;;; packages.el --- Git Layer packages File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (setq git-packages '( evil-collection fill-column-indicator ;; forge requires a C compiler on Windows so we disable ;; it by default on Windows. (forge :toggle (not (spacemacs/system-is-mswindows))) gitattributes-mode gitconfig-mode gitignore-mode gitignore-templates git-commit git-link git-messenger git-timemachine golden-ratio (helm-git-grep :requires helm) (helm-gitignore :requires helm) magit (magit-delta :toggle git-enable-magit-delta-plugin) (magit-gitflow :toggle git-enable-magit-gitflow-plugin) magit-section (magit-svn :toggle git-enable-magit-svn-plugin) (magit-todos :toggle git-enable-magit-todos-plugin) org (orgit :requires org) (orgit-forge :requires (org forge)) smeargle transient)) (defun git/pre-init-golden-ratio () (spacemacs|use-package-add-hook golden-ratio :post-config (add-to-list 'golden-ratio-exclude-buffer-names " *transient*"))) (defun git/pre-init-evil-collection () (when (spacemacs//support-evilified-buffer-p) (add-to-list 'spacemacs-evil-collection-allowed-list 'magit))) (defun git/post-init-fill-column-indicator () (add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook 'fci-mode)) (defun git/init-helm-git-grep () (use-package helm-git-grep :defer t :init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "g/" 'helm-git-grep "g*" 'helm-git-grep-at-point))) (defun git/init-helm-gitignore () (use-package helm-gitignore :defer t :init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gI" 'helm-gitignore))) (defun git/init-git-commit () (use-package git-commit :defer t)) (defun git/init-git-link () (use-package git-link :defer t :init (progn (spacemacs/declare-prefix "gl" "links") (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "glc" 'git-link-commit "glC" 'spacemacs/git-link-commit-copy-url-only "gll" 'git-link "glL" 'spacemacs/git-link-copy-url-only "glp" 'spacemacs/git-permalink "glP" 'spacemacs/git-permalink-copy-url-only) ;; default is to open the generated link (setq git-link-open-in-browser t)))) (defun git/init-git-messenger () (use-package git-messenger :defer t :init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gM" 'git-messenger:popup-message) :config (define-key git-messenger-map [escape] 'git-messenger:popup-close))) (defun git/init-git-timemachine () (use-package git-timemachine :defer t :commands spacemacs/time-machine-transient-state/body :init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gt" 'spacemacs/time-machine-transient-state/body) :config (progn (spacemacs|define-transient-state time-machine :title "Git Timemachine Transient State" :doc " [_p_/_N_] previous [_n_] next [_c_] current [_g_] goto nth rev [_Y_] copy hash [_q_] quit" :on-enter (let (golden-ratio-mode) (unless (bound-and-true-p git-timemachine-mode) (call-interactively 'git-timemachine))) :on-exit (when (bound-and-true-p git-timemachine-mode) (git-timemachine-quit)) :foreign-keys run :bindings ("c" git-timemachine-show-current-revision) ("g" git-timemachine-show-nth-revision) ("p" git-timemachine-show-previous-revision) ("n" git-timemachine-show-next-revision) ("N" git-timemachine-show-previous-revision) ("Y" git-timemachine-kill-revision) ("q" nil :exit t))))) (defun git/init-gitattributes-mode () (use-package gitattributes-mode :defer t)) (defun git/init-gitconfig-mode () (use-package gitconfig-mode :defer t)) (defun git/init-gitignore-mode () (use-package gitignore-mode :defer t)) (defun git/init-gitignore-templates () (use-package gitignore-templates :defer t :init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'gitignore-mode "i" 'gitignore-templates-insert) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gfi" 'gitignore-templates-new-file))) (defun git/init-magit () (use-package magit :defer (spacemacs/defer) :init (progn (push "magit: .*" spacemacs-useless-buffers-regexp) (push "magit-.*: .*" spacemacs-useless-buffers-regexp) (spacemacs|require-when-dumping 'magit) (setq magit-completing-read-function (if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'ivy) 'ivy-completing-read 'magit-builtin-completing-read)) (setq magit-revision-show-gravatars '("^Author: " . "^Commit: ")) ;; On Windows, we must use Git GUI to enter username and password ;; See: https://github.com/magit/magit/wiki/FAQ#windows-cannot-push-via-https (when (eq window-system 'w32) (setenv "GIT_ASKPASS" "git-gui--askpass")) ;; key bindings (spacemacs/declare-prefix "gf" "file") (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gb" 'spacemacs/git-blame-transient-state/body "gc" 'magit-clone "gfF" 'magit-find-file "gfl" 'magit-log-buffer-file "gfd" 'magit-diff "gfm" 'magit-file-dispatch "gi" 'magit-init "gL" 'magit-list-repositories "gm" 'magit-dispatch "gs" 'magit-status "gS" 'magit-stage-file "gU" 'magit-unstage-file) (spacemacs|define-transient-state git-blame :title "Git Blame Transient State" :hint-is-doc t :dynamic-hint (spacemacs//git-blame-ts-hint) :on-enter (let (golden-ratio-mode) (unless (bound-and-true-p magit-blame-mode) (call-interactively 'magit-blame-addition))) :bindings ("?" spacemacs//git-blame-ts-toggle-hint) ;; chunks ("p" magit-blame-previous-chunk) ("P" magit-blame-previous-chunk-same-commit) ("n" magit-blame-next-chunk) ("N" magit-blame-next-chunk-same-commit) ("RET" magit-show-commit) ;; commits ("b" magit-blame-addition) ("r" magit-blame-removal) ("f" magit-blame-reverse) ("e" magit-blame-echo) ;; q closes any open blame buffers, one at a time, ;; closing the last blame buffer disables magit-blame-mode, ;; pressing q in this state closes the git blame TS ("q" magit-blame-quit :exit (not (bound-and-true-p magit-blame-mode))) ;; other ("c" magit-blame-cycle-style) ("Y" magit-blame-copy-hash) ("B" magit-blame :exit t) ("Q" nil :exit t))) :config (progn ;; seems to be necessary at the time of release (require 'git-rebase) ;; bind function keys ;; (define-key magit-mode-map (kbd "") 'magit-section-toggle) (evilified-state-evilify-map magit-repolist-mode-map :mode magit-repolist-mode :bindings (kbd "gr") 'magit-list-repositories (kbd "RET") 'magit-repolist-status) ;; confirm/abort (when dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key (add-hook 'with-editor-mode-hook 'evil-normalize-keymaps) (let ((mm-key dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key)) (dolist (state '(normal motion)) (evil-define-key state with-editor-mode-map (concat (kbd mm-key) (kbd mm-key)) 'with-editor-finish (concat (kbd mm-key) "a") 'with-editor-cancel (concat (kbd mm-key) "c") 'with-editor-finish (concat (kbd mm-key) "k") 'with-editor-cancel) (evil-define-key state magit-log-select-mode-map (concat (kbd mm-key) (kbd mm-key)) 'magit-log-select-pick (concat (kbd mm-key) "a") 'magit-log-select-quit (concat (kbd mm-key) "c") 'magit-log-select-pick (concat (kbd mm-key) "k") 'magit-log-select-quit)))) ;; whitespace (define-key magit-status-mode-map (kbd "C-S-w") 'spacemacs/magit-toggle-whitespace) ;; Add missing which-key prefixes using the new keymap api (when (spacemacs//support-evilified-buffer-p) (which-key-add-keymap-based-replacements magit-status-mode-map "gf" "jump-to-unpulled" "gp" "jump-to-unpushed")) ;; https://magit.vc/manual/magit/MacOS-Performance.html ;; But modified according Tommi Komulainen's advice: "...going through ;; shell raises an eyebrow, and in the odd edge case of not having git ;; setting the executable to empty string(?) feels slightly wrong." (when-let ((git (executable-find "git"))) (setq magit-git-executable git)) ;; full screen magit-status (when git-magit-status-fullscreen (setq magit-display-buffer-function 'magit-display-buffer-fullframe-status-v1)) (spacemacs|hide-lighter with-editor-mode) ;; Workaround for #12747 - org-mode (evil-define-key 'normal magit-blame-read-only-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'magit-show-commit) ;; Make sure that M-m still switch windows in all magit buffers (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-1") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-1) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-2") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-2) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-3") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-3) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-4") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-4) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-5") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-5) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-6") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-6) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-7") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-7) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-8") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-8) (evil-define-key 'normal magit-section-mode-map (kbd "M-9") 'spacemacs/winum-select-window-9)))) (defun git/init-magit-delta () (use-package magit-delta :hook (magit-mode . magit-delta-mode))) (defun git/init-magit-gitflow () (use-package magit-gitflow :hook (magit-mode . magit-gitflow-mode) :init (setq magit-gitflow-popup-key "%") :config (progn (spacemacs|diminish magit-gitflow-mode "Flow") (define-key magit-mode-map "%" 'magit-gitflow-popup)))) (defun git/init-magit-section () (use-package magit-section :defer t)) (defun git/init-magit-svn () (use-package magit-svn :hook (magit-mode . magit-svn-mode) :config (progn (spacemacs|diminish magit-svn-mode "SVN") (define-key magit-mode-map "~" 'magit-svn)))) (defun git/pre-init-magit-todos () (when (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'spacemacs-evil) (add-to-list 'spacemacs-evil-collection-allowed-list 'magit-todos))) (defun git/init-magit-todos () (use-package magit-todos :hook (magit-mode . magit-todos-mode) :config (spacemacs|diminish magit-todos-mode "TODOS"))) (defun git/init-orgit () (use-package orgit :defer t)) (defun git/init-orgit-forge () (use-package orgit-forge :after forge :defer t)) (defun git/post-init-org () ;; unfold the org headings for a target line (advice-add 'magit-blame-addition :after #'spacemacs/org-reveal-advice) (advice-add 'magit-diff-visit-file :after #'spacemacs/org-reveal-advice) (advice-add 'magit-diff-visit-worktree-file :after #'spacemacs/org-reveal-advice)) (defun git/init-smeargle () (use-package smeargle :defer t :init (progn (spacemacs/declare-prefix "gH" "highlight") (when (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'which-key) ;; TODO abstract this to a function (let ((descr '(("smeargle" . "highlight by last update time") ("smeargle-commits" . "highlight by age of changes") ("smeargle-clear" . "clear")))) (dolist (nd descr) ;; ensure the target matches the whole string (push (cons (cons nil (concat "\\`" (car nd) "\\'")) (cons nil (cdr nd))) which-key-replacement-alist)))) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gHc" 'smeargle-clear "gHh" 'smeargle-commits "gHt" 'smeargle)))) (defun git/pre-init-transient () (setq transient-history-file (expand-file-name "transient/history.el" spacemacs-cache-directory)) (setq transient-levels-file (expand-file-name "transient/levels.el" spacemacs-cache-directory)) (setq transient-values-file (expand-file-name "transient/values.el" spacemacs-cache-directory))) (defun git/init-transient () (use-package transient :defer t)) (defun git/init-forge () (use-package forge :after magit :init (progn (setq forge-database-file (concat spacemacs-cache-directory "forge-database.sqlite")) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'forge-topic-mode "c" 'forge-create-post "e" 'forge-edit-post) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'forge-post-mode dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key 'forge-post-submit "c" 'forge-post-submit "k" 'forge-post-cancel "a" 'forge-post-cancel))))