#+TITLE: Configuration layers * Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport: - [[#this-file-is-auto-generated][THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED]] - [[#chats][Chats]] - [[#erc][Erc]] - [[#jabber][Jabber]] - [[#rcirc][Rcirc]] - [[#slack][Slack]] - [[#checkers][Checkers]] - [[#spell-checking][Spell checking]] - [[#syntax-checking][Syntax checking]] - [[#completion][Completion]] - [[#auto-completion][Auto-completion]] - [[#helm][Helm]] - [[#ivy][Ivy]] - [[#templates][Templates]] - [[#e-mail][E-mail]] - [[#gnus][Gnus]] - [[#mu4e][Mu4e]] - [[#notmuch][Notmuch]] - [[#emacs][Emacs]] - [[#better-defaults][Better defaults]] - [[#ibuffer][Ibuffer]] - [[#org][Org]] - [[#semantic][Semantic]] - [[#smex][Smex]] - [[#typography][Typography]] - [[#file-trees][File trees]] - [[#neotree][Neotree]] - [[#treemacs][Treemacs]] - [[#fonts][Fonts]] - [[#unicode-fonts][Unicode-fonts]] - [[#fun][Fun]] - [[#emoji][Emoji]] - [[#games][Games]] - [[#selectric][Selectric]] - [[#xkcd][Xkcd]] - [[#internationalization][Internationalization]] - [[#chinese][Chinese]] - [[#japanese][Japanese]] - [[#keyboard-layout][Keyboard-layout]] - [[#miscellaneous][Miscellaneous]] - [[#copy-as-format][Copy-as-format]] - [[#ietf][Ietf]] - [[#multiple-cursors][Multiple-cursors]] - [[#nlinum][Nlinum]] - [[#parinfer][Parinfer]] - [[#spacemacs-completion][Spacemacs-completion]] - [[#spacemacs-defaults][Spacemacs-defaults]] - [[#spacemacs-editing][Spacemacs-editing]] - [[#spacemacs-editing-visual][Spacemacs-editing-visual]] - [[#spacemacs-evil][Spacemacs-evil]] - [[#spacemacs-language][Spacemacs-language]] - [[#spacemacs-layouts][Spacemacs-layouts]] - [[#spacemacs-misc][Spacemacs-misc]] - [[#spacemacs-modeline][Spacemacs-modeline]] - [[#spacemacs-navigation][Spacemacs-navigation]] - [[#spacemacs-org][Spacemacs-org]] - [[#spacemacs-project][Spacemacs-project]] - [[#spacemacs-purpose][Spacemacs-purpose]] - [[#spacemacs-visual][Spacemacs-visual]] - [[#music][Music]] - [[#alda-layer][Alda layer]] - [[#spotify][Spotify]] - [[#operating-systems][Operating systems]] - [[#nixos][Nixos]] - [[#osx][Osx]] - [[#pair-programming][Pair programming]] - [[#floobits][Floobits]] - [[#programming-languages][Programming languages]] - [[#domain-specific-dsls][Domain-specific (DSLs)]] - [[#coq][Coq]] - [[#ess-r][Ess (r)]] - [[#extra-languages][Extra languages]] - [[#faust][Faust]] - [[#gpu][Gpu]] - [[#octave][Octave]] - [[#prolog][Prolog]] - [[#sql][Sql]] - [[#lisp-dialects][Lisp dialects]] - [[#clojure][Clojure]] - [[#common-lisp][Common lisp]] - [[#emacs-lisp][Emacs lisp]] - [[#scheme][Scheme]] - [[#markup--configuration][Markup & configuration]] - [[#asciidoc][Asciidoc]] - [[#bibtex][Bibtex]] - [[#csv][Csv]] - [[#dhall][Dhall]] - [[#graphviz][Graphviz]] - [[#html][Html]] - [[#json][Json]] - [[#jsonnet][Jsonnet]] - [[#latex][Latex]] - [[#markdown][Markdown]] - [[#plantuml][Plantuml]] - [[#restructuredtext][Restructuredtext]] - [[#semantic-web][Semantic web]] - [[#yaml][Yaml]] - [[#yang][Yang]] - [[#scripting][Scripting]] - [[#autohotkey][Autohotkey]] - [[#shell-scripts][Shell scripts]] - [[#vimscript-language][Vimscript language]] - [[#windows-scripting][Windows scripting]] - [[#frameworks][Frameworks]] - [[#django][Django]] - [[#emberjs][Emberjs]] - [[#phoenix][Phoenix]] - [[#react][React]] - [[#ruby-on-rails][Ruby on rails]] - [[#general-purpose][General-purpose]] - [[#imperative][Imperative]] - [[#asm][Asm]] - [[#forth][Forth]] - [[#multi-paradigm][Multi-paradigm]] - [[#c][C#]] - [[#cc][C/c++]] - [[#crystal][Crystal]] - [[#d-language][D language]] - [[#dart][Dart]] - [[#elixir][Elixir]] - [[#erlang][Erlang]] - [[#f][F#]] - [[#factor-layer][Factor layer]] - [[#go][Go]] - [[#groovy][Groovy]] - [[#hy][Hy]] - [[#java][Java]] - [[#jr-concurrent-programming-language][Jr concurrent programming language]] - [[#julia][Julia]] - [[#kotlin][Kotlin]] - [[#lua][Lua]] - [[#nim][Nim]] - [[#ocaml][Ocaml]] - [[#pact][Pact]] - [[#perl5][Perl5]] - [[#perl6][Perl6]] - [[#php][Php]] - [[#python][Python]] - [[#racket][Racket]] - [[#reasonml][Reasonml]] - [[#ruby][Ruby]] - [[#rust][Rust]] - [[#scala][Scala]] - [[#sml][Sml]] - [[#swift][Swift]] - [[#javascript-dialects][JavaScript dialects]] - [[#coffeescript][Coffeescript]] - [[#javascript][Javascript]] - [[#purescript][Purescript]] - [[#typescript][Typescript]] - [[#purely-functional][Purely functional]] - [[#agda][Agda]] - [[#elm][Elm]] - [[#haskell][Haskell]] - [[#idris][Idris]] - [[#utilities][Utilities]] - [[#dotnet][Dotnet]] - [[#ipython-notebook][Ipython notebook]] - [[#protocol-buffers][Protocol buffers]] - [[#sailfish-os-developer][Sailfish os developer]] - [[#readers][Readers]] - [[#dash][Dash]] - [[#deft][Deft]] - [[#elfeed][Elfeed]] - [[#epub][Epub]] - [[#pdf][Pdf]] - [[#speed-reading][Speed reading]] - [[#source-control][Source control]] - [[#git][Git]] - [[#github][Github]] - [[#perforce][Perforce]] - [[#version-control][Version-control]] - [[#spacemacs][Spacemacs]] - [[#distributions][Distributions]] - [[#spacemacs-distribution][Spacemacs distribution]] - [[#spacemacs-base-distribution][Spacemacs-base distribution]] - [[#spacemacs-bootstrap-distribution][Spacemacs-bootstrap distribution]] - [[#spacemacs-docker-distribution][Spacemacs-docker distribution]] - [[#tagging][Tagging]] - [[#cscope][Cscope]] - [[#helm-gtags][Helm gtags]] - [[#themes][Themes]] - [[#colors][Colors]] - [[#nyan-mode][Nyan-mode]] - [[#themes-megapack][Themes megapack]] - [[#theming][Theming]] - [[#tools][Tools]] - [[#ansible][Ansible]] - [[#bm][Bm]] - [[#cfengine][Cfengine]] - [[#chrome][Chrome]] - [[#cmake][Cmake]] - [[#command-log][Command-log]] - [[#dap][Dap]] - [[#debug][Debug]] - [[#docker][Docker]] - [[#fasd][Fasd]] - [[#finance][Finance]] - [[#geolocation][Geolocation]] - [[#imenu-list][Imenu-list]] - [[#import-js][Import-js]] - [[#lsp][Lsp]] - [[#nginx][Nginx]] - [[#node][Node]] - [[#pandoc][Pandoc]] - [[#pass][Pass]] - [[#prettier][Prettier]] - [[#prodigy][Prodigy]] - [[#puppet][Puppet]] - [[#ranger][Ranger]] - [[#rebox][Rebox]] - [[#restclient][Restclient]] - [[#saltstack][Saltstack]] - [[#shell][Shell]] - [[#sphinx][Sphinx]] - [[#systemd][Systemd]] - [[#tern][Tern]] - [[#terraform][Terraform]] - [[#tmux][Tmux]] - [[#transmission][Transmission]] - [[#vagrant][Vagrant]] - [[#web-beautify][Web-beautify]] - [[#xclipboard][Xclipboard]] - [[#ycmd][Ycmd]] - [[#vim][Vim]] - [[#evil-commentary][Evil-commentary]] - [[#evil-snipe][Evil-snipe]] - [[#vim-empty-lines][Vim-empty-lines]] - [[#vinegar][Vinegar]] - [[#web-services][Web services]] - [[#confluence][Confluence]] - [[#evernote][Evernote]] - [[#search-engine][Search engine]] - [[#twitter][Twitter]] - [[#wakatime][Wakatime]] * THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED Don't edit it directly. See "README.org tags" section of CONTRIBUTING.org for instructions. * Chats ** Erc [[file:+chat/erc/README.org][+chat/erc/README.org]] Layer for [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ERC][ERC IRC chat]]. Features: - Highlight nicks (using [[https://github.com/leathekd/erc-hl-nicks][erc-hl-nicks]]) - Image inline support (using [[https://github.com/kidd/erc-image.el][erc-image]]) - Logging to =~/.emacs.d/.cache/erc-logs= and =ViewLogMode= for viewing logs (using [[https://github.com/Niluge-KiWi/erc-view-log][erc-view-log]]) - YouTube videos Thumbnails inline (using [[https://github.com/yhvh/erc-yt][erc-yt]]) - Social Graph for ERC messages (using [[https://github.com/vibhavp/erc-social-graph][erc-social-graph]]) - Optional SASL authentication via the variable =erc-enable-sasl-auth= (using [[http://emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcSASL][erc-sasl]]) - D-BUS notifications via the variable =erc-enable-notifications= - Completion of Emojis using [[https://github.com/dunn/company-emoji][company-emoji]] (still needs a way of showing, either using the =emoji= layer or having a proper font) :clap: ** Jabber [[file:+chat/jabber/README.org][+chat/jabber/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Jabber (XMPP) client for Emacs Features: - Use Jabber without having to leave Spacemacs ** Rcirc [[file:+chat/rcirc/README.org][+chat/rcirc/README.org]] This layer provide support for [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/rcirc.html][rcirc]] with optional support for authinfo and ZNC. Features: - Store channel logs into =~/.emacs.d/.cache/rcirc-logs/= - Support for credentials stored in =~/.authinfo.gpg= (need to have gnutls) - Support ZNC support (with optional =~/.authinfo.gpg=) - Colored nicknames - Real-time change when people use =s/foo/bar/= in chat - Completion of Emojis using [[https://github.com/dunn/company-emoji][company-emoji]] (still needs a way of showing, either using the =emoji= layer or having a proper font) :clap: ** Slack [[file:+chat/slack/README.org][+chat/slack/README.org]] This layer provides an interface to the Slack chat service via the emacs-slack package. Where possible, this layer aims to reuse key bindings from the IRC packages in Spacemacs. Features: - Real time messaging with [[https://github.com/ahyatt/emacs-websocket][emacs-websocket]] - Connect to multiple slack instances - Notifications with [[https://github.com/jwiegley/alert][alert.el]] * Checkers ** Spell checking [[file:+checkers/spell-checking/README.org][+checkers/spell-checking/README.org]] This layer provides spell checking capabilities to Spacemacs. Features: - Buffer-wide spell checking via external command (ispell, hunspell, aspell) run through [[http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Manuel.Serrano/flyspell/flyspell.html][Flyspell]]. - Spell as you type - Optional correction popups, controlled by =enable-flyspell-auto-completion= variable. - [[https://github.com/nschum/auto-dictionary-mode][Auto dictionary mode]] for some languages. ** Syntax checking [[file:+checkers/syntax-checking/README.org][+checkers/syntax-checking/README.org]] This layer adds on the fly syntax checking to all supported language layers. Features: - Support for automatic syntax checking with [[http://www.flycheck.org/][Flycheck]] for various language layers - Tooltip syntax errors with =popwin= * Completion ** Auto-completion [[file:+completion/auto-completion/README.org][+completion/auto-completion/README.org]] This layer adds auto-completion to all supported language layers. Features: - Support for code completion with [[http://company-mode.github.io/][company]] or [[https://github.com/auto-complete/auto-complete][auto-complete]] for