;;; core-toggles.el --- Spacemacs Core File ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner ;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (require 'core-funcs) (defvar spacemacs-toggles '() "List of all declared toggles. The structure of an element is a property list (name :func FUNCTION :doc STRING :key STRING).") (defmacro spacemacs|add-toggle (name &rest props) "Add a toggle with NAME symbol. Avaiblabe PROPS: `:status EXPRESSION' The EXPRESSION to evaluate to get the current status of the toggle. `:if EXPRESSION' If this EXPRESSION evaluate to nil then no attempt to update the toggle status will be performed. `:on BODY' Evaluate BODY when the toggle is switched on. `:off BODY' Evaluate BODY when the toggle is switched off. `:documentation STRING' STRING describes what the toggle does. `:evil-leader STRING' A key sequence string to be set with `evil-leader/set-key'. `:evil-leader-for-mode CONS CELL' A cons cell (MODE . KEY) where MODE is a major-mode symbol and KEY is a key sequence string to be set with `evil-leader/set-key-for-mode'. `:global-key STRING' A key sequence string to be set with `global-set-key'. `:define-key CONS CELL' A cons cell (MAP . KEY) where MAP is a mode map and KEY is a key sequence string to be set with `define-key'. " (let* ((wrapper-func (intern (format "spacemacs/toggle-%s" (symbol-name name)))) (status (plist-get props :status)) (condition (plist-get props :if)) (doc (plist-get props :documentation)) (on-body (spacemacs/mplist-get props :on)) (off-body (spacemacs/mplist-get props :off)) (evil-leader (plist-get props :evil-leader)) (evil-leader-for-mode (plist-get props :evil-leader-for-mode)) (global-key (plist-get props :global-key)) (def-key (plist-get props :define-key))) (push (append (list name) (list :function wrapper-func) props) spacemacs-toggles) `(progn ;; toggle function (defun ,wrapper-func () ,(format "Toggle %s on and off." (symbol-name name)) (interactive) ;; we evaluate condition and status only if they are a list or ;; a bound symbol (if (or (null ',condition) (and (or (and (symbolp ',condition) (boundp ',condition)) (listp ',condition)) ,condition)) (if (and (or (and (symbolp ',status) (boundp ',status)) (listp ',status)) ,status) (progn ,@off-body) ,@on-body) (message "This toggle is not supported."))) ;; key bindings (when ,evil-leader (evil-leader/set-key ,evil-leader ',wrapper-func)) (when ,evil-leader-for-mode (evil-leader/set-key-for-mode '(car ,evil-leader-for-mode) (cdr ,evil-leader-for-mode) ',wrapper-func)) (when ,global-key (global-set-key (kbd ,global-key) ',wrapper-func)) (when ,def-key (define-key (car ,def-key) (kbd ,(cdr def-key)) ',wrapper-func))))) (provide 'core-toggles)