# Paradox This contrib layer switches the old list-packages for the more feature rich Paradox package. you can find more info [here](https://github.com/Bruce-Connor/paradox). Important this will override your old `list-packages`. ## Usage You can do `SPC a P` to open paradox-list-packages. Sad part is that for now you can only swap to evil-emacs-state `C-z` and navigate with n and p, other helpful tips show when you press `h`. Refer to the github page of the package for more info. ## Repo stars To be able to star packages you have to create a github [token](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new) and only add Read permissions to your public repos then you set it in your configuration files like this: ```elisp (setq paradox-github-token "") ``` ### OR If you are feeling like so, create a .authinfo.gpg file in your home directory. (With Emacs, obviously... `C-x C-f ~/.authinfo.gpg RET`). The contents of this file follow [netrc guidelines](http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/auth/Help-for-users.html). You should have a file like this: ``` machine github.com user paradox password port paradox ``` And then proceed to save that buffer. Just going for `OK` in the pop up menu is OK. Enter your super secure password and now you have your GitHub token being accesed securely ( even though you only gave permissions to read your public repos, I'm sure I'll find another use for this code later)