;;; deps-install-helpers.el --- Spacemacs layers deps. install helpers File ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Eugene "JAremko" Yaremenko ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (require 'cl-lib) (require 'package) (load (format (concat "%s/.emacs.d/" "layers/+distributions/spacemacs-docker/" "config.el") (getenv "UHOME")) nil t) (defvar silent nil "If non-nil disable verbose command and `!' print logging.") ;; Don't do this if we are evaluating buffer. (when load-file-name (package-initialize) (unless (file-directory-p spacemacs-docker-temp-deps-elpa-dir) (message "Getting dependencies for the scripts...") (mkdir spacemacs-docker-temp-deps-elpa-dir t) (let ((package-archives '(("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))) (package-user-dir spacemacs-docker-temp-deps-elpa-dir)) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 's) (package-install 'dash) (package-install 'f))) (let ((default-directory spacemacs-docker-temp-deps-elpa-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (require 'dash) (require 'f) (require 's) (defalias 'l 'list) (defalias 'v 'vector) (defalias 'dir 'file-name-as-directory) (defalias 'file 'directory-file-name) (defmacro install (&rest packages) "Install PACKAGES." `(when (-non-nil ',packages) (bash-command-to-string (format "apt-get update && apt-get install %s" (mapconcat 'symbol-name ',packages " "))))) (defmacro uninstall (&rest packages) "Uninstall PACKAGES." `(when (-non-nil ',packages) (bash-command-to-string (format "apt-get remove %s" (mapconcat 'symbol-name ',packages " "))) (cleanup))) (defun cleanup () "Clean package repository cache and dependencies." (bash-command-to-string "apt-get autoremove") (bash-command-to-string "apt-get clean") (bash-command-to-string "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*")) (defun set-glob-env (variable &optional value) "Set value of VARIABLE to VALUE with `setenv' and in the `spacemacs-docker-env-fp' file (remove if VALUE nil). Create constant $VARIABLE with value VALUE and return its symbol." (when variable (with-temp-file spacemacs-docker-env-fp (insert-file-contents spacemacs-docker-env-fp) (goto-char (point-min)) (delete-matching-lines (format "^%s=.*" variable)) (setenv variable value) (when value (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "%s=\"%s\"\n" variable value))) (goto-char (point-min)))) (! `("Set global variable \"%s\" to \"%s\"" ,variable ,value)) (eval `(defconst ,(intern (concat "$" variable)) ,value))) (defun get-glob-env (variable) "Get value of VARIABLE in `spacemacs-docker-env-fp' file and create $VARIABLE constant. Return its value (nil if VARIABLE not present.)" (when variable (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents spacemacs-docker-env-fp) (goto-char (point-max)) (let ((res)) (when (re-search-backward (format "^%s=\"\\(.*\\)\"$" variable) nil t 1) (setq res (match-string 1))) (! `("Get global variable \"%s\" value is \"%s\"" ,variable ,res)) (symbol-value (eval `(defconst ,(intern (concat "$" variable)) ,res))))))) (defun set-glob-envs (&rest var-val-alists) "Call `set-glob-env' for each (variable . value) in VAR-VAL-ALISTS." (when var-val-alists (dolist (vva var-val-alists) (set-glob-env (car vva) (cdr vva))))) (defun append-glob-var-val (var separator &rest vals) "Add VALS to the value of VAR variable in the `spacemacs-docker-env-fp' file end export it with `set-glob-env'. Use SEPARATOR to separate val (i.e. \":\" in PATH). NOTE: Duplicates are removed." (let* ((old-val (get-glob-env var)) (new-val (mapconcat 'identity (-non-nil (cons old-val vals)) separator)) (res-val (mapconcat 'identity (cl-remove-duplicates (split-string new-val separator) :test 