(setq osx-packages '( pbcopy reveal-in-finder )) (when (system-is-mac) ;; Note: `delete-by-moving-to-trash' is set to true globaly in ;; `spacemacs/config.el' ;; (setq trash-directory "~/.Trash/emacs") ; bare minimum ;; Use `trash' cli tool, if installed. ;; See brew info trash (or osx-tools) ;; otherwise, enable built-in support for trashing using Finder API (if (executable-find "trash") (defun system-move-file-to-trash (file) "Use `trash' to move FILE to the system/volume trash can. Can be installed with `brew install trash'." (call-process (executable-find "trash") nil 0 nil file)) (setq mac-system-move-file-to-trash-use-finder t)) ;; Use `gls' if `coreutils' was installed prefixed ('g') otherwise, leave ;; alone. Manually add to config `(setq dired-use-ls-dired nil)' to surpesss ;; warnings, when not using `coreutils' version of 'ls' on OS X. ;; See brew info coreutils (when (executable-find "gls") ;; maybe absolute or relative name of the `ls' program used by ;; `insert-directory'. (setq insert-directory-program "gls" dired-listing-switches "-aBhl --group-directories-first") )) (defun osx/init-pbcopy () (use-package pbcopy :if (and (system-is-mac)(not (display-graphic-p))) :init (turn-on-pbcopy))) (defun osx/init-reveal-in-finder () (use-package reveal-in-finder :if (system-is-mac) :commands reveal-in-finder))