;;; packages.el --- Mandatory Bootstrap Layer packages File ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (setq spacemacs-bootstrap-packages '( (async :step bootstrap) (bind-map :step bootstrap) (bind-key :step bootstrap) (diminish :step bootstrap) (evil :step bootstrap) (hydra :step bootstrap) (use-package :step bootstrap) (which-key :step bootstrap) )) ;; Note: `use-package' cannot be used for bootstrap packages configuration (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-async ()) (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-bind-key ()) (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-diminish () (when (not (configuration-layer/package-usedp 'spaceline)) (add-hook 'after-load-functions 'spacemacs/diminish-hook))) (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-bind-map () (require 'bind-map) (bind-map spacemacs-default-map :prefix-cmd spacemacs-cmds :keys (dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key) :evil-keys (dotspacemacs-leader-key) :override-minor-modes t :override-mode-name spacemacs-leader-override-mode)) (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-evil () ;; evil-mode is mandatory for Spacemacs to work properly ;; evil must be require explicitly, the autoload seems to not ;; work properly sometimes. (require 'evil) (evil-mode 1) ;; Use evil as a default jump handler (push 'evil-goto-definition spacemacs-default-jump-handlers) (require 'cl) ;; State cursors (defvar spacemacs-evil-cursors '(("normal" "DarkGoldenrod2" box) ("insert" "chartreuse3" (bar . 2)) ("emacs" "SkyBlue2" box) ("hybrid" "SkyBlue2" (bar . 2)) ("replace" "chocolate" (hbar . 2)) ("evilified" "LightGoldenrod3" box) ("visual" "gray" (hbar . 2)) ("motion" "plum3" box) ("lisp" "HotPink1" box) ("iedit" "firebrick1" box) ("iedit-insert" "firebrick1" (bar . 2))) "Colors assigned to evil states with cursor definitions.") (cl-loop for (state color cursor) in spacemacs-evil-cursors do (eval `(defface ,(intern (format "spacemacs-%s-face" state)) `((t (:background ,color :foreground ,(face-background 'mode-line) :inherit 'mode-line))) (format "%s state face." state) :group 'spacemacs)) (set (intern (format "evil-%s-state-cursor" state)) (list (when dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state color) cursor))) (add-hook 'spacemacs-post-theme-change-hook 'spacemacs/set-state-faces) ;; put back refresh of the cursor on post-command-hook see status of: ;; https://bitbucket.org/lyro/evil/issue/502/cursor-is-not-refreshed-in-some-cases ;; (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'evil-refresh-cursor) ;; evil ex-command (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd dotspacemacs-ex-command-key) 'evil-ex) (define-key evil-visual-state-map (kbd dotspacemacs-ex-command-key) 'evil-ex) (define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd dotspacemacs-ex-command-key) 'evil-ex) (setq evil-ex-substitute-global dotspacemacs-ex-substitute-global) ;; evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol must be set via customize to have an effect (customize-set-variable 'evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol dotspacemacs-remap-Y-to-y$) ;; bind evil-jump-forward for GUI only. (define-key evil-motion-state-map [C-i] 'evil-jump-forward) ;; Make the current definition and/or comment visible. (define-key evil-normal-state-map "zf" 'reposition-window) ;; toggle maximize buffer (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "o") 'spacemacs/toggle-maximize-buffer) (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "C-o") 'spacemacs/toggle-maximize-buffer) ;; make cursor keys work (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "") 'evil-window-left) (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "") 'evil-window-right) (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "") 'evil-window-up) (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "") 'evil-window-down) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "re" 'evil-show-registers) ;; motions keys for help buffers (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "") 'quit-window) (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "") 'forward-button) (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "S-") 'backward-button) (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "]") 'help-go-forward) (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "gf") 'help-go-forward) (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "[") 'help-go-back) (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "gb") 