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*** **Quick Install:** git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d **Table of Contents** - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Features](#features) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Getting Help](#getting-help) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Emacs](#emacs) - [Linux distros](#linux-distros) - [OS X](#os-x) - [Windows](#windows) - [Install](#install) - [Spacemacs logo](#spacemacs-logo) - [Update](#update) - [Automatic update](#automatic-update) - [On develop branch](#on-develop-branch) - [Revert to a specific version](#revert-to-a-specific-version) - [Contributions](#contributions) - [License](#license) - [Supporting Spacemacs](#supporting-spacemacs) # Introduction Spacemacs is a new way to experience Emacs -- a sophisticated and polished set-up focused on ergonomics, mnemonics and consistency. Just clone it, launch it, then press the space bar to explore the interactive list of carefully-chosen key bindings. You can also press the home buffer's `[?]` button for some great first key bindings to try. Spacemacs can be used naturally by both Emacs and Vim users -- you can even mix the two editing styles. Switching easily between input styles makes Spacemacs a great tool for pair-programming. Spacemacs is currently in beta, and contributions are very welcome. ![spacemacs_python](doc/img/spacemacs-python.png) # Features - **Great documentation:** Access documentation in Emacs with SPC f e h - **Beautiful GUI:** you'll love the distraction free UI and its functional mode-line. - **Excellent ergonomics:** all the key bindings are accessible by pressing the space bar or alt-m. - **Mnemonic key bindings:** commands have mnemonic prefixes like SPC b for all the buffer commands or SPC p for the project commands. - **Batteries included:** discover hundreds of ready-to-use packages nicely organised in configuration layers following a set of [conventions][CONVENTIONS.org]. # Documentation A comprehensive documentation is available for each layer by pressing SPC f e h. To go to the general documentation [click here][DOCUMENTATION.org]. You can also check the [Quick Start guide][QUICK_START.org] and the [FAQ][FAQ.org]. # Getting Help If you need help, ask your question in the [Gitter Chat][] and a member of the community will help you out. If you prefer IRC, connect to the [Gitter Chat IRC server][] and join the `#syl20bnr/spacemacs` channel. # Prerequisites ## Emacs Spacemacs is operational with Emacs 24.3 but Emacs 24.4 and above are recommended to enjoy the full experience. Some modes require third-party tools that you'll have to install via your favorite package manager. ### Linux distros Install Emacs from the package manager of your Linux distribution. You should install the "emacs" package, not the "xemacs" package. XEmacs is an old fork of Emacs. The X in its name is unrelated to X11. Both Emacs and XEmacs have graphical support. ### OS X We recommend the homebrew [emacs-mac-port][] formula: ```sh $ brew tap railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport $ brew install emacs-mac --with-spacemacs-icon # OR, brew cask install emacs-mac ``` It is also recommended to add the [osx layer][] to your [dotfile][]: ```elisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(osx)) ``` Note that the `emacs-mac-port` server behaves differently than the regular Emacs server. Details can be found on the emacs-mac-port [README][emacs-mac-port-server]. ### Windows Good quality builds can be found [on this page][emacs-for-windows]. It is recommended to install the most stable build. Be sure to declare a environment variable named `HOME` pointing to your user directory `C:\Users\`. Then you can clone Spacemacs in this directory. Sometimes you'll get the following error when you first start Emacs: ``` The directory ~/.emacs.d/server is unsafe ``` To fix it change the owner of the directory `~/.emacs.d/server`: - from Properties select the Tab “Security”, - select the button “Advanced”, - select the Tab “Owner” - change the owner to your account name Source: [Stackoverflow][so-server-unsafe] For efficient searches we recommend to install `pt` ([the platinum searcher][]). `pt` version 1.7.7 or higher is required. # Install 1. If you have an existing Emacs configuration, back it up first: ```sh cd ~ mv .emacs.d .emacs.bak ``` 2. Clone the repository: ```sh git clone --recursive https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d ``` `master` is the stable branch and it is _immutable_, **DO NOT** make any modification to it or you will break the update mechanism. If you want to fork Spacemacs safely use the `develop` branch where you handle the update manually. 