#+COMMENT -*- mode: org -*- This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs. Use the following template structure and fill it in with your changes. When a release will be drafted, the notes will be copied at the top of the [[file:CHANGELOG.org][CHANGELOG.org]] file. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE * Release 0.400.x ** 0.400.0 *** Breaking Changes **** Major **** Key bindings **** Layers ***** Layer 1 ***** Layer 2 ***** Layer 3 *** Hot new features *** Dotfile changes *** Core changes *** Distribution changes *** Layers **** New layers **** Layer 1 **** Layer 2 **** Layer 3 *** Various improvements **** Code syle and organization **** Documentation and website **** Testing and CI #+END_EXAMPLE * Release 0.300.x ** 0.300.0 *** Hot new feature - Extensive use of lazy loading of packages and other tricks to reduce Spacemacs startup time. In most cases you should see a noticable improvement in load time and smoothness in startup. We also added the time spent to load your personal =dotspacemacs/user-config= so you can quickly spot if it is a bottleneck (thanks to Sylvain Benner, Ben Leggett, and bmag) - Added support for native line numbers in Emacs 26+ (thanks to bmag) - Improved themes support. Support are now handled like regular packages. The list of themes now supports =:location= keyword like in package lists. More information in the =Themes= section of the documentation. - Added environment-variable caching. At startup, if the cache does not exist, Spacemacs loads environment variables using =exec-path-from-shell= and writes the cache to be used on next startup. Please read carefully the new documentation section =Environment variables and PATH= in =DOCUMENTATION.org= (thanks to Sylvain Benner, Codruț Constantin Gușoi, and Paolo G. Giarrusso) - Improved support of custom settings file. All custom settings are now encapsulated in a function called =dotspacemacs/emacs-custom-settings= in the dotfile if the user does not specify a custom location for the custom settings file by modifying the variable =custom-file=. This allows Spacemacs to correctly loads custom settings at the end of the loading process, fixing unwanted overriden custom settings by layers. See section =Custom variables= in =DOCUMENTATION.org=. - Introduction of =spacemacs-purpose= layer in charge of handling Emacs windows assignation for actions opening new buffers. This layer brings more consistency to windows creation by giving them a purpose (i.e. =edit=, =help=, etc...). See [[https://github.com/bmag/emacs-purpose][emacs-purpose]] repository for more info. (thanks to bmag) - New distribution =spacemacs-docker= used to build the official docker image for the Spacemacs container (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Added support for =ripgrep=. To enable it add =rg= to =dotspacemacs-search-tools=. =ripgrep= key bindings are under ~SPC s r~ prefix. (thanks to Aron Griffis) - Simplify declaration of company backends, see the section =Add auto-completion in a layer= of the =README.org= file of the =auto-completion= layer. - Added experimental support for the emacs portable dumper; see =EXPERIMENTAL.org=. This allows for instant Spacemacs startup time with pre-loaded heavy packages like =Org= and =Helm= (thanks to Sylvain Benner, Compro Prasad and Keith Simmons) *** Breaking Changes **** Major - Support for Emacs 24 has been dropped, the minimal Emacs version is now =25.1=. **** Core - Change loading order of layers init functions. Previously the =pre-init=, =init= and =post-init= function were called in a row for each package. Now /all/ =pre-init= functions are called for all packages, then /all/ =init= functions of all packages are called, finally /all/ =post-init= functions of all packages are called. It might require some updates of your private layers. - All custom settings are now encapsulated in a function called =dotspacemacs/emacs-custom-settings= which is managed by Spacemacs and written to your dotfile. This allows Spacemacs to control when those settings are applied. While it should not break your custom settings you should check that they are all applied correctly once you reboot Emacs. Also you may have to clean up your dotfile if some custom settings are still present in your dotfile outside of the function =dotspacemacs/emacs-custom-settings=. - Company backends declaration has been revamped to be less verbose and easier to use. For more info see the section =Add auto-completion in a layer= of the README.org file of the =auto-completion= layer, also you can read [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/commit/74fdbb6][commit message of commit 74fdbb6]]. - The function =add-flycheck-hook= has been renamed to =enable-flycheck=. - The property =:powerline-scale= of variable =dotspacemacs-default-font= has been removed and replaced by the property =:separator-scale= used in the new dotfile variable =dotspacemacs-mode-line-theme=. **** Layers ***** Spacemacs distribution layers - Key bindings: - Changed ~SPC b B~ to ~SPC b I~ for =ibuffer= (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Changed ~SPC B b~ to ~SPC b B~ for non restricted buffer list (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - ~SPC b m~ now opens the =*Messages*= buffer. The old ~SPC b m~ to kill other buffers has been moved to ~SPC b C-d~. Killing other buffers using a regular expression is now under ~SPC b C-D~. - Changed ~SPC f T~ to ~SPC 0~ for =neotree-show= / =treemacs-select-window= (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - Changed ~SPC j j~ from =evil-avy-goto-char= to =evil-avy-goto-char-timer=, and removed default binding for =evil-avy-goto-char-2= (thanks to duianto and Sylvain Benner) - Scrolling key bindings are now under ~SPC N~ instead of ~SPC n~ to be able to define more key bindings to scroll. - ~SPC q z~ is now ~SPC q f~ to kill a frame. - Remove ~SPC T N~ and make ~SPC T n~ cycle and start the theme transient state (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Other: - Support for multiple cursors using =evil-mc= is now encapsulated in the =multiple-cursors= layer (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) ***** C-C++ - CMake support has been extracted from the =c-c++= layer into the new =cmake= layer. ***** ESS - ESS key bindings were re-organised in the following list (thanks to Guido Kraemer, Yi Liu, and Jack Kamm): - ~SPC m ,~ for =ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step= - ~SPC m d~ for =ess-dev-map= - ~SPC m h h~ for =ess-display-help-on-object= - ~SPC m h p~ for =ess-R-dv-pprint= - ~SPC m h t~ for =ess-R-dv-ctable= - ~SPC m r~ for =ess-extra-map= - ~SPC m s B~ for =ess-eval-buffer-and-go= - ~SPC m s D~ for =ess-eval-function-or-paragraph-and-step= - ~SPC m s F~ for =ess-eval-function-and-go= - ~SPC m s L~ for =ess-eval-line-and-go= - ~SPC m s R~ for =ess-eval-region-and-go= - ~SPC m s S~ for =ess-switch-process= - ~SPC m s b~ for =ess-eval-buffer= - ~SPC m s d~ for =ess-eval-region-or-line-and-step= - ~SPC m s f~ for =ess-eval-function= - ~SPC m s i~ for =spacemacs/ess-start-repl= - ~SPC m s l~ for =ess-eval-line= - ~SPC m s r~ for =ess-eval-region= - ~SPC m s s~ for =ess-switch-to-inferior-or-script-buffer= - ~SPC m w~ for =ess-r-package-dev-map= ***** Elixir - Key bindings; - Changed ~SPC m p t~ to ~SPC m t F~ for =alchemist-project-find-test= (thanks to Lyuben Petrov) ***** Git - Improvements: - Adapted configuration to new transient commands of Magit (thanks to bmag) - Key bindings; - Changed ~SPC g f h~ to ~SPC g f l~ for 'git log' of current file (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) ***** gtags - Key bindings; - Regenerate tags are now under ~SPC m g C~ instead of ~SPC m g c~. ***** Haskell - Key bindings; - Swapped key bindings for better usability (thanks to Tony Lotts): - ~SPC m s s~ for =haskell-interactive-switch= - ~SPC m s S~ for =spacemacs/haskell-interactive-bring= ***** IPython notebook - Key bindings; - Change prefix from ~SPC a i~ to ~SPC a y~ (thanks to Swaroop C H) ***** JavaScript - CoffeeScript support has been extracted from the =javascript= layer into the new =coffeescript= layer. - Added missing prefix for =js2-mode= ***** Markdown - Key bindings: - Removed ~SPC m i I~ for =markdown-insert-reference-image= (folded into ~SPC m i i~) - Removed ~SPC m i L~ for =markdown-insert-reference-link-dwim= (folded into ~SPC m i l~) ***** nlinum - The =nlinum= layer is deprecated on Emacs 26.1 and newer in favor of native line number support (thanks to bmag) ***** Org Org key bindings were all over the place and we needed to reorganize them in a sane way, here is the complete list of changed key bindings (thanks to Sylvain Benner and Paweł Siudak): - New prefixes: - ~SPC C~ clocks - ~SPC d~ dates - ~SPC m T~ toggles - ~SPC m b~ org-babel commands - ~SPC m i D~ download - ~SPC m s~ trees/subtrees - Changed key bindings: - ~SPC m A~ org-attach - ~SPC m C I~ org-clock-in-last - ~SPC m C R~ org-clock-report - ~SPC m C c~ org-agenda-clock-cancel - ~SPC m C c~ org-clock-cancel - ~SPC m C d~ org-clock-display - ~SPC m C e~ org-evaluate-time-range - ~SPC m C g~ org-clock-goto - ~SPC m C i~ org-agenda-clock-in - ~SPC m C i~ org-clock-in - ~SPC m C j~ org-clock-jump-to-current-clock - ~SPC m C o~ org-agenda-clock-out - ~SPC m C o~ org-clock-out - ~SPC m C p~ org-pomodoro - ~SPC m C r~ org-resolve-clocks - ~SPC m T V~ space-doc-mode - ~SPC m T i~ org-toggle-inline-images - ~SPC m T t~ org-show-todo-tree - ~SPC m T x~ org-toggle-latex-fragment - ~SPC m d T~ org-time-stamp-inactive - ~SPC m d d~ org-agenda-deadline - ~SPC m d d~ org-deadline - ~SPC m d s~ org-agenda-schedule - ~SPC m d s~ org-schedule - ~SPC m d t~ org-time-stamp - ~SPC m e m~ org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize - ~SPC m i D s~ org-download-screenshot - ~SPC m i D y~ org-download-yank - ~SPC m i H~ org-insert-heading-after-current - ~SPC m i K~ spacemacs/insert-keybinding-org - ~SPC m i d~ org-insert-drawer - ~SPC m i e~ org-agenda-set-effort - ~SPC m i e~ org-set-effort - ~SPC m i h~ org-insert-heading - ~SPC m i l~ org-insert-link - ~SPC m i n~ org-add-note (thanks to Tommi Komulainen) - ~SPC m i p~ org-agenda-set-property - ~SPC m i p~ org-set-property - ~SPC m i s~ org-insert-subheading - ~SPC m i t~ org-agenda-set-tags - ~SPC m i t~ org-set-tags - ~SPC m p~ org-priority - ~SPC m s A~ org-archive-subtree - ~SPC m s N~ widen - ~SPC m s S~ org-sort - ~SPC m s b~ org-tree-to-indirect-buffer - ~SPC m s h~ org-promote-subtree - ~SPC m s j~ org-move-subtree-down - ~SPC m s k~ org-move-subtree-up - ~SPC m s l~ org-demote-subtree - ~SPC m s n~ org-narrow-to-subtree - ~SPC m s r~ org-agenda-refile - ~SPC m s r~ org-refile - ~SPC m s s~ org-sparse-tree - ~SPC m x o~ org-open-at-point - Removed ~C-h~ binding in =org-agenda-mode= (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) - Rebind =org-agenda-refile= to ~r~ in transient state (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Moved =org-trello= keys from ~SPC m o~ to ~SPC m m t~ (thanks to Magnus Therning) - New keybindings for push and pull (thanks to Magnus Therning): - ~SPC m t d b~ for =spacemacs/org-trello-pull-buffer= - ~SPC m t d c~ for =spacemacs/org-trello-pull-card= - ~SPC m t u b~ for =spacemacs/org-trello-push-buffer= - ~SPC m t u c~ for =spacemacs/org-trello-push-card= ***** Python - Key bindings (thanks to Danny Freeman): - Changed ~SPC m s F~ to ~SPC m e F~ for =lisp-eval-defun-and-go= - Changed ~SPC m s R~ to ~SPC m e R~ for =lisp-eval-region-and-go= - Changed ~SPC m s e~ to ~SPC m e e~ for =lisp-eval-last-sexp= - Changed ~SPC m s f~ to ~SPC m e f~ for =lisp-eval-defun= - Changed ~SPC m s r~ to ~SPC m e r~ for =lisp-eval-region= - Hy support has been extracted from the =python= layer into the new =hy= layer. - Made =nose= fail compilation when tests fail (thanks to wizmer) ***** Ruby - Key bindings: - Changed ~SPC m h d~ to ~SPC m h h~ for =robe-doc= (thanks to Paweł Siudak) ***** Ruby on Rails - Key bindings: - New ~SPC m r f S~ to find serializer (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Changed =projectile-rails= key binding prefix from ~SPC m r~ to ~SPC m f~ to avoid conflicts with key bindings in the =web-mode= layer (thanks to Adam Sokolnicki) ***** Shaders - =shaders= layer has been moved to =gpu= layer. ***** Syntax checking - Key bindings (thanks to Loris Lucido): - Key binding ~SPC e e~ is now for triggering a syntax check, the old action (explain error around point) has been moved to ~SPC e x~. - Move major specific error key bindings to ~SPC m E~ prefix (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Changed ~SPC e e~ to ~SPC e b~ for =flycheck-buffer= ***** Vagrant - Key bindings: - Vagrant key bindings prefix is now ~SPC a V~. *** New layers **** Email - notmuch (thanks to Francesc Elies Henar, Leonard Lausen, Willian Casarin, Kalle Lindqvist) **** Fonts - unicode-fonts (thanks to Aaron Jensen) **** Languages - alda (thanks to Andrew Hill (AstroEngiSci)) - coffeescript (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - coq (thanks to Xuan Bi, Jeremy Bi and Langston Barret) - crystal (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - dart (thanks to Bruno Tavares) - dhall (thanks to Colin Woodbury) - ietf (thanks to Christian Hopps and Robby O'Connor) - factor (thanks to timor) - forth (thanks to Tim Jaeger) - gpu (thanks to Evan Klitzke) - groovy (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - hy (thanks to Sylvain Benner and yuhan0) - jr (thanks to Philippe Baron) - json (thanks to Sylvain Benner, Boris Buliga and Tommi Komulainen) - jsonnet (thanks to liztio and Robby O'Connor) - julia (thanks to Adam Beckmeyer and Guido Kraemer) - kotlin (thanks to Shanavas M) - pact (thanks to Colin Woodbury) - perl5 (thanks to Troy Hinckley, Jinseop Kim and Michael Rohleder) - perl6 (thanks to Bahtiar Gadimov and yuhan0) - prolog (thanks to Newres Al Haider) - protobuf (thanks to Amol Mandhane) - restructuredtext (thanks to Wei-Wei Guo and Kalle Lindqvist) - semantic-web (thanks to Andreas Textor) - yang (thanks to Christian Hopps) **** Misc - multiple-cursors (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi and Thomas de Beauchêne) **** WEB services - confluence **** Readers - epub (thanks to Jeremy Dormitzer and André Peric Tavares) **** Spacemacs - spacemacs-defaults - spacemacs-modeline - spacemacs-navigation - spacemacs-project - spacemacs-purpose (thanks to bmag) - spacemacs-visual **** Tools - bm (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko and Binbin Ye) - cmake (thanks to Alexander Dalshov, Sylvain Benner and Jonas Jelten) - dap (thanks to Ivan Yonchovski) - debug (thanks to Hodge Shen, Troy Hinckley, and Sylvain Benner) - emberjs (thanks to Robert O'Connor) - import-js (thanks to Thanh Vuong and Seong Yong-ju) - lsp (thanks to Fangrui Song, 0bl.blwl, Cormac Cannon, Juuso Valkeejärvi, Guan Xipeng, Ivan Yonchovski, Justin Martin, dscole and Sylvain Benner) - node (thanks to jupl) - pass (thanks to Andrew Oppenlander, Kepi, Kalle Lindqvist, and Evan Klitzke) - phoenix (thanks to Lyuben Petrov) - prettier (thanks to Seong Yong-ju) - sphinx (thanks to Wei-Wei Guo) - tern (thanks to Sylvain Benner and Juuso Valkeejärvi) - transmission (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - web-beautify (thanks to Sylvain Benner and Juuso Valkeejärvi) - xclipboard (thanks to Charles Weill, Sylvain Benner, and Alex Palaistras) **** Others - copy-as-format (thanks to Ruslan Kamashev) - japanese (thanks to Kenji Miyazaki) - multiple-cursors (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - parinfer (thanks to Tianshu Shi) - templates (thanks to YasuharuIida and Eivind Fonn) - treemacs (thanks to Alexander Miller, Kalle Lindqvist, duianto, Thomas de Beauchêne, Boris Buliga and Sylvain Benner) *** Removed layers - evil-cleverparens (moved to spacemacs-evil) - extra-langs (replaced by ad-hoc layers) *** Dotfile changes - New Variables: - New dotvariable =dotspacemacs-auto-generate-layout-names= (thanks