various language layers - Frequency-based suggestions via [[https://github.com/company-mode/company-statistics][company-statistics]] for =company= - Integration with [[https://github.com/capitaomorte/yasnippet][yasnippet]] and [[https://github.com/abo-abo/auto-yasnippet][auto-yasnippet]] - Automatic configuration of [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HippieExpand][hippie-expand]] ** Helm [[file:+completion/helm/README.org][+completion/helm/README.org]] This layer enables Helm everywhere in Spacemacs. The alternative to this layer is the Ivy layer which brings the same level of integration as Helm. These completion systems are the central control towers of Spacemacs, they are used to manage buffers, projects, search results, configuration layers, toggles and more... Mastering your choice of completion system will make you a Spacemacs power user. Features: - Project wide =grep= like text search via =helm-dir-smart-do-search= - Project wide text replacements using =helm-edit-mode= - Buffer wide dynamic text search via =helm-swoop= - Fuzzy matching for most =helm-sources= - Detailed configuration parameters for helms appearance - Intuitive =transient state= ** Ivy [[file:+completion/ivy/README.org][+completion/ivy/README.org]] This layer enables Ivy for completion. It will replace the default completion by [[https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm][Helm]]. These completion systems are the central control towers of Spacemacs, they are used to manage buffers, projects, search results, configuration layers, toggles and more... Mastering your choice of completion system will make you a Spacemacs power user. Features: - Project wide =grep= like text search via =search-auto= - Project wide text replacements using =counsel-imenu= - Buffer wide dynamic text search via =swiper= - Detailed configuration parameters for ivy appearance - Intuitive =transient state= - Advanced buffer information with =ivy-rich= ** Templates [[file:+completion/templates/README.org][+completion/templates/README.org]] This layer provides templates to Spacemacs. A template consists of text that is automatically inserted into a new file when it is opened. This is done via [[https://github.com/mineo/yatemplate][yatemplate]], which leverages [[https://github.com/joaotavora/yasnippet][yasnippet]]. Features: - Auto-insert snippets when creating specific new files. * E-mail ** Gnus [[file:+email/gnus/README.org][+email/gnus/README.org]] This layer integrates a general purpose email/newsgroup client into Spacemacs. Features: - Support for reading RSS feeds, newsgroups and mails directly within Emacs via [[http://www.gnus.org/][Gnus]]. - Support for beautiful HTML mails generated from any =org= buffer. - Support for credential management via [[https://gnupg.org/][GnuPG]]. ** Mu4e [[file:+email/mu4e/README.org][+email/mu4e/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Mu4e email client. Features: - Search, read, reply, move, and delete email. - Search-based: no folders, only queries. - UI optimized for speed: quick keystrokes for common actions. - Very extendable and customizable. - Integration with Helm. - Maildir summary using [[https://github.com/agpchil/mu4e-maildirs-extension][mu4e-mailidrs-extension]] - Notifications using [[https://github.com/iqbalansari/mu4e-alert][mu4e-alert]] ** Notmuch [[file:+email/notmuch/README.org][+email/notmuch/README.org]] Notmuch offers a fast, global-search and tag-based email system to use within your text editor or in a terminal. This layer integrates the Notmuch Emacs package into Spacemacs. Features: - Email searching - Email tagging * Emacs ** Better defaults [[file:+emacs/better-defaults/README.org][+emacs/better-defaults/README.org]] This layer enhances the default commands of Emacs and is primarily intended to be used with the =emacs= editing style as it does not change anything in the Vim key bindings. However the =emacs= editing style is not required, you can still use this layer while you are using the =vim= editing style if you have some kind of mixed style. The commands defined in this layer are taken from various sources like [[https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude][Prelude]]. Features: - Smart line navigation: Subsequent presses of ~C-a~ toggles between the beginning of the line and the first non-whitespace character. Similarly, subsequent presses of ~C-e~ will toggle between the end of the code and the end of the comments. - =spacemacs/backward-kill-word-or-region=: A combination of =kill-region= and =backward-kill-word=, depending on whether there is an active region. If there's an active region kill that. If not kill the preceding word. - Fill or unfill paragraph: Pressing ~M-q~ for the first time fills current paragraph and pressing ~M-q~ for the second time unfills it. Note that some modes override this key binding so it's not available everywhere. Due to implementation details unfilling doesn't work when called twice via ~M-x~. ** Ibuffer [[file:+emacs/ibuffer/README.org][+emacs/ibuffer/README.org]] This layer configures Emacs IBuffer for Spacemacs. Features: - Grouping of buffers by major-modes - Grouping of buffers by projects ** Org [[file:+emacs/org/README.org][+emacs/org/README.org]] This layer enables [[http://orgmode.org/][org mode]] for Spacemacs. Features: - Vim inspired key bindings are provided by [[https://github.com/Somelauw/evil-org-mode][evil-org-mode]] - Nicer bullet via [[https://github.com/sabof/org-bullets][org-bullets]] - A [[https://cirillocompany.de/pages/pomodoro-technique][pomodoro method]] integration via [[https://github.com/lolownia/org-pomodoro][org-pomodoro]] - Presentation mode via [[https://github.com/rlister/org-present][org-present]] - Insertion of images via [[https://github.com/abo-abo/org-download][org-download]] - Project-specific TODOs via [[https://github.com/IvanMalison/org-projectile][org-projectile]] - Easy insert of URLs from clipboard with org format via [[https://github.com/rexim/org-cliplink][org-cliplink]] ** Semantic [[file:+emacs/semantic/README.org][+emacs/semantic/README.org]] CEDET is a *C*ollection of *E*macs *D*evelopment *E*nvironment *T*ools written with the end goal of creating an advanced development environment in Emacs. CEDET includes common features such as intelligent completion, source code navigation, project management, code generation with templates. CEDET also provides a framework for working with programming languages; support for new programming languages can be added and use CEDET to provide IDE-like features. This framework is called Semantic. Semantic is a package that provides a framework for writing parsers. Parsing is a process of analyzing source code based on programming language syntax. The packages relies on Semantic for analyzing source code and uses its results to perform smart code refactoring that based on code structure of the analyzed language, instead of plain text structure. Semantic is the core of CEDET. Features: - Display function or variable definition at the bottom. - Display current function cursor is in at the top. See [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-stickyfunc-enhance][this page]] for demos in some programming languages. - Support common C/C++ refactoring with [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-refactor][semantic-refactor]]. See [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-refactor/blob/master/srefactor-demos/demos.org][this page]] for demonstration of refactoring features. - Support Lisp source code formatting with [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-refactor][semantic-refactor]]. See [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-refactor/blob/master/srefactor-demos/demos-elisp.org][this page]] for demonstration of Lisp formatting features. ** Smex [[file:+emacs/smex/README.org][+emacs/smex/README.org]] This layer provides a more traditional alternative to =helm-M-x= based on =ido=. Features: - Provides an alternative way for =helm-M-x= based on =ido= and [[https://github.com/nonsequitur/smex][smex]] ** Typography [[file:+emacs/typography/README.org][+emacs/typography/README.org]] This layer provides support for typographic text editing in Spacemacs. Features: - Modes to automatically insert and cycle among typographic characters - [[https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/typoel][Typo Mode]] automatically inserts and cycles among typographic Unicode characters on some keys. - Tildify Mode automatically inserts non-breaking spaces where required (Only available on Emacs 25). * File trees ** Neotree [[file:+filetree/neotree/README.org][+filetree/neotree/README.org]] This layer setups a file tree navigator buffer using Neotree (replacing the Treemacs layer). Features: - intuitive evil key bindings integration - supports multiple themes - transient state by pressing on ~?~ - version-control integration ** Treemacs [[file:+filetree/treemacs/README.org][+filetree/treemacs/README.org]] This layer sets up a file navigation and project explorer side-window via [[https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs][Treemacs]]. Features: An detailed overview over Treemacs' available features is available in [[https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs#detailed-feature-list][its readme]]. In a short summary Treemacs offers the following: - Simple and powerful navigation and ability to detail exactly how and where a file should be opened - Good looking png icons. - Display of multiple file trees organized as projects residing in a workspace. - Ability to show tags contained in files. Tags are provided by imenu, so nearly every filetype is supported. - Mouse interface for single and double left clicks in line with modern GUI standards. (Clicking on an icon will also display a file's tags) - Locational awareness: commands like ~find-file~ or ~magit-status~ will use the location of the node at point (with $HOME as fallback) - Optionally fontifying files based on their git status. - Optionally collapsing single-dir-child directories into one. - Doing both asynchronously for an imperceptible performance cost. - Optional =follow-mode= to automatically focus the currently selected file. - Optional =filewatch-mode= to automatically refresh the view after (and only after) changes to the shown filesystem. * Fonts ** Unicode-fonts [[file:+fonts/unicode-fonts/README.org][+fonts/unicode-fonts/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[https://github.com/rolandwalker/unicode-fonts][unicode-fonts]] package. It