#+TITLE: Theming layer * Table of Contents :TOC_4_org:noexport: - [[Description][Description]] - [[Install][Install]] - [[Usage][Usage]] - [[Attributes][Attributes]] - [[Faces][Faces]] - [[Headers][Headers]] * Description This layer allows for a simple way of modifying themes. * Install To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs= #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(theming)) #+end_src * Usage To use this layer, set the value of =theming-modifications=. It should be a list of the following form: #+begin_src emacs-lisp ((theme1 (face1 attributes...) (face2 attributes...) ...) (theme2 (face1 attributes...) (face2 attributes...) ...) ...) #+end_src This will apply the given attributes to the relevant faces whenever the appropriate theme is loaded. To update without changing the theme, use ~SPC : spacemacs/update-theme~. * Attributes See [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Face-Attributes.html#Face-Attributes][face attributes]] in the Emacs manual for more information. Some of the more common attributes you might want to tweak are the following: - =:inherit= :: the name of a face to inherit attributes from - =:foreground= and =:background= :: Hexadecimal color strings - =:height= :: typically a floating point number (1.0 gives the same height as the underlying face) - =:weight= :: typically =bold= or =normal= - =:underline= :: typically =nil= or =t= - =:slant= :: typically =oblique=, =italic= or =normal= - =:box= :: set to =t= to draw a box around characters in the foreground * Faces To see a list over all loaded faces and what they look like, use ~SPC : list-faces-display~. You can also use ~SPC h d c~ (describe character) on a character to see its face. Some of the most common faces to modify are the syntactical elements: - =font-lock-builtin-face= - =font-lock-comment-delimiter-face= - =font-lock-comment-face= - =font-lock-constant-face= - =font-lock-doc-face= - =font-lock-function-name-face= - =font-lock-keyword-face= - =font-lock-preprocessor-face= - =font-lock-string-face= - =font-lock-type-face= - =font-lock-variable-name-face= - =font-lock-warning-face= As well as the mode-line faces for the active and inactive windows: - =powerline-active1= - =powerline-active2= - =powerline-inactive1= - =powerline-inactive2= - =mode-line= - =mode-line-inactive= * Headers This layer includes three additional layer variables for tweaking headings. Allowed values are a list of themes in which the given effect should happen, or the symbol =all= to apply it on all themes. - =theming-headings-inherit-from-default= :: inherits all headings from the default face to avoid non-monospaced fonts - =theming-headings-same-size= :: sets the =:height= attribute to one on all headings to give them the same size as the rest of the text - =theming-headings-bold= :: sets the =:weight= attribute to bold on all headings