#!/usr/bin/env python """ Pylookup is to lookup entries from python documentation, especially within emacs. Pylookup adopts most of ideas from haddoc, lovely toolkit by Martin Blais. (usage) ./pylookup.py -l ljust ./pylookup.py -u http://docs.python.org """ from __future__ import with_statement import os import re import sys from contextlib import closing from os.path import abspath, dirname, expanduser, join try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle if sys.version_info[0] == 3: from html.parser import HTMLParser import urllib.parse as urlparse import urllib.request as urllib else: from HTMLParser import HTMLParser import urllib import urlparse import formatter VERBOSE = False FORMATS = { "Emacs": "{entry}\t({desc})\t[{book}];{url}", "Terminal": "{entry}\t({desc})\t[{book}]\n{url}" } def build_book(s, num): """ Build book identifier from `s`, with `num` links. """ for matcher, replacement in (("library", "lib"), ("c-api", "api"), ("reference", "ref"), ("", "etc")): if matcher in s: return replacement if num == 1 else "%s/%d" % (replacement, num) def trim(s): """ Add any globle filtering rules here """ s = s.replace("Python Enhancement Proposals!", "") s = s.replace("PEP ", "PEP-") return s class Element(object): def __init__(self, entry, desc, book, url): self.book = book self.url = url self.desc = desc self.entry = entry def __format__(self, format_spec): return format_spec.format( entry=self.entry, desc=self.desc, book=self.book, url=self.url) def match_insensitive(self, key): """ Match key case insensitive against entry and desc. `key` : Lowercase string. """ return key in self.entry.lower() or key in self.desc.lower() def match_sensitive(self, key): """ Match key case sensitive against entry and desc. `key` : Lowercase string. """ return key in self.entry or key in self.desc def match_in_entry_insensitive(self, key): """ Match key case insensitive against entry. `key` : Lowercase string. """ return key in self.entry.lower() def match_in_entry_sensitive(self, key): """ Match key case sensitive against entry. `key` : Lowercase string. """ return key in self.entry def get_matcher(insensitive=True, desc=True): """ Get `Element.match_*` function. >>> get_matcher(0, 0) >>> get_matcher(1, 0) >>> get_matcher(0, 1) >>> get_matcher(1, 1) """ _sensitive = "_insensitive" if insensitive else "_sensitive" _in_entry = "" if desc else "_in_entry" return getattr(Element, "match{0}{1}".format(_in_entry, _sensitive)) class IndexProcessor(HTMLParser): """ Extract the index links from a Python HTML documentation index. """ def __init__(self, writer, dirn): try: HTMLParser.__init__(self) except TypeError: HTMLParser.__init__(self, formatter.NullFormatter()) self.writer = writer self.dirn = dirn self.entry = "" self.desc = "" self.list_entry = False self.one_entry = False self.num_of_a = 0 self.desc_cnt = 0 self.tag = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.tag = tag attrs = dict(attrs) if self.tag == 'dd': self.list_entry = True elif self.tag == 'dt': self.one_entry = True self.num_of_a = 0 elif self.tag == 'a': if self.one_entry: self.url = join(self.dirn, attrs['href']) def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == 'dd': self.list_entry = False if tag == 'dt': self.one_entry = False def handle_data(self, data): if self.tag == 'a': global VERBOSE if self.one_entry: if self.num_of_a == 0: self.desc = data if VERBOSE: self.desc_cnt += 1 if self.desc_cnt % 100 == 0: sys.stdout.write("%04d %s\r" % (self.desc_cnt, self.desc.ljust(80))) # extract fist element # ex) __and__() (in module operator) if not self.list_entry: self.entry = re.sub("\([^)]+\)", "", self.desc) # clean up PEP self.entry = trim(self.entry) match = re.search("\([^)]+\)", self.desc) if match: self.desc = match.group(0) self.desc = trim(re.sub("[()]", "", self.desc)) self.num_of_a += 1 book = build_book(self.url, self.num_of_a) e = Element(self.entry, self.desc, book, self.url) self.writer(e) # Overload save_end because of it's strange behaviour. def save_end(self): pass def update(db, urls, append=False): """Update database with entries from urls. `db` : filename to database `urls` : list of URL `append` : append to db """ mode = "ab" if append else "wb" with open(db, mode) as f: def writer(e): pickle.dump(e, f) for url in urls: # detech 'file' or 'url' schemes parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) if not parsed.scheme or parsed.scheme == "file": dst = abspath(expanduser(parsed.path)) if not os.path.exists(dst): print("Error: %s doesn't exist" % dst) exit(1) url = "file://%s" % dst else: url = parsed.geturl() potential_urls = [] if url.endswith('.html'): potential_urls.append(url) else: # guess index URLs # for stdlib, this is genindex-all.html # for django, numpy, etc. it's genindex.html url = url.rstrip("/") potential_urls.append(url + "/genindex-all.html") potential_urls.append(url + "/genindex.html") success = False for index_url in potential_urls: try: print("Wait for a few seconds...") print("Fetching index from '%s'" % index_url) index = urllib.urlopen(index_url).read() if not issubclass(type(index), str): index = index.decode() parser = IndexProcessor(writer, dirname(index_url)) with closing(parser): parser.feed(index) # success, we don't need to try other potential urls print("Loaded index from '%s'" % index_url) success = True break except IOError: print("Error: fetching file from '%s'" % index_url) if not success: print("Failed to load index for input '%s'" % url) def lookup(db, key, format_spec, out=sys.stdout, insensitive=True, desc=True): """Lookup key from database and print to out. `db` : filename to database `key` : key to lookup `out` : file-like to write to `insensitive` : lookup key case insensitive """ matcher = get_matcher(insensitive, desc) if insensitive: key = key.lower() with open(db, "rb") as f: try: while True: e = pickle.load(f) if matcher(e, key): out.write('%s\n' % format(e, format_spec)) except EOFError: pass def cache(db, out=sys.stdout): """Print unique entries from db to out. `db` : filename to database `out` : file-like to write to """ with open(db, "rb") as f: keys = set() try: while True: e = pickle.load(f) k = e.entry k = re.sub("\([^)]*\)", "", k) k = re.sub("\[[^]]*\]", "", k) keys.add(k) except EOFError: pass for k in keys: out.write('%s\n' % k) if __name__ == "__main__": import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser(__doc__.strip()) parser.add_option( "-d", "--db", help="database name", dest="db", default="pylookup.db") parser.add_option("-l", "--lookup", help="keyword to search", dest="key") parser.add_option( "-u", "--update", help="update url or path", action="append", type="str", dest="url") parser.add_option( "-c", "--cache", help="extract keywords, internally used", action="store_true", default=False, dest="cache") parser.add_option( "-a", "--append", help="append to the db from multiple sources", action="store_true", default=False, dest="append") parser.add_option( "-f", "--format", help="type of output formatting, valid: Emacs, Terminal", choices=["Emacs", "Terminal"], default="Terminal", dest="format") parser.add_option( "-i", "--insensitive", default=1, choices=['0', '1'], help="SEARCH OPTION: insensitive search " "(valid: 0, 1; default: %default)") parser.add_option( "-s", "--desc", default=1, choices=['0', '1'], help="SEARCH OPTION: include description field " "(valid: 0, 1; default: %default)") parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", help="verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() VERBOSE = opts.verbose if opts.url: update(opts.db, opts.url, opts.append) if opts.cache: cache(opts.db) if opts.key: lookup( opts.db, opts.key, FORMATS[opts.format], insensitive=int(opts.insensitive), desc=int(opts.desc))