;;; ivy-spacemacs-help.el --- Spacemacs layer exploration with `ivy'. ;; Author: Justin Burkett ;; Keywords: ivy, spacemacs ;; Version: 0.1 ;; Package-Requires: ((ivy "0.7")) ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This package adds a convenient way to discover Spacemacs configuration ;; layers thanks to ivy. ;;; Code: (require 'cl) (require 'ht) (require 'ivy) (require 'core-configuration-layer) (defvar ivy-spacemacs--initialized nil "Non nil if ivy-spacemacs is initialized.") ;; (defvar ivy-spacemacs-help-all-layers nil ;; "Alist of all configuration layers.") ;; (defvar ivy-spacemacs-help-all-packages nil ;; "Hash table of all packages in all layers.") (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//init (&optional arg) (when (or arg (null ivy-spacemacs--initialized)) (let ((configuration-layer--load-packages-files t) (configuration-layer--package-properties-read-onlyp t) (configuration-layer--inhibit-warnings t)) (configuration-layer/discover-layers) (configuration-layer/declare-layers (configuration-layer/get-layers-list)) (configuration-layer/make-all-packages) (setq ivy-spacemacs--initialized t)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Docs (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//documentation-candidates () (let (result file-extension) (dolist (filename (directory-files spacemacs-docs-directory)) (setq file-extension (file-name-extension filename)) (when (or (equal file-extension "md") (equal file-extension "org")) (push filename result))) ;; CONTRIBUTING.org is a special case as it should be at the root of the ;; repository to be linked as the contributing guide on Github. (push "CONTRIBUTING.org" result) ;; delete DOCUMENTATION.org to make it the first guide (delete "DOCUMENTATION.org" result) (push "DOCUMENTATION.org" result) ;; give each document an appropriate title (mapcar (lambda (r) (cond ((string-equal r "CONTRIBUTING.org") `("How to contribute to Spacemacs" . ,r)) ((string-equal r "CONVENTIONS.org") `("Spacemacs conventions" . ,r)) ((string-equal r "DOCUMENTATION.org") `("Spacemacs documentation" . ,r)) ((string-equal r "FAQ.org") `("Spacemacs FAQ" . ,r)) ((string-equal r "LAYERS.org") `("Tips on writing layers for Spacemacs" . ,r)) ((string-equal r "QUICK_START.org") `("Quick start guide for Spacemacs" . ,r)) ((string-equal r "VIMUSERS.org") `("Vim users migration guide" . ,r)) (t `(r . ,r)))) result))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//documentation-action-open-file (candidate) "Open documentation FILE." (let* ((candidate (cdr candidate)) (file (if (string= candidate "CONTRIBUTING.org") ;; CONTRIBUTING.org is a special case as it should be at the ;; root of the repository to be linked as the contributing ;; guide on Github. (concat spacemacs-start-directory candidate) (concat spacemacs-docs-directory candidate)))) (cond ((equal (file-name-extension file) "md") (condition-case-unless-debug nil (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file) (gh-md-render-buffer) (spacemacs/kill-this-buffer)) ;; if anything fails, fall back to simply open file (find-file file))) ((equal (file-name-extension file) "org") (spacemacs/view-org-file file "^" 'all)) (t (find-file file))))) ;;;###autoload (defun ivy-spacemacs-help-docs (arg) (interactive "P") (ivy-spacemacs-help//init arg) (ivy-read "Spacemacs Documentation: " (ivy-spacemacs-help//documentation-candidates) :action #'ivy-spacemacs-help//documentation-action-open-file)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Layers (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-candidates () (sort (mapcar 'symbol-name (configuration-layer/get-layers-list)) 'string<)) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-get-directory (candidate) "Get directory of layer passed CANDIDATE." (configuration-layer/get-layer-path (intern candidate))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file (file candidate &optional edit) "Open FILE of the passed CANDIDATE. If EDIT is false, open in view mode." (let ((path (configuration-layer/get-layer-path (intern candidate)))) (if (equal (file-name-extension file) "org") (if edit (find-file (concat path file)) (spacemacs/view-org-file (concat path file) "^" 'all)) (let ((filepath (concat path file))) (if (file-exists-p filepath) (find-file filepath) (message "%s does not have %s" candidate file)))))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-readme (candidate) "Open the `README.org' file of the passed CANDIDATE for reading." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "README.org" candidate)) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-add-layer (candidate) "Adds layer to dotspacemacs file and reloads configuration" (if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp (intern candidate)) (message "Layer already added.") (let ((dotspacemacs (find-file-noselect (dotspacemacs/location)))) (with-current-buffer dotspacemacs (beginning-of-buffer) (let ((insert-point (re-search-forward "dotspacemacs-configuration-layers *\n?.