'help-go-back) (evil-define-key 'motion help-mode-map (kbd "gh") 'help-follow-symbol) ;; It's better that the default value is too small than too big (setq-default evil-shift-width 2) ;; After major mode has changed, reset evil-shift-width (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'spacemacs//set-evil-shift-width 'append) ;; Keep the region active when shifting (when dotspacemacs-retain-visual-state-on-shift (evil-map visual "<" "" ">gv")) ;; move selection up and down (when dotspacemacs-visual-line-move-text (define-key evil-visual-state-map "J" (concat ":m '>+1" (kbd "RET") "gv=gv")) (define-key evil-visual-state-map "K" (concat ":m '<-2" (kbd "RET") "gv=gv"))) (evil-ex-define-cmd "enew" 'spacemacs/new-empty-buffer) (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "K") 'spacemacs/evil-smart-doc-lookup) (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "gd") 'spacemacs/jump-to-definition) ;; scrolling transient state (spacemacs|define-transient-state scroll :title "Scrolling Transient State" :bindings ("," evil-scroll-page-up "page up") ("." evil-scroll-page-down "page down") ;; half page ("<" evil-scroll-up "half page up") (">" evil-scroll-down "half page down")) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "n," 'spacemacs/scroll-transient-state/evil-scroll-page-up "n." 'spacemacs/scroll-transient-state/evil-scroll-page-down "n<" 'spacemacs/scroll-transient-state/evil-scroll-up "n>" 'spacemacs/scroll-transient-state/evil-scroll-down) ;; pasting transient-state (evil-define-command spacemacs//transient-state-0 () :keep-visual t :repeat nil (interactive) (if current-prefix-arg (progn (setq this-command #'digit-argument) (call-interactively #'digit-argument)) (setq this-command #'evil-beginning-of-line hydra-deactivate t) (call-interactively #'evil-beginning-of-line))) (spacemacs|define-transient-state paste :title "Pasting Transient State" :doc "\n[%s(length kill-ring-yank-pointer)/%s(length kill-ring)] \ [_C-j_/_C-k_] cycles through yanked text, [_p_/_P_] pastes the same text \ above or below. Anything else exits." :bindings ("C-j" evil-paste-pop) ("C-k" evil-paste-pop-next) ("p" evil-paste-after) ("P" evil-paste-before) ("0" spacemacs//transient-state-0)) (when dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state (define-key evil-normal-state-map "p" 'spacemacs/paste-transient-state/evil-paste-after) (define-key evil-normal-state-map "P" 'spacemacs/paste-transient-state/evil-paste-before)) ;; fold transient state (when (eq 'evil dotspacemacs-folding-method) (spacemacs|define-transient-state fold :title "Code Fold Transient State" :doc " Close^^ Open^^ Toggle^^ Other^^ ───────^^────── ─────^^─────────── ─────^^──────────── ─────^^─── [_c_] at point [_o_] at point [_a_] around point [_q_] quit ^^ [_O_] recursively ^^ [_m_] all [_r_] all" :foreign-keys run :bindings ("a" evil-toggle-fold) ("c" evil-close-fold) ("o" evil-open-fold) ("O" evil-open-fold-rec) ("r" evil-open-folds) ("m" evil-close-folds) ("q" nil :exit t) ("C-g" nil :exit t) ("" nil :exit t))) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "z." 'spacemacs/fold-transient-state/body) ;; define text objects (spacemacs|define-text-object "$" "dollar" "$" "$") (spacemacs|define-text-object "*" "star" "*" "*") (spacemacs|define-text-object "8" "block-star" "/*" "*/") (spacemacs|define-text-object "|" "bar" "|" "|") (spacemacs|define-text-object "%" "percent" "%" "%") (spacemacs|define-text-object "/" "slash" "/" "/") (spacemacs|define-text-object "_" "underscore" "_" "_") (spacemacs|define-text-object "-" "hyphen" "-" "-") (spacemacs|define-text-object "~" "tilde" "~" "~") (spacemacs|define-text-object "=" "equal" "=" "=") (evil-define-text-object evil-pasted (count &rest args) (list (save-excursion (evil-goto-mark ?\[) (point)) (save-excursion (evil-goto-mark ?\]) (point)))) (define-key evil-inner-text-objects-map "P" 'evil-pasted) ;; define text-object for entire buffer (evil-define-text-object evil-inner-buffer (count &optional beg end type) (list (point-min) (point-max))) (define-key evil-inner-text-objects-map "g" 'evil-inner-buffer) ;; turn off evil in corelv buffers (push '("\\*LV\\*") evil-buffer-regexps) ;; replace `dired-goto-file' with `helm-find-files', since `helm-find-files' ;; can do the same thing and with fuzzy matching and other features. (with-eval-after-load 'dired (evil-define-key 'normal dired-mode-map "J" 'spacemacs/helm-find-files) (define-key dired-mode-map "j" 'spacemacs/helm-find-files) (evil-define-key 'normal dired-mode-map (kbd