;;; spacemacs-ht.el --- hash table util -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2013 Wilfred Hughes - original implementation ;; Copyright (C) 2021 Sylvain Benner & Contributors - fork ;; ;; Author: Thanh Vuong ;; URL: https://github.com/thanhvg ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 ;;; Commentary: This is a fork of ht.el by Wilfred Hughes ;; https://github.com/Wilfred/ht.el/blob/master/ht.el ;; ;;; Commentary: ;; Spacemacs only uses 6 out 29 functions provded by the original ht.el ;; but ht.el also requires dash.el ;; To avoid extra dependency we define those 6 ht functions and add the ;; spacemacs- prefix to avoid any conflict. (define-inline spacemacs-ht-get (table key &optional default) "Look up KEY in TABLE, and return the matching value. If KEY isn't present, return DEFAULT (nil if not specified)." (declare (side-effect-free t)) (inline-quote (gethash ,key ,table ,default))) (define-inline spacemacs-ht-contains? (table key) "Return 't if TABLE contains KEY." (declare (side-effect-free t)) (inline-quote (let ((not-found-symbol (make-symbol "spacemacs-ht--not-found"))) (not (eq (spacemacs-ht-get ,table ,key not-found-symbol) not-found-symbol))))) (defun spacemacs-ht-map (function table) "Apply FUNCTION to each key-value pair of TABLE, and make a list of the results. FUNCTION is called with two arguments, KEY and VALUE." (let (results) (maphash (lambda (key value) (push (funcall function key value) results)) table) results)) (defun spacemacs-ht-keys (table) "Return a list of all the keys in TABLE." (declare (side-effect-free t)) (spacemacs-ht-map (lambda (key _value) key) table)) (define-inline spacemacs-ht-set! (table key value) "Associate KEY in TABLE with VALUE." (inline-quote (prog1 nil (puthash ,key ,value ,table)))) (define-inline spacemacs-ht-create (&optional test) "Create an empty hash table. TEST indicates the function used to compare the hash keys. Default is `equal'. It can be `eq', `eql', `equal' or a user-supplied test created via `define-hash-table-test'." (declare (side-effect-free t)) (inline-quote (make-hash-table :test (or ,test 'equal)))) (provide 'spacemacs-ht)