#+TITLE: Quick start #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: * Configuration :TOC_4_org:noexport: - [[Configuration layers][Configuration layers]] - [[Dotfile (.spacemacs)][Dotfile (.spacemacs)]] - [[Dotdirectory (~/.spacemacs.d)][Dotdirectory (~/.spacemacs.d)]] - [[Learning Spacemacs][Learning Spacemacs]] - [[Editing Styles][Editing Styles]] - [[The leader keys][The leader keys]] - [[Evil-tutor][Evil-tutor]] - [[Universal argument][Universal argument]] - [[Configuration layers and Package discovery][Configuration layers and Package discovery]] - [[Key bindings discovery][Key bindings discovery]] - [[Describe functions][Describe functions]] - [[How-To's][How-To's]] * Configuration layers Spacemacs divides its configuration into self-contained units called =configuration layers=. These layers are stacked on top of each other to achieve a custom configuration. By default Spacemacs uses a dotfile called =~/.spacemacs= to control which layers to load. Within this file you can also configure certain features. A configuration layer is a directory containing at least a =packages.el= file which defines and configures packages to be downloaded from Emacs package repositories using the =package.el= built-in feature of Emacs. If you already have your own =Emacs= configuration you can move it to your own layer. The following command creates a layer in the =private= directory: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE : configuration-layer/create-layer RET #+END_EXAMPLE Any configuration layers you create must be explicitly loaded in =~/.spacemacs=. Note: For your privacy, the contents of the =private= directory are not under source control. See the section on private configuration management in the [[file:DOCUMENTATION.org][documentation]]. * Dotfile (.spacemacs) As mentioned =.spacemacs= controls which configuration layers to load and is also a means to customizing Spacemacs. The following command will create a =.spacemacs= file in your home directory: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE : dotspacemacs/install RET #+END_EXAMPLE To open the installed dotfile: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE f e d #+END_EXAMPLE To load some configuration layers using the variable =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers=: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp ;; List of configuration layers to load. dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(auto-completion smex) #+END_SRC Some configuration layers support configuration variables to expose granular control over layer-specific features, [[file:../layers/+source-control/git/README.org][git layer]] being one such example. Variables can be directly set within =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= like so: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp ;; List of configuration layers to load. dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(auto-completion (git :variables git-magit-status-fullscreen t) smex) #+END_SRC At anytime you can apply the changes made to the dotfile or layers _without restarting_ Spacemacs by pressing ~SPC f e R~. The [[file:../core/templates/.spacemacs.template][dotfile template]] contain further information about how to customize Spacemacs. See the dotfile configuration section of the [[file:DOCUMENTATION.org][documentation]] for more details. * Dotdirectory (~/.spacemacs.d) Like =Emacs=, Spacemacs initialization can also be contained in an =init.el= file in a special directory =~/.spacemacs.d=. The contents of the dotfile should be then copied in the =init.el= file. * Learning Spacemacs ** Editing Styles Spacemacs can be used by Vim users or Emacs users by setting the =dotspacemacs-editing-style= variable to =vim=, =emacs= or even =hybrid= in the dotfile =~/.spacemacs=. ** The leader keys Spacemacs key bindings use a leader key which is by default bound to ~SPC~ (space bar) in =vim= or =hybrid= editing styles and ~M-m~ in =emacs= style. You can change it by setting the variable =dotspacemacs-leader-key= if you use the =vim= style or =dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key= if you use the =emacs= style (these variables must be set in the file =~/.spacemacs=). For simplicity the documentation always refers to the leader key as ~SPC~. There is secondary leader key called the major-mode leader key which is set to ~​,​~ by default. This key is a shortcut for ~SPC m~ where all the major-mode specific commands are bound. ** Evil-tutor If you are willing to learn the Vim key bindings (highly recommended since you can benefit from them even in =emacs= style), press ~SPC h T~ to begin an Evil-adapted Vimtutor. ** Universal argument In =vim= editing style the universal argument defaults to ~SPC u~ instead of ~C-u~ because the latter is used to scroll up as in Vim. ** Configuration layers and Package discovery By using =helm-spacemacs-help= with ~SPC h SPC~ you can quickly search for a package and get the name of the layers using it. You can also easily go to the =README.org= of a layer or go to the initialization function of a package. ** Key bindings discovery Thanks to [[https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key][which-key]], whenever a prefix command is pressed (like ~SPC~) a buffer appears after one second listing the possible keys for this prefix. It is also possible to search for specific key bindings by pressing: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE SPC ? #+END_EXAMPLE To narrow the bindings list to those prefixed with =SPC=, type a pattern like this regular expression: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE SPC\ b #+END_EXAMPLE which would list all =buffer= related bindings. *Note:* You are at the /HELM-Descbind/ prompt, the pattern consists of 6 letters: uppercase ~SPC~, a backslash, an actual space and a lowercase ~b~. ** Describe functions =Describe functions= are powerful Emacs introspection commands to get information about functions, variables, modes etc. These commands are bound thusly: | Key Binding | Description | |-------------+-------------------| | ~SPC h d f~ | describe-function | | ~SPC h d k~ | describe-key | | ~SPC h d m~ | describe-mode | | ~SPC h d v~ | describe-variable | * How-To's Some quick =how-to's= are compiled in the [[file:FAQ.org::How%20do%20I...][FAQ.org]] file.