(require 'dotspacemacs) (require 'ht) (require 'package) (unless package--initialized (setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "http://tromey.com/elpa/") ("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/") ("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/"))) ;; optimization, no need to activate all the packages so early (package-initialize 'noactivate) ;; Emacs 24.3 and above ships with python.el but in some Emacs 24.3.1 packages ;; for Ubuntu, python.el seems to be missing. ;; This hack adds marmalade repository for this case only. (unless (or (package-installed-p 'python) (version< emacs-version "24.3")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/"))) (setq warning-minimum-level :error)) (defconst configuration-layer-template-directory (expand-file-name (concat spacemacs-core-directory "templates/")) "Configuration layer templates directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-contrib-directory (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "contrib/")) "Spacemacs contribution layers base directory.") (defconst configuration-layer-private-directory (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "private/")) "Spacemacs private layers base directory.") (defvar configuration-layer-layers '() "Alist of declared configuration layers.") (defvar configuration-layer-paths #s(hash-table size 128 data ()) "Hash table of layers locations. The key is a layer symbol and the value is the path for this layer.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-packages #s(hash-table size 256 data ()) "Hash table of all declared packages in all layers where the key is a package symbol and the value is a list of layer symbols responsible for initializing and configuring the package.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted '() "Sorted list of all package symbols.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions #s(hash-table size 128 data ()) "Hash table of all declared pre-extensions in all layers where the key is a extension symbol and the value is the layer symbols responsible for initializing and configuring the package.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted '() "Sorted list of all pre extensions symbols.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-post-extensions #s(hash-table size 128 data ()) "Hash table of all declared post-extensions in all layers where the key is a extension symbol and the value is the layer symbols responsible for initializing and configuring the package.") (defvar configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted '() "Sorted list of all post extensions symbols.") (defvar configuration-layer-contrib-categories '("usr" "lang") "List of strings corresponding to category names. A category is a sub-directory of the contribution directory.") (defvar configuration-layer-excluded-packages '() "List of all excluded packages declared at the layer level.") (defvar configuration-layer--loaded-files '() "List of loaded files.") (defun configuration-layer/create-layer (name) "Ask the user for a configuration layer name and create a layer with this name in the private layers directory." (interactive "sConfiguration layer name: ") (let ((layer-dir (configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir name))) (cond ((string-equal "" name) (message "Cannot create a configuration layer without a name.")) ((file-exists-p layer-dir) (message "Cannot create configuration layer \"%s\", this layer already exists." name)) (t (make-directory layer-dir) (configuration-layer//copy-template "extensions") (configuration-layer//copy-template "packages") (message "Configuration layer \"%s\" successfully created." name)) ))) (defun configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir (name) "Return an absolute path the the private configuration layer with name NAME." (concat configuration-layer-private-directory name "/")) (defun configuration-layer//copy-template (template) "Copy and replace special values of TEMPLATE to LAYER_DIR." (let ((src (concat configuration-layer-template-directory (format "%s.template" template))) (dest (concat (configuration-layer//get-private-layer-dir name) (format "%s.el" template)))) (copy-file src dest) (find-file dest) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "NAME" nil t) (replace-match name t))) (save-buffer))) (defun configuration-layer//get-contrib-category-dirs () "Return a list of all absolute paths to the contribution categories stored in `configuration-layer-contrib-categories'" (mapcar (lambda (d) (expand-file-name (concat configuration-layer-contrib-directory (format "%s/" d)))) configuration-layer-contrib-categories)) (defun configuration-layer//discover-layers () "Return a hash table where the key is the layer symbol and the value is its path." (let ((cat-dirs (configuration-layer//get-contrib-category-dirs)) (result #s(hash-table size 