is recommended to install the fonts listed in the [[https://github.com/rolandwalker/unicode-fonts#quickstart][Quickstart]] section of the unicode-fonts README. Features: - Display unicode glyphs using the best available font. - Easily override glyphs or sections of glyphs. - Display color emoji on both the Mac port version of Emacs and emacs-plus (with =unicode-fonts-force-multi-color-on-mac= set to non nil). * Fun ** Emoji [[file:+fun/emoji/README.org][+fun/emoji/README.org]] This layer adds support for Emoji emoticons from [[https://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/][emoji-cheat-sheet]]. Features: - Browse Emoji in a dedicated buffer - Display Emoji images in buffer - Insert one or several Emoji with an helm front-end - Completion of Emojis using [[https://github.com/dunn/company-emoji][company-emoji]] ** Games [[file:+fun/games/README.org][+fun/games/README.org]] This layer allows you to play evilified games in Spacemacs. Features: - 2048-game - Pacmacs (Pacman for Emacs) - Sudoku - Tetris - Typit ** Selectric [[file:+fun/selectric/README.org][+fun/selectric/README.org]] This layer makes your Emacs sound like an IBM Selectric typewriter, for those moments when your loud, clicky mechanical keyboard is not at hand, yet, you'd still wish to enjoy the sound. Features: - Brings back fond memories about your first programming job where you started with that big mechanical keyboard and the small monochrome display working on the latest IBM Iseries server. ** Xkcd [[file:+fun/xkcd/README.org][+fun/xkcd/README.org]] This layer adds a [[http://xkcd.com/][xkcd]] navigation mode using [[https://github.com/vibhavp/emacs-xkcd][emacs-xkcd]]. Features: - Load a random xkcd - Show the text in the modeline - Open explanation and current comic in browser - Cache the comics in =.cache/xkcd= * Internationalization ** Chinese [[file:+intl/chinese/README.org][+intl/chinese/README.org]] This layer adds support for traditional Chinese script to Spacemacs. Features: - Support for the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinyin][Pinyin (拼音)]] input method via [[https://github.com/tumashu/chinese-pyim][chinese-pyim]]. - Support for the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_method][Wubi (五笔)]] input method via [[https://github.com/andyque/chinese-wbim][chinese-wbim]]. - Integration of the native input method framework [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fcitx][fcitx]] via [[https://github.com/cute-jumper/fcitx.el][cute-jumper/fcitx.el]]. - Integration of the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youdao][Youdao (有道) Dictionary]] via [[https://github.com/xuchunyang/youdao-dictionary.el][youdao-dictionary]]. - Support for file searches in =dired= using Chinese Pinyin characters via [[https://github.com/redguardtoo/find-by-pinyin-dired][find-by-pinyin-dired]]. - Support for jumping to Chinese Pinyin characters with =ace-jump-mode= via [[https://github.com/cute-jumper/ace-pinyin][ace-pinyin]]. - Support for conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese texts via [[https://github.com/gucong/emacs-chinese-conv/][chinese-conv]]. - Automatic visual separation of Chinese and Latin characters via [[https://github.com/coldnew/pangu-spacing][coldnew/pangu-spacing]]. - Automatic joining of consecutive Chinese lines into a single long line without unwanted space when exporting org-mode to html. ** Japanese [[file:+intl/japanese/README.org][+intl/japanese/README.org]] This Layer adds Japanese related packages. Features: - [[https://github.com/kenjimyzk/evil-tutor-ja][evil-tutor-ja]]: Japanese Vimtutor adapted to Emacs+Evil and wrapped in a major mode - [[https://github.com/emacs-jp/migemo][migemo]]: Japanese incremental search through dynamic pattern expansion - [[https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/wiki/Migemo][helm-migemo-mode]]: helm with migemo - [[https://github.com/momomo5717/avy-migemo/blob/master/README.jp.org][avy-migemo]]: avy with migemo - [[https://github.com/hsaito/ddskk][ddskk]]: Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program (SKK) - [[https://github.com/emacs-jp/japanese-holidays][japanese-holidays]]: calendar functions for the Japanese calendar - [[https://github.com/coldnew/pangu-spacing][pangu-spacing]]: emacs minor-mode to add space between Japanese and English characters. - Join consecutive Japanese lines into a single long line without unwanted space when exporting org-mode to html. ** Keyboard-layout [[file:+intl/keyboard-layout/README.org][+intl/keyboard-layout/README.org]] This layer configures some key bindings in Spacemacs, to make it compatible with keyboard layouts that differs from the traditional =en-us= =QWERTY= layout. Features: - Support alternative keyboard layouts within Spacemacs - Remap navigation commands to the homerow of your chosen layout - Remap missing commands automatically to elsewhere in the layout * Miscellaneous ** Copy-as-format [[file:+misc/copy-as-format/README.org][+misc/copy-as-format/README.org]] This layer adds support for [[https://github.com/sshaw/copy-as-format][copy-as-format]]. Features: - Function to copy buffer locations as GitHub/Slack/JIRA/HipChat/... formatted code ** Ietf [[file:+misc/ietf/README.org][+misc/ietf/README.org]] The =IETF= layer collects various useful packages for participating in the Internet Engineering Task Force ([[https://www.ietf.org]]). Features: - Fetching and opening IETF documents. - Viewing IETF documents. - Writing IETF documents. ** Multiple-cursors [[file:+misc/multiple-cursors/README.org][+misc/multiple-cursors/README.org]] Features: - support for multiple cursors. ** Nlinum [[file:+misc/nlinum/README.org][+misc/nlinum/README.org]] This layer provides various styles of line numbering in Spacemacs. It replaces =linum= and =linum-relative= with the improved =nlinum= and =nlinum-relative= packages. Please note that on Emacs 26 and newer, this layer also replaces the new native line numbers mode (=display-line-numbers-mode=), and because of that it is not recommended to use =nlinum= layer on Emacs 26 or newer. Features: - Support for classic ascending line numbering. - Support for line numbering relative to the current cursor position. ** Parinfer [[file:+misc/parinfer/README.org][+misc/parinfer/README.org]] This layer provides an implementation of [[https://shaunlebron.github.io/parinfer/][parinfer]], a lisp editing paradigm that controls indentation based on parentheses or vice versa. Features: - Automatic management of parenthesis in clojure, emacs lisp, common-lisp and scheme following the parinfer editing paradigm. ** Spacemacs-completion [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-completion/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-completion/README.org]] This layer does basic setup for completion frameworks like =helm=, =ivy= and =ido=. Its main role is to ensure sane defaults and consistent UI between =helm= and =ivy= because even when you are using only one of them you could still need to use the other (for instance a package that supports only =helm=). Advanced configuration of these packages can be found in their respective layers in =+completion= layer directory. Features: - Base preconfiguration of =helm= and =ivy= for other layers to use. - Basic support for =ido-navigation= configuration and transient state. ** Spacemacs-defaults [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-defaults/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-defaults/README.org]] This layer configures mostly Emacs built-in packages to given them better defaults. Features: - Configures packages: - abbrev - archive-mode - bookmark - conf-mode - dired - dired-x - display-line-numbers (only in Emacs 26.x and newer) - electric-indent-mode - ediff - eldoc - help-fns+ - hi-lock - image-mode - imenu - linum (only in Emacs 25.x and older) - occur-mode - package-menu - page-break-lines - process-menu - recentf - savehist - saveplace - subword - tar-mode - uniquify - url - visual-line-mode - whitespace - winner - zone ** Spacemacs-editing [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-editing/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-editing/README.org]] This layer adds packages to improve editing with Spacemacs. Features: - Support for automatic indentation of code via =aggressive-indent=. - Support for jumping to chars using a decision tree via =avy=. - Improvements for evaluating sexps via =eval-sexp-fu=. - Selecting and editing of multiple text elements via =expand-region=. - Support for editing files in hex format via =hexl=. - Deletion of consecutive horizontal whitespace with a single key via =hungry-delete=. - Support for selecting, copying and opening links using =avy= via =link-hint=. - Adding of sample text via =lorem-ipsum=. - Transient state for moving text via =move-text=. - Support for folding of code via =origami=. - Support for password generation via =password-generator=. - Support for improving parenthesis handling via =smartparens=. - Automatic whitespace cleanup on save via =spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup=. - Support for converting definitions to certain styles via =string-inflection=. - Support for generating UUIDs via =uuidgen=. - Support for conversion between Emacs regexps and PCRE regexps. ** Spacemacs-editing-visual [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-editing-visual/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-editing-visual/README.org]] This layer defines a lot of functions used to visually enhance the currently edited line in Spacemacs. Features: - Adaptive wrapping - Hiding of comments - Highlighting of columns longer than 80 chars - Highlighting of different indentations - Automatic highlighting of numbers - Automatic highlighting of parentheses ** Spacemacs-evil [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-evil/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-evil/README.org]] This layer adds various adjustments to packages to create an evilified experience throughout the entirety of Spacemacs. Features: - Add evil tutorial with =evil-tutor= - Add relative line number with =linum-relative= (only in Emacs 25.x and older) - Add escaping under ~fd~ by default with =evil-escape= - Add occurrences count in mode-line when searching a buffer - Add support for lisp structure manipulation with =evil-lisp-state= - Add