dotspacemacs-leader-key) spacemacs-default-map)) ;; support smart 1parens-strict-mode (when (configuration-layer/package-usedp 'smartparens) (defadvice evil-delete-backward-char-and-join (around spacemacs/evil-delete-backward-char-and-join activate) (if (bound-and-true-p smartparens-strict-mode) (call-interactively 'sp-backward-delete-char) ad-do-it))) ;; Define history commands for comint (when (eq dotspacemacs-editing-style 'vim) (evil-define-key 'insert comint-mode-map (kbd "C-k") 'comint-previous-input (kbd "C-j") 'comint-next-input)) (evil-define-key 'normal comint-mode-map (kbd "C-k") 'comint-previous-input (kbd "C-j") 'comint-next-input)) (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-hydra () (require 'hydra) (setq hydra-key-doc-function 'spacemacs//hydra-key-doc-function hydra-head-format "[%s] ")) (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-use-package () (require 'use-package) (setq use-package-verbose init-file-debug ;; inject use-package hooks for easy customization of stock package ;; configuration use-package-inject-hooks t)) (defun spacemacs-bootstrap/init-which-key () (require 'which-key) (spacemacs|add-toggle which-key :mode which-key-mode :documentation "Display a buffer with available key bindings." :evil-leader "tK") (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "hk" 'which-key-show-top-level) ;; Needed to avoid nil variable error before update to recent which-key (defvar which-key-replacement-alist nil) ;; Replace rules for better naming of functions (let ((new-descriptions ;; being higher in this list means the replacement is applied later '( ("spacemacs/\\(.+\\)" . "\\1") ("spacemacs/toggle-\\(.+\\)" . "\\1") ("spacemacs/alternate-buffer" . "last buffer") ("spacemacs/toggle-mode-line-\\(.+\\)" . "\\1") ("avy-goto-word-or-subword-1" . "avy word") ("shell-command" . "shell cmd") ("spacemacs/default-pop-shell" . "open shell") ("spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search-region-or-symbol" . "smart search w/input") ("spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search" . "smart search") ("spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol" . "search project w/input") ("spacemacs/search-project-auto" . "search project") ("helm-descbinds" . "show keybindings") ("sp-split-sexp" . "split sexp") ("avy-goto-line" . "avy line") ("universal-argument" . "universal arg") ("er/expand-region" . "expand region") ("helm-apropos" . "apropos") ("spacemacs/toggle-hybrid-mode" . "hybrid (hybrid-mode)") ("spacemacs/toggle-holy-mode" . "emacs (holy-mode)") ("evil-lisp-state-\\(.+\\)" . "\\1") ("spacemacs/\\(.+\\)-transient-state/\\(.+\\)" . "\\2") ("spacemacs/\\(.+\\)-transient-state/body" . "\\1-transient-state")))) (dolist (nd new-descriptions) ;; ensure the target matches the whole string (push (cons (cons nil (concat "\\`" (car nd) "\\'")) (cons nil (cdr nd))) which-key-replacement-alist))) (push '(("\\(.*\\) 0" . "select-window-0") . ("\\1 0..9" . "window 0..9")) which-key-replacement-alist) (push '((nil . "select-window-[1-9]") . t) which-key-replacement-alist) (push '(("\\(.*\\) 1" . "buffer-to-window-1") . ("\\1 1..9" . "buffer to window 1..9")) which-key-replacement-alist) (push '((nil . "buffer-to-window-[2-9]") . t) which-key-replacement-alist) (dolist (leader-key `(,dotspacemacs-leader-key ,dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key)) (which-key-add-key-based-replacements (concat leader-key " m") "major mode commands" (concat leader-key " " dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key) "M-x")) (which-key-declare-prefixes dotspacemacs-leader-key '("root" . "Spacemacs root") dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key '("root" . "Spacemacs root") (concat dotspacemacs-leader-key " m") '("major-mode-cmd" . "Major mode commands") (concat dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key " m") '("major-mode-cmd" . "Major mode commands")) ;; disable special key handling for spacemacs, since it can be ;; disorienting if you don't understand it (pcase dotspacemacs-which-key-position (`right (which-key-setup-side-window-right)) (`bottom (which-key-setup-side-window-bottom)) (`right-then-bottom (which-key-setup-side-window-right-bottom))) (setq which-key-special-keys nil which-key-use-C-h-for-paging t which-key-prevent-C-h-from-cycling t which-key-echo-keystrokes 0.02 which-key-max-description-length 32 which-key-sort-order 'which-key-key-order-alpha which-key-idle-delay dotspacemacs-which-key-delay which-key-allow-evil-operators t) (which-key-mode) (spacemacs|diminish which-key-mode " Ⓚ" " K"))