3. Launch Emacs. Spacemacs will automatically install the packages it requires. 4. Restart Emacs to complete the installation. If the mode-line turns red then be sure to visit the [troubleshooting][troubleshoot] guide and consult the [FAQ][FAQ.org]. ## Spacemacs logo If you are using Ubuntu and Unity then you can add the Spacemacs logo by following the instructions [here][cpaulik-unity-icon]. If you're on a mac follow [these instructions][icon-mac-instructions]. You can find an .icns version of the logo by [Nasser Alshammari](http://www.nass3r.com) in [his repository][icon-repository]. # Update Spacemacs has a built-in notification of a new version when you are on the `master` branch. If you are on the `develop` branch then you'll have to update Spacemacs manually by updating your repository. ## Automatic update When a new version is available a little arrow appears in the mode-line. Its color depends on the number of versions available since your last update. Green means that your current version is recent, orange and red that your current version is older. ![powerline_update](doc/img/powerline-update.png) Click on the arrow to update Spacemacs to the last version. ## On develop branch 1. Update Emacs packages by clicking (press `RET`) on the `[Update]` link of the starting page. 2. Close Emacs and update the git repository: ```sh git pull --rebase ``` 3. Restart Emacs to complete the upgrade. ## Revert to a specific version To revert to a specific version you just have to checkout the corresponding branch, for instance to revert to the last `0.103`: ```sh git checkout origin/release-0.103 ``` # Contributions Spacemacs is a community-driven project, it needs _you_ to keep it up to date and propose useful and complete configuration! Before contributing be sure to consult the [contribution guidelines][CONTRIBUTE.org] and [conventions][CONVENTIONS.org]. # License The license is GPLv3 for all parts specific to Spacemacs, this includes: - the initialization and core files - all the layer files. - the documentation For the packages shipped in this repository you can refer to the files header. [Spacemacs logo][] by [Nasser Alshammari][] released under a Creative Commons license. # Supporting Spacemacs The best way to support Spacemacs is to contribute to it either by reporting bugs, helping the community on the [Gitter Chat][] or sending pull requests. If you want to show your support financially you can buy a drink to the maintainer by clicking on the [Paypal badge](#top). Thank you ! [Twitter]: http://i.imgur.com/tXSoThF.png [CONTRIBUTE.org]: doc/CONTRIBUTE.org [CONVENTIONS.org]: doc/CONVENTIONS.org [DOCUMENTATION.org]: doc/DOCUMENTATION.org [QUICK_START.org]: doc/QUICK_START.org [FAQ.org]: doc/FAQ.org [HOWTOs.org]: doc/HOWTOs.org [VIMUSERS.org]: doc/VIMUSERS.org [dotfile]: doc/DOCUMENTATION.org#dotfile-configuration [troubleshoot]: doc/DOCUMENTATION.org#troubleshoot [osx layer]: layers/osx/README.org [Gitter Chat]: https://gitter.im/syl20bnr/spacemacs [Gitter Chat IRC server]: https://irc.gitter.im/ [emacs-mac-port]: https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport [emacs-mac-port-server]: https://github.com/railwaycat/emacs-mac-port/blob/master/README-mac#L210-L213 [emacs-for-windows]: http://emacsbinw64.sourceforge.net/ [the platinum searcher]: https://github.com/monochromegane/the_platinum_searcher [so-server-unsafe]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885793/emacs-error-when-calling-server-start [Spacemacs logo]: https://github.com/nashamri/spacemacs-logo [Nasser Alshammari]: https://github.com/nashamri [cpaulik-unity-icon]: http://splendidabacus.com/posts/2015/03/spacemacs-unity-icon/ [icon-mac-instructions]: http://www.idownloadblog.com/2014/07/16/how-to-change-app-icon-mac/ [icon-repository]: https://github.com/nashamri/spacemacs-logo