to bmag) - New dotvariables =dotspacemacs-emacs-pdumper-executable-file=, =dotspacemacs-emacs-dumper-dump-file= and =dotspacemacs-enable-emacs-pdumper= to configure dump (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New variable =dotspacemacs-enable-server= (thanks to Tad Fisher) - New variable =dotspacemacs-frame-title-format= which is the efault format string for a frame title bar, see docstring of function =spacemacs/frame-title-prepare= for more info (thanks to Uri Sharf and Kepi) - New variable =dotspacemacs-gc-cons= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New variables =dotspacemacs-import-env-vars-from-shell= and =dotspacemacs-import-env-vars-shell-file-name= to asynchronously import environment variables (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New variable =dotspacemacs-initial-scratch-message= for the initial message in the scratch buffer (thanks to Carl Lange) - New variable =dotspacemacs-mode-line-themes= adds support for mode-line themes. Supported themes are =spacemacs=, =all-the-icons=, =vim-powerline=, =custom=, and =vanilla=. The first three are spaceline themes, =custom= is user defined, and =vanilla= is the default Emacs mode-line. (thanks to Sylvain Benner and James Wang) - New variable =dotspacemacs-server-socket-dir= for setting the server socker location (thanks to Carl Lange) - New variable =dotspacemacs-switch-to-buffer-prefers-purpose= which controls where =switch-to-buffer= displays the buffer. If nil, =switch-to-buffer= displays the buffer in the current window even if another same-purpose window is available. If non nil, =switch-to-buffer= displays the buffer in a same-purpose window even if the buffer can be displayed in the current window. (thanks to bmag) - New variable =dotspacemacs-use-spacelpa= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New variable =dotspacemacs-zone-out-when-idle= to zone when idle. Zoning will obfuscate the current buffer acting like a screen saver. (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko and Sylvain Benner) Other: - Added =vim-style-visual-feedback= and =hybrid-style-visual-feedback= style variables to enable =evil-goggles= pulse in the Vim and Hybrid editing styles, respectively; disabled by default (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Renamed style variables for consistency; the old names are still recognized but deprecated (thanks to Sylvain Benner): - =dotspacemacs-remap-Y-to-y$= renamed to =vim-style-remap-Y-to-y$= - =dotspacemacs-retain-visual-state-on-shift= to =vim-style-retain-visual-state-on-shift= - =dotspacemacs-visual-line-move-text= to =vim-style-visual-line-move-text= - =dotspacemacs-ex-substitute-global= to =vim-style-ex-substitute-global= - =hybrid-mode-enable-evilified-state= to =hybrid-style-enable-evilified-state= - =hybrid-mode-enable-hjkl-bindings= to =hybrid-style-enable-hjkl-bindings= - =hybrid-mode-use-evil-search-module= to =hybrid-style-use-evil-search-module= - =hybrid-mode-default-state= to =hybrid-style-default-state= - Renamed =helm= variables and made them layer variables; the old dotfile variables are still recognized but deprecated (thanks to Sylvain Benner and Kalle Lindqvist): - =dotspacemacs-helm-resize= to =helm-enable-auto-resize=, in the =spacemacs-completion= layer - =dotspacemacs-helm-no-header= to =helm-no-header=, in the =helm= layer - =dotspacemacs-helm-position= to =helm-position=, in the =helm= layer - =dotspacemacs-helm-use-fuzzy= to =helm-use-fuzzy=, in the =spacemacs-completion= layer - Removed obsolete =:powerline-scale= property from =dotspacemacs-default-font= variable (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh and Sylvain Benner) *** Core changes - Improvements: - Display time spent in =user-config= in home buffer (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added dotfile function =dotspacemacs/user-load= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added dotfile function =dotspacemacs/user-env= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added layer shadowing system, see [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/commit/dc58801c7ddd770a1f94a17890b4efbd1f20f6e8][commit dc58801]] (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added support for stable ELPA repository hosted on GitHub (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =--no-package-sync= startup flag to prevent package from being installed or uninstalled set the variable (thanks to Valts Liepiņš) - Added =:requires= keyword for package declarations and owned packages (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Added new interactive function =spacemacs/diminish-undo= to undo all the dimished mode-line lighters and have all of them be displayed in the mode-line. (thanks to hodge) - Conventions: added support for major mode specific toggles on ~SPC m T~ prefix (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Conventions: added ~SPC m f~ for web frameworks (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added univeral prefix argument support to open both the =*scratch*= buffer and the =*Messages*= buffer in another window (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Added support for building multi-file local packages with =Quelpa= (thanks to Andriy Kmit') - Improved handling of additional bindings for transient states (thanks to Andriy Kmit') - More robust =dotspacemacs/add-layer= implementation (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Improved issue reporting (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Enabled backward theme cycling and added dedicated transient state accesible with ~SPC T n~ and ~SPC T N~ (thanks to Adrien Becchis and bmag) - Remove wizard question about completion engine. (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added e key bindings in Quick Help home screen (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Increased =gc-cons-threshold= during startup to reduce startup time (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Wrap init with =file-name-handler-alist nil= to speed up init (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Changed startup to hide loading message unless =--debug-init= is specified (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New command line parameter =--force-dump= to force dump emacs (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added prompt about unsaved changes when closing an issue report (thanks to timor) - Added =:off-message= keyword to the =spacemacs|add-toggle= macro to allow overriding the default toggled-off expression (thanks to bmag) - Added =spacemacs|add-transient-hook= macro to add hooks that vanish the first time they are executed (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =doom-emacs= mode-line theme (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Synchronize environment variables from the default shell (thanks to fiveNinePlusR) - Optimized =spacemacs/title-prepare= (thanks to Andriy Kmit') - Cached expensive computations in =spacemacs/title-prepare= (thanks to Dieter Komendera) - Added line text object using =evil-textobj-line= (thanks to Uroš Perišić) - Fixed: - Avoid non-idempotent use of push in init code (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Moved Spacemacs startup progress bar to =core-progress-bar.el=, removed counter from progress bar, fixed updating, and fixed size when Emacs is started maximized (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed loading of themes having dependencies (thanks to Benno Fünfstück) - Fixed error when =layers= directory does not exist in dotdirectory (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Fixed insert point for lazy loaded layers (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Fixed reference to cfgl-package-distant-p (thanks to Alex Coventry) - Fixed computation of elpa directory (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed loading order for package configuration it is now: - pre-init functions for all packages - init function of all packages - post-init functions for all packages (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed base16-theme mapping for all themes (thanks to Philippos Boon Alexaki) - Fixed package initialization on Emacs 27 (thanks to Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters) - Fixed bugs that could cause =layers.el= and =packages.el= files to be loaded multiple times (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed warning about quoted lambda in =core-configuration-layer.el= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New function =configuration-layer/load-file= to load files silently (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed configuration-layer/insert-lazy-install-configuration, which has been broken since v0.200.0. - Fixed duplicate "Open quick help..." in the minibuffer at startup (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed overflow of line in page-break-lines-mode when using line number (thanks to Compro Prasad) - Changed the layer loading process so that customizing a package variable using =:variables= in =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= overrides any default value that the layer's package configuration sets (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed bug that could overwrites customize variables (thanks to bmag) - Don't suggest ~SPC q r~ if =restart-emacs= package is missing after an update (thanks to Keshav Kini) - spacemacs-layouts: Improvements to ~SPC l l~ (=spacemacs/helm-perspectives= or =spacemacs/ivy-spacemacs-layouts=): - If the user selects a project that does not already have a layout and then quits without selecting a file or buffer, kill the new layout. - When creating a new layout, add any buffers that belong to the project. - spacemacs-layouts: Improvements to ~SPC p l~ (=spacemacs/helm-persp-switch-project= or =spacemacs/ivy-persp-switch-project=): - Fixed the default action to display the home buffer in the new layout. - Added actions to copy the current layout or create a new project layout. - Resolve symlinks in warning message about duplicate layers (thanks to Ben Gamari) - Check toggle condition in status function (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Always reset applied themes when a theme is applied (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Assume "no" for lazy installation in the --batch mode (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Use =url-hexify-string= to encode issue report body (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Deleted the quote preceding the lambda in =spacemacs|add-toggle= to avoid warning (thanks to Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters) - Escaped left and right bracket character literals to avoid warning (thanks to Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters) - Backported battery fix for macOS (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Disabled spaceline responsiveness for =all-the-icons= theme (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Disabled auto-start of Emacs server by default (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Alternate buffers without taking into account their purpose (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Made query-replace work when frame is split (thanks to Dieter Komendera) - Don't skip missing .elc files when recompiling Elpa (thanks to RockyRoad29) - Updated =quelpa= to fix installing of some recipes on macOS (thanks to Dieter Komendera) - Added startup support for doom-sourcerer theme (thanks to Parker Johnson) - Fixed modeline when started in deamon mode (thanks to Benno Fünfstück) - Fixed search for "find" executable in windows (thanks to Charlie Barto) - Other: - New function =configuration-layer/message= to display message in =*Messages*= buffer (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Enabled lexical binding in new template (thanks to André Peric Tavares) - Reworked =spacemacs//reroot-link= to make links relative (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Rename =configuration-layer/sync= to =configuration-layer/load= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Replace the optional argument =no-install= by a global variable named =spacemacs-sync-packages= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added optional parameter to =spacemacs/set-mode-line= to redisplay (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added optional =append= and =local= parameters to =spacemacs/add-to-hooks= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =spacemacs-buffer/error= like =spacemacs-buffer/warning= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Move versions functionality to new file =core/core-versions.el= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Use =cl-loop= instead of =loop= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Renamed =spacemacs/mplist-get= function to =spacemacs/mplist-get-values=, renamed =spacemacs/plist-get= function to =spacemacs/mplist-get-value=, and refactored the latter function (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - Added =pupo-split-active-window= variable to split the active window or the entire frame (thanks to tddsg) - New emacs banner: "100-banner.txt" (thanks to Robert Zaremba) *** Distribution changes - Refactored =spacemacs-bootstrap=, =spacemacs-ui=, and =spacemacs-ui-visual= layers: - The =spacemacs-bootstrap= layer no longer configures built-in packages; instead, the new =spacemacs-defaults= layer configures built-in packages. - The =spacemacs-base= distribution now uses only the new =spacemacs-defaults= layer. As a result, =spacemacs-base= no longer installs any packages, but instead only configures defaults for built-in packages. - The new =spacemacs-navigation= layer configures packages for navigation. - The new =spacemacs-modeline= layer configures packages for the mode line. - The new =spacemacs-project= layer configures =projectile=. - Merge =spacemacs-ui= and =spacemacs-ui-visual= into layer =spacemacs-visual= - New Packages: - Added =evil-lion= package to =spacemacs-evil= layer (thanks to et2010 and Eivind Fonn) - Added =editorconfig= package to =spacemacs-editing= layer (thanks to Vladimir Kochnev and Eivind Fonn) - Added =password-generator= package to =spacemacs-editing= layer (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =symon= package to =spacemacs-modeline= layer (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Added =evil-goggles= to the =spacemacs-evil= layer (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =dotenv-mode= to the =spacemacs-bootstrap= layer (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added the following local packages (thanks to Sylvain Benner): - =info+= - =hide-comnt= - =help-fns+= - =font-lock+= - Remove package =adaptive-wrap= - Added =symbol-overlay= to the =spacemacs-navigation= layer (thanks to kenkangxgwe) - Key bindings: - New evil text objects =«=, =「=, =‘= and =“=. - Improved buffer transient state with extra bindings and new commands: - Added ~~ for next-buffer - Added ~~ for previous-buffer - Added ~o~ for other window - Added ~C-d~ for burry buffer - Added ~b~ for helm-buffer-list (thanks to Adrien Becchis and Sylvain Benner) - Added alignment support for ~{~ (thanks to Paulo Diniz) - Added functionality to move layouts in layout list using the layouts transient state: - Added ~<~ for =spacemacs/move-current-persp-left= - Added ~>~ for =spacemacs/move-current-persp-right= (thanks to Linus Marton) - New ~SPC b u~ keybinding for reopening killed buffers (thanks to Alex Palaistras) - New ~SPC b x~ and ~SPC w x~ to remove both buffer and window in one go (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - New key binding ~SPC b H~ to open or select the =*Help*= buffer (thanks to duianto) - New ~SPC b N~ prefix to create an empty buffer: - ~SPC b N h~ create new empty buffer in a new window on the left - ~SPC b N j~ create new empty buffer in a new window at the bottom - ~SPC b N k~ create new empty buffer in a new window above - ~SPC b N l~ create new empty buffer in a new window below - ~SPC b N n~ create new empty buffer in current window - ~SPC b N f~ create new empty buffer in a new frame (thanks to duianto and Jesse Byler) - Added ~c~ to create a workspace in the workspaces transient state (thanks to duianto) - enabled Helm or Ivy (if one of these is enabled) for: - ~SPC a d~ (=dired=) - ~SPC F f~ (=find-file-other-frame=) - ~SPC F b~ (=switch-to-buffer-other-frame=) - ~SPC F B~ (=display-buffer-other-frame=) - ~SPC F O~ (=dired-other-frame=) (thanks to Miciah Masters) - New key binding ~SPC f i~ for =insert-file=. - New ~SPC f e U~ to update packages (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - New frame manipulation key bindings: - Added ~SPC F f~ for =find-file-other-frame= - Added ~SPC F d~ for =delete-frame= - Added ~SPC F D~ for =delete-other-frames= - Added ~SPC F b~ for =switch-to-buffer-other-frame= - Added ~SPC F B~ for =display-buffer-other-frame= - Added ~SPC F O~ for =dired-other-frame= - Added ~SPC F o~ for =other-frame= - Added ~SPC F n~ for =make-frame= (thanks to Ben Lloyd, duianto and bmag) - Added multiple key bindings to copy a file path: - ~SPC f y c~ to show and copy current file absolute path with line and column number in the minibuffer - ~SPC f y d~ to show and copy current directory absolute path in the minibuffer - ~SPC f y l~ to show and copy current file absolute path with line number in the minibuffer - ~SPC f y y~ to show and copy current file absolute path in the minibuffer - ~SPC f y C~ to show and copy current file path relative to the project root with line and column number - ~SPC f y D~ to show and copy current directory path relative to the project root - ~SPC f y L~ to show and copy current file path relative to the project root with line number - ~SPC f y Y~ to show and copy current file path relative to the project root (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - New ~SPC f e e~ to open spacemacs.env file (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New ~SPC f e E~ to reload environment variable from env file (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New ~SPC f e C-e~ to re-initialize the env file from shell (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - New ~SPC f A~ to open a file and replace buffer with it (thanks to Masayuki Takemura) - Added ~SPC f y n~ and ~SPC f y N~ to copy the name of a file (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Changed ~SPC h d d~ to ~SPC h d a~ for =helm-apropos=, it's more mnemonic (thanks duianto and yuhan0) - Added ~SPC h d a~ for =counsel-apropos= (thanks duianto and yuhan0) - Added profiling key bindings: - ~SPC h P k~ to stop the profiler - ~SPC h P r~ to display the profiler report - ~SPC h P s~ to start the profiler - ~SPC h P w~ to write the profiler report to a file (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - New =spacemacs-completion key bindings: - ~C-S-j~ for =helm-follow-action-forward= - ~C-S-k~ for =helm-follow-action-backward= (thanks to Diego Berrocal) - Overhauled the scroll transient state and moved all scrolling key bindings from ~SPC n~ to ~SPC N~ (thanks to Somelauw) - Alternative keybinding ~M-0~ to switch to =neotree= / =treemacs= window (thanks to Alexander Miller) - Fixed ~hjkl~ bindings in =image-mode= and add leader bindings: - ~SPC m a a~ calls =image-toggle-animation= - ~SPC m a +~ calls =image-increase-speed= - ~SPC m a -~ calls =image-decrease-speed= - ~SPC m a r~ calls =image-reset-speed= - ~SPC m g n~ calls =image-next-file= - ~SPC m g N~ calls =image-previous-file= - ~SPC m t +~ calls =image-increase-size= - ~SPC m t -~ calls =image-decrease-size= - ~SPC m t f~ calls =image-mode-fit-frame= - ~SPC m t r~ calls =image-transform-reset= - ~SPC m t h~ calls =image-transform-fit-to-height= - ~SPC m t w~ calls =image-transform-fit-to-width= - ~SPC m t s~ calls =image-transform-set-scale= - ~SPC m t r~ calls =image-transform-rotation= (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - New ~SPC p e~ to edit =dir-locals.el= (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - Move ~SPC q z~ to ~SPC q f~ to kill a frame (thanks to Steven Allen) - New =spacemacs-navigation= key bindings: - ~SPC q t~ for restarting with =--timed-requires= - ~SPC q T~ for restarting with =--adv-timers= (thanks to Rich Alesi) - Move ~SPC t C p~ to ~SPC t h p~ for =highlight-parentheses-mode= (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - New ~SPC t m r~ to toggle responsiveness of the mode-line - New themes transient state key bindings ~t~ or ~~ to open =helm-themes= to select an installed theme (thanks to duianto) - Added ~SPC t z~ to toggle zero-based column indexing in the mode line - New key binding and function ~SPC w d~ for =spacemacs/maximize-vertically (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) - New ~SPC w 1~ to set the window layout to a single column (thanks to Alejandro Arrufat) - New ~SPC w 4~ to set the window layout to a 2x2 grid (thanks to Alejandro Arrufat, Codruț Constantin Gușoi, and bmag). - New text align key bindings: - ~SPC x a [~ align region at [ - ~SPC x a ]~ align region at ] - ~SPC x a {~ align region at { - ~SPC x a }~ align region at } (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - New text align key binding ~SPC x a %~ to align region at =%= (thanks to Gunnar Bastkowski) - New transient state for string inflection under ~SPC x i~ (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - New ~SPC x d SPC~ to delete all spaces except one (thanks to Fabian Wilk) - New string inflection key bindings: - ~SPC x i i~ cycle symbol naming styles - ~SPC x i u~ change symbol style to =under_score= - ~SPC x i U~ change symbol style to =UP_CASE= - ~SPC x i k~ change symbol style to =kebab-case= - ~SPC x i c~ change symbol style to =lowerCamelCase= - ~SPC x i C~ change symbol style to =UpperCamelCase= (thanks to Ric da Silva) - New transpose sentences and transpose paragraphs keybindings (thanks to Daniel Gomez): - ~SPC x t p~ for =transpose-paragraphs= - ~SPC x t s~ for =transpose-sentances= - Added missing which-key prefix names =new empty buffer= and =justification= (thanks to duianto) - New ~SPC x t e~ to transpose sexps (thanks to Guido Kraemer) - Added evil key bindings for visualizer and window mode of =undo-tree= (thanks to Rich Alesi) - Improved =which-key= replacement regular expressions (thanks to duianto) - Added ~SPC o~ which-key prefix name: =user bindings= (thanks to duianto) - Added =symbol-overlay= key bindings (thanks to kenkangxgwe): - ~SPC s o~ calls =spacemacs/symbol-overlay= - ~SPC s O~ calls =symbol-overlay-remove-all= - New symbol overlay transient state, ~SPC s o~ on a symbol: - ~b~ calls =symbol-overlay-switch-backward= - ~c~ calls =symbol-overlay-save-symbol= - ~d~ calls =symbol-overlay-jump-to-definition= - ~e~ calls =symbol-overlay-echo-mark= - ~f~ calls =symbol-overlay-switch-forward= - ~n~ calls =symbol-overlay-jump-next= - ~N~ calls =symbol-overlay-jump-prev= - ~o~ calls =symbol-overlay-put= - ~O~ calls =symbol-overlay-remove-all= - ~p~ calls =symbol-overlay-jump-prev= - ~r~ calls =symbol-overlay-query-replace= - ~R~ calls =symbol-overlay-rename= - ~s~ calls =symbol-overlay-isearch-literally= - ~t~ calls =symbol-overlay-toggle-in-scope= - ~z~ calls =recenter-top-bottom= - ~q~ exits the transient state (thanks to kenkangxgwe) - Added =link-hint-copy-link= to ~SPC x y~ (thanks to William Casarin) - Added =evil-unimpaired= navigation keys prefixed by ~[~ and ~]~ to the Spacemacs home buffer (thanks to Sorawee Porncharoenwase) - Improvements: - Rewrote window layout functions for ~SPC w 1~, ~SPC w 2~, ~SPC w 3~, and ~SPC w 4~ (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi): - Added =spacemacs-window-split-delete-function= variable, which can be used to customize how the window layout functions delete windows. - Added =spacemacs-window-split-ignore-prefixes= variable, which can be used to customize the default =spacemacs-window-split-delete-function= function. By default, this variable specifies treemacs and neotree sidebar windows. - Added =spacemacs/window-split-default-delete=, which is the default function for =spacemacs-window-split-delete-function=, and which deletes windows that do not match the prefixes in =spacemacs-window-split-ignore-prefixes=. - Allow a prefix argument to ~SPC w 1~, ~SPC w 2~, ~SPC w 3~, and ~SPC w 4~, which causes them to delete all windows, ignoring window parameters and =spacemacs-window-split-ignore-prefixes=. - Fill the current filename as a suggestion of =spacemacs/rename-current-buffer-file= (thanks to tddsg) - Added support for =helm-swoop-edit= in =helm= transient state (thanks to Troy Hinckley) - Added prefix argument to =rename-current-buffer-file=. If the prefix argument is non-nil then use the directory instead of filename as default value when prompting the user (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Added prompt to save modified, user created buffers on quit (thanks to Valts Liepiņš) - Made it easy to configure =spacemacs-evil-cursors= (thanks to bmag) - Made popwin handle =google-translate= buffers (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - Use =counsel-projectile-switch-project-action= instead of =projectile-switch-project-by-name=, to match the additional actions available via =counsel-projectile-switch-project= (thanks to Tad Fisher) - Use new custom actions mechanism from upstream =counsel-projectile= (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Added support for directories in =spacemacs/rename-file= (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Improved messages when deleting a file (thanks to duianto) - Replaced =centered-buffer-mode= with =writeroom-mode= (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Added =ivy= support to buffer transient state (thanks to yuhan0) - Enabled =evil-search= search module in evil state. - Improved function =spacemacs/sort-lines-by-column= to work on rectangular block selection and warn the user about its requirements (thanks to duianto) - Smarter default alignment with =spacemacs/align-repeat= (thanks to Eric Siegel and Eivind Fonn) - Set =case-fold-search= to =nil= in =compilation-finish-function= (thanks to Wieland Hoffmann) - Hide =evil-mc= single cursor mode-line lighter "emc" (thanks to duianto) - Rewrite function =spacemacs/sudo-edit=. Old version worked only for method =ssh= and did not work at all if user was not specified (e.g. /ssh:hostname:/path). Since the symbol '@' was required in a filename. (thanks to dvzubarev) - Implemented distraction free mode (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Added =helm= to spacemacs default distribution (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Made it possible to define an evil state face without an evil cursor (thanks to Alexander Miller) - Use =evil-smartparens-mode= when =dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode= is enabled (thanks to timor) - Set =which-key-idle-secondary-delay= to 0.01 to make which-key update more promptly after each key-press following the initial key-press in a sequence (thanks to oisincar) - Reset initial useful and useless buffers regexp lists to empty lists and left this to the user. This prevents surprising behavior for lots of users (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Colorized hybrid and inactive states for vim-powerline (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Switched to HTTPS for org packages repo (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Switched =center-cursor-mode= to melpa source (thanks to Dieter Komendera) - Added =Process List= to =popwin:special-display-config= (thanks to simendsjo) - Added actions to open =funcs.el= and =layers.el= from layers help (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Cleanup =which-key= by removing obsolete entries and adding some missing ones (thans to duianto) - Added =go-run-args= to pass command line arguments to `go run` - Editing: Enable smartparens in eldoc-eval-expression (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Check for universal argument before paste (thanks to bet4it) - New variable =spacemacs-yank-indent-modes= to enable auto indent in modes not derived from =prog-mode= (thanks to bet4it) - Remap ~M-SPC~ and ~SPC-x-d-SPC~ to =cycle-spacing= (thanks to bb2020) - Added ~j~ and ~k~ to transient states (thanks to Ag Ibragimov): - Font Scaling - Frame Transparency - Zoom Frame - Added key bindings to the zoom frame transient state: - ~m~ for toggle maximize - ~f~ for toggle fullscreen (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) - Fixed: - Fixed ~h~ key binding in compilation and grep buffers (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Disabled the paste transient state when using multiple cursors (thanks to Koray AL) - Fixed ~.~ repeat operator with the unimpaired keybindings ~[ q~ and ~] q~ to jump to flycheck errors in the current buffer. (thanks to Robbert van der Helm) - Fixed colorization of compilation buffer (thanks to Abdó Roig-Maranges) - Fixed placement of created new empty buffer (thanks to bmag) - Fixed renaming of a buffer without a visited file (thanks to duianto) - Fixed frame cycling in =evil-unimpaired= (thanks to Vladimir Kochnev) - Fixed frame killer logic with persistent server (thanks to Rich Alesi) - Fixed terminal RET and TAB in layouts/workspaces transient state (thanks to Don March) - Fixed overriding =sp-show-pair-delay= (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Fixed margin scaling ignoring window (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Fixed avy dependency in =spacemacs/ace-buffer-links= (thanks to Jonas Strømsodd) - Fixed =evil-paste-pop= (thanks to Nicholas Ochiel) - Fixed search direction in =spacemacs/integrate-evil-search= (thanks to Thanh Vuong) - Fixed left/right bindings in =undo-tree= (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Replaced obsolete =which-key= functions (thanks to duianto) - Fixed =default= theme loading (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Fixed scrollbar still active when disabled (thanks to Valts Liepiņš) - Fixed the =linum= text scaling advice (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Removed obsolete =purpose-conf= name argument (thanks to duianto) - Don't show warning on layout key clashes (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Fixed ~SPC w =~ for balancing windows (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed typos related to =persp-mode= (thanks to Ruslan Kamashev) - Fixed moving cursor in previous buffers when switching to home buffer (thanks to duianto) - Fixed =pupo-mode= loading for =spacemacs-purpose-popwin= (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Fixed =undo-tree= buffer name in =spacemacs-visual= (thanks to Winkey Wong) - Fixed renamed =helm= split window variable (thanks to duianto) - Fixed =neotree= and =treemacs= window number allocation (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed handling of Windows paths of package archives (thanks to Igor Avdeev) - Fixed using =eyebrowse= without =persp-mode= (thanks to Steven Allen) - Fixed misaligned =evil-mc= cursors on macOS and Windows (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - Fixed regression to allow new project perspectives (thanks to Bruno Tavares) - Compute =spacemacs-modeline= height only after display init (thanks to Benno Fünfstück) - Fixed vertical and horizontal in window manipulation transient state (thanks to Jesse Byler) - Changed initialization of =recentf-exclude= to use =recentf-expand-file-name= in order to respect =recentf-filename-handlers= (thanks to bet4it) - Removed buggy =find-file-hook--open-junk-file= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed copy-paste error in =lazy-load= hook name (thanks to bmag) - Fixed errors when