;;; core-spacemacs.el --- Spacemacs Core File ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner ;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 (setq message-log-max 16384) (defconst emacs-start-time (current-time)) (require 'subr-x nil 'noerror) (require 'core-emacs-backports) (require 'core-release-management) (require 'core-auto-completion) (require 'core-themes-support) (require 'core-fonts-support) (require 'core-spacemacs-buffer) (require 'core-toggle) (require 'core-micro-state) (require 'core-use-package-ext) (require 'core-keybindings) (defgroup spacemacs nil "Spacemacs customizations." :group 'starter-kit :prefix 'spacemacs-) ;; loading progress bar variables (defvar spacemacs-loading-char ?█) (defvar spacemacs-loading-string "") (defvar spacemacs-loading-counter 0) ;; (defvar spacemacs-loading-text "Loading") ;; (defvar spacemacs-loading-done-text "Ready!") (defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count 3) (defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-count (window-total-size nil 'width)) (defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-size (/ spacemacs-loading-dots-count spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-count)) (defvar spacemacs-loading-dots-chunk-threshold 0) (defvar spacemacs-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [tab] 'widget-forward) (define-key map (kbd "C-i") 'widget-forward) (define-key map [backtab] 'widget-backward) (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'widget-button-press) (define-key map [down-mouse-1] 'widget-button-click) map) "Keymap for spacemacs mode.") (defvar spacemacs--default-mode-line mode-line-format "Backup of default mode line format.") (define-derived-mode spacemacs-mode special-mode "Spacemacs" "Spacemacs major mode for startup screen. \\ " :group 'spacemacs :syntax-table nil :abbrev-table nil (setq truncate-lines t) ;; needed to make tab work correctly in terminal (evil-define-key 'motion spacemacs-mode-map (kbd "C-i") 'widget-forward) ;; motion state since this is a special mode (add-to-list 'evil-motion-state-modes 'spacemacs-mode)) (defun spacemacs/init () "Create the special buffer for `spacemacs-mode' and perform startup initialization." ;; explicitly set the prefered coding systems to avoid annoying prompt ;; from emacs (especially on Microsoft Windows) (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) ;; dotfile init (dotspacemacs/load-file) ;; TODO remove evil-want-C-u-scroll and document it, we should not ;; shadow the universal argument (setq-default evil-want-C-u-scroll t) (dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/init "Calling dotfile init...") (dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/user-init "Calling dotfile user init...") ;; spacemacs init (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create spacemacs-buffer-name)) (setq initial-buffer-choice (lambda () (get-buffer spacemacs-buffer-name))) (spacemacs-buffer/set-mode-line "") ;; no welcome buffer (setq inhibit-startup-screen t) ;; silence ad-handle-definition about advised functions getting redefined (setq ad-redefinition-action 'accept) ;; default theme (let ((default-theme (car dotspacemacs-themes))) (spacemacs/load-theme default-theme) ;; used to prevent automatic deletion of used packages (setq spacemacs-used-theme-packages (delq nil (mapcar 'spacemacs//get-theme-package dotspacemacs-themes))) (setq-default spacemacs--cur-theme default-theme) (setq-default spacemacs--cycle-themes (cdr dotspacemacs-themes))) ;; removes the GUI elements (when (and (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (not (eq tool-bar-mode -1))) (tool-bar-mode -1)) (when (and (fboundp 'scroll-bar-mode) (not (eq scroll-bar-mode -1))) (scroll-bar-mode -1)) ;; Keep focus while navigating help buffers (setq help-window-select 't) ;; tooltips in echo-aera (when (and (fboundp 'tooltip-mode) (not (eq tooltip-mode -1))) (tooltip-mode -1)) (unless (eq window-system 'mac) (when (and (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (not (eq menu-bar-mode -1))) (menu-bar-mode -1))) ;; for convenience and user support (unless (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (spacemacs-buffer/message (concat "No graphical support detected, you won't be" "able to launch a graphical instance of Emacs" "with this build."))) ;; font (if (find-font (font-spec :name (car dotspacemacs-default-font))) (spacemacs/set-default-font dotspacemacs-default-font) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Cannot find font \"%s\"!" (car dotspacemacs-default-font))) ;; banner (spacemacs-buffer/insert-banner-and-buttons) ;; mandatory dependencies ;; dash is required to prevent a package.el bug with f on 24.3.1 (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'dash t) (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 's t) ;; bind-key is required by use-package (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'bind-key t) (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'use-package t) (setq use-package-verbose dotspacemacs-verbose-loading) ;; package-build is required by quelpa (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'package-build t) (setq quelpa-verbose dotspacemacs-verbose-loading quelpa-dir (concat spacemacs-cache-directory "quelpa/") quelpa-build-dir (expand-file-name "build" quelpa-dir) quelpa-persistent-cache-file (expand-file-name "cache" quelpa-dir) quelpa-update-melpa-p nil) (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'quelpa t) ;; inject use-package hooks for easy customization of ;; stock package configuration (setq use-package-inject-hooks t) ;; which-key (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'which-key t) ;; evil and evil-leader must be installed at the beginning of the ;; boot sequence. ;; Use C-u as scroll-up (must be set before actually loading evil) (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'evil t) (spacemacs/load-or-install-package 'evil-leader t) (require 'core-evilified-state) ;; check for new version (if dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols (setq-default spacemacs-version-check-lighter "[⇪]")) (spacemacs/set-new-version-lighter-mode-line-faces) (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'spacemacs-buffer/goto-link-line) (spacemacs-mode)) (defun spacemacs/maybe-install-dotfile () "Install the dotfile if it does not exist." (unless (file-exists-p dotspacemacs-filepath) (spacemacs-buffer/set-mode-line "Dotfile wizard installer") (spacemacs//redisplay) (when (dotspacemacs/install 'with-wizard) (dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers '(16))))) (defun spacemacs/display-and-copy-version () "Echo the current spacemacs version and copy it." (interactive) (let ((msg (format "Spacemacs v.%s" spacemacs-version))) (message msg) (kill-new msg))) (defun display-startup-echo-area-message () "Change the default welcome message of minibuffer to another one." (message "Spacemacs is ready.")) (defun spacemacs/setup-startup-hook () "Add post init processing." (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook (lambda () ;; Ultimate configuration decisions are given to the user who can defined ;; them in his/her ~/.spacemacs file ;; TODO remove support for dotspacemacs/config in 0.105 (if (fboundp 'dotspacemacs/user-config) (dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/user-config "Calling dotfile user config...") (spacemacs-buffer/warning (concat "`dotspacemacs/config' is deprecated, " "please rename your function to " "`dotspacemacs/user-config'")) (dotspacemacs|call-func dotspacemacs/config "Calling dotfile user config...")) ;; from jwiegley ;; https://github.com/jwiegley/dot-emacs/blob/master/init.el (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) emacs-start-time)))) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "\n[%s packages loaded in %.3fs]\n" (configuration-layer/configured-packages-count) elapsed))) ;; Display useful lists of items (when dotspacemacs-startup-lists (spacemacs-buffer/insert-startupify-lists)) (if configuration-layer-error-count (spacemacs-buffer/set-mode-line (format (concat "%s error(s) at startup! " "Spacemacs may not be able to operate properly.") configuration-layer-error-count)) (spacemacs-buffer/set-mode-line spacemacs--default-mode-line)) (force-mode-line-update) (spacemacs/check-for-new-version spacemacs-version-check-interval)))) (defun spacemacs/describe-system-info () "Gathers info about your Spacemacs setup and copies to clipboard." (interactive) (let ((sysinfo (format (concat "#### System Info\n" "- OS: %s\n" "- Emacs: %s\n" "- Spacemacs: %s\n" "- Spacemacs branch: %s (rev. %s)\n" "- Distribution: %s\n" "- Layers:\n```elisp\n%s```\n") system-type emacs-version spacemacs-version (spacemacs/git-get-current-branch) (spacemacs/git-get-current-branch-rev) dotspacemacs-distribution (pp dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)))) (kill-new sysinfo) (message sysinfo) (message (concat "Information has been copied to clipboard.\n" "You can paste it in the gitter chat.\n" "Check the *Messages* buffer if you need to review it")))) (provide 'core-spacemacs)