*\\((\\)"))) (insert (format "\n%s\n" candidate)) (indent-region insert-point (+ insert-point (length candidate))) (save-current-buffer))) (dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers)))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-dired (candidate) "Open dired at the location of the passed layer CANDIDATE." (dired (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-get-directory candidate))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-readme-edit (candidate) "Open the `README.org' file of the passed CANDIDATE for editing." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "README.org" candidate t)) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-config (candidate) "Open the `config.el' file of the passed CANDIDATE." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "config.el" candidate)) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-packages (candidate) "Open the `packages.el' file of the passed CANDIDATE." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "packages.el" candidate)) ;;;###autoload (defun ivy-spacemacs-help-layers () (interactive) (ivy-spacemacs-help//init) (ivy-read "Spacemacs Layers: " (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-candidates) :action 'ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-readme :caller 'ivy-spacemacs-help-layers)) (ivy-set-actions 'ivy-spacemacs-help-layers '(("a" ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-add-layer "add layer") ("d" ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-dired "open dired at layer location") ("e" ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-readme-edit "open readme for editing") ("c" ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-config "open config.el") ("p" ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-packages "open packages.el") ("r" ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-readme "open readme"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Layers and packages (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-candidates () "Return the sorted candidates for package source." (let (result (left-column-width (number-to-string (cl-reduce (lambda (a x) (max (length (symbol-name x)) a)) (configuration-layer/get-layers-list) :initial-value 0))) (owners (cl-remove-duplicates (mapcar (lambda (pkg) (let ((obj (configuration-layer/get-package pkg))) (car (oref obj :owners)))) (configuration-layer/get-packages-list))))) (dolist (pkg-name (configuration-layer/get-packages-list)) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (push (list (format (concat "%-" left-column-width "S %s %s") (car (oref pkg :owners )) (propertize (symbol-name (oref pkg :name)) 'face 'font-lock-type-face) (propertize (if (package-installed-p (oref pkg :name)) "[installed]" "") 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)) (symbol-name (car (oref pkg :owners ))) (symbol-name (oref pkg :name))) result))) (dolist (layer (delq nil (cl-remove-if (lambda (x) (memq x owners)) (configuration-layer/get-layers-list)))) (push (list (format (concat "%-" left-column-width "S %s") layer (propertize "no packages" 'face 'warning)) layer nil) result)) (sort result (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b)))))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action (args) "Open the file `packages.el' and go to the init function." (if (null (caddr args)) (message "There are no packages associated with this layer.") (let* ((layer-str (cadr args)) (layer-sym (intern layer-str)) (package-str (caddr args)) (path (configuration-layer/get-layer-path layer-sym)) (filename (concat path "packages.el"))) (find-file filename) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward (format "init-%s" package-str)) (beginning-of-line)))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-describe-package (args) "Describe the passed package using Spacemacs describe function." (if (null (caddr args)) (message "There are no packages associated with this layer.") (let ((package-str (caddr args))) (configuration-layer/describe-package (intern package-str))))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-dired (args) "Open the `packages.el' file of the passed `car' of ARGS." (dired (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-get-directory (cadr args)))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-config (args) "Open the `packages.el' file of the passed CANDIDATE." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "config.el" (cadr args))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-packages (args) "Open the `packages.el' file of the passed CANDIDATE." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "packages.el" (cadr args))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-readme (args) "Open the `README.org' file of the passed CANDIDATE for reading." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "README.org" (cadr args))) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-readme-edit (args) "Open the `README.org' file of the passed CANDIDATE for editing." (ivy-spacemacs-help//layer-action-open-file "README.org" (cadr args) t)) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-add-layer (args) "Adds layer to dotspacemacs file and reloads configuration" (if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp (intern (cadr args))) (message "Layer already added.") (let ((dotspacemacs (find-file-noselect (dotspacemacs/location)))) (with-current-buffer dotspacemacs (beginning-of-buffer) (let ((insert-point (re-search-forward "dotspacemacs-configuration-layers *\n?.*\\((\\)"))) (insert (format "\n%s\n" (cadr args))) (indent-region insert-point (+ insert-point (length (cadr args)))) (save-current-buffer))) (dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers)))) ;;;###autoload (defun ivy-spacemacs-help () (interactive) (ivy-spacemacs-help//init) (ivy-read "Spacemacs Layers and Packages: " (ivy-spacemacs-help//help-candidates) :action 'ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action :caller 'ivy-spacemacs-help)) (ivy-set-actions 'ivy-spacemacs-help '(("a" ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-add-layer "add layer") ("d" ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-dired "open dired at layer location") ("D" ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-describe-package "describe package") ("e" ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-readme-edit "open readme for editing") ("c" ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-config "open config.el") ("p" ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-packages "open packages.el") ("r" ivy-spacemacs-help//help-action-open-readme "open readme"))) ;;;###autoload (defalias 'ivy-spacemacs-help-packages 'ivy-spacemacs-help) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Toggles (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//toggle-candidates () "Return the sorted candidates for toggle source." (let (result) (dolist (toggle spacemacs-toggles) (let* ((toggle-symbol (symbol-name (car toggle))) (toggle-status (funcall (plist-get (cdr toggle) :predicate))) (toggle-name (capitalize (replace-regexp-in-string "-" " " toggle-symbol))) (toggle-doc (format "(%s) %s: %s" (if toggle-status "+" "-") toggle-name (propertize (or (plist-get (cdr toggle) :documentation) "") 'face 'font-lock-doc-face)))) (when (plist-member (cdr toggle) :evil-leader) (let ((key (key-description (kbd (concat dotspacemacs-leader-key " " (plist-get (cdr toggle) :evil-leader)))))) (setq toggle-doc (format "%s (%s)" toggle-doc (propertize key 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))))) (if (plist-member (cdr toggle) :documentation) (push `(,toggle-doc . ,toggle-symbol) result) (push `(,toggle-name . ,toggle-symbol) result)))) (setq result (cl-sort result 'string< :key 'car)) result)) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//toggle (candidate) "Toggle candidate." (let ((toggle (assq (intern candidate) spacemacs-toggles))) (when toggle (funcall (plist-get (cdr toggle) :function))))) ;;;###autoload (defun ivy-spacemacs-help-toggles () (interactive) (ivy-read "Spacemacs Toggles: " (ivy-spacemacs-help//toggle-candidates) :action 'ivy-spacemacs-help//toggle)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; .spacemacs vars (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//dotspacemacs-candidates () "Return the sorted candidates for all the dospacemacs variables." (sort (dotspacemacs/get-variable-string-list) 'string<)) (defun ivy-spacemacs-help//go-to-dotfile-variable (candidate) "Go to candidate in the dotfile." (find-file dotspacemacs-filepath) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; try to exclude comments (re-search-forward (format "^[a-z\s\\(\\-]*%s" candidate)) (beginning-of-line)) ;;;###autoload (defun ivy-spacemacs-help-dotspacemacs () (interactive) (ivy-read ".spacemacs variables: " (ivy-spacemacs-help//dotspacemacs-candidates) :action 'ivy-spacemacs-help//go-to-dotfile-variable)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; FAQ ;;;###autoload (defun ivy-spacemacs-help-faq () "Show FAQ and launch swiper session." (interactive) (find-file-read-only (expand-file-name "FAQ.org" spacemacs-docs-directory)) (swiper "\\*\\* ")) (provide 'ivy-spacemacs-help) ;;; ivy-spacemacs-help.el ends here