restoring a perspective (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Fixed activation of line number in =text-mode= and =prog-mode= while the user disabled it (thanks to bmag) - Fixed issue with =spacemacs/smart-closing-parenthesis= sometimes adding an extra closing parenthesis (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Fixed updating buffer names in window configurations (thanks to Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters) - Made =spacemacs/counsel-search= with proper highlighting (thanks to Ting Zhou) - Removed compilation finish hook as it was surprising and annoying for lots of users (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Fixed global toggles for =aggressive-indent= and =smartparens= (thanks to Matt Kramer) - Fixed loading of outdated compiled files (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Fixed =helm= loading for layouts transient state (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Added support for =info-find-file= in emacs 27 by adding third argument (thanks to Richard Kim) - Fixed =:noh= ex-command to correctly clear search highlights initiated with both ~/~ and ~C-s~ (thanks to duianto) - Force =powerline-scale= to be 1 when =utf-8= separator is used (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed =find-ert-test-buffer= that moves point (thanks to Alexander-Miller) - Disabled popwin-mode at startup (thanks to bmag) - Fixed spaceline colors on emacs-mac port (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Fixed a bug where setting =dotspacemacs-line-numbers= to =t=, =relative=, or a property list with =:enabled-for-modes= omitted or set to =nil= enabled line numbers in every buffer instead of only in buffers that derived from =prog-mode= and =text-mode= (thanks to bmag) - Fixed bug with =evil-pasted= text object (thanks to Troy Hinckley) - Fixed =golden-ratio= to correctly update after ~[ w~ and ~] w~ (thanks to duianto) - Fixed =projectile-switch-project-action= (thanks to John Soo) - Fixed =evil-escape= lighter being shown in the mode line (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed ~TAB~ to toggle occurrences in iedit state in Vim and Hybrid editing styles (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed the projectile global mode function call (thanks to Karol Wójcik) - Fixed handling of keymap property when the value is a symbol instead of a keymap (thanks to Rudi Grinberg) - Fixed value of =persp-add-buffer-on-after-change-major-mode= to add free buffers to current layout (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Keep previous position on =toggle-maximize-buffer= (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) - Deactivate =evil-escape= in =holy-mode= (thanks to Maximilian Wolff) - Removed obsolete =purpose-conf= argument for good (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Stopped configuring =fci-rule-color=, which was overriding themes that configured it (thanks to Victor Cuadrado Juan) - Added ranger-mode to golden-ratio-exclude-modes (thanks to Langston Barrett) - Fixed evil surround bindings (thanks to Hoyon Mak) - Improved Window Manipulation Transient state (thanks to yuhan0) - Exclude which-key from layer sync powerline restore (thanks to Doug Wilson) - Fixed =doom-modeline= in the messages buffer (thanks to duianto) - Fixed void function error when =recentf-save-list= is undefined (thanks to Compro-Prasad) - Fixed =global-hl-todo-mode= prevents activation in =org= (thanks to Sam Pillsworth) - Made =spacemacs-theme= variables user customizable from =user-init= - =spacemacs-theme-keyword-italic= - =spacemacs-theme-comment-bg= - =spacemacs-theme-org-height= (thanks to Dominik Schrempf) - Key bindings (thanks to bb2020) - ~SPC-j-C~ to =check-parens= - ~SPC-,~ to =goto-last-change= *** Layer changes and fixes **** Alda - Key bindings: - ~SPC m r~ Play region (selected text) - ~SPC m c~ Play block (paragraph on point) - ~SPC m n~ Plays the current line - ~SPC m b~ Play the entire buffer (thanks to Andrew Hill (AstroEngiSci)) **** Ansible - Improvements: - Added support for multiple vault password files, see the layer =README.org= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixes: - Fixed ansible-doc-mode error on ~SPC h d k~ (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Fixed =error void function ansible: auto-decrypt-encrypt= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) **** Asm - Improvements: - Added support for =company= package declaration (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) **** Auto-completion - New packages: - Added =yasnippet-snippets= package (thanks to Jack Kamm) - Added =ivy-yasnippet= (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - Improvements: - Added =autocomplete-idle-delay= layer variable, which Spacemacs uses to set =company-idle-delay= or =ac-delay= (thanks to Benjamin Hipple) - Prefer =.spacemacs.d/snippets= over =.emacs.d/private/snippets= (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Use =counsel-company= to show completion candidates (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - Added =company-semantic= as a default company backend (thanks to bet4it) - Fixes: - Check if =dotspacemacs-directory-snippets-dir= exists before adding it (thanks to Wojciech Wojtyniak) - Fixed check for =dotspacemacs-directory-snippets-dir= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed =spacemacs/swiper-all-region-or-symbol= function (thanks to Ayush Goyal) - Fixed backends when =auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup= is nil (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Key bindings: - Removed ~C-f~ because it interfered with the default key binding for =forward-char= (thanks to scturtle and duianto) **** C-C++ - Breaking changes: - Moved =cmake-ide= and cmake script support to separate =cmake= layer (thanks to Alexander Dalshov) - Improvements: - Added =lsp= support using either =cquery= or =ccls= backends (thanks to Cormac Cannon, Sergey Litovchuk and Fangrui Song) - Fixed =lsp= support for =ccls= server (thanks to Alexander Dalshov) - Added automatic formatting on save using ClangFormat with the variables =c-c++-enable-clang-format-on-save= and =c-c++-enable-clang-support= (thanks to Robbert van der Helm) - Added possible value =no-completion= to =c-c++-enable-rtags-support= flag. This adds the option to opt-out of =company-rtags= while enabling Rtags. - Added option to use =google-c-style= with the variable =c-c++-enable-google-style=, and install the =google-make-newline-indent= hook with the variable =c-c++-enable-google-newline= (thanks to Evan Klitzke) - Refactor to reduce duplication (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - Improved auto-completion for header includes (thanks to Fredrik Bergstrand) - Added option to use =google-c-style= (thanks to Evan Klitzke and Richard Kim) - Added possible value =no-completion= to =c-c++-enable-rtags-support= flag (thanks to Farva) - Control auto-newline using the =c-c++-enable-auto-newline= variable (thanks to Fangrui Song and Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Added =org-babel= support (thanks to Michael Rohleder) - Added debugger integration via =dap= layer - Key bindings: - ~SPC m = =~ clang-format current region or buffer (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - ~SPC m = f~ clang-format current function (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - Declare =mg= prefix as =goto= (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - Support =rtags=, available under ~SPC m g~ prefix (thanks to Alexander Dalshov and Sylvain Benner) - Fixes: - Fixed a typo by moving one closing parenthesis :-) (thanks to Richard Kim) - Fixed clang format on save (thanks to Dela Anthonio and Silver Chan) - Installation of =gtags= layer conditional on =c-c++-enable-rtags-support= flag (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Only activate =rtags= keybindings when =rtags-mode= is active (thanks to lixinchin) - Fixed =google-set-c-style= functions being added regardless of configuration (thanks to Martin Øinæs Myrseth) - Updated ~SPC m g y~ binding to reflect upstream renaming of commands (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Fixed issue with =c++-enable-clang-format-on-save= not taking effect when set (thanks to Silver Chan) **** Cfengine - New packages: - Added =ob-cfengine3= (thanks to Nick Anderson) - Improvements: - Configure =org-babel= for =cfengine= source blocks (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixes: - Fixed flycheck initialization for syntax checking (thanks to Nick Anderson) - Fixed opening org file when cfengine and org layers enabled (thanks to Nick Anderson) **** Chinese - New packages: - Added package =chinese-conv= for conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese texts (Xiang Ji) **** Chrome - Key bindings: - Added =markdown= key bindings to gmail message mode (thanks to Christoph Paulik) **** Clojure - New packages: - Added =sayid= debugger (thanks to Daniel Manila and Arne Brasseur) - Added =flycheck-clojure= linters (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Improvements: - Store cider REPL history in spacemacs cache (thanks to Ryan Fowler) - Remove backtick from smartparens pairs for Clojure (thanks to Erwin Kroon and Eivind Fonn) - Improved =jump-to-definition= for Clojure modes (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) - Enabled safe structural editing for =.cljs=, =.cljx=, and =.cljc= files (thanks to Dieter Komendera) - Enabled command history navigation in the cider REPL in an insert mode (thanks to Wojciech Wojtyniak) - Made =clj-refactor= off by default (thanks to Arne Brasseur) - Enabled =clojure-mode= refactorings without =clj-refactor= (thanks to yuhan0) - Allow to send input to the REPL via RET in normal mode (thanks to Dieter Komendera) - Improve spacemacs-jump-handlers (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) - Key bindings: - ~SPC m e ;~ to eval sexp and show result as comment (thanks to John Stevenson) - Added ~SPC m g n~ to run =cider-find-ns= - Added key bindings for profiling and spec browsing: - ~SPC m g s~ to browse spec - ~SPC m g S~ to browse all specs - ~SPC m p +~ to display or set current max-sample-count - ~SPC m p c~ to clear profile - ~SPC m p n~ to toggle namespace profiling - ~SPC m p s~ to get profile summary for variable under point - ~SPC m p S~ to get summary of all currently collected profile data - ~SPC m p t~ to toggle variable profiling - ~SPC m p v~ to display or set profiling status of variable (thanks to Luo Tian) - ~SPC m e P~ to pprint eval last sexp (thanks to Tim Jäger) - ~SPC m h c~ for clojure-cheatsheet to clojure documentation. (thanks to Michael van der Nest) - Move =cider-browse-ns-all= to ~SPC m h N~ - ~SPC m r c :~ to toggle between a keyword and a string (thanks to John Stevenson) - ~SPC m s X~ to restart the REPL (thanks to James Conroy-Finn) - ~SPC m e u~ undefine symbol in the current namespace (thanks to John Stevenson) - Fixes: - Fixed =cider-inspector-prev-page= binding, also add ~p~ as another key binding (thanks to Brian Fay) - Fixed Clojure layer cider-repl-mode keybindings (thanks to Corey Ling) - Compatibility fix for CIDER 0.9.0 (thanks to nijohando) - Fixed function usage in clojure layer according to cider changes (thanks to André Stylianos Ramos) - Fixed regression for pinned =cider= (thanks to André Stylianos Ramos) - Fixed issue with =clojure-enable-fancify-symbols= causing "invalid face reference" error messages (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Update obsolete =cider-refresh= alias to =cider-ns-refresh= (thanks to André Peric Tavares) - Remove =clojure-cheatsheet= as it is part of cider now (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - Update doc for Cider manual quick start -`cider-connect`. Leiningen version 2.9 and Boot versions 2.8.2, ~cider-nrepl~ version 0.21.1 (thanks to John Stevenson) - Call interactive `cider-test-*` functions interactively (thanks to Timo Freiberg) - Change run-all-tests alias to run-project-tests (thanks to Timo Freiberg) - Fixed post-init of parinfer in the clojure layer (thanks to Martin Račák) **** Coffeescript - Improvements: - Added basic autocompletion (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Key bindings: - Added a couple of key bindings (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist): - Added ~SPC m '~ for =coffee-repl= - Added ~SPC m c c~ for =coffee-compile-buffer= - Added ~SPC m c r~ for =coffee-compile-region= - Added ~SPC m s b~ for =coffee-send-buffer= - Added ~SPC m s i~ for =coffee-repl= - Added ~SPC m s l~ for =coffee-send-line= - Added ~SPC m s r~ for =coffee-send-region= - Added ~SPC m T c~ for =coffee-cos-mode= **** Common Lisp - Improvements: - Add eval-thing-at-point functions to Common Lisp Layer (thanks to Lukas Woell) - New packages: - Added =slime-asdf= to =slime-contribs= to enabled some slime commands like =,load-system= (thanks to Daniel Schoepe) - Key bindings: - ~SPC m e l~ to evaluate current line (thanks to Boris Avdeev) - Fixes: - Fixed ~SPC m e~ key bindings to behave like in Emacs Lisp (thanks to Boris Avdeev) - Fixed initialization of =counsel-gtags= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) **** Cscope - Key bindings: - Fixed key binding ~g C~ (thanks to dubnde) - New ~SPC m g =~ to find assignments to a symbol (thanks to dubnde) **** CSharp - Improvements: - Enabled =flycheck= by default (thanks to Saulius Menkevičius) - No need to unset =omnisharp-auto-complete-want-documentation= anymore (thanks to Saulius Menkevičius) - Add ~SPC m t~ which key prefix: =csharp/tests= (thanks to duianto) - Hide mode-line indicator: =omnisharp= (thanks to duianto) - Key bindings: - New key binding =SPC m g e= for =omnisharp-solution-errors= (thanks to Saulius Menkevičius) - New key bindings (thanks to Alistair Bush): - ~SPC m t b~ for =omnisharp-unit-test-buffer= - ~SPC m u~ for =omnisharp-auto-complete-overrides= - ~SPC m i~ for =omnisharp-fix-usings= - Add unit test bindings (thanks to Saulius Menkevičius): - ~SPC m t l~ for =omnisharp-unit-test-last= - ~SPC m t t~ for =omnisharp-unit-test-at-point= - Fixes: - Disabled functions not present in the latest =omnisharp= package (thanks to Saulius Menkevičius) **** CSV - Key bindings: - ~SPC m h~ to =csv-header-line= (thanks to Francesc Elies Henar) **** D - Fixes: - Fixed =d-mode= flycheck imports on dub projects (thanks to Dietrich Daroch) **** Dash - Improvements: - Use default docsets path in =helm-dash= on macos (thanks to ColorFuzzy) **** Deft - Key bindings: - ~SPC m c~ clear deft filter (thanks to Bahtiar Gadimov) - ~SPC m N~ create new file named (thanks to Bahtiar Gadimov) - ~SPC m o~ deft open file in other window (thanks to Bahtiar Gadimov) - ~SPC m q~ for quitting the deft window (thanks to tinysong) - ~SPC m r~ rename selected note (thanks to Bahtiar Gadimov) **** Django - Key bindings: - Added names to django mode prefixes (thanks to Boris Verhovsky) **** Docker - Kill buffer shall return to *docker-containers* (thanks to Francesc Elies) - Key bindings: - Moved key bindings prefix from ~SPC D~ to ~SPC a D~ (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) - Added ~SPC m c B~ to build image without cache (thanks to Maximilian Wolff) Henar) - Added ~SPC a D C~ for =docker-compose= (thanks to Daniel Caixinha) - Fix: broken package declaration for dockerfile-mode (thanks to Maximilian Wolff) **** Elfeed - Fixed selection bindings in visual state (thanks to Jeremy Symon) - Fixed not saving on quit (thanks to Andrew Stevanus) **** Elixir - Added missing Alchemist commands and key bindings (thanks to Swaroop C H) - Key bindings: - Added ~SPC m t b~ to run tests for current file - Added ~SPC m t N~ to jump to previous test - Added ~SPC m t s~ to test stale - Added ~SPC m t R~ to toggle test report display - Added ~SPC m g g~ and ~SPC m .