128 data ()))) (ht-clear result) ;; add spacemacs layer (puthash 'spacemacs (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory) result) (mapc (lambda (dir) (let ((layers (configuration-layer//discover-layers-in-dir dir))) (mapc (lambda (layer) (puthash (car layer) (cdr layer) result)) layers))) (append (list configuration-layer-contrib-directory) cat-dirs dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path ;; load private layers at the end on purpose ;; we asume that the user layers must have the final word ;; on configuration choices. (list configuration-layer-private-directory))) (ht-copy result))) (defun configuration-layer//discover-layers-in-dir (dir) "Return an alist where the key is a layer symbol and the value is the path for that layer." (spacemacs/message "Looking for configuration layers in %s" dir) (ignore-errors (let ((files (directory-files dir nil nil 'nosort)) (filter-out (append configuration-layer-contrib-categories '("." ".."))) result '()) (dolist (f files) (when (and (file-directory-p (concat dir f)) (not (member f filter-out))) (spacemacs/message "-> Discovered configuration layer: %s" f) (push (cons (intern f) dir) result))) result))) (defun configuration-layer//declare-layer (name) "Declare a layer with NAME symbol. Return a cons cell (symbol . plist) where `symbol' is the name of the layer and `plist' is a property list with the following keys: - `:dir' the absolute path to the base directory of the layer. - `:ext-dir' the absolute path to the directory containing the extensions." (let* ((namestr (symbol-name name)) (base-dir (configuration-layer/get-layer-path name)) (dir (format "%s%s/" base-dir namestr)) (ext-dir (format "%sextensions/" dir))) (when (and base-dir (file-exists-p dir)) (cons name (list :dir dir :ext-dir ext-dir))))) (defun configuration-layer/layer-declaredp (layer) "Return non-nil if LAYER symbol corresponds to a declared layer." (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages layer)) (defun configuration-layer/get-layers-list () "Return a list of all discovered layer symbols." (ht-keys configuration-layer-paths)) (defun configuration-layer/get-layer-path (layer) "Return the path for LAYER symbol." (let ((path (ht-get configuration-layer-paths layer))) (unless path (spacemacs/message "Warning: Cannot find layer %s !" layer)) path)) (defun configuration-layer/load-layers () "Load all declared layers." (let ((layers (reverse configuration-layer-layers))) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layers '("funcs.el" "config.el")) ;; fill the hash tables (setq configuration-layer-excluded-packages (configuration-layer/get-excluded-packages layers)) (setq configuration-layer-all-packages (configuration-layer/get-packages layers)) (setq configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions (configuration-layer/get-extensions layers t)) (setq configuration-layer-all-post-extensions (configuration-layer/get-extensions layers)) ;; This is what you get when you have no test cases... hopefully I will code ;; them soon :-) ;; (message "excluded: %s" configuration-layer-excluded-packages) ;; (message "packages: %s" configuration-layer-all-packages) ;; (message "pre-extensions: %s" configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions) ;; (message "post-extensions: %s" configuration-layer-all-post-extensions) ;; filter them (let ((excluded (append dotspacemacs-excluded-packages configuration-layer-excluded-packages))) (configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded configuration-layer-all-packages excluded) (configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions excluded) (configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded configuration-layer-all-post-extensions excluded)) ;; number of chuncks for the loading screen (let ((total (+ (ht-size configuration-layer-all-packages) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-post-extensions)))) (setq spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold (/ total spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count))) ;; filter them (configuration-layer//sort-packages-and-extensions) ;; install and initialize packages and extensions (configuration-layer//initialize-extensions configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted t) (configuration-layer//install-packages) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer spacemacs-loading-text) (configuration-layer//initialize-packages) (configuration-layer//initialize-extensions configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted) ;; restore warning level before initialization (setq warning-minimum-level :warning) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layers '("keybindings.el")))) (defun configuration-layer//load-layer-files (layers files) "Load the files of list FILES for all LAYERS." (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((sym (car layer)) (dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir))) (dolist (file files) (let ((file (concat dir file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file))))))) (defsubst configuration-layer//add-layer-to-hash (pkg layer hash) "Add LAYER to the list value stored in HASH with key PKG." (let ((list (ht-get hash pkg))) (eval `(push ',layer list)) (puthash pkg list hash))) (defsubst configuration-layer//filter-out-excluded (hash excluded) "Remove EXCLUDED packages from the hash tables HASH." (dolist (pkg (ht-keys (eval hash))) (when (or (member pkg excluded)) (ht-remove (eval hash) pkg)))) (defun configuration-layer//sort-packages-and-extensions () "Sort the packages and extensions symbol and store them in `configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted' `configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted' `configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted'" (setq configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted (configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys configuration-layer-all-packages)) (setq configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions-sorted (configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions)) (setq configuration-layer-all-post-extensions-sorted (configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys configuration-layer-all-post-extensions))) (defun configuration-layer/sort-hash-table-keys (h) "Return a sorted list of the keys in the given hash table H." (mapcar 'intern (sort (mapcar 'symbol-name (ht-keys h)) 'string<))) (defun configuration-layer/load-file (file) "Assure that FILE is loaded only once." (unless (member file configuration-layer--loaded-files) (load file) (push file configuration-layer--loaded-files))) (defun configuration-layer/get-excluded-packages (layers) "Read `layer-excluded-packages' lists for all passed LAYERS and return a list of all excluded packages." (let (result) (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((layer-sym (car layer)) (dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir)) (pkg-file (concat dir "packages.el"))) (when (file-exists-p pkg-file) (configuration-layer/load-file pkg-file) (let ((excl-var (intern (format "%s-excluded-packages" (symbol-name layer-sym))))) (when (boundp excl-var) (mapc (lambda (x) (push x result)) (eval excl-var))))))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//get-packages-or-extensions (layers file var) "Read the packages or extensions lists for all passed LAYERS and return a hash table of all packages where the key is a package symbol. FILE is a string with value `packages' or `extensions'. VAR is a string with value `packages', `pre-extensions' or `post-extensions'." (let ((result #s(hash-table size 512 data ()))) (ht-clear result) (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((layer-sym (car layer)) (dir (plist-get (cdr layer) :dir)) (pkg-file (concat dir (format "%s.el" file)))) (when (file-exists-p pkg-file) (configuration-layer/load-file pkg-file) (let* ((layer-name (symbol-name layer-sym)) (packages-var (intern (format "%s-%s" layer-name var)))) (when (boundp packages-var) (dolist (pkg (eval packages-var)) (puthash pkg (cons layer-sym (ht-get result pkg)) result))))))) (ht-copy result))) (defun configuration-layer/get-packages (layers) "Read `layer-packages' lists for all passed LAYERS and return a hash table of all packages where the key is a package symbol." (configuration-layer//get-packages-or-extensions layers "packages" "packages")) (defun configuration-layer/get-extensions (layers &optional pre) "Read `layer-pre-extensions' or `layer-post-extensions' lists for all passed LAYERS and return a hash table of all packages where the key is a package symbol. If PRE is non nil then `layer-pre-extensions' is read instead of `layer-post-extensions'." (let ((var (if pre "pre-extensions" "post-extensions"))) (configuration-layer//get-packages-or-extensions layers "extensions" var))) (defun configuration-layer//install-packages () "Install the packages all the packages if there are not currently installed." (interactive) (let* ((not-installed (remove-if 'package-installed-p configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted)) (not-installed-count (length not-installed))) ;; installation (if not-installed (progn (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "Found %s new package(s) to install...\n" not-installed-count)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "--> fetching new package repository indexes...\n") (redisplay) (package-refresh-contents) (setq installed-count 0) (dolist (pkg not-installed) (setq installed-count (1+ installed-count)) (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (format "--> installing %s:%s... [%s/%s]" (ht-get configuration-layer-all-packages pkg) pkg installed-count not-installed-count) t) (cond ((package-installed-p pkg)) ;; Check whether the package exists in the archives before attempting to install. ((assoc pkg package-archive-contents) (package-install pkg)) (t (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "\nPackage %s is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?