Spacemacs is a volunteer effort. We encourage you to pitch in. The community makes Spacemacs what it is. We have a few guidelines, which we ask all contributors to follow. - If you want to ask a usage question, be sure to read [our documentation][], as it may hold the answer. You should also reference the `` of the relevant layer(s). If your question is not answered there, then feel free to ask on our [gitter chat][]. - If you want to submit a Pull Request (PR), please read [our contribution guidelines][] before submitting. Also, make sure that your PR is against the `develop` branch, not `master` which should not be modified. - If you are opening an issue, consider seeing if the bug has been fixed on `develop`, and that you are up to date by doing `git pull --rebase`. If it is not fixed, please include the output of `SPC h d s` in your bug report. This will include the following: OS, Emacs version, Spacemacs version, Spacemacs branch(`master` or `develop`), as well as current HEAD revision, distribution (`spacemacs` or `spacemacs-base`), and what layers you are using. This will help us to help you better. Thanks! :heart: :heart: :heart: Spacemacs Team _Based off of the [Rails Contribution guidelines][]_. [Rails Contribution guidelines]: [our documentation]: doc/ [gitter chat]: [our contribution guidelines]: doc/