~ to jump to definition - Added ~SPC m g b~ and ~SPC m ,~ to jump back - Added ~SPC m g n~ to jump to next symbol - Added ~SPC m g N~ to jump to previous symbol - Added ~SPC m g j~ to list symbol definitions - Added ~SPC m X i~ to find info at point - Added ~SPC m X r~ for releases at point - Added ~SPC m X R~ for releases - Added ~SPC m X I~ for hex info - Added ~SPC m X s~ for hex search - Added ~SPC m o l~ to macroexpand once current line - Added ~SPC m o L~ to macroexpand once print current line - Added ~SPC m o k~ to macroexpand current line - Added ~SPC m o K~ to macroexpand once current line - Added ~SPC m o i~ to macroexpand once region - Added ~SPC m o I~ to macroexpand once print region - Added ~SPC m o r~ to macroexpand region - Added ~SPC m o R~ to macroexpand print region - Added elixir format keybind (thanks to Perry Fraser) - ~SPC m =~ to format current buffer - Change binding of =alchemist-project-find-test= from ~SPC m p t~ to ~SPC m t F~ (thanks to Lyuben Petrov) - Mark alchemist jump handler as async (thanks to Lukasz Czaplinski) **** Elm - Fixed flycheck initialization (thanks to Kevin W. van Rooijen) - Added =elm-test-runner= (thanks to Juan Edi) **** Emacs Lisp - Key bindings: - Added ~c~ to continue in edebug mode (thanks to hodge) - Identify Cask files as emacs lisp ones (thanks to Adrien Becchis) - Added =overseer= ert test runner (thanks to Adrien Becchis) - Key bindings: - ~SPC m t a~ for =overseer-test= - ~SPC m t t~ for =overseer-test-run-test= - ~SPC m t b~ for =overseer-test-this-buffer= - ~SPC m t f~ for =overseer-test-file= - ~SPC m t g~ for =overseer-test-tags= - ~SPC m t p~ for =overseer-test-prompt= - ~SPC m t A~ for =overseer-test-debug= - ~SPC m t q~ for =overseer-test-quiet= - ~SPC m t v~ for =overseer-test-verbose= - ~SPC m t h~ for =overseer-help= - Setup nameless package, replacing package prefix with ~:~ (thanks to Adrien Becchis) - Move =nameless-mode= toggle to ~SPC m T n~ (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added dotspacemacs alias (=.S=) for nameless (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Disabled nameless by default (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi, Sylvain Benner) - Activate nameless only in GUI (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Add =flycheck-package= for package metadata linting (thanks to Uroš Perišić) **** Emoji - Added support for Emoji fonts on macOS and Linux (thanks to CodeFalling) - Setup =emojify= cache directory (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Hide mode-line indicator: =emoji= (thanks to duianto) **** ERC - Key bindings: - ~SPC m b~ to switch between ERC buffers (thanks to Evan Klitzke) - Conditionally enable ERC notifications via =erc-enable-notifications= (thanks to Evan Klitzke) **** ESS - Key bindings: - Change ~SPC m s t~ to ~SPC m s f~ to respect convention (thanks to Yi Liu) - Change ~SPC m s T~ to ~SPC m s F~ to respect convention (thanks to Yi Liu) - Added REPL bindings (thanks to Guido Kraemer) - ~SPC m ,~ to send region, current function, or paragraph and step - ~SPC m s s~ to switch between file and REPL buffer - ~SPC m h~ for predefined keymap =ess-doc-map= - ~SPC m r~ for predefined keymap =ess-extra-map= - ~SPC m w~ for predefined keymap =ess-r-package-dev-map= - ~SPC m d~ for predefined keymap =ess-dev-map= - Fixed issue with read-only REPL buffer (thanks to Jack Kamm) - Added ess layer variable =ess-disable-underscore-assign= (thanks to Jack Kamm) - Remove =ess-R-object-popup= from ess layer (thanks to Naylyn Gaffney) - Refactor keybindings for =ess-mode= and =ess-julia-mode= (thanks to Guido Kraemer and bmag) - Added Julia repl to =spacemacs/ess-start-repl= (thanks to Guido Kraemer) - Reorganize key bindings (refer to =ESS= section in Breaking Changes above) - Added =xref= integraton (thanks to Guido Kraemer) - Update ess-disable-underscore-assign for ESS 18.10 (thanks to Leonard Lausen) - Update layer with the latest upstream changes (thanks to Guido Kraemer) **** Evil snipe - Must always explicitly enable =evil-snipe-mode= even when =evil-snipe-override-mode= is enabled (thanks to Sylvain Benner) **** Factor - Misc fixes for factor version 0.98 (thanks to timor) **** Finance - Remove key-bindings pointing to removed commands (thanks to Alexander Baier) - Added =evil-ledger= package (thanks to Alexander Miller) - new key bindings: ~g j~ go to the next transaction ~g k~ go to the previous transaction - =evil-ledger= adds the ~x~ transaction text object - Prevent auto-complete from adding a space (thanks to Lareb Syed) **** FSharp - Added prefixes for key bindings (thanks to David Millar-Durrant) **** Geolocation - Added deferred theme changer activation function. (thanks to Thadeus Fleming) - Fixed geolocation layer on non-macos systems (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Show user error when location is not set in theme changer (thanks to Boris Buliga) **** GitHub - Packages: - Added new packages =forge= (thanks to Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters) - Added package =magithub=, it is enabled by default in offline mode. - Remove package =github-browse-file= which has been replaced by =browse-at-remote= in =version-control= layer - Remove package =magit-gh-pulls= as it was deprecated in favor of =magithub= and =forge= (thanks to Robby O'Connor) - Key bindings: - Added ~g r~ evilified binding to gist-list-mode (thanks to Jean-Sebastien A. Beaudry) - Forge-topic buffer (thanks to Miciah Masters and yuhan0): - ~SPC m c~ create new post - ~SPC m e~ edit post - Forge-post buffer (thanks to Miciah Masters and yuhan0): - ~SPC m c~ or ~SPC m ,~ submit post - ~SPC m k~ or ~SPC m k~ cancel post - Replace =evilified-state-evilify= by =evilified-state-evilify-map= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Made magithub offline by default (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Disabled status, issues, and PRs by default (thanks to Miciah Masters) **** Git - Install magit-svn by default and activate with git-enable-magit-svn-plugin - Key bindings: - ~SPC g c~ to clone a repository (thanks to Steven Allen) - ~SPC g f f~ to view a file at a specific branch or commit (thanks to duianto) - ~SPC g i~ to initialize a repository (thanks to Steven Allen) - ~SPC m g y~ to find symbols (thanks to Daniel Ralston) - ~SPC g f d~ for =magit-diff= (thanks to Ag Ibragimov and bmag) - Commit message buffer (thanks to yuhan0): - ~SPC m c~ or ~SPC m ,~ commit changes with the entered message - ~SPC m a~ or ~SPC m k~ discard message and abort the commit - ~g j~ or ~M-n~ cycle through history to the previous commit message - ~g k~ or ~M-p~ save current commit message and cycle to the next message - Log selection buffer (thanks to yuhan0): - ~SPC m c~ or ~SPC m ,~ select the commit at point and act on it - ~SPC m a~ or ~SPC m k~ abort selecting and don't act on any commit - Added feature to toggle =evil-magit= based on editing style (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Added =use-package= for deferred loading of evil-magit (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Remove old evilification of magit buffers (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Move evil-magit =use-package= hook declaration to pre-init (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Change =magit-svn-popup= keybinding to =~= (thanks to hornuda) - Added gitignore-templates (thanks to Ruslan Kamashev) - Added =helm-git-grep= (thanks to Evan Klitzke) - Enabled colors in =magit-log= (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Added magit buffers to useless buffers (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Fixed magint blame function name (thanks to Bjarke Vad Andersen) - Show magit-log-select and diff in two windows (thanks to duianto) - Fixed magit conflicting with golden-ratio (thanks Eric Zhang) - Hide with-editor mode-line indicator: =WE= (thanks to duianto) **** Go - Improved go test output buffer behavior (thanks to Denis Bernard) - Configurable extra arguments to go run (thanks to Enze Chi) - Configurable extra arguments to go test (thanks to Ian Clark) - Added =godoctor= (thanks to TinySong and Eivind Fonn) - Key bindings: - Added ~SPC m r n~ to rename - Added ~SPC m r e~ to extract - Added ~SPC m r t~ to toggle - Added ~SPC m r d~ for godoc - Added =GOROOT= to list of variables copied from shell environment (thanks to Andy Lindeman) - Convert remote file name to local name, stripping trampy stuff (thanks to Josh Santos) - Added =go-tag= (thanks to brantou) - Added =go-gen-test= (thanks to Cosmin Cojocar and Sylvain Benner): - Key bindings: - ~SPC m t g g~ to generate tests for the function in the active region - ~SPC m t g f~ to generate tests for all exported functions - ~SPC m t g F~ to generate tests for all functions - Configure =go-mode= to use the =gopkgs= tool to find available Go packages faster (thanks to Cosmin Cojocar) - Added =go-fill-struct= and key binding ~SPC m r s~ to fill struct with default values (thanks to Cosmin Cojocar) - Added =go-impl= and key binding ~SPC m r i~ to generate method stubs for an interface (thanks to Cosmin Cojocar) - Fixed loading of the =GOPATH=, =GOROOT=, and =GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT= environment variables (thanks to Joshua Santos) - Added toggle for running =gofmt= before save (thanks to Jon Erik D Suero) - Key bindings: ~SPC m =~ to run =gofmt= manually - Support editorconfig setting of =tab-width= to nil (thanks to lawrsp) - Added lsp support (thanks to Lupco Kotev) - Added golangci-lint support (thanks to Lupco Kotev) - Added toggle control for verbose go test output (thanks to Enze Chi) - Set lsp-prefer-flymake to :none when Go layer is using LSP (thanks to Tim Heckman) **** Graphviz - Use graphviz package from melpa (thanks to Matthew Boston) **** Groovy - Update =indent-variable-alist= to support new groovy-mode (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Move groovy configuration to its own layer and improve it (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added Gradle support (thanks to Johnson Denen) - Improved maven and gradle support (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Key bindings: - Added ~SPC m r i~ to add import (thanks to Sylvain Benner) **** Gtags - Key bindings: - Move key binding ~SPC m g c~ to ~SPC m g C~ (regenerate tags) - Don’t check if mode function is bound (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Implements diminish and toggle (thanks to Dominik Schrempf) - Added =ivy= support to the gtags layers (thanks to Robbert van der Helm) - Made gtags toggle major mode specific (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed issue =counsel-gtags= command doesn't work in c-c++ layer (thanks to kekenow) **** Haskell - Disabled electric indent for cabal-mode (thanks to Benno Fünfstück) - Added dante support to haskell layer (thanks to Kyle McKean) - Fix: =company-dante= -> =dante-company= (thanks to Leon Isenberg) - Rename =haskell-enable-hindent-style= to =haskell-enable-hindent= and make it a Boolean option in accordance with upstream changes (thanks to PierreR) - Added function for proper import reformatting - Key bindings: - ~SPC r i~ runs new =spacemacs/haskell-format-imports= function - ~SPC m g b~ returns from definition in =intero-mode= (thanks to Magnus Therning) - Fixed jump handlers conflict for haskell and intero (thanks to CthulhuDen) - Fixed haskell jump handler for dante (thanks to cjay) - Enable LSP mode using HIE. **** Helm - Limited =ripgrep= results to 512 columns by default, and added =spacemacs-helm-rg-max-column-number= layer variable to configure the above limit (thanks to Aaron Jensen, Michael Hauser-Raspe, and Sylvain Benner) - Key bindings for directory search (thanks to Tim Jäger and Eivind Fonn): - ~SPC s d for =spacemacs/helm-dir-smart-do-search= - ~SPC s D for =spacemacs/helm-dir-smart-do-search-region-or-symbol= - ~SPC s a d for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-ag= - ~SPC s a D for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-ag-region-or-symbol= - ~SPC s k d for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-ack= - ~SPC s k D for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-ack-region-or-symbol= - ~SPC s r d for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-rg= - ~SPC s r D for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-rg-region-or-symbol= - ~SPC s t d for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-pt= - ~SPC s t D for =spacemacs/helm-dir-do-pt-region-or-symbol= - Don't change =helm-bookmarks= keys too early when helm-mode is enabled (thanks to bmag) - Change the default actions for =helm-find-files=, =helm-buffers-list=, and other file- or buffer-related Helm interfaces to handle multiple marked candidates by distributing buffers over existing windows until the action has either assigned all buffers or run out of windows (thanks to Nir Friedman) - Fixed signature of =spacemacs//display-helm-window= (thanks to Jack Kamm) - Fixed initialization by calling =helm-mode= when Helm is initialized= (thanks to bet4it). - Fixed actions in Helm transient state (thanks to Troy Hinckley) - Fixed conflict with new Magit transient key bindings (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added support for editing the =helm-find-files= buffer from the Helm transient state (thanks to Troy Hinckley) - Fixed smex package integration (thanks to Troy Hinckley) - Fixed winum intergration (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed "Invalid face reference" error in Helm transient state (thanks to duianto) - Hide lighter (thanks to Sylvain Benner and duianto) - Lazy load =helm= based on key bindings (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed error from =spacemacs/helm-files-smart-do-search= on non-file buffers (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Added guard to check if =winum= is loaded (thanks to Dan Girshovich) - Fixed regression: void function =helm-current-directory= on =C-x C-f= (thanks to bmag) - Fixed opening files from buffers without winum (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Removed ~SPC s w w~ key binding for =helm-wikipedia-suggest=, which was removed upstream. - Load helm before read-file-name and completing-read (thanks duianto and thanks Miciah for a more elegant solution) - Added key binding `sC` for `helm-swoop-clear-cache` (thanks to Yang Qian) - Fixed =spacemacs//helm-open-buffers-in-windows= when opening more files than available windows (thanks to Juha Jeronen) **** HTML - Added impatient-mode under ~SPC m i~ (thanks to geo7) - Added =counsel-css= as an =ivy= alternative to =helm-css-scss= (thanks to Robbert van der Helm) - Fixed autoloading bug involving =spacemacs/helm-find-files= (thanks to Jack Kamm) - Added impatient-mode under ~SPC m i~ (thanks to geo7) - XML files now open with web-mode by default (thanks to Jordan Gwyn) - Added =helm-xref= (thanks to Fangrui Song and Sylvain Benner) - Removed ~TAB~ binding for emacs editing style in =emmet-mode= (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - Revert setting company min. prefix length to 0 for company-web backend (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - Added missing prefixes for =web-mode= and =css-mode= (thanks to Uroš Perišić) **** Hy - Added support for virtual envs (thanks to Danny Freeman) - Key bindings: - Added ~SPC m h~ prefix for =help= - Added ~SPC m e~ prefix to mirror the eval bindings of other Lisps - Changed ~SPC m s s~ (i.e. =start-or-switch-to-shell=) to ~SPC m '~ **** Idris - Update author email for Idris layer (thanks to Timothy Jones) - Enabled =idris-simple-indent= (thanks to Xuan Bi) **** IPython Notebook - Added support for auto-completion with =company= (thanks to tutysara) - Added =ob-ipython= (thanks to Alejandro Catalina) - Key bindings: - ~SPC a i l~ to login (thanks to Ben Mabey) - ~SPC m s~ to split cell at point (thanks to Jaakko Luttinen) - ~~ (execute cell) and ~~ (execute cell and go to next) also in hybrid mode (thanks