;;; packages.el --- geolocation configuration File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Uri Sharf ;; URL: https://github.com/usharf/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (setq geolocation-packages '( osx-location popwin rase sunshine theme-changer )) (defun geolocation/init-osx-location () "Initialize osx-location" (use-package osx-location :if geolocation-enable-location-service :defer t :init (progn (when (spacemacs/system-is-mac) (add-hook 'osx-location-changed-hook (lambda () (let ((location-changed-p nil) (_longitude (/ (truncate (* osx-location-longitude 10)) 10.0)) ; one decimal point, no rounding (_latitdue (/ (truncate (* osx-location-latitude 10)) 10.0))) (unless (equal (bound-and-true-p calendar-longitude) _longitude) (setq calendar-longitude _longitude location-changed-p t)) (unless (equal (bound-and-true-p calendar-latitude) _latitdue) (setq calendar-latitude _latitdue location-changed-p t)) (when (and (configuration-layer/layer-usedp 'geolocation) location-changed-p) (message "Location changed %s %s (restarting rase-timer)" calendar-latitude calendar-longitude) (rase-start t) )))) (osx-location-watch))))) (defun geolocation/init-rase () (use-package rase :defer t :init (progn (add-hook 'osx-location-changed-hook (lambda () (setq calendar-latitude osx-location-latitude calendar-longitude osx-location-longitude) (unless (bound-and-true-p calendar-location-name) (setq calendar-location-name (format "%s, %s" osx-location-latitude osx-location-longitude))))) (osx-location-watch) (defadvice rase-start (around test-calendar activate) "Don't call `raise-start' if `calendar-latitude' or `calendar-longitude' are not bound yet, or still nil. This is setup this way because `rase.el' does not test these values, and will fail under such conditions, when calling `solar.el' functions. Also, it allows users who enabled service such as `osx-location' to not have to set these variables manually when enabling this layer." (if (and (bound-and-true-p calendar-longitude) (bound-and-true-p calendar-latitude)) ad-do-it)) (rase-start t) ))) (defun geolocation/init-sunshine () "Initialize sunshine" (use-package sunshine :if geolocation-enable-weather-forecast :commands (sunshine-forecast sunshine-quick-forecast) :init (progn (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "aw" 'sunshine-forecast "aW" 'sunshine-quick-forecast)) :config (progn (evilified-state-evilify-map sunshine-mode-map :mode sunshine-mode :bindings (kbd "q") 'quit-window (kbd "i") 'sunshine-toggle-icons) ;; just in case location was not set by user, or on OS X, ;; if wasn't set up automatically, will not work with Emac's ;; default for ;; `calendar-location-name' (when (not (boundp 'sunshine-location)) (setq sunshine-location (format "%s, %s" calendar-latitude calendar-longitude))) ))) (defun geolocation/init-theme-changer () "Initialize theme-changer" (use-package theme-changer :if geolocation-enable-automatic-theme-changer :init (progn (defun geolocation//activate-theme-changer () (when (> (length dotspacemacs-themes) 1) (change-theme (nth 0 dotspacemacs-themes) (nth 1 dotspacemacs-themes))) ) (spacemacs/defer-until-after-user-config #'geolocation//activate-theme-changer) ) ) ) (defun geolocation/post-init-popwin () ;; Pin the weather forecast to the bottom window (push '("*Sunshine*" :dedicated t :position bottom) popwin:special-display-config))