(defvar perspectives-packages '( perspective persp-projectile ) "List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.") (defvar perspectives-excluded-packages '() "List of packages to exclude.") (defun perspectives/init-perspective () (use-package perspective :commands (custom-persp persp-add-buffer persp-set-buffer persp-kill persp-remove-buffer ;; persp-cycle-next ;; persp-cycle-prev persp-rename persp-switch projectile-persp-bridge ) :init (progn ;; muh perspectives (defun custom-persp/emacs () (interactive) (custom-persp ".emacs.d" (find-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el"))) (defun custom-persp/org () (interactive) (custom-persp "@org" (find-file (first org-agenda-files)))) (defun custom-persp/rcirc () (interactive) (custom-persp "@RCIRC" (rcirc-config))) (spacemacs/declare-prefix "L" "layouts") (spacemacs/declare-prefix "Lo" "custom-perspectives") (evil-leader/set-key "La" 'persp-add-buffer "LA" 'persp-set-buffer "Lc" 'persp-kill "Lk" 'persp-remove-buffer "Ln" 'persp-next "Loe" 'custom-persp/emacs "Loi" 'custom-persp/rcirc "Loo" 'custom-persp/org "Lp" 'persp-prev "Lr" 'persp-rename "Ls" 'persp-switch)) :config (progn (persp-mode t) ;; loading code for our custom perspectives ;; taken from Magnar Sveen (defmacro custom-persp (name &rest body) `(let ((initialize (not (gethash ,name perspectives-hash))) (current-perspective persp-curr)) (persp-switch ,name) (when initialize ,@body) (setq persp-last current-perspective))) (add-hook 'after-init-hook '(lambda () (persp-rename "@spacemacs"))) ;; Jump to last perspective ;; taken from Magnar Sveen (defun custom-persp-last () (interactive) (persp-switch (persp-name persp-last))) ;; (defun persp-cycle-next () ;; "Cycle throught the available perspectives." ;; (interactive) ;; (let ((next-pos (1+ (persp-name persp-curr))) ;; (list-size (length (persp-all-names)))) ;; (cond ((eq 1 list-size) (persp-switch nil)) ;; ((>= next-pos list-size) (persp-switch (nth 0 (persp-all-names)))) ;; (t (persp-next))))) ;; (defun persp-cycle-prev () ;; "Cycle throught the available perspectives." ;; (interactive) ;; (let ((next-pos (- (persp-name persp-curr) 1)) ;; (list-size (length (persp-all-names)))) ;; (cond ((eq 1 list-size) (persp-switch nil)) ;; ((< next-pos 0) (persp-switch (nth (- list-size 1) (persp-all-names)))) ;; (t (persp-prev))))) ) )) (defun perspectives/init-persp-projectile () (use-package persp-projectile :if perspective-enable-persp-projectile :config (progn (projectile-persp-bridge helm-projectile-switch-project) (evil-leader/set-key "ps" 'spacemacs/persp-switch-project) (defun spacemacs/persp-switch-project () (interactive) (evil-leader/set-key "ps" 'helm-projectile-persp-switch-project) (find-file "~/.spacemacs") (helm-projectile-switch-project) (persp-add-buffer "*spacemacs*") (persp-kill "@spacemacs")))))