to Jaakko Luttinen) - Remove spurious key binding (thanks to Carlos Andrés Rocha) **** Ivy - Added =recentf= alt actions to refresh and delete items (thanks to Rich Alesi) - Added =projectile= alternate actions to invalidate cache (thanks to Rich Alesi) - Key bindings: - Added Helm key bindings counterparts: ~SPC f e l~ and ~SPC h i~ (thanks to Andriy Kmit') - Added ~SPC h d F~ to list faces (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Bind =find-file-other-window= to ~j~ (thanks to James Wang) - Added =counsel-mark-ring= to ~rm~ (thanks to bmag) - Limit =ripgrep= results to 150 columns (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Use new API to register additional transient state bindings (thanks to Andriy Kmit') - Initiate the transient state with ~M-SPC~ while in a =ivy= buffer (thanks to Rich Alesi) - Set =ivy-use-selectable-prompt= to =t= (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Rename git dir variable to upstream changes (thanks to bmag) - Added hook for =org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =ivy-rich= display transformer for =ivy-switch-buffer= (thanks to Alan Ferguson) - Fixed bug in spacemacs-help when a layer has no packages (thanks to Nikita Leshenko) - Rotate =ivy= re builders rather than toggle (thanks to Tomasz Kołodziejski) - Follow upstream ivy/counsel and remove use of variable =counsel--git-dir= (thanks to Chirantan Ekbote) - Fixed creation of layouts with =ivy= (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Added =ivy-enable-advanced-buffer-information= variable to toggle =ivy-rich= being enabled (thanks to Alejandro Catalina) - Move =counsel-projectile= to spacemacs-layouts (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Added =ivy-xref= (thanks to Fangrui Song and Sylvain Benner) - Use evil normal mode as default for =ivy-occur-grep-mode= (thanks to Ting Zhou) - Fixed error on =nil= input with counsel search (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Fixed call to =counsel-more-chars= in =counsel-search= (thanks to bmag) - Added search highlighting with =ivy--regex-plus= (thanks to ivasonn) - Improved jumping in buffer (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - Fixed ~SPC m s~ key bindings for wgrep (thanks to John Lee) - Update =ivy-rich= config for upstream changes (thanks to bmag) - Added ~C-r~ keybinding for counsel-minibuffer-history (thanks to James Wang) - Fixed counsel search errors due to function rename (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Display results count properly in prompt (thanks to yuhan0) - Fixed typos in spacemacs/search-dir* bindings (thanks to yuhan0) - Added =ivy-ret-visits-directory= variable (thanks to bb2020) **** Imenu-list - Fixed key bindings (thanks to bet4it): - ~r~ inside imenu-list buffer to refresh - ~SPC b i~ calls =imenu-list-smart-toggle= rather than =imenu-list-minor-mode= **** Jabber - Added missing optional argument for the =jabber-alert-echo= function to fix =wrong-number-of-arguments= error when jabber receives a new notification (thanks to Aleksei Fedotov) **** Java - Added support for multiple backends. Supported backends are: =meghanada=, =eclim= and =ensime=. The default backend is =meghanada=. - Key bindings: - ~SPC m e e~ is now to fix error around point. Use ~SPC e~ prefix to navigate between errors. - ~SPC m p r~ to run project (thanks to Willian Ver Valem Paiva) - ~SPC r n~ for =eclim-java-new= (thanks to Dela Anthonio) - Replace usage of =ensime-print-type-at-point= by =ensime-type-at-point= (thanks to Joao Azevedo) - Added defalias for =ensime-type-at-point= for compatibility (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Added ENSIME jump handlers (thanks to Joao Azevedo) - Improved maven and gradle support (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Made java layer depend on groovy layer (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed syntax typo in configuration (thanks to EMayej) - Added =org-babel= support (thanks to Michael Rohleder) - Remove broken ENSIME key bindings (thanks to Bjarke Vad Andersen) - Fixed yanking types (thanks to Bjarke Vad Andersen) - Fixed gtags related initialization (thanks to Guido Kraemer) - Added LSP Java backend (thanks to Ivan Yonchovski) - Added =.dap-breakpoints= and =.lsp-session-*= (java lsp tempfiles) to .gitignore (thanks to Uroš Perišić) - Fixed prefixes for =java-mode= and =gradle-mode= - New =lsp= backend keybindings - ~SPC m r c i~ convert to static import - ~SPC m r a t~ add throws exception - ~SPC m r a a~ assign all parameters to fields - ~SPC m r a f~ assign parameter to field - ~SPC m r g g~ to generate getters/setters - ~SPC m r g e~ to generate =equals= and =hashCode= methods - ~SPC m r g t~ to generate =toString= method - ~SPC m r g o~ to generate method overrides - ~SPC m c p~ create spring boot project **** Javascript - Improvements: - Leverage js-doc Yasnippet integration if available (thanks to Andriy Kmit') - Added LSP support, which can be used by enabling the =lsp= layer and setting the =javascript= layer's =javascript-backend= variable to =lsp= (thanks to Ting Zhou and Sylvain Benner) - Added ES6 module extension to =init-js2-mode= (thanks to Nathan Lloyd) - Added =org-babel= support (thanks to Michael Rohleder) - Added debug support via =dap= layer (Firefox and Google Chrome) - Added format on save option. (thanks to Trapez Breen) - Key bindings - Improved coffeescript support (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist): - ~SPC m '~ to create or go to REPL - ~SPC m c c~ to compile buffer - ~SPC m c r~ to compile region - ~SPC m s b~ to send buffer to REPL - ~SPC m s l~ to send line to REPL - ~SPC m s i~ to create or go to REPL - ~SPC m s r~ to send current region to the REPL and stay in buffer - ~SPC m T c~ to toggle compile on save - Move REPL live eval toggle to ~SPC m T l~ (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =import-js= support with key bindings: - ~SPC m i i~ to mport the module for the variable under the cursor - ~SPC m i f~ to import any missing modules and remove any modules that ar not used - ~SPC m g i~ to go to the module of the variable under cursor (thanks to Seong Yong-ju) - Move ~SPC m i~ for =impatient-mode= to ~SPC m I~ as ~SPC m i~ is now taken by the =import-js= key-bindings (thanks to Seong Yong-ju) - Fixes: - Set default value of =tern-command= to "tern" (thanks to Sylvain Benner and Juuso Valkeejärvi) - Check if =tern= exists before using it (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Fixed hook value to enable =evil-matchit= (thanks to Thanh Vuong) **** Keyboard layout - Added support for Colemak layout (thanks to Daniel Mijares, Lyall Cooper and Eivind Fonn) - Added new programmer dvorak layout that matches vim like key placement (thanks to Max Gonzih) - Added support for the Workman keyboard layout (thanks to warreq) - Added neo keyboard layout (thanks to benozol) - Added colemak-jkhl layout (thanks to fmdkdd) - Disambiguate the colemak-hnei and colemak-neio layouts (thanks to fmdkdd) - Improved support for workman keyboard layout (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - Added =after-config= hooks for lazy-loaded packages (thanks to CharlesHD) - Added undo-tree visualizer mapping (thanks to CharlesHD) **** LaTeX - New package =magic-latex-buffer= (thanks to benquebec) - New layer variable =latex-enable-magic= to enable =magic= symbols in latex buffers, see README.org for more info (thanks to benquebec) - Put magic-latex-buffer in TeX-update-style-hook instead of LaTeX-mode-hook (thanks to Matt Kramer) - Enable auto indent when paste. Remove =latex-mode= from =spacemacs-yank-indent-modes= to disable it (thanks to bet4it) **** Lua - Added support for auto-completion with =company= (thanks to halfcrazy) **** Language Server Protocol (LSP) - Replace lsp-capabilities keybinding with lsp-describe-session (thanks to Bryan Tan) - Added lsp-prefer-flymake variable (thanks to Juuso Valkeejärvi) - Added =lsp-treemacs= - ~SPC m t g e~ to show error list - Fixed missing shorcuts for =lsp-mode= - ~SPC m F r~ to remove workspace folder - ~SPC m F a~ to add workspace folder - ~SPC m F r~ to switch workspace folder - ~SPC m b s~ to shutdown current workspace - ~SPC m T l~ to toggle lenses - ~SPC m = r~ to format region - Added package =helm-lsp= - ~SPC m g s~ to find symbol in current project - ~SPC m g S~ to find symbol in all projects **** Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) - Key bindings - ~SPC m d d e~ to edit debug template - Evilfied =dap= debug windows **** Markdown - New layer variable =markdown-mmm-auto-modes= which is a list of language names or lists of language and mode names that are supported in source blocks, you can add you own modes, see layer README.org for more info (thanks to Christian Brassat) - Added support for Scala source blocks (thanks to Christian Brassat) - Fixed save of org table (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Fixed missing key bindings for =gfm-mode= (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Open Madoko document using markdown mode (thanks to Han Wang) - Key bindings (thanks to Swaroop C H): - ~SPC m t i~ to toggle inline images - ~SPC m t l~ to toggle url hiding - ~SPC m t t~ to toggle checkbox - ~SPC m t w~ to toggle wiki links - Update markdown insert link, function renamed (thanks to duianto) - Made all keybindings available in gfm-mode (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Remove org table lighter (thanks to Troy Hinckley) - Fixed ~M-h~, ~M-j~, ~M-k~, ~M-l~ bindings (thanks to Kechao CAI) - New key bindings (thanks to Sylvain Benner): - ~M-up~ for =markdown-move-up= - ~M-down~ for =markdown-move-down= - ~M-left~ for =markdown-move-left= - ~M-right~ for =markdown-move-right= - Update key bindings to reflect changes in markdown-mode 2.3 (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Rename =markdown-exdent-region= to =markdown-outdent-region=. - Command for ~SPC m i I~ folded into ~SPC m i i~. - ~SPC m i l~ and ~SPC m i L~ replaced by markdown-insert-link ~SPC m i l~. - Added ~SPC m t m~ for =markdown-toggle-markup-hiding= - Rename =markdown-jump= to =markdown-do= - Hide MMM mode-line indicator (thanks to duianto) **** Major modes - Added SPARQL-mode (thanks to Dietrich Daroch) - Move =extra-langs= to =major-modes= (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Added android logcat (thanks to jiejingzhang) - Added pkgbuild (thanks to Sven Fischer) - Added ebuild-mode (thanks to Kai Wohlfahrt) - Added the vala programming language (thanks to Steven Allen) - Added hoon (thanks to Hunter Haugen) - Added kivy (thanks to Nasser Alshammari) **** Mu4e - Added custom Spacemacs layout for =mu4e= buffers (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - Key bindings: - Thanks to Peter Nagy and Eivind Fonn - add ~SPC m ,~ and ~SPC m c~ to send message and exit - add ~SPC m a~ and ~SPC m k~ to kill message buffer - add ~SPC m s~ to save message as draft - add ~SPC m f~ to attach file - Replace mu4e multiple accounts with contexts (thanks to Allen Li) - Refactor to use =spacemacs/add-to-hooks= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added helm-mu4e integration and key bindings (thanks to Sébastien Bariteau and Sylvain Benner): - ~SPC a M~ to start mu4e - ~SPC m S~ or ~SPC m /~ to search emails (requires helm) - ~SPC m C~ to search contacts (requires helm) - Better defaults, async and utility functions (thanks to Peter Hoeg) - Added binding ~C-x m~ to compose new message - Made maildirs extension optional (thanks to JorisE) - Create email with attachments from dired (thanks to Oleg Pykhalov) - Refactor major-mode ledaer key bindings (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Enabled scrolling in =mu4e= (thanks to Simon Altschuler) - Kill mu4e layout on app exit (thanks to Ag Ibragimov) **** Multiple Cursors - Disabled Spacemacs paste transient state when pasting to avoid pasting issue when there are more than one cursor (thanks to braham-snyder) **** Neotree - Made neotree an optional instead of a default layer - Move neotree to its own layer in new +filetree folder (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added screenshot in neotree layer (thanks to duianto) - Allow a prefix argument to ~RET~ / ~l~ (=spacemacs/neotree-expand-or-open=) to specify which window to use to open a file (thanks to Ljupcho Kotev) - Key bindings (thanks to bmag): - ~SPC f T~ reinstated for showing file tree with Neotree or Treemacs - ~SPC 0~ and ~M-0~ are consistent across Neotree and Treemacs - Fixed ~RET~ binding functionality (thanks to Lupco Kotev) - Use "open" instead of "xdg-open" on macos (thanks to Alexander-Miller) - Remapped =winum-select-window-0-or-10= to =neotree-show= so that ~C-x w 0~, ~SPC 0~ and ~M-0~ call the same command (thanks to duianto and Miciah) **** NixOS - Enabled Flycheck (thanks to William Casarin) - Defer loading (thanks to Benno Fünfstück) - Disabled Electric-Indent mode, which interfered with the nix-mode indent function (thanks to Profpatsch) - Associate nix-mode with .nix files (thanks to jpathy) **** Nim - Added key binding ~SPC m h h~ to show symbol documentation (thanks to Valts Liepiņš) - Make =spacemacs/nim-compile-run= work with current buffer file instead of defaulting to =main.nim= (thanks to Uroš Perišić) - Replace =company-capf= with =company-nimsuggest= in =company-backends-nim-mode= to improve responsiveness (thanks to Uroš Perišić) - Declare all prefix names (='(compile goto help)=) for =nim-mode= (thanks to Uroš Perišić) **** Node - Use add-node-modules-path to automatically find local executables (thanks to jupl) - Disabled add-node-modules-path by default (thanks to Eivind Fonn) **** Notmuch - Try harder to find GitHub patch URL (thanks to Miciah Masters) **** OCaml - Allow initialization without requiring =opam= (thanks to Bernhard Schommer) - Fixed misused functions, =merlin= is a package not a layer (thanks to jinyang and Rudi Grinberg) - Fixed issue with OPAM share directory on Windows (thanks to Levi Roth) - Enabled flycheck-ocaml (thanks to Dave Aitken) - Fixed backspace delete (thanks to Hasan Alirajpurwala) - Fixed flycheck-ocaml not initialized warning (thanks to Artur Juraszek) - Added =dune= support via =dune-mode= (thanks to Lyman Gillispie) **** Org - Load org-mode email integration (mu4e/notmuch) when org is loaded (thanks to Steven Allen) - Packages: - Added package =org-journal= (thanks to Nick Anderson) - Added package for =org-sticky-header-mode= (thanks to Langston Barret) - Key bindings: - ~SPC m T i~ to toggle inline images - Move clock related key bindings to ~SPC a o C~ - Key bindings (thanks to darkfeline and Langston Barrett): - add ~SPC a o C I~ to clock in last - add ~SPC a o C c~ to cancel the last clock - add ~SPC a o C j~ to jump to current clock - add ~SPC a o r~ to rifle through files with new package =helm-org-rifle= - add ~SPC m C I~ to clock in last - add ~SPC m C R~ to insert a clock report - add ~SPC m C d~ to display clocks - add ~SPC m C g~ for org-clock-goto - add ~SPC m C j~ to jump to current clock - add ~SPC m p~ to change priority - add ~SPC m r~ for helm-org-rifle - Added ~SPC m #~ to update statistics cookies (thanks to Christian Höppner) - Key bindings (thanks to James Wang): - add ~SPC m T e~ to toggle pretty entities - add ~SPC m T l~ to toggle link display - Added org-agenda commands in org agenda transient state to un-schedule and un-deadline tasks (thanks to Jake Zerrer) - add ~d S~ to unschedule org-agenda-schedule - add ~d D~ to remove org-agenda-deadline - Added ~M-RET~ for =org-meta-return= under major mode leader key (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added ~SPC m T c~ for =org-toggle-checkbox= (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Added org-babel commands (thanks to timor): - ~SPC m b p~ calls =org-babel-previous-src-block= - ~SPC m b n~ calls =org-babel-next-src-block= - ~SPC m b e~ calls =org-babel-execute-maybe= - ~SPC m b o~ calls =org-babel-open-src-block-result= - ~SPC m b v~ calls =org-babel-expand-src-block= - ~SPC m b u~ calls =org-babel-goto-src-block-head= - ~SPC m b g~ calls =org-babel-goto-named-src-block= - ~SPC m b r~ calls =org-babel-goto-named-result= - ~SPC m b b~ calls =org-babel-execute-buffer= - ~SPC m b s~ calls =org-babel-execute-subtree= - ~SPC m b d~ calls =org-babel-demarcate-block= - ~SPC m b t~ calls =org-babel-tangle= - ~SPC m b f~ calls =org-babel-tangle-file= - ~SPC m b c~ calls =org-babel-check-src-block= - ~SPC m b j~ calls =org-babel-insert-header-arg= - ~SPC m b l~ calls =org-babel-load-in-session= - ~SPC m b i~ calls =org-babel-lob-ingest= - ~SPC m b I~ calls =org-babel-view-src-block-info= - ~SPC m b z~ calls =org-babel-switch-to-session= - ~SPC m b Z~ calls =org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code= - ~SPC m b a~ calls =org-babel-sha1-hash= - ~SPC m b x~ calls =org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer= - ~SPC m b .