'string=) separator))) (set-glob-env var res-val))) (defun add-glob-paths (&rest paths) "Add PATHS to the value of PATH variable with `append-glob-var-val'." (apply 'append-glob-var-val "PATH" ":" paths)) (defun $ (&rest cmds) "Apply `bash-command-to-string' to each CMD in CMDS. Return the last result." (let ((retval nil)) (dolist (cmd cmds retval) (setq retval (bash-command-to-string cmd))))) (defun ! (msg) "Print MSG unless `silent' is non-nil." (unless silent (princ (if (s-ends-with? msg "\n") msg (s-append msg "\n"))))) ;; Fix Docker build log mangling. (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook (lambda () (princ "\n"))) (defun flatten-smart-string (cmd) "Return CMD if it's a string. (apply 'format cmd) if it's a list and Recursivly applay itself to the each element of CMD if it's a vector and then concat to string. NOTE: \"smart\" like in \"smart code\"." (cond ((stringp cmd) cmd) ((vectorp cmd) (mapconcat 'flatten-smart-string cmd " ")) ((consp cmd) (apply 'format cmd)))) (defun flatten-smart-string-filter-args (args) "Map `flatten-smart-string' to each ARG in ARGS and return the result." (mapcar 'flatten-smart-string args)) (defun rm (&rest paths) "Force delete PATHS." (dolist (path paths) (dolist (exp-path (f-glob path)) (! `("Deleting \"%s\"" ,exp-path)) (f-delete exp-path t)))) (defun mkdirp (&rest dirs) "Make each DIR in DIRS and their parents." (dolist (dir dirs) (! `("Creating directory \"%s\"" ,(f-expand dir))) (make-directory (f-expand dir) t))) (defun mv (from to) "Move file or dir FROM TO." (dolist (item (f-glob from)) (! `("Moving \"%s\" to \"%s\"" ,item ,to)) (f-move item to))) (defun cp (from to) "Copy file or dir FROM TO." (dolist (item (f-glob from)) (! `("Copy \"%s\" to \"%s\"" ,item ,to)) (f-copy item to))) (dolist (func '(touch ! $ cd rm mv cp mkdirp)) (advice-add func :filter-args #'flatten-smart-string-filter-args)) (defun bash-command-to-string (command) "Run COMMAND with bash and return its output. NOTE: Throws error if COMMAND returned non zero code." (when command (! `("Command:\n%s" ,command)) (with-temp-buffer (let* ((exit-code (call-process "/bin/bash" nil (current-buffer) nil "-c" command)) (rets (buffer-string))) (unless (= exit-code 0) (error (format (concat "Command:\n/bin/bash -c %s\n" "Output:\n%s\n" "Returned non-zero code(%s)\n") command rets exit-code))) (! `("Output:\n%s" ,(if (s-blank-str? rets) "" rets))) rets)))) (defmacro with-build-dir (spec &rest body) "Create PATH folder, set is as `default-directory', bind VAR to PATH and evaluate BODY into return value. Then remove the folder and set `default-directory' to PATH parent folder. Remove folder if BODY throws error. \(fn (VAR PATH) BODY...)" (declare (indent 1)) `(let ((,(car spec) ,(cadr spec))) (mkdir ,(car spec) t) (cd ,(car spec)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (cd (file-name-directory (directory-file-name ,(car spec)))) (delete-directory ,(car spec) t)))) (defmacro with-installed (packages &rest body) "Makes sure that the packages from PACKAGES list are installed during BODY evaluation and return its value. Remove newly installed packages if BODY throws error." (declare (indent 1)) `(let* ((pkgs (sort (cl-remove-duplicates (mapcar 'symbol-name '(,@packages))) 'string<)) (pkgs-only-installed (let ((silent t)) (split-string (bash-command-to-string ;; FIXME: Make it properly detect packages ;; removed with apt-get remove as absent. (format (mapconcat 'identity '("pkgs=(%s)" "for pkg in \"${pkgs[@]}\"; do" " sudo dpkg -s $pkg >/dev/null 2>&1 && {" " printf \"$pkg \"" " }" "done" "printf \"\\n\"") "\n") (mapconcat 'identity pkgs " "))))))) ;; (setq installed (cons pkg installed))) (dolist (pkg pkgs-only-installed) (setq pkgs (remove pkg pkgs))) (let ((new-pkgs (mapconcat 'identity pkgs " "))) (if (not (s-blank-str? new-pkgs)) (progn (bash-command-to-string (format "apt-get update && apt-get install %s" new-pkgs)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (progn (bash-command-to-string (format "apt-get purge %s" new-pkgs)) (cleanup)))) ,@body)))) (defun expose-all-glob-envs () "Get values and names of all variables specified in `spacemacs-docker-env-fp' file and for each create $VARIABLE symbol and bind(as constant) it to the variable's value. Also export them." (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents spacemacs-docker-env-fp) (goto-char (point-max)) (while (re-search-backward "^\\(.+\\)=\"\\(.+\\)\"$" nil t) (eval `(defconst ,(intern (concat "$" (match-string 1))) ,(match-string 2))) (setenv (match-string 1) (match-string 2))))) (setq silent (let ((silent t))(get-glob-env "SILENT_INSTALL"))) (defun dotfile-append-sexp-to-defun (regexp comment sexp) "Append COMMENT and SEXP to the end of the first defun that matched REGEXP in the `spacemacs-docker-dotfile-fp'." (! (v "Appending:\n%s\n%s\nTo:\n%s\n" comment sexp regexp)) (with-temp-file spacemacs-docker-dotfile-fp (insert-file-contents spacemacs-docker-dotfile-fp) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward regexp nil nil 1) (end-of-defun) (goto-char (- (point) 2)) (insert (format "\n ;;%s\n %s" comment sexp)))) (defalias 'append-to-user-init (apply-partially 'dotfile-append-sexp-to-defun "\(defun dotspacemacs/user-init") "Append COMMENT and SEXP to the end of dotspacemacs/user-init \(fn COMMENT SEXP)") (defalias 'append-to-user-config (apply-partially 'dotfile-append-sexp-to-defun "\(defun dotspacemacs/user-config") "Append COMMENT and SEXP to the end of dotspacemacs/user-config \(fn COMMENT SEXP)") (defun dotfile-has-symbol-p (symbol) "Return t if SYMBOL present in the `spacemacs-docker-dotfile-fp' ignoring comments and docstrings." (let ((name (symbol-name symbol))) (with-temp-buffer (cl-block nil (insert-file-contents spacemacs-docker-dotfile-fp) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward (regexp-quote name) nil t) (goto-char (- (point) 1)) ;; Not at string or a comment. (when (and (not (or(nth 3 (syntax-ppss)) (nth 4 (syntax-ppss)))) (string= (thing-at-point 'symbol t) name)) (cl-return t))))))) (defun get-config (config-varible) "Return used Spacemacs layer CONFIG-VARIABLE value." (cdr (assoc config-varible used-layers-configs))) (defun layer-used-p (layer) "Return t if LAYER is used." (member-ignore-case (if (symbolp layer) (symbol-name layer) layer) (mapcar 'symbol-name used-layers))) (defun layer-installer-excluded-p (layer) "Return t if LAYER dependencies installer excluded in .spacemacs. EXAMPLE: (pandoc :variables pandoc-spacemacs-docker-disable-deps-install t)" (get-config (intern (format "%s-spacemacs-docker-disable-deps-install" (if (symbolp layer) (symbol-name layer) layer))))) ;; Don't do this if we are evaluating buffer. (when load-file-name ;; Add common env variables to /etc/environment. (dolist (genv '("UNAME" "GNAME" "UHOME" "UID" "GID" "WORKSPACE" "SHELL")) (let ((silent t))(unless (get-glob-env genv) (set-glob-env genv (getenv genv))))) ;; Generate loadable file with Spacemacs configs. (unless (file-readable-p spacemacs-docker-dump-layer-data-fp) (message "Generating %s file..." spacemacs-docker-dump-layer-data-fp) (let ((silent t) (uname (get-glob-env "UNAME"))) ;; Make sure that the env user is configured. ($ "asEnvUser true" (l "chown $UNAME:$GNAME %s" spacemacs-docker-temp-deps-dir) (v (l "su-exec %s emacs -batch -u %s" uname uname) "-f spacemacs-docker//dump-layers-data")))) (load spacemacs-docker-dump-layer-data-fp nil t) (expose-all-glob-envs))