\n" pkg)))) (redisplay)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\n"))))) (defun configuration-layer/update-packages () "Upgrade elpa packages" (interactive) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\nUpdating Spacemacs... (for now only ELPA packages are updated)\n") (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "--> fetching new package repository indexes...\n") (redisplay) (package-refresh-contents) (setq upgraded-count 0) (dolist (pkg configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted) ;; do not stop with errors on builtins and compilation fails (ignore-errors (let ((installed-version (configuration-layer//get-package-version pkg)) (newest-version (configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version pkg))) ;; (message "package - %s" pkg) ;; (message "installed - %s" installed-version) ;; (message "latest - %s" newest-version) (unless (version<= newest-version installed-version) (progn (setq upgraded-count (1+ upgraded-count)) (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (format "--> updating packge %s:%s (%s)..." (ht-get configuration-layer-all-packages pkg) pkg upgraded-count )) (redisplay) (configuration-layer//package-delete pkg) (package-install pkg) ))))) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format (concat (if (> upgraded-count 0) "\n" "") "--> %s packages updated.\n") upgraded-count)) (redisplay)) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-packages () "Initialize all the declared packages." (mapc (lambda (x) (configuration-layer//initialize-package x (ht-get configuration-layer-all-packages x))) configuration-layer-all-packages-sorted)) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-package (pkg layers) "Initialize the package PKG from the configuration layers LAYERS." (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" layer pkg)))) (spacemacs/loading-animation) (if (and (package-installed-p pkg) (fboundp init-func)) (progn (spacemacs/message "Package: Initializing %s:%s..." layer pkg) (if (version< emacs-version "24.4") ;; fake version list to always activate the package (package-activate pkg '(0 0 0 0)) (package-activate pkg)) (funcall init-func)))))) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-pre-extension (ext layers) "Initialize the pre-extensions EXT from configuration layers LAYERS." (configuration-layer//initialize-extension ext layers t)) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-extensions (ext-list &optional pre) "Initialize all the declared extensions in EXT-LIST hash table. If PRE is non nil then the extensions are pre-extensions." (let ((func (if pre 'configuration-layer//initialize-pre-extension 'configuration-layer//initialize-extension)) (hash (if pre configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions configuration-layer-all-post-extensions))) (mapc (lambda (x) (funcall func x (ht-get hash x))) ext-list))) (defun configuration-layer//initialize-extension (ext layers &optional pre) "Initialize the extension EXT from the configuration layers LAYERS. If PRE is non nil then the extension is a pre-extensions." (dolist (layer layers) (let* ((l (assq layer configuration-layer-layers)) (ext-dir (plist-get (cdr l) :ext-dir)) (init-func (intern (format "%s/init-%s" layer ext)))) (add-to-list 'load-path (format "%s%s/" ext-dir ext)) (spacemacs/loading-animation) (spacemacs/message "%s-extension: Initializing %s:%s..." (if pre "Pre" "Post") layer ext) (if (fboundp init-func) (funcall init-func))))) (defun configuration-layer//initialized-packages-count () "Return the number of initialized packages and extensions." (+ (ht-size configuration-layer-all-packages) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-pre-extensions) (ht-size configuration-layer-all-post-extensions))) (defun configuration-layer/declare-layers () "Declare default layers and user layers from the dotfile by filling the `configuration-layer-layers' variable." (setq configuration-layer-paths (configuration-layer//discover-layers)) (push (configuration-layer//declare-layer 'spacemacs) configuration-layer-layers) (mapc (lambda (layer) (push layer configuration-layer-layers)) (configuration-layer//declare-dotspacemacs-configuration-layers))) (defun configuration-layer//declare-dotspacemacs-configuration-layers () "Declare the configuration layer in order of appearance in list `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers' defined in ~/.spacemacs." ;; (message "layer paths: %s" configuration-layer-paths) (let (result '()) (if (boundp 'dotspacemacs-configuration-layers) (dolist (layer dotspacemacs-configuration-layers) (push (configuration-layer//declare-layer layer) result))) result)) (defun configuration-layer/get-layer-property (symlayer prop) "Return the value of the PROPerty for the given SYMLAYER symbol." (let* ((layer (assq symlayer configuration-layer-layers))) (plist-get (cdr layer) prop))) (defun configuration-layer//get-packages-dependencies () "Returns a hash map where key is a dependency package symbol and value is a list of all packages which depend on it." (let ((result #s(hash-table size 200 data ()))) (ht-clear result) (dolist (pkg package-alist) (let* ((pkg-sym (car pkg)) (deps (configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies pkg-sym))) (dolist (dep deps) (let* ((dep-sym (car dep)) (value (ht-get result dep-sym))) (puthash dep-sym (if value (add-to-list 'value pkg-sym) (list pkg-sym)) result))))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//get-implicit-packages () "Returns a list of all packages in `packages-alist' which are not found in `configuration-layer-all-packages'" (let ((imp-pkgs)) (dolist (pkg package-alist) (let ((pkg-sym (car pkg))) (if (not (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages pkg-sym)) (add-to-list 'imp-pkgs pkg-sym)))) imp-pkgs)) (defun configuration-layer//get-orphan-packages (implicit-pkgs dependencies) "Return a list of all orphan packages which are basically meant to be deleted safely." (let ((result '())) (dolist (imp-pkg implicit-pkgs) (if (configuration-layer//is-package-orphan imp-pkg dependencies) (add-to-list 'result imp-pkg))) result)) (defun configuration-layer//is-package-orphan (pkg dependencies) "Returns not nil if PKG is an orphan package." (if (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages pkg) nil (if (ht-contains? dependencies pkg) (let ((parents (ht-get dependencies pkg))) (reduce (lambda (x y) (and x y)) (mapcar (lambda (p) (configuration-layer//is-package-orphan p dependencies)) parents) :initial-value t)) (not (ht-contains? configuration-layer-all-packages pkg))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-dependencies (package) "Return the dependencies alist for PACKAGE." (let ((pkg (assq package package-alist))) (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.4") (aref (cdr pkg) 1)) (t (package-desc-reqs (cadr pkg)))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-package-version (package) "Return the version string for PACKAGE." (let ((pkg (or (assq package package-alist) (assq package package--builtins)))) (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.4") (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg) 0))) (t (package-version-join (package-desc-version (cadr pkg))))))) (defun configuration-layer//get-latest-package-version (package) "Return the version string for PACKAGE." (let ((pkg (assq package package-archive-contents))) (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.4") (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg) 0))) (t (package-version-join (package-desc-version (cadr pkg))))))) (defun configuration-layer//package-delete (package) "Delete the passed PACKAGE." (cond ((version< emacs-version "24.4") (package-delete (symbol-name package) (configuration-layer//get-package-version package))) (t (package-delete (cadr (assq package package-alist)))))) (defun configuration-layer/delete-orphan-packages () "Delete all the orphan packages." (interactive) (let* ((dependencies (configuration-layer//get-packages-dependencies)) (implicit-packages (configuration-layer//get-implicit-packages)) (orphans (configuration-layer//get-orphan-packages implicit-packages dependencies)) (orphans-count (length orphans))) ;; (message "dependencies: %s" dependencies) ;; (message "implicit: %s" implicit-packages) ;; (message "orphans: %s" orphans) (if orphans (progn ;; for the loading dot bar (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "OK!\n") (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "Found %s orphan package(s) to delete...\n" orphans-count)) (setq deleted-count 0) (dolist (orphan orphans) (setq deleted-count (1+ deleted-count)) (spacemacs/replace-last-line-of-buffer (format "--> deleting %s... [%s/%s]" orphan deleted-count orphans-count) t) (configuration-layer//package-delete orphan) (redisplay)) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer "\n")) (spacemacs/message "No orphan package to delete.")))) (defun configuration-layer/setup-after-init-hook () "Add post init processing." (add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda () (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "%s\n" spacemacs-loading-done-text)) ;; from jwiegley ;; https://github.com/jwiegley/dot-emacs/blob/master/init.el (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) emacs-start-time)))) (spacemacs/append-to-buffer (format "[%s packages loaded in %.3fs]\n" (configuration-layer//initialized-packages-count) elapsed))) ))) (provide 'configuration-layer)