~ enters transient state - Added key bindings for =org-feed= (thanks to Luke Alexander Stein): - ~SPC a o f i~ and ~SPC m f i~ to go to feed inbox - ~SPC a o f u~ and ~SPC m f u~ to update all feeds - Added key bindings for =org-clock= (thanks to Langston Barrett, William Casarin, Francesc Elies Henar, Daniel Molina): - ~SPC a o C c~ for =org-clock-cancel= - ~SPC a o C g~ for =org-clock-goto= - ~SPC a o C i~ for =org-clock-in= - ~SPC a o C I~ for =org-clock-in-last= - ~SPC a o C j~ for =org-clock-jump-to-current-clock= - ~SPC a o C o~ for =org-clock-out= - ~SPC a o C r~ for =org-resolve-clocks= - Updates org-layer key bindings for Org 9.2 release (thanks to Sam Pillsworth): - ~SPC m i b~ for =org-insert-structure-template= - ~SPC m i t~ for =org-set-tags-command= - Added key binding for org-insert-item (thanks to Emil Petersen) - ~SPC m i i~ for =org-insert-item= - Added ~SPC m s d~ for =org-cut-subtree= (thanks to clwgg) - Key binding changes for archiving (thanks to Ag Ibragimov): - Added ~SPC m s a~ to toggle archive tag for subtree - Added ~SPC m s A~ to archive subtree (previously ~SPC m s a~) - Made =org= layer depend on =spacemacs-org= (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Remove =mu4e= and =notmuch= from =org= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Use evil-org from MELPA (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Added =org-brain= (thanks to Matthías Páll Gissurarson and Eivind Fonn) - Added detailed =org-brain= bindings (thanks to Langston Barret) - Added layer variable for todo bindings (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Made =org-projectile= integration compatible with its new version (thanks to Ivan Malison) - Remove nils from call to org-projectile-project-todo-entry (thanks to Ivan Malison) - Fixed org-projectile capture-template keyword argument (thanks to Leonard Lausen) - Adapt to changes in org-brain 0.4 (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Load org-projectile lazily, after org-capture (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Use org-verbatim, not org-verbose (thanks to Swaroop C H) - Fixed =org-projectile/goto-todos= (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Fixed =org-clock-resolve-clock= keybinding (thanks to Francesc Elies Henar) - Enabled =org-src-tab-acts-natively= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed =org-default-notes-file= precedence (thanks to Troy Hinckley and bmag) - Added =ox-hugo= (thanks to Kaushal Modi) - Hide lighter for =evil-org= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Use counsel-org-tag when =ivy= layer is used (thanks to darkfeline) - Delete the duplicate definition of the =spacemacsdorg-emphasize= macro (thanks to Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters) - Use =org-mime= provided by melpa (thanks to Amos Bird) - Restore =evil-org-additional-bindings= in insert state (thanks to Maximilian Wolff) - Fixed initialization order to prevent version conflicts (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed adding =org-projectile= files to =org-agenda-files= (thanks to AmanYang) - Fixed error void: =evil-surround-pairs-alist= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added warning against manually loading org (thanks to Maximilian Wolff) - Added a toggle for bringing in org-trello (thanks to Magnus Therning) - Added the org-mode keybindings to the org-journal major mode (thanks to Marty Buchaus) - Replace ox-reveal with org-re-reveal (thanks to Magnus Therning) - Added epub support (thanks to vishvanath45) - Added support for CUSTOM_ID in latex exports (thanks to Compro-Prasad) - Added ~SPC m i L~ as =org-cliplink= into =org= layer (thanks to bb2020) **** Osx - Fixed OSX mapping issue (thanks to Joey Liu) - Added layer variables to customize modifier behaviors on macOS: - =osx-command-as= defaults to hyper - =osx-option-as= defaults to meta - =osx-control-as= defaults to control - =osx-function-as= defaults to none - =osx-right-command-as= defaults to left - =osx-right-option-as= defaults to left - =osx-right-control-as= defaults to left (thanks to Christopher Eames, Aaron Culich, and fiveNinePlusR) - Disabled =pbcopy= package because it introduced input latency for some actions when using =emacs -daemon= and a GUI client (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Key bindings: - Added key bindings to use ~command-1..9~ for selecting window (thanks to Liu Joey) - Added ~M-s-h~ to hide other windows (thanks to Bas Veeling) - Replace pbcopy by osx-clipboard (thanks to Minh Nguyen-Hue) - Fixed key binding issue when Emacs is launched in daemon mode. **** Pandoc - Fixed =spacemacs/run-pandoc= not to reset =pandoc--local-settings= (thanks to martian-f) - Added declaration for the ~SPC P~ prefix (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) **** PHP - Added company-php (thanks to jim and Eivind Fonn) - Fixed php-company autocompletion (thanks to Dela Anthonio) **** Platinum - Added the =.plum= extension to the platinum modes (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Remove automatic indentation on paste (thanks to Sylvain Benner) **** Prodigy - Compatibility fix for upstream change (thanks to Francesc Elies) - Key bindings: - add ~c~ to clear the buffer (thanks to Francesc Elies) - bind ~q~ to quit-window in view mode (thanks to Saulius Menkevičius) **** Purescript - Enabled =purescript-decl-scan-mode= when loading =purescript-mode= (thanks to Bjarke Vad Andersen) - Allow adding node_modules/.bin path to exec-path (thanks to Anupam Jain) - Improve purescript keybinding discoverability & ergonomics. (thanks to Jason Walker) **** Python - Various fixes in =pylookup.py= (thanks to ishestakov and Shitikanth Kashyap) - Hide =yapf-mode= modeline lighter (thanks to Robert ven der Helm) - Search for Pylint and Flake8 in the virtualenvs (thanks Alexey Kotlyarov) - Highlight wdb breakpoints as well as pdb/ipdb/pudb (thanks to Alexey Kotlyarov) - Made =python-execute-file= use =python-shell-interpreter= (thanks to Swaroop C H) - Trim output from pyenv command (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Use Python executable from active virtual env to compile files (thanks to Swaroop C H) - Fixed arguments to =python-setup-hy= (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Fixed ipython version check bug on windows (thanks to lostmarble) - Fixed =pyenv-executable-find= in presence of =pyenv-which-ext= (thanks to Christoph Paulik) - Fixed broken repl invocation through ~SPC a '~ (thanks to Hans Jang) - Added =pippel= for python package management (thanks to et2010) - Added keybinding ~SPC m P~ for pip package management with =pippel= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added defvar =python-save-before-test= (thanks to Benoit Coste) - Added key binding ~SPC m r f~ to fix missing import statements (thanks to Volodymyr Vitvitskyi) - Use =python-mode= for SCons script files (thanks to shanemikel) - Added LSP support, which can be used by enabling the =lsp= layer and setting the =python= layer's =python-backend= variable to =lsp= (thanks to Yuan Fu and Sylvain Benner) - Added ~SPC m t l~ key binding to re-run the last test command (thanks to Benoit Coste). - Added support for breakpoints for the =trepan3k= python debugger (thanks to dangirsh) - Added support for =pipenv= with proper keybindings (thanks to jackkamm) - Fixed bytecomp warning: =reference to free variable 'smartparens-strict-mode'= (thanks to Nikita Leshenko and Sylvain Benner) - Key bindings: - Update invalid cython mode keybindings (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - New =anaconda-view-mode= keybindings (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - ~C-j~ for navigating to the next error - ~C-k~ for navigating to the previous error - ~RET~ to go forward - Fixed =pyenv=, =pre-init= function and =hy-mode= prefixes (thanks to Brandon T. Willard) - Conditionally remove binding to obsolete keymap (thanks to bmag) - Improved setup of =lsp-python= and =anaconda-mode= (thanks to Ting Zhou) - Fixed support of multiple pyenv versions via =spacemacs/pyenv-executable-find= (thanks to Guan Xipeng) - Fixed initialization of =inferior-python-mode= variables (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Fixed bug with out-of-bound index (thanks to EMayej) - Fixed escaping of shell argument for =spacemacs/python-execute-file= (thanks to Riley Levy) - New variable =python-spacemacs-indent-guess= for guessing correct indentation settings (thanks to Benno Fünfstück) - Fixed pyenv for system Python (thanks to Alexander Eberspächer) - Replace =anaconda-mode-go-back= with =xref-pop-marker-stack= (thanks to JimmyG) - Highlight python3.7 builtin =breakpoint()= function (thanks to Boris Verhovsky) - Fixed conflict between pipenv directory .venv and pyvenv file .venv (thanks to rgb-24bit) - Added diminish for importmagic (thanks to Loys Ollivier) - Added debugger integration via =dap= layer - Added documentation on installing importmagic and epc (thanks to Trapez Breen) - Made python-send-shell-* functions faster (thanks to Trapez Breen) - Added support for 'black' formatter (thanks to Mike Macpherson) **** Racket - Restore smart closing paren behavior in racket-mode (thanks to Don March) **** Ranger - Fixed conflict with =golden-ratio= (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Key bindings: - Added ~j D~ to jump other window (thanks to Rich Alesi) - Added ~-~ to enter (thanks to Rich Alesi) **** Rcirc - New variable =rcirc-enable-late-fix= to enable or disable the included =rcirc-late-fix= package (disabled by default). - New variable =rcirc-enable-emojify= to enable or disable emojify-mode in rcirc buffers (disabled by default). - New variable =rcirc-enable-styles= to enable or disable the =rcirc-styles= package for displaying and inserting color and text attribute codes (disabled by default). - New variable =rcirc-enable-erc-image= to enable or disable the =erc-image= package in rcirc for showing linked images in chat (disabled by default). - New variable =rcirc-enable-erc-tweet= to enable or disable the =erc-tweet= package in rcirc for showing linked tweets in chat (disabled by default). - New variable =rcirc-enable-erc-yt= to enable or disable the =erc-yt= package in rcirc for showing previews for YouTube links (disabled by default). - Fixed using multiple lines in =.authinfo= (thanks to Jelle Licht) - Fixed logging where the channel name has =/= in it (thanks to Abdo Roig-Maranges) - Delete rcirc-reconnect in favor of built-in cmd (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Move config defaults to package :init so they can be overridden (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Fixed compiler warnings in =rcirc-late-fix= (thanks to Miciah Masters) - Added variable =rcirc-enable-late-fix= (thanks to Miciah Masters) **** React - Improvements: - Made % work on jsx tags (thanks to Thanh Vuong) - Use rjsx-mode for react framework (thanks to Ting Zhou) - Prompt user to install the =react= layer if a =.jsx= file is opened (thanks to Jon Hermansen) - Improved =magic-mode-alist= regular expression to detect =react= files (thanks to Jan Zdráhal) - Made auto-completion triggers more friendly (thanks to Cheng,Rong) - Configure =emmet-mode= to expand classes using =className= instead of =class= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Open =.jsx= files with =rjsx-mode= (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Key bindings: - Added =import-js= support with key bindings: - ~SPC m i i~ to mport the module for the variable under the cursor - ~SPC m i f~ to import any missing modules and remove any modules that ar not used - ~SPC m g i~ to go to the module of the variable under cursor (thanks to Seong Yong-ju) - Fixes: - Use JSX header without breaking React (thanks to Jam Risser) - Fixed React imports when using web beautify. (thanks to Ismael) - Made layer depends on node and tern layers (thanks to Sylvain Benner) **** Ruby - Added support for =org-babel= (thanks to Muneeb Shaikh) - Highlight debugger keywords (thanks to Alexander Berezovsky and Eivind Fonn) - Adding ruby-refactor package (thanks to Daniel Luna) - Key bindings: - Added ~SPC m r R m~ for extract to method. - Added ~SPC m r R v~ to extract local variable. - Added ~SPC m r R c~ to extract constant. - Added ~SPC m r R l~ to extract to =let=. - Added ~SPC m x h~ to toggle between old and new hash syntax in the active region (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Added gtags to =enh-ruby-mode= as well as =ruby-mode= (thanks to David Balatero) - Added ~SPC m s b~ key binding to send buffer to the Ruby console (thanks to Alejandro Arrufat) - Added ~SPC m s B~ and ~SPC m s L~ key bindings to send buffer or line, respectively, to the Ruby console and switch focus to the console (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Key bindings: - Added ~SPC m s l~ to send line to REPL (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Added ~SPC m T~ toggle prefix (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - ~SPC m T '~ to toggle string quotes - ~SPC m T {~ to toggle block style - Added popwin config for bundler, projectile-rails, and rubocop (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Added ~SPC m r R m~ for extract to method. - Added ~SPC m r R v~ to extract local variable. - Added ~SPC m r R c~ to extract constant. - Added ~SPC m r R l~ to extract to =let=. - Added ~SPC m s l~ to send line to REPL (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Added the =seeing-is-believing= package (thanks to Brandon Conway) - Added prefixes for ruby major mode keybindings (thanks to Seong Yong-ju) **** Ruby on Rails - Changed leader keys to be configured for the =projectile-rails-mode= minor mode instead of =ruby-mode= and =enh-ruby-mode= so that the key bindings will work in view file windows (thanks to Adam Sokolnicki) - Added missing prefixes for =ruby-mode= and =enh-ruby-mode= - Added key bindings: (thanks to Adam Sokolnicki) - ~SPC m f f b~ to find job - ~SPC m f f w~ to find webpack config - ~SPC m f c d~ to run rails destroy **** Rust - Added missing =counsel-gtags= and =smartparens= package declarations (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - Fixed loading of the =RUST_SRC_PATH= environment variable (thanks to Joshua Santos) - Enabled eldoc for rust/racer (thanks to yangbo) - Key bindings: - Added ~SPC m c D~ to open Cargo docs (thanks to Matthew J. Berger) - Added ~SPC m c l~ to run linter with cargo clippy (thanks to Michael Kohl) - Added ~SPC m c t~ to run the current test with Cargo, and fix documentation for ~SPC m c f~ to format project files (thanks to Luke Alexander Stein) - Added ~SPC m c v~ to run "cargo check" command (thanks to Victor Polevoy) - Added rust lsp completion with company and bindings (thanks to Justin) - Added debugger integration via =dap= layer **** Scala - Move =ensime= to the =java= layer (Tor Hedin Bronner) - Key bindings: - Evilify =ensime= search in