;;; packages.el --- erc Layer packages File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2022 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (defconst erc-packages '( company company-emoji emoji-cheat-sheet-plus erc (erc-gitter :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "jleechpe/erc-gitter") :excluded t) erc-hl-nicks erc-image (erc-sasl :location local) erc-social-graph (erc-terminal-notifier :toggle (spacemacs/system-is-mac)) (erc-tex :location local) erc-view-log (erc-yank :location local :excluded t) erc-yt linum persp-mode window-purpose )) (defun erc/post-init-company () (spacemacs|add-company-backends :backends company-capf :modes erc-mode)) (defun erc/post-init-company-emoji () (spacemacs|add-company-backends :backends company-emoji :modes erc-mode)) (defun erc/post-init-emoji-cheat-sheet-plus () (add-hook 'erc-mode-hook 'emoji-cheat-sheet-plus-display-mode)) (defun erc/init-erc () "Initialize ERC" (use-package erc :defer t :init (progn (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "acie" 'erc "aciE" 'erc-tls "acii" 'erc-track-switch-buffer "aciD" 'erc/default-servers) (spacemacs/declare-prefix "aci" "irc") ;; utf-8 always and forever (setq erc-server-coding-system '(utf-8 . utf-8))) :config (progn (use-package erc-autoaway :defer t :init (setq erc-auto-discard-away t erc-autoaway-idle-seconds 600 erc-autoaway-use-emacs-idle t)) (erc-services-mode 1) (defun erc-list-command () "execute the list command" (interactive) (insert "/list") (erc-send-current-line)) (setq erc-kill-buffer-on-part t erc-kill-queries-on-quit t erc-kill-server-buffer-on-quit t) (add-hook 'erc-connect-pre-hook (lambda (x) (erc-update-modules))) (erc-track-mode t) (setq erc-track-exclude-types '("JOIN" "NICK" "PART" "QUIT" "MODE") erc-server-coding-system '(utf-8 . utf-8)) (setq erc-prompt (lambda () (concat "[" (buffer-name) "]"))) (erc-spelling-mode 1) (setq erc-interpret-mirc-color t) ;; Notifications are enabled if erc-enable-notifications is non-nil, and ;; D-BUS is available (i.e. Linux/BSD). (when (and erc-enable-notifications (boundp 'dbus-compiled-version)) (require 'notifications) (defun erc-global-notify (match-type nick message) "Notify when a message is received." (notifications-notify :title nick :body message :app-icon (concat spacemacs-assets-directory "spacemacs.svg") :urgency 'low)) (add-hook 'erc-text-matched-hook 'erc-global-notify)) ;; keybindings (spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'erc-mode "b" 'erc-switch-to-buffer "d" 'erc-input-action "j" 'erc-join-channel "n" 'erc-channel-names "l" 'erc-list-command "c" 'spacemacs/erc-find-channel-log "p" 'erc-part-from-channel "q" 'erc-quit-server)))) (defun erc/init-erc-gitter () (use-package erc-gitter :config (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'gitter))) (defun erc/pre-init-erc-hl-nicks () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook erc :post-config (use-package erc-hl-nicks))) (defun erc/init-erc-hl-nicks ()) (defun erc/pre-init-erc-sasl () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook erc :post-config (use-package erc-sasl :defer t :if erc-enable-sasl-auth ;; Following http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcSASL ;; Maybe an advice would be better? :config (progn ;; Add any server like this ;; (add-to-list 'erc-sasl-server-regexp-list "host\\.server\\.com") (add-to-list 'erc-sasl-server-regexp-list "irc\\.freenode\\.net") (defun erc-login () "Perform user authentication at the IRC server." (erc-log (format "login: nick: %s, user: %s %s %s :%s" (erc-current-nick) (user-login-name) (or erc-system-name (system-name)) erc-session-server erc-session-user-full-name)) (if erc-session-password (erc-server-send (format "PASS %s" erc-session-password)) (message "Logging in without password")) (when (and (featurep 'erc-sasl) (erc-sasl-use-sasl-p)) (erc-server-send "CAP REQ :sasl")) (erc-server-send (format "NICK %s" (erc-current-nick))) (erc-server-send (format "USER %s %s %s :%s" ;; hacked - S.B. (if erc-anonymous-login erc-email-userid (user-login-name)) "0" "*" erc-session-user-full-name)) (erc-update-mode-line)))))) (defun erc/init-erc-sasl ()) (defun erc/pre-init-erc-social-graph () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook erc :post-config (use-package erc-social-graph :init (progn ;; does not exist ? ;; (erc-social-graph-enable) (setq erc-social-graph-dynamic-graph t) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'erc-mode "D" 'erc-social-graph-draw))))) (defun erc/init-erc-social-graph ()) (defun erc/pre-init-erc-tex () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook erc :post-config (require 'erc-tex))) (defun erc/init-erc-tex ()) (defun erc/pre-init-erc-yt () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook erc :post-config (use-package erc-yt :init (with-eval-after-load 'erc (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'youtube))))) (defun erc/init-erc-yt ()) (defun erc/pre-init-erc-yank () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook erc :post-config (use-package erc-yank :if (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'gist) :init (evil-define-key 'normal erc-mode-map "p" 'erc-yank)))) (defun erc/init-erc-yank ()) (defun erc/init-erc-view-log () (use-package erc-view-log :defer t :init (progn (setq erc-log-channels-directory (expand-file-name (concat spacemacs-cache-directory "erc-logs"))) (unless (file-exists-p erc-log-channels-directory) (make-directory erc-log-channels-directory)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist `(,(format "%s/.*\\.[log|txt]" (regexp-quote (expand-file-name erc-log-channels-directory))) . erc-view-log-mode)) (with-eval-after-load 'erc (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'log))) :config ;; ERC Logging (progn ;; Following https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Niluge-KiWi/erc-view-log/master/erc-view-log.el ;; installation instructions (add-hook 'erc-view-log-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-revert-tail-mode) (spacemacs|define-transient-state erc-log :title "ERC Log Transient State" :doc "\n[_r_] reload the log file [_>_/_<_] go to the next/prev mention" :evil-leader-for-mode (erc-view-log-mode . ".") :bindings ("r" erc-view-log-reload-file) (">" erc-view-log-next-mention) ("<" erc-view-log-previous-mention)) (defun spacemacs/erc-find-channel-log () "find current erc channel's log file in `erc-view-log-mode'" (interactive) (when (erc-logging-enabled) (find-file-existing (erc-current-logfile))))))) (defun erc/init-erc-image () (use-package erc-image :defer t :init (with-eval-after-load 'erc (require 'erc-image) (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'image)))) (defun erc/init-erc-terminal-notifier () (use-package erc-terminal-notifier :if (executable-find "terminal-notifier"))) (defun erc/post-init-linum () (spacemacs/add-to-hooks 'spacemacs/no-linum '(erc-mode-hook erc-insert-pre-hook))) (defun erc/pre-init-persp-mode () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook persp-mode :post-config (progn (add-to-list 'persp-filter-save-buffers-functions 'spacemacs//erc-persp-filter-save-buffers-function) (spacemacs|define-custom-layout erc-spacemacs-layout-name :binding erc-spacemacs-layout-binding :body (progn (add-hook 'erc-mode-hook #'spacemacs//erc-buffer-to-persp) (if erc-server-list (erc/default-servers) (call-interactively 'erc))))))) (defun erc/post-init-window-purpose () (purpose-set-extension-configuration :erc-layer (purpose-conf :mode-purposes '((erc-mode . chat)))))