safe structural editing of lisp dialects with =evil-cleverparens= - Add =evil-exchange= to swap text - Add easy live editing of multiple occurrences with =evil-iedit-state= - Add new vim text objects for indentation with =evil-indent-plus= - Add operations to align text with =evil-lion= - Easy management of comments with =evil-nerd-commenter= - Navigation between pairs with =evil-matchit= - Advanced navigation on brackets with =evil-unimpaired= - Easy increment and decrement of numbers with =evil-number= - Support for additional vim movements via =evil-args= - Support for surrounding the marked area with a given character via =evil-surround= - Evilification of various modes if the editing style is =vim= or =hybrid= - Improves the comment function to be able to also do the inverse operation - Persistent highlight of searched text with =evil-search-highlight-persist= - Display tildes in non-buffer area with =vi-tilde-fringe= ** Spacemacs-language [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-language/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-language/README.org]] This layer adds support various language related services to Spacemacs. Features: - Show definition of word at point via [[https://github.com/abo-abo/define-word][define-word]]. - Integration of google-translate into Emacs via [[https://github.com/atykhonov/google-translate][google-translate]]. ** Spacemacs-layouts [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-layouts/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-layouts/README.org]] This layer adds support for distinct layouts/workspaces to Spacemacs. Features: - Support for distinct layouts via =eyebrowse= - Integration with =helm= and =ivy= to search for buffers within layouts ** Spacemacs-misc [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-misc/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-misc/README.org]] This layer adds some general packages into Spacemacs. Features: - Support for jumping to definitions via =dumb-jump= or =evil-goto-definition=. - Support for an easy http request client via =request=. ** Spacemacs-modeline [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-modeline/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-modeline/README.org]] This layer adds various mode-lines to Spacemacs. Features: - Display of a vim-powerline like mode-line being able to show various information like - Current battery status - All active minor modes displayed as unicode symbols - The active major mode - The current branch if the file is in version control - The current cursor position - The system clock - Display of a small system monitor in a separate mode-line. ** Spacemacs-navigation [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-navigation/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-navigation/README.org]] This layer adds general navigation functions to all supported layers. Features: - Support for ace-links in - =spacemacs= buffer - =info-mode= - =help-mode= - =eww-mode= - Support for keeping the cursor centered on the screen - Evilified version of =doc-view-mode= - Tweaks for =golden-ratio-mode= - Support for =paradox= a modern emacs package manager - Shortcuts for restarting =emacs= - Shortcuts for easily switching between windows ** Spacemacs-org [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-org/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-org/README.org]] This layer tweaks =org-mode= to integrate nicely into Spacemacs. Features: - Configuration for =flyspell= to check =org-buffers= for typos. - Support for automatically generated Table-Of-Contents via =toc-org=. - Support for custom bullet markers via =org-bullets=. - Support for a special view mode for org documents via =space-doc=. ** Spacemacs-project [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-project/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-project/README.org]] This layer tweaks =projectile= to integrate nicely into Spacemacs. Features: - Setup of =projectile= key bindings, including functions for project search, switching, version control and compilation. - Additional path helper functions, to copy the location of a buffer relative to the project root. ** Spacemacs-purpose [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-purpose/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-purpose/README.org]] This layer enables [[https://github.com/bmag/emacs-purpose][window-purpose]], which provides an alternative, purpose-based window manager for Emacs. With this layer, your window layout should be robust and shouldn't change too much when opening all sorts of buffers. Regular [[https://github.com/m2ym/popwin-el][popwin]] is not triggered when window-purpose is enabled. However, the window-purpose layer provides a =purpose-popwin= extension, which brings popwin's behavior to window-purpose and solves that problem. Features: - Window layout is more robust and less likely to change unintentionally - Dedicate window to a purpose - User-defined purposes - Extensible window display behavior - Empty =purpose-mode-map=, to avoid conflicts with other key maps - Replicate popwin behavior for purpose-mode - almost no regression in popup behavior from using window-purpose. - Reuses popwin's settings: =popwin:special-display-config=, =popwin:popup-window-height= and =popwin:popup-window-width=. - Difference from popwin: when several windows are open, popup window is sometimes bigger than with regular popwin in the same situation. ** Spacemacs-visual [[file:+spacemacs/spacemacs-visual/README.org][+spacemacs/spacemacs-visual/README.org]] This layer adds various modes to enhance Spacemacs visual appearance. Features: - Automatic colorization of compilation buffers via =ansi-colors=. - Support for resuming the last layout when starting Spacemacs via =desktop=. - Support for showing a thin vertical line to indicate the fill column via =fill-column-indicator=. - Automatic highlighting of =TODO-tags= in programming and text modes via =hl-todo=. - Support for temporary windows which close automatically via =popwin=. - Support for text zooming via =zoom-frm=. * Music ** Alda layer [[file:+lang/alda/README.org][+lang/alda/README.org]] Alda is a music composition language allowing music to easily be written and edited in a text file. This layer adds key bindings for =alda-mode='s functions, which allow Alda code to be interpreted and played by the running Alda server. It will also start the Alda server if it is not running. Features: - Syntax highlighting for Alda files. - Play portions of a buffer, or the entire buffer, through a running Alda server. ** Spotify [[file:+music/spotify/README.org][+music/spotify/README.org]] This layer integrates an online music service into Spacemacs. Features: - Support for listening to music from within Emacs via [[https://www.spotify.com][Spotify]]. * Operating systems ** Nixos [[file:+os/nixos/README.org][+os/nixos/README.org]] This layer adds tools for better integration of Emacs in NixOS. Features: - Nix-mode using [[https://github.com/NixOS/nix-mode][nix-mode]] - Auto-completion of NixOS Options using [[https://github.com/travisbhartwell/nix-emacs/blob/master/company-nixos-options.el][company-nixos-options]] - Helm Lookup for NixOS Options [[https://github.com/travisbhartwell/nix-emacs/blob/master/helm-nixos-options.el][helm-nixos-options]] ** Osx [[file:+os/osx/README.org][+os/osx/README.org]] Spacemacs is not just emacs+vim. It can have OSX key bindings too! This layer globally defines common OSX key bindings. Features: - ~⌘~ is set to ~hyper~ and ~⌥~ is set to ~meta~ - In =dired= use =gls= instead of =ls= - Fix separator colors of Spaceline mode-line * Pair programming ** Floobits [[file:+pair-programming/floobits/README.org][+pair-programming/floobits/README.org]] This layer adds support for the peer programming tool [[https://github.com/Floobits/floobits-emacs][floobits]] to Spacemacs. Features: - Loading of floobits configuration files with fixed commands - Creation of floobits workspaces and populating it with content - Marking of the current cursor position for all users within the current workspace - Follow recent changes by other users * Programming languages ** Domain-specific (DSLs) *** Coq [[file:+lang/coq/README.org][+lang/coq/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[https://coq.inria.fr/][Coq]] proof assistant (adapted from [[https://github.com/tchajed/spacemacs-coq][spacemacs-coq]]) to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Syntax-checking - Auto-completion - Debugging of mathematical proofs from within Emacs using a special proof layout - Replacement of certain constants with the correct mathematical signs - Inserting of certain preconfigured proof elements *** Ess (r) [[file:+lang/ess/README.org][+lang/ess/README.org]] This layer adds support for statistical programming languages to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Auto-completion - Syntax-checking via [[https://github.com/jimhester/lintr][lintr]] - Additional data viewer for R via [[https://github.com/myuhe/ess-R-data-view.el][ess-R-data-view]] - Support for Org-Babel - Showing of inline help for =R= constructs - Repl support via =R terminal= - Support for =S=, =SAS= and =R= - Much more via the [[https://ess.r-project.org/Manual/ess.html#Current-Features][ESS Project]] *** Extra languages [[file:+lang/major-modes/README.org][+lang/major-modes/README.org]] This layer adds a number of packages for less common languages and major modes. Features: - Support for: - Arch Linux PKGBUILDs - Arduino - Android Logcat (not associated with any file types by default) - Gentoo ebuilds - Hoon - Kivy - MATLAB - QML - OpenScad - Stan - Thrift - Vala - Wolfram Language / Mathematica *** Faust [[file:+lang/faust/README.org][+lang/faust/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAUST_(programming_language)][faust language]] to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Auto-completion *** Gpu [[file:+lang/gpu/README.org][+lang/gpu/README.org]] This layer adds support for GPU related languages like CUDA, OpenCL and various Shader formats to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting for - =.cl= (OpenCL) - =.cu= (CUDA) - =.cuh= (CUDA) - =.fsh= (Shaders) - =.vsh= (Shaders) - =.glsl= (Shaders) - =.vert= (Shaders) - =.frag= (Shaders) - =.comp= (Shaders) - =.geom= (Shaders) - =.tesc= (Shaders) - =.tese= (Shaders) - Simple auto-completion via [[https://github.com/Kaali/company-glsl][company-glsl]] for - =.vert= (Shaders) - =.geom= (Shaders) - =.tesc= (Shaders) - =.tese= (Shaders) - =.frag= (Shaders) - =.comp= (Shaders) *** Octave [[file:+lang/octave/README.org][+lang/octave/README.org]] This layer adds support for =GNU Octave= files to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting for =.m= files via [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/octave-mode.html][octave-mode]]. - REPL support - Support for directly running =Octave= scripts from Emacs. - Integration with =Octaves= documentation search function. *** Prolog [[file:+lang/prolog/README.org][+lang/prolog/README.org]] This layer adds support for Prolog using the bundled Prolog mode for Emacs. In addition it also adds ediprolog support for better interaction with SWI-Prolog. Features: - Designed for SWI-Prolog as a default, but can be used with other Prologs that Prolog mode supports. - Interactive consulting and compiling. - Auto-formatting. - Apropos and help lookup. *** Sql [[file:+lang/sql/README.org][+lang/sql/README.org]] This layer adds support for a wide range of SQL dialects to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting for the following SQL dialects - ANSI - DB2 - Informix - Ingres - Interbase - Linter - Microsoft - MySQL - Oracle - Postgres - Solid - SQLite - Sybase - Vertica - Syntax-checking via [[https://github.com/purcell/sqlint][sqlint]] for ANSI SQL. - Format code with =sqlfmt= - Snippet insertion for the more general SQL constructs. - REPL support via =SQLi= buffer. - Automatic capitalization of keywords. *** Lisp dialects **** Clojure [[file:+lang/clojure/README.org][+lang/clojure/README.org]] This layer adds support for [[https://clojure.org/][Clojure]] language using [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider][CIDER]]. Features: - REPL via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider][CIDER]] - Code formatting via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider][CIDER]] using [[https://github.com/weavejester/cljfmt][Cljfmt]] - Refactoring via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el][clj-refactor]] - Linting via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/squiggly-clojure][squiggly-clojure]] - Aligning of code forms via [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode][clojure-mode]] - Debugging with [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/sayid][sayid]] - Clojure cheatsheet - Structuraly safe editing using optional [[https://github.com/luxbock/evil-cleverparens][evil-cleverparens]] **** Common lisp [[file:+lang/common-lisp/README.org][+lang/common-lisp/README.org]] This layer provides support for Common Lisp to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Auto-completion using company - Repl support via [[https://github.com/slime/slime][SLIME]] - Support for specific lisp navigation styles via =common-lisp-mode= - Support for [[http://www.sbcl.org/][sbcl]] backend or any other =common-lisp= implementation **** Emacs lisp [[file:+lang/emacs-lisp/README.org][+lang/emacs-lisp/README.org]] This layer gathers all the configuration related to emacs-lisp. This should always be in your dotfile, it is not recommended to uninstall it. Features: - Auto-completion using company - Linting using flycheck integration - Linting package file metadata using [[https://github.com/purcell/flycheck-package][flycheck-package]] - Repl support via =IELM= - Support for specific lisp navigation styles via =emacs-lisp-mode= - Auto-compile via [[https://github.com/tarsius/auto-compile][auto-compile]] package - Debugging via [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Edebug.html#Edebug][edebug]] - Ert test runner with [[https://github.com/tonini/overseer.el][overseer]] - Nameless package prefix with optional [[https://github.com/Malabarba/Nameless][nameless]] - Structurally safe editing using optional [[https://github.com/luxbock/evil-cleverparens][evil-cleverparens]] - Visual feedback when evaluation using [[https://github.com/hchbaw/eval-sexp-fu.el][eval-sexp-fu]] **** Scheme [[file:+lang/scheme/README.org][+lang/scheme/README.org]] This layer adds support for Scheme via [[http://geiser.nongnu.org][Geiser]]. Note that combined usage of racket-mode and geiser has not been tested. Features: - Support the Scheme compiler [[https://www.call-cc.org/][Chicken]] - Support for the extension language platform [[https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/][Guile]] - Structurally safe editing using optional [[https://github.com/luxbock/evil-cleverparens][evil-cleverparens]] *** Markup & configuration **** Asciidoc [[file:+lang/asciidoc/README.org][+lang/asciidoc/README.org]] This layer adds [[https://asciidoctor.org][AsciiDoc]] markup language support to Spacemacs. Features: - asciidoc format support via [[https://github.com/sensorflo/adoc-mode][adoc-mode]] - =.adoc= files are associated with =adoc-mode= by default **** Bibtex [[file:+lang/bibtex/README.org][+lang/bibtex/README.org]] BibTeX and BibLaTeX files are a common way to manage bibliographies. The format was original designed to work with LaTeX files and subsequently has been adopted by other markup formats such as MarkDown and Org mode. This layer adds support to manipulate BibTeX and BibLaTeX files in Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting for BibTeX and BibLaTeX files. - Utilities for automatically adding entries from different data sources. - Support for inserting citations in various other modes. **** Csv [[file:+lang/csv/README.org][+lang/csv/README.org]] This layer adds tools for better integration of CSV files in Spacemacs. Features: - Detecting of fields for various separators - Aligning of fields - Traversal of fields - Killing of fields - Sorting of rows - Transposing of rows/columns - Intelligent yanking of fields **** Dhall [[file:+lang/dhall/README.org][+lang/dhall/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[https://dhall-lang.org/][Dhall Configuration Language]], a non-repetitive alternate to YAML. Features: - Syntax highlighting for ~.dhall~ source files - Automatic buffer reformatting on save (configurable) - Type error display in side-buffer *Note:* You will need a ~dhall~ binary on your ~PATH~. Official releases [[https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/releases][can be found here]]. **** Graphviz [[file:+lang/graphviz/README.org][+lang/graphviz/README.org]] This layer adds support for the open-source graph declaration system graphviz to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting for =.dot= files - Integration of a live-preview of =.dot= files via [[https://github.com/ppareit/graphviz-dot-mode][graphviz-dot-mode]]. - Control of the graphviz compiler directly from emacs. - Support for formatting =.dot= files automatically. **** Html [[file:+lang/html/README.org][+lang/html/README.org]] This layer adds support for editing HTML and CSS. Features: - Editing HTML and CSS file using [[http://web-mode.org/][web-mode]] - Support for Sass/Scss and Less files - Generate HTML and CSS coding using [[https://github.com/smihica/emmet-mode][emmet-mode]] - Tags navigation on key ~%~ using [[https://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-matchit][evil-matchit]] - Support for editing Slim and Pug templates using [[https://github.com/slim-template/emacs-slim][slim-mode]] and [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-pug-mode][pug-mode]] - See the effects of typed HTML using [[https://github.com/skeeto/impatient-mode][impatient-mode]] - imenu support for CSS and Sass through [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-counsel-css][counsel-css]] - Formatting with [[https://github.com/yasuyk/web-beautify][web-beautify]] **** Json [[file:+lang/json/README.org][+lang/json/README.org]] This layer adds support for JSON files with [[https://github.com/joshwnj/json-mode][json-mode]] Features: - Syntax highlighting - Auto-completion - Get the path to a JSON value with [[https://github.com/Sterlingg/json-snatcher][json-snatcher]] - Navigate JSON hierarchy with [[https://github.com/DamienCassou/json-navigator][json-nagivator]] - Formatting with [[https://github.com/yasuyk/web-beautify][web-beautify]] or [[https://github.com/prettier/prettier][prettier]] **** Jsonnet [[file:+lang/jsonnet/README.org][+lang/jsonnet/README.org]] This layer provides support for [[https://jsonnet.org/][Jsonnet template]] provided by [[https://github.com/mgyucht/jsonnet-mode][jsonnet-mode]]. Features: - syntax highlighting - buffer formatting - jump to definition - buffer evaluation **** Latex [[file:+lang/latex/README.org][+lang/latex/README.org]] This layer adds support for LaTeX files with [[https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/auctex/][AucTeX]]. Features: - Auto-build with [[https://github.com/tom-tan/auctex-latexmk/][auctex-latexmk]] - Auto-completion with [[https://github.com/alexeyr/company-auctex][company-auctex]] - Tags navigation on ~%~ with [[https://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-matchit][evil-matchit]] - Labels, references, citations and index entries management with [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/reftex/index.html][RefTeX]] **** Markdown [[file:+lang/markdown/README.org][+lang/markdown/README.org]] This layer adds markdown support to Spacemacs. Features: - markdown files support via [[http://jblevins.org/git/markdown-mode.git/][markdown-mode]] - Fast Github-flavored live preview via [[https://github.com/blak3mill3r/vmd-mode][vmd-mode]] - TOC generation via [[https://github.com/ardumont/markdown-toc][markdown-toc]] - Completion of Emojis using [[https://github.com/dunn/company-emoji][company-emoji]] (still needs a way of showing, either using the =emoji= layer or having a proper font) :clap: **** Plantuml [[file:+lang/plantuml/README.org][+lang/plantuml/README.org]] This layer enables support for [[https://github.com/skuro/plantuml-mode][plantuml-mode]], which provides a major-mode for [[http://plantuml.com][plantuml]]. PlantUML is a tool to generate [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Modeling_Language][UML diagrams]] from plain-text. For help with how to use plantuml, see the [[http://plantuml.com][plantuml website]] and the [[http://plantuml.com/PlantUML_Language_Reference_Guide.pdf][reference guide]]. The official file extension supported by this layer is =.pum=. If you want something else, set it in your =user-config= function of your =~/.spacemacs= file. For example, the following diagram can be defined as follows: #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml @startuml JAremko->robbyoconnor : I think the docs can benefit from some kind of illustration JAremko<-robbyoconnor : I'm too lazy -- I have actual work to do. I link to the docs. If you can write me a diagram in plantuml, I'll gladly compile and add it. JAremko->robbyoconnor : *gives ths diagram* robbyoconnor<-JAremko : *robbyoconnor adds it and JAremko is happy* ... robbyoconnor->theOtherPerson : And they thinks it's funny? Yup, they definitely finds it funny. Right? @enduml #+END_SRC [[file:+lang/plantuml/img/dia.png]] Features: - Syntax highlighting - Diagram preview in various output formats - Embedding into org documents - Controlling the =Plantuml= compiler directly from emacs **** Restructuredtext [[file:+lang/restructuredtext/README.org][+lang/restructuredtext/README.org]] The layer adds ReStructuredText (ReST) support to Spacemacs and adds some functions to =rst-mode=. Note: to add =Sphinx= specific support use the layer =sphinx=. Features: - =rst= files are supported via Emacs built-in =rst.el=. - Lists are inserted by new functions. - Directives can be inserted easily. - auto-completion for directives and options via =auto-complete-rst=. - snippet support via =yasnippet=. **** Semantic web [[file:+lang/semantic-web/README.org][+lang/semantic-web/README.org]] This layer adds support for RDF files in N3 and [[https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/][Turtle syntax]] using [[https://bitbucket.org/nxg/ttl-mode][ttl-mode]] and for [[https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/][SPARQL]] queries using [[https://github.com/ljos/sparql-mode][sparql-mode]]. SPARQL-mode supports the execution of queries. When first called, you will be prompted for a SPARQL HTTP endpoint in the minibuffer, which defaults to [[http://localhost:2020/]]. Once set, it will be used for all subsequent queries in that buffer. Results will be displayed in another buffer in CSV format. Features: - Provides an alternative way to search the web using SPARQL queries. **** Yaml [[file:+lang/yaml/README.org][+lang/yaml/README.org]] This layer provides support for the YAML file format. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Syntax checking via [[http://www.flycheck.org/en/latest/languages.html#yaml][flycheck]] **** Yang [[file:+lang/yang/README.org][+lang/yang/README.org]] This layer provides support for the YANG file format. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Syntax checking via [[http://www.flycheck.org/en/latest/languages.html#yaml][flycheck]] *** Scripting **** Autohotkey [[file:+lang/autohotkey/README.org][+lang/autohotkey/README.org]] Syntax highlighting and Emacs functions for use with [[https://autohotkey.com/][AutoHotkey]] or [[http://ahkscript.org][AutoHotkey_L]]. Using a combined implementation of ahk-mode from Xah Lee's =xahk-mode= and Robert Widhopf-Fenk's =autohotkey-mode=. Updated with the latest ahk and ahk_l commands found in the latest revision of [[http://fincs.ahk4.net/scite4ahk/][SciTE4AutoHotkey]]. Contributed and maintained by [[https://www.github.com/ralesi][Rich Alesi]]. Features: - Auto-completion - Documentation Lookup - Execute Code Snippets - Correct Indentation and Commenting **** Shell scripts [[file:+lang/shell-scripts/README.org][+lang/shell-scripts/README.org]] This simple layer adds support for shell scripting. Supported scripting files: - =.sh= - =.fish=: [[https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell][fish shell]] *Note:* For Windows scripting see the layer =windows-scripts= Features: - Auto-completion using [[https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/company-shell][company-shell]] - =Sh= scripts linting using [[https://www.shellcheck.net/][shellcheck]] - =Sh= scripts style checking using [[https://github.com/openstack-dev/bashate][bashate]] **** Vimscript language [[file:+lang/vimscript/README.org][+lang/vimscript/README.org]] This layer adds basic support for vimscript and pentadactyl config files. Features: - Syntax highlighting **** Windows scripting [[file:+lang/windows-scripts/README.org][+lang/windows-scripts/README.org]] This simple layer adds support for the Powershell scripting language as well as support for batch files. Features: - Syntax highlighting of powershell =.ps1= files via [[https://github.com/jschaf/powershell.el][powershell.el]] - Syntax highlighting of batch =.bat= files via [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DosMode][dos.el]] ** Frameworks *** Django [[file:+frameworks/django/README.org][+frameworks/django/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Python web framework [[https://www.djangoproject.com/][Django]] to Spacemacs. Features: - Test execution directly from emacs - Starting/stopping of the Django test server - Starting of an interactive Python shell in the current project for debugging - Fixed commands to open various Django specific settings files - Automatic deployment with [[http://www.fabfile.org][Fabric]] directly from emacs - Control of [[http://south.aeracode.org/][South]] database migration tool *** Emberjs [[file:+frameworks/emberjs/README.org][+frameworks/emberjs/README.org]] This enables helpers for working with Ember.js projects. This also includes [[https://github.com/ronco/ember-yasnippets.el][ember-yasnippets]]. See the README for ember-yansippets for the snippet keys. To use this, you need to add add a =.dir-locals.el= file with the following in the root of your ember project: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp ((nil . ((mode . ember)))) #+END_SRC If you do not wish to do the following, you may also just do =M-x ember-mode=, however it will make things easier. Additionally, temporary backup, autosave, and lockfiles interfere with broccoli watcher, so they need to either be moved out of the way or disabled. Add the following to your =dotspacemacs/user-config=: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory))) (setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t))) (setq create-lockfiles nil) #+END_SRC Features: - Ability to easily switch between various files - Key bindings for generators and also easily revert generator actions - Ability to build, start server, and run tests *** Phoenix [[file:+frameworks/phoenix/README.org][+frameworks/phoenix/README.org]] This layer adds key bindings for [[https://github.com/tonini/alchemist.el][Alchemist]]'s already built in phoenix mode. Features: - Key bindings for navigation to files *** React [[file:+frameworks/react/README.org][+frameworks/react/README.org]] ES6 and JSX ready configuration layer for React It will automatically recognize =.jsx= files and files with =react= imported. Features: - on-the-fly syntax checking - proper syntax highlight and indentation with jsx - backend support for autocompletion as in rjsx-mode - jsfmt automatic formatting - js2-refactor - js-doc *** Ruby on rails [[file:+frameworks/ruby-on-rails/README.org][+frameworks/ruby-on-rails/README.org]] This layer aims at providing support for the Ruby on Rails framework. Features: - Quick file navigation with with [[https://github.com/asok/projectile-rails][projectile-rails]] - Run server - Run generators - Rake runner - Interactive Rails console ** General-purpose *** Imperative **** Asm [[file:+lang/asm/README.org][+lang/asm/README.org]] This layer adds support for Assembly code. The built-in major mode for editing assembly code in Emacs is =asm-mode=. The layer also adds =nasm-mode= for NASM-specific syntax. Although =nasm-mode= is intended for NASM, it actually works well with other variants of Assembly in general, and provides Imenu integration so you can jump around with ~SPC s j~. Features: - Improved syntax highlighting. - Automatic indentation. - Auto-completion for symbol in opened buffers. - Look up documentation for current instruction at cursor. - Imenu integration. **** Forth [[file:+lang/forth/README.org][+lang/forth/README.org]] This layer adds basic support for the Forth family of languages to spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Showing meaning of objects in context of the current =Forth= session. - Eval of entire files or regions in current =Forth= session. - Passing interactive commands to current =Forth= session. *** Multi-paradigm **** C# [[file:+lang/csharp/README.org][+lang/csharp/README.org]] This layer adds support for C# language using the [[https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn][omnisharp-roslyn]] language server and corresponding [[https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs][omnisharp-emacs]] package. Please report any issues encountered to [[https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs/issues][omnisharp-emacs issue page on github]]. PRs are welcome too! Features: - Syntax checking with flycheck (when =syntax-checking= layer is used) - Support for auto-completion (when =auto-completion= layer is used) - Refactoring - Navigation to cross-references - Inspecting types in metadata **** C/c++ [[file:+lang/c-c++/README.org][+lang/c-c++/README.org]] This layer adds configuration for C/C++ language. Features: - Support syntax checking via flycheck with Clang. - Support for disassembly of code with [[https://github.com/jart/disaster][disaster]]. - Support code reformatting with [[http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html][clang-format]]. - Display function or variable definition at the bottom. (when =semantic= layer is included) - Display current function cursor is in at the top. See [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-stickyfunc-enhance][stickyfunc-demos]] for demos in some programming languages. (when =semantic= layer is included) - Support common refactoring with [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-refactor][semantic-refactor]]. See [[https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-refactor/blob/master/srefactor-demos/demos.org][srefactor-demos]] for demonstration of refactoring features. (when =semantic= layer is included) - Support code navigation via cscope (when =cscope= layer is included) and gtags. - Support auto-completion (when =auto-completion= layer is included) via company-clang (when =c-c++-enable-clang-support= is turned on), or company-ycmd (when =ycmd= layer is included). - Support for [[https://github.com/realgud/realgud][realgud]] debugger. - Support for [[https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags][rtags]]. - Support for [[https://github.com/cquery-project/cquery][cquery]] or [[https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls][ccls]] as an lsp backend. **** Crystal [[file:+lang/crystal/README.org][+lang/crystal/README.org]] This layer provides support for the Crystal language. Features: - =crystal tool format= on file save - integration [[https://play.crystal-lang.org][play.crystal-lang.org]] using [[https://github.com/veelenga/play-crystal.el][play-crystal.el]] - Linting with flycheck - test runner (=crystal spec=) - =crystal tool= integration - Interactive REPL ([[https://github.com/brantou/inf-crystal.el][inf-crystal.el]] and [[https://github.com/crystal-community/icr][icr]]) - static code analysis using [[https://github.com/veelenga/ameba.el][ameba]] **** D language [[file:+lang/d/README.org][+lang/d/README.org]] This simple layer adds support for the [[http://dlang.org/][D language]] to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Auto completion via =company= - Syntax checking via =flycheck= **** Dart [[file:+lang/dart/README.org][+lang/dart/README.org]] This layer adds support for Dart language, and could be optionally used for Flutter development as well. Features: - Syntax Highlight - Error checking with ~flycheck~ - Go to Definition - Dart Analyzer integration - Key bindings **** Elixir [[file:+lang/elixir/README.org][+lang/elixir/README.org]] This layer adds support for [[http://elixir-lang.org/][Elixir]]. [[https://github.com/tonini/alchemist.el][Alchemist]] brings the Elixir tooling to Emacs and comes with a bunch of features. Features: - Powerful IEx integration - Mix integration - Compile & Execution of Elixir code - Inline code evaluation - Documentation lookup - Definition lookup - Smart code completion - Elixir project management - Integration with [[http://company-mode.github.io/][company-mode]] - Flycheck support for mix compile - Flycheck support for [[https://github.com/rrrene/credo][credo]] - Flycheck support for test results **** Erlang [[file:+lang/erlang/README.org][+lang/erlang/README.org]] This layer adds very basic support for Erlang to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Syntax checking via =Flycheck= integration - Auto-completion via =Company= integration **** F# [[file:+lang/fsharp/README.org][+lang/fsharp/README.org]] This layer adds support for F# language using [[https://github.com/fsharp/fsharpbinding][fsharpbinding]] and [[https://github.com/fsharp/fsharpbinding][fsharp-mode]]. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Code completion - Flycheck integration - REPL - Compile/Run/Interpreter and info tooltip shortcuts **** Factor layer [[file:+lang/factor/README.org][+lang/factor/README.org]] A spacemacs layer for Factor language support. Features: - Syntax Highlighting - Factor REPL integration - Auto-Completion in REPL - Scaffolding support - Refactoring support **** Go [[file:+lang/go/README.org][+lang/go/README.org]] This layer adds extensive support for go to Spacemacs. Features: - gofmt/goimports on file save (to enable, see [[file:+lang/go/README.org][Configuration]]) - Auto-completion using [[https://github.com/nsf/gocode/tree/master/emacs][go-autocomplete]] (with the =auto-completion= layer) - Source analysis using [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Y9xCEMj5S-7rv2ooHpZNH15JgRT5iM742gJkw5LtmQ][go-guru]] - Refactoring with [[http://gorefactor.org/][godoctor]] - Edit struct field tag with [[https://github.com/fatih/gomodifytags][gomodifytags]] - Linting with flycheck's built-in checkers or flycheck-gometalinter - Coverage profile visualization - Test generation with [[https://github.com/s-kostyaev/go-gen-test][go-gen-test]] - Get packages faster with [[https://github.com/haya14busa/gopkgs][gopkgs]] - Fill a structure with default values using the [[https://github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/tree/master/cmd/fillstruct][fillstruct]] - LSP backend **** Groovy [[file:+lang/groovy/README.org][+lang/groovy/README.org]] This layer supports [[http://www.groovy-lang.org/][Groovy]] development in Spacemacs. Features: - Basic dabbrev auto-completion with company - Auto-generate imports with [[https://github.com/mbezjak/emacs-groovy-imports][groovy-imports]] - Groovy REPL integration **** Hy [[file:+lang/hy/README.org][+lang/hy/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Hy language based on Python. Features: - syntax-highlighting - Auto-completion - Code Navigation - Python test runners (see [[file:+lang/hy/../python/README.org][python layer]]) - Virtual Environment using [[https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/pyvenv][pyvenv]] and [[https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv][pyenv]] - Org Babel support **** Java [[file:+lang/java/README.org][+lang/java/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Java language. Features: - Support for the following backends: - [[https://github.com/mopemope/meghanada-emacs][Meghanada]] client/server (default), - [[http://eclim.org][Eclim]] client/server, - [[https://ensime.github.io/][ENSIME]] client/server. - [[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-java][LSP Java]] client/server. - Each provides: - Auto-completion using company - Linting using flycheck integration - Maven and Gradle integration **** Jr concurrent programming language [[file:+lang/jr/README.org][+lang/jr/README.org]] This layer adds syntax highlighting for the [[http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~olsson/research/jr/][JR Concurrent Programming Language]]. JR is the implementation of the [[https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/sr/][SR]] language for Java. Features: - Syntax highlighting **** Julia [[file:+lang/julia/README.org][+lang/julia/README.org]] This layer adds support for [[https://julialang.org][Julia]] to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Repl support - Linting - Completion - Jump-to-definition - Documentation on hover **** Kotlin [[file:+lang/kotlin/README.org][+lang/kotlin/README.org]] This layer adds support for [[http://kotlinlang.org/][Kotlin]] in Spacemacs Features: - Linting with [[https://github.com/shyiko/ktlint][ktlint]] and [[https://github.com/whirm/flycheck-kotlin][flycheck-kotlin]] - navigation with =ggtags= **** Lua [[file:+lang/lua/README.org][+lang/lua/README.org]] This layer adds support for editing Lua. Features: - Editing lua files using [[https://github.com/immerrr/lua-mode][lua-mode]] - Sending code to a lua REPL - Code linting using [[https://github.com/mpeterv/luacheck][Luacheck]] **** Nim [[file:+lang/nim/README.org][+lang/nim/README.org]] This layer adds support for the multi-paradigm language =Nim=. Features: - Code completion. - Jump to definition. - Syntax checking. **** Ocaml [[file:+lang/ocaml/README.org][+lang/ocaml/README.org]] This is a very basic layer for editing ocaml files. Features: - Syntax highlighting (major-mode) via [[https://github.com/ocaml/tuareg][tuareg-mode]] - Error reporting, completion and type display via [[https://github.com/ocaml/merlin][merlin]] - auto-completion with company mode via [[https://github.com/ocaml/merlin][merlin]] - syntax-checking via [[https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-ocaml][flycheck-ocaml]] (or alternatively [[https://github.com/ocaml/merlin][merlin]]) - =dune= file syntax highlighting and template insertion via [[https://github.com/ocaml/dune/][dune-mode]] **** Pact [[file:+lang/pact/README.org][+lang/pact/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[https://github.com/kadena-io/pact][Pact Smart Contract Language]]. Features: - Syntax highlighting for ~.pact~ source files - Easy interaction with an embedded Pact REPL - Flycheck integration *Note:* You will need a ~pact~ binary on your ~PATH~ for REPL features to function. **** Perl5 [[file:+lang/perl5/README.org][+lang/perl5/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Perl5 language. Features: - Syntactic and semantic checking using [[https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck][flycheck]] - Auto-completion using [[https://github.com/CeleritasCelery/company-plsense][company-plsense]] - Format code with =perltidy= - Jump to symbol definition - Interactive debug via [[https://github.com/realgud/realgud][realgud]] with [[http://search.cpan.org/~rocky/Devel-Trepan-0.73/lib/Devel/Trepan.pm][trepan.pl]] **** Perl6 [[file:+lang/perl6/README.org][+lang/perl6/README.org]] This layer provides an environment for the [[https://perl6.org/][Perl 6 Programming Language]]. Features: - Jump to definition & Code completion via [[https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags][ctags-universal]] - Syntax checking via [[https://github.com/hinrik/flycheck-perl6][flycheck-perl6]] and =perl6 -c= - Syntax highlighting & Syntax indentation via [[https://github.com/hinrik/perl6-mode][perl6-mode]] - =META6.json= highlighting via [[https://github.com/joshwnj/json-mode][json-mode]] - Provides Evil text objects for: - double-angle-brackets - corner-brackets - single-quotation-marks - double-quotation-marks **** Php [[file:+lang/php/README.org][+lang/php/README.org]] This layer adds PHP language support to Spacemacs. Features: - Edit PHP files using [[https://github.com/ejmr/php-mode][php-mode]] - Edit Drupal files - Complete and jump to define with [[https://github.com/xcwen/ac-php][company-php]] - Run tests with PHPUnit - Reformat code with PHP CBF The =gtags= layer is recommended to benefit from better =eldoc= and =helm-gtags=. **** Python [[file:+lang/python/README.org][+lang/python/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Python language. Features: - Support for the following backends: - [[https://github.com/proofit404/anaconda-mode][anaconda]] (default), - [[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-python][Language Server Protocol]] (experimental - 2 implementations), - python-language-server - Microsoft python language server - Auto-completion - Code Navigation - Documentation Lookup using [[https://github.com/proofit404/anaconda-mode][anaconda-mode]] and [[https://github.com/tsgates/pylookup][pylookup]] - Test Runners using [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/nose.el][nose.el]] or [[https://github.com/ionrock/pytest-el][pytest]] - Virtual Environment using [[https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/pyvenv][pyvenv]] and [[https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv][pyenv]] - semantic mode is enabled - PEP8 compliant formatting via [[https://github.com/google/yapf][YAPF]] or [[https://github.com/ambv/black][black]] - PEP8 checks with [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8][flake8]] or [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pylint/1.6.4][pylint]] - Suppression of unused import with [[https://github.com/myint/autoflake][autoflake]] - Use the ~%~ key to jump between blocks with [[https://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-matchit][evil-matchit]] - Sort imports with [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/isort][isort]] - Fix a missing import statement with [[https://github.com/anachronic/importmagic.el][importmagic]] - Pip package manager with [[https://github.com/brotzeit/pippel][pippel]] **** Racket [[file:+lang/racket/README.org][+lang/racket/README.org]] Adds support for the [[http://racket-lang.org/][Racket]] programming language. Features: - Syntax highlighting with =racket-mode= - Test runner - Interactive REPL - Code navigation with =gtags= - Structurally safe editing using optional [[https://github.com/luxbock/evil-cleverparens][evil-cleverparens]] **** Reasonml [[file:+lang/reasonml/README.org][+lang/reasonml/README.org]] Spacemacs layer for ReasonML, based around [[https://github.com/reasonml-editor/reason-mode][reason-mode]]. Features: - Syntax highlighting / indentation - Autocomplete (via =merlin=) - Lint / error display (via =merlin=, and =flycheck= if =syntax-checking= layer is enabled) - REPL via =rtop= - Auto-formatting (via =refmt=) **** Ruby [[file:+lang/ruby/README.org][+lang/ruby/README.org]] This layer provides support for the Ruby programming language. Features: - Version manager (rbenv, rvm or chruby) - Integration with bundler - Test runner (ruby-test and rspec) - Rake runner - Linter (rubocop) - Interactive REPL and code navigation (robe) **** Rust [[file:+lang/rust/README.org][+lang/rust/README.org]] This layer supports [[https://www.rust-lang.org][Rust]] development in Spacemacs. Features: - Auto-completion and navigation support through [[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-rust][lsp]] or [[https://github.com/phildawes/racer][Racer]] - support for the Rust package manager [[http://doc.crates.io/index.html][Cargo]] **** Scala [[file:+lang/scala/README.org][+lang/scala/README.org]] This layer adds support for the Scala language to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Auto-completion - Syntax-checking - Refactoring - Incremental compilation - Scala Repl - Style linting - Eldoc integration - Test execution directly from Emacs - Automatic replacement of ASCII arrows with unicode ones - Automatic starting/stopping of [[https://ensime.github.io/][ENSIME]] IDE server **** Sml [[file:+lang/sml/README.org][+lang/sml/README.org]] Adds support for the [[http://www.smlnj.org][SML]] programming language to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Integration of the =SML Repl= into Emacs - Basic completion of SML forms via =sml-electric-space= **** Swift [[file:+lang/swift/README.org][+lang/swift/README.org]] This layer adds support for Apple's Swift programming language, used as a general purpose scripting language. Features: - Syntax highlighting with [[https://github.com/swift-emacs/swift-mode][swift-mode]] - Indentation - Code navigation using =imenu= (built-in) - Automatic syntax checking with =flycheck= (available with the =syntax-checking= layer) **** JavaScript dialects ***** Coffeescript [[file:+lang/coffeescript/README.org][+lang/coffeescript/README.org]] This layer adds support for the CoffeeScript language using [[https://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode][coffee-mode]]. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Auto-completion with =auto-completion= layer - Syntax checking and linting with =syntax-checking= layer - =Org-Babel= integration - REPL support ***** Javascript [[file:+lang/javascript/README.org][+lang/javascript/README.org]] This layer adds support for the JavaScript language using [[https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode][js2-mode]]. Features: - Multiple backends support: Tern and LSP - Smart code folding - Refactoring: done using [[https://github.com/magnars/js2-refactor.el][js2-refactor]]. - Auto-completion and documentation - Browser based REPL available via [[https://github.com/skeeto/skewer-mode][skewer-mode]] and [[https://github.com/pandeiro/livid-mode][livid-mode]] - Server based REPL with [[https://github.com/abicky/nodejs-repl.el][nodejs-repl]] - Formatting with [[https://github.com/yasuyk/web-beautify][web-beautify]] ***** Purescript [[file:+lang/purescript/README.org][+lang/purescript/README.org]] This layer provides basic Purescript editing support for spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting through [[https://github.com/dysinger/purescript-mode][purescript-mode]] - Automatic insert of imports through [[https://github.com/epost/psc-ide-emacs][psc-ide-emacs]] - REPL through [[https://github.com/ardumont/emacs-psci][psci]] - Syntax checking through flycheck - Autocompletion through company ***** Typescript [[file:+lang/typescript/README.org][+lang/typescript/README.org]] This layer adds support for TypeScript and TSX editing. Features: - Multiple backends support: Tide and LSP - Eldoc-mode - Documentation at point - Auto complete - Flycheck with either tslint or eslint - Jump to definition, Jump to type definition - Find occurrences (Imenu-mode) - Rename symbol - tsx mode - formatting - TypeScript playground integration *** Purely functional **** Agda [[file:+lang/agda/README.org][+lang/agda/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda/pmwiki.php][Agda]] programming language. Features: - Faces redefined to correctly play with themes. - Spacemacs bindings to Agda's interactive tools. *This layer is in construction, it needs your contributions and bug reports.* **** Elm [[file:+lang/elm/README.org][+lang/elm/README.org]] This layer adds support for [[http://elm-lang.org][Elm]]. It relies on [[https://github.com/jcollard/elm-mode][elm-mode]] and [[https://github.com/bsermons/flycheck-elm][flycheck-elm]]. Features: - Syntax highlighting. - Intelligent indentation - Auto-completion integration for company (default) or auto-complete modes, with using elm-oracle - Syntax checking support using flycheck - Integration with elm-make - Integration with elm-repl - Integration with elm-reactor - Integration with elm-package **** Haskell [[file:+lang/haskell/README.org][+lang/haskell/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[https://www.haskell.org/][Haskell]] language. Features: - syntax highlighting for [[https://github.com/haskell/haskell-mode][haskell source]], [[https://github.com/haskell/haskell-mode][cabal files]], [[https://github.com/bgamari/cmm-mode][C-- source]], - auto-completion with one of the selected backends (=intero=, =dante=, =ghci= or =ghc-mod=). *This layer is under construction, it needs your contributions and bug reports.* **** Idris [[file:+lang/idris/README.org][+lang/idris/README.org]] This layer adds support for the [[https://www.idris-lang.org/][Idris]] language to Spacemacs. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Syntax checking via =flycheck= - Integration of the =Idris= REPL - Integration of the =Idris= build system ** Utilities *** Dotnet [[file:+tools/dotnet/README.org][+tools/dotnet/README.org]] This layer adds support for the dotnet cli package. Features: - dotnet operations *** Ipython notebook [[file:+lang/ipython-notebook/README.org][+lang/ipython-notebook/README.org]] This layer adds support for the package =emacs-ipython-notebook=. Do not hesitate to check the original package README [[https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook][here]]. Also the wiki has lots of informative stuff. Features: - Key bindings available through transient-state or leader key - Lazy-loading *** Protocol buffers [[file:+lang/protobuf/README.org][+lang/protobuf/README.org]] Highlighting and syntax checking for [[https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/][Protocol Buffer]] files. Features: - Syntax highlighting - Syntax checking using Flycheck (=protoc= compiler must be available) - Correct indentation and commenting - Quickly browse file contents using imenu (default key binding ~SPC j i~). *** Sailfish os developer [[file:+tools/sailfish-developer/README.org][+tools/sailfish-developer/README.org]] This layer adds support of sailfish-os development packages. Features: - [[https://github.com/vityafx/sailfish-scratchbox.el][sailfish-scratchbox]]: handy sb2 interaction. * Readers ** Dash [[file:+readers/dash/README.org][+readers/dash/README.org]] This layer integrates offline api browsers into Emacs. It provides one for OS X, Linux and Windows. Features: - Searching for word at point in offline api browser's UI. - Integration of offline api browser search results in helm and ivy. - Support for [[https://kapeli.com/dash][dash]] offline api browser for OS X. - Support for [[https://zealdocs.org/][zeal]] offline api browser for Linux. ** Deft [[file:+readers/deft/README.org][+readers/deft/README.org]] This layer adds a search driven note taking system into Spacemacs. Features: - Browsing and creating notes with a powerful search function via [[http://jblevins.org/projects/deft/][Deft]]. - Integration of =org-mode= as note editor. - Configurable list of extensions to recognize as notes. ** Elfeed [[file:+readers/elfeed/README.org][+readers/elfeed/README.org]] This layer integrates a web feed reader into spacemacs. Features: - Support for reading RSS and Atom feeds directly within emacs via [[https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed][Elfeed]]. - Support for managing feeds via org files supplied by [[https://github.com/remyhonig/elfeed-org][elfeed-org]]. - Support for displaying feed database content in the browser via [[https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed#web-interface][web interface]]. ** Epub [[file:+readers/epub/README.org][+readers/epub/README.org]] This layer provides support for reading EPUB-formatted eBooks in Spacemacs using the excellent [[https://github.com/wasamasa/nov.el][nov.el]] package. Features: - Basic navigation (jump to TOC, previous/next chapter) - Remembering and restoring the last read position - Jump to next chapter when scrolling beyond end - Renders EPUB2 (.ncx) and EPUB3 (