insert/normal mode (thanks to Diego Alvarez) - Remove duplicated code (thanks to Tetsuro Takemoto) - Added ENSIME jump handlers (thanks to Joao Azevedo) **** Scheme - Added missing =parinfer= package declaration (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist) - Update install docs for Chicken 5 changes (thanks to Grant Shangreaux) **** Semantic - Made it possible to exclude stickyfunc (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Changed the default throttle for =semanticdb-find= routines. Don't search system databases to speed up semantic (thanks to bet4it) - Disabled =semantic-idle-summary-mode= when =gtags= or =lsp= layer is enabled (thanks to bet4it) **** Shell - Fixed xterm colors filtering bug in =eshell= when eshell buffers are updated and are not focused (thanks to Steven Allen) - Fixed =eshell= clear behavior (thanks to Aidan Nyquist): - Made eshell ~clear RET~ similar to ~C-l~ - Prevent ~C-l~ clearing cycle - Prevent ~clear RET~ inserting a page of white-space - Prevent duplicate insert lines from ~clear RET~ - Require company in =eshell-switch-company-frontend= (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - Fixed docs for "Fish shell and ansi-term" and explicitly enable `truncate-lines`. (thanks to Joe Hillenbrand) - Fixed ~C-j~ and ~C-k~ in =eshell= while in insert state (thanks to Paweł Siudak) - Restore =auto-completion-idle-delay= value for =company-idle-delay= (thanks to Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters) - Added =shell-default-width= layer variable (thanks to David Balatero) - Function =resize-shell-to-desired-width= check for shell buffer before changing size (thanks to thanhvg) - Added =shell-default-width= layer variable (thanks to David Balatero and Miciah Masters) - Override read-only when capturing clear in shell (thanks to Alexander Wingård) - Wrap 'shell' command to start in current buffer (thanks to Valts Liepiņš) - Fixed shell popup broken on macOS (thanks to Daniel Rivas Perez) - Fixed broken leader key binding for inferior shell (thanks to Valts Liepiņš) - Added =term-mode= bindings (Thanks to Emil Petersen): - ~SPC m C~ switch multi-term to char mode - ~SPC m l~ switch multi-term to line mode - ~SPC m N~ go to previous multi-term - Moved =eshell-z-freq-dir-hash-table-file-name= into cache dir (thanks to bb2020) - Enabled ~TAB~ completion in =eshell= with =Helm= (thanks to bb2020) - Added =eshell= =Ivy= completion bindings (thanks to bb2020): - ~M-l~ =spacemacs/ivy-eshell-history= - ~TAB~ =spacemacs/pcomplete-std-complete= **** Shell Scripts - Added new company-shell environment variable backend (thanks to Alexander-Miller) - Added bashate style checker (thanks to Victor Cuadrado Juan) - Added insert commands from sh-script package to major mode menu (thanks to Maximilian Wolff) - Added org-mode support (thanks to Josh Santos) **** Slack - New layer variable =slack-spacemacs-layout-name= to customize the name of the custom layer for Slack buffers (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - New layer variable =slack-spacemacs-layout-binding= to customize the key used to open the Slack customn layout (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - Key bindings: - ~SPC a C g~ or ~SPC m g~ to join a group (private channel) (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - ~SPC a C r~ or ~SPC m r~ to join a channel, group or direct message (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - ~SPC m )~ to add reaction (thanks to Swaroop C H) - ~SPC m (~ to remove reaction (thanks to Swaroop C H) - ~SPC m t~ to open message thread (thanks to Swaroop C H) - Fixed documentation issues with slack and emoji layers (thanks to Benjamin Reynolds) - Fixed =helm= menu display (thanks to Leslie Shawn Russell) **** Smex - Fixed ~SPC m :~ for current major mode commands (thanks to tinysong) **** Source control - Install orgit only when org package is used (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Defer git-gutter loading (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Remove redundant arg from git-gutter timer (thanks to bmag) **** Spotify - Replaced helm-spotify package with helm-spotify-plus (thanks to Leonard Lausen) - Added counsel-spotify for =ivy= users (thanks to Yuki Yoshioka, Deepu Mohan Puthrote) **** SQL - Support for keywords auto capitalization (thanks to Kepi) - Change blacklist to only accept list (thanks to Eivind Fonn) - Added dumb autocomplete (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Added leader key prefixes (thanks to Jeremie Pelletier) - Rebuild =spacemacs-sql-startable= after running =sql-add-product= (thanks to Andrew Christianson) - Fixed sql-indent and defer it (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added alex-hhh's sql-indent in place of mepla sql-indent (thanks to Andrew Christianson) - Added layer variable =sql-auto-indent= to toggle the use of =sql-indent= package (thanks to David Chen) - Added a code formatter for sql-mode (thanks to Seong Yong-ju) - Added connection between =org-mode= and =SQL layer= (thanks to Magnus Therning) - Added default jump handlers for SQL layer (thanks to Alex Palaistras) **** Spell-checking - Added spell checking transient state (thanks to Francesc Elies Henar) - Update to flyspell-correct v0.5 (thanks to Boris Buliga) - Update spell checking ts to flyspell-correct v0.5 (thanks to Bruno Tavares) - Added key bindings (thanks to Kalle Lindqvist): - ~SPC S a b~ Add word to dict (buffer) - ~SPC S a g~ Add word to dict (global) - ~SPC S a s~ Add word to dict (session) Transient State: - ~SPC S . B~ Add word to dict (buffer) - ~SPC S . G~ Add word to dict (global) - ~SPC S . S~ Add word to dict (session) **** Syntax-checking - Key bindings: - ~SPC e e~ is now for triggering a syntax check, the old action (explain error around point) has been moved to ~SPC e x~. - Added ~SPC e y~ to copy error at cursor position into kill ring (thanks to Francsec Elies Henar) - Rename function =add-flycheck-hook= to =enable-flycheck= - Use correct error list faces when defining error levels with custom bitmaps (thanks to Alexander Miller) **** Swift - Update Swift REPL key bindings (thanks to Elliot Bulmer) **** Systemd - Added support for syntax checking with =flycheck= (thanks to Steven Allen) - Added support for lazy installation (thanks to Wieland Hoffmann) **** Terraform - Added opt-in layer variable =terraform-fmt-on-save= to format buffers on save with =terraform fmt= (thanks to Harry Hull) - Added support for =terraform-company= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) **** Templates - Fixed issue with templates layer ignoring =templates-private-directory= (thanks to Seong Yong-ju) **** Themes - Added support for more doom themes (thanks to Dela Anthonio, Igor Kupczyński, and DonHugo69) - Added support for gruvbox theme variants (thanks to Dean Todevski) - Remove zonokai-theme theme as it is unavailable (thanks to nickclasener) - Updates to the spacemacs theme (thanks to Nasser Alshammari) - Fixed the =base16-solarflare= mapping (thanks to Sebastian Nagel) - Added support for kaolin themes (thanks to William Roe) - Added support for eziam themes (thanks to Benno Fünfstück) - Enabled italics in spacemacs theme (thanks to Sylvain Benner) ***** Colors - Multiple improvements (thanks to SteveJobzniak): - Added ability to set default rainbow-identifiers values - Improved resetting of rainbow-identifiers transient-state - Extended built-in theme list, and added better defaults - Major fix to actually render per-theme settings on switch - Faster method of redrawing buffer for transient state - Tuned defaults to work w. majority of light & dark themes - Better way of adding/refreshing themes **** Themes Megapack - Added =rebecca-theme= (thanks to Victor Borja) - Added =white-sand-theme= (thanks to Swaroop C H) - Added =exotica= theme (thanks to Bharat Joshi) - Remove themes that were deleted from Melpa (thanks to Henrique Jung) - Added =eziam-theme= and =kaolin-themes= (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added =doom-themes= (thanks to Codruț Constantin Gușoi) **** Tmux - Prevent =tmux-command= at GUI mode (thanks to Isaac Zeng) - Fixed regression in tmux by setting keybindings using =use-package= (thanks to Aaron Jensen) **** Treemacs - =Treemacs= replaces =NeoTree= as the default sidebar - Add missing ~SPC p t~ to =readme.org= (thanks to oo6) - Remapped =winum-select-window-0-or-10= to =treemacs-select-window= so that ~C-x w 0~, ~SPC 0~ and ~M-0~ call the same command (thanks to duianto, Miciah) **** Typescript - Call tsfmt with extension of current buffer for TSX formatting (thanks to Victor Andrée) - Declare =tide-jump-to-definition= as async (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Added tide keybindings to tsx web mode (thanks to George Miller) - Rewrite hooks for web-mode (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Created a derived mode for TSX files (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Fixed eldoc (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Isolate eldoc configuration (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - /rename/ reworded to /refactor/ in =which-key= popup (thanks to Simon Altschuler) - Key bindings: - ~SPC m E e~ is for =tide-fix= which was originally added as ~SPC m r f~ (thanks to Simon Altschuler) - ~SPC m E d~ to add =tslint-disable-next-line= at point (thanks to Daniel Perez Alvarez) - ~SPC m g g~ for =tide-jump-to-definition= (thanks to Roy Choo) - ~SPC m g t~ remapped to =spacemacs/typescript-jump-to-type-def= from =typescript/jump-to-type-def= (thanks to Roy Choo) - ~SPC m r i~ to organize imports (thanks to Stéphane Bisinger) - ~SPC m r f~ to rename file (thanks to Stéphane Bisinger) - Added LSP support, which can be used by enabling the =lsp= layer and setting the =typescript= layer's =typescript-backend= variable to =lsp= (thanks to Ting Zhou and Sylvain Benner) - Changed =company-minimum-prefix-length= from 0 to 2 to avoid spurious autocompletion (thanks to Andrea Moretti) - Enabled snippets using yasnippet (thanks to Andrea Moretti) - Enabled =smartparens-mode= (thanks to Andrea Moretti) - Added =prettier= to error msg of =spacemacs/typescript-format= (thanks to Matt Kramer) - Fixed jump handling with multiple backends (thanks to Aaron Jensen) - Fixed =typescript/jump-to-type-def= for npm modules (thanks to Jam Risser) - Added the same setup to tsx files as to ts files (thanks to Trapez Breen) **** Vagrant - Key bindings: - move key bindings prefix to ~SPC a V~ (thanks to Thomas de Beauchêne) - Move =vagrant-tramp-term= to ~SPC a V t~ (thanks to rakyi) **** Version-control - Key bindings: - Un-evilify =diff-mode= (thanks to Steven Allen) - Evilified the following modes (thanks to dvzubarev): - =log-view-mode= - =vc-dir-mode= - =vc-svn-log-view-mode= - =vc-git-log-view-mode= - =vc-hg-log-view-mode= - =vc-annotate-mode= - Added a new version-control prefix under ~SPC g v~ with the following bindings: (thanks to dvzubarev) - ~SPC g v =~ to open a hunk under the point in the diff buffer - ~SPC g v D~ to compare the entire working tree with head - ~SPC g v e~ to show diff against current head using ediff - ~SPC g v g~ to visually annotate the current file - ~SPC g v d~ to open the VC Directory buffer - ~SPC g v +~ to update the working copy - ~SPC g v i~ to register (add) into a version control system - ~SPC g v u~ to revert working copy to their repository contents - ~SPC g v l~ to list the change log - ~SPC g v L~ to list the change log for the current VC controlled tree - ~SPC g v v~ to do the next logical VC operation (=vc-next-action=) - ~SPC g v I~ to ignore file (=vc-ignore=) - ~SPC g v r~ to resolve conflicts in file - Define key bindings with leader key for vim editing style in =diff-mode= (thanks to miyabinomuratic) - Added smerge transient state diff key bindings (thanks to Wang): ~SPC g r <~ diff base/mine ~SPC g r =~ diff mine/other ~SPC g r >~ diff base/other - Added smerge transient state key bindings (thanks to duianto): ~SPC g r e >~ ediff ~SPC g r K >~ kill current - New packages: - =browse-at-remote= which replaces =github-browse-file= (thanks Eugene Yaremenko) - Avoid loading all the diff packages (thanks to Sylvain Benner) - Fixed error on =diff-hl-margin-mode= function being nil during startup (thanks to Voleking) **** Xclipboard - Added Requirements documentation (thanks to Chris Glass) **** Ycmd - Search for =compile_commands.json= in build sub-directory (thanks to Amos Bird and Eivind Fonn) - Python3 compatibility fix for =global_conf.py= (thanks to Abdo Roig-Maranges) - Added manual completion function (thanks to Nir Friedman) - Remove warning for unset var; always fires (thanks to Nir Friedman) - Added manual semantic completion function for company (thanks to Nir Friedman) - Fixed searching for compilation DB in subdirectories (thanks to Alexander Dalshov) *** Various improvements - Lots of improvement with CI and documentation exporting (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko) - New LAYERS.org format (thanks to Eugene Yaremenko && Anton Latukha) - Various code and style improvements (thanks to bmag, duianto, Eivind Fonn, Eugene Yaremenko, Fabien Dubosson, Kalle Lindqvist, Boris Buliga, timor, yuhan0, thanhvg, Sylvain Benner) - Multiple unit test improvements (thanks to Sylvain Benner, et2010 and Codruț Constantin Gușoi) - Various documentation improvements (thanks Aaron Jensen, Aaron Peckham, Aaron Renner, Adam Frey, Adam Kruszewski, Alexander Dalshov, Alexander Eberspächer, Alexander Iljin, Alexander Kjeldaas, Alexandros Kotzias, Andrew Vit, Andriy Senyshyn, Anton Latukha, Antonio Miranda, Anurag Sharma, Archenoth, Ather Sharif, Artur Juraszek, Benjamin Reynolds, Bernhard Schommer, Billy Wade, bmag, Boris Buliga, Boris Wong, Carl Lange, Chase Adams, Christian Bäuerlein, Cibin Mathew, CL123123, Codruț Constantin Gușoi, Compro-Prasad, Daniel Hodson, Daniel Le, Daniel Molina, Darkhan, David Florness, David Vo, davidpham87, Deepu Mohan Puthrote, Dela Anthonio, Diego Alvarez, Diego Berrocal, Dietrich Daroch, Dinesh Bhosale, Dominik Schrempf, Doug Beardsley, dubnde, duianto, eldios, EMayej, Eugene Yaremenko, Evan Klitzke, Evan Niessen-Derry, firemiles, Florian Bruhin, Fuqiao Xue, Garrett Johnson, Grant Shangreaux, Henrique Jung, Henry Hirsch, Henry Marshall, hornuda, Ivan Fedorov, Ivan Kryvoruchko, J. Patrick Lanigan, Jaremy Creechley, Jason Axelson, Jesse Cooke, Jethro Shuwen Sun, JI Xiang, Jim Deville, Jody Frankowski, Joe Hillenbrand, John Eismeier, John Wood, Jon Tippens, Jonas Strømsodd, Jonathan Arnett, Jonathan Chen, Jonathan Gillett, Josh Greenwood, Joshua Santos, Justin Stone, Kainalu Hagiwara, Kalle Lindqvist, Kechao Cai, Keith Simmons, Keith Wygant, Kevin Ji, Kristoffer Haugsbakk, lawrsp, Leo Joseph Buchignani III, Luke Worth, Marco Ieni, Marco Zucconelli, Max Beutelspacher, Max Deineko, Max Nordlund, Maximilian Wolff, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters, mjkramer, Mikhail Yakutovich, Muneeb Shaikh, Nasser Alshammari, Nasser Alshammari, Niko Felger, Nikolai Myllymäki, nikolaiam, Nicolas Forgerit, Oguz Serbetci, Olivier Verdier, Pancho Horrillo, Paul Milla, Paulo Schneider, Pawan Dubey, Paweł Siudak, Phil Pirozhkov, Philippe Bourdages, Piotr Grzesik, Rafi Khan, Rand01ph, rakyi, Raymond Wanyoike, Reverend Homer, Robby O'Connor, Rhommel Lamas, Sam Pablo Kuper, Saulius Menkevičius, sduthil, Sergio Ugalde, Shane Kilkelly, Sid Kapur, Somelauw, Soobin Rho, sorawee, SteveJobzniak, Sunghyun Hwang, Swaroop C H, Sylvain Benner, Szunti, Tim Stewart, timor, TinySong, Titov Andrey, Thomas de Beauchêne, Tomasz Cichocinski, tzhao11, Vincent Taing, Vlad Bokov, Vladimir Kochnev, Wieland Hoffmann, Witoslaw Koczewski, Xiang Ji, Yi Liu, zer09, Zhige Xin, Serghei Iakovlev) *** Release notes summarized Thanks to: Grant Shangreaux, Songpeng Zu, Igor Almeida, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters, Abhishek(Compro) Prasad, Deepak Khidia, Ward Harris, Jiahao Jiang, Enze Chi