") (defun fasd/init-fasd () "initializes fasd-emacs and adds a key binding to " (use-package fasd :init (progn (global-fasd-mode 1) (evil-leader/set-key "fz" 'fasd-find-file)))) ;; For each package, define a function fasd/init- ;; ;; (defun fasd/init-my-package () ;; "Initialize my package" ;; ) ;; ;; Often the body of an initialize function uses `use-package' ;; For more info on `use-package', see readme: ;; https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package