;;; packages.el --- Chinese Layer packages File for Spacemacs ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors ;; ;; Author: Sylvain Benner ;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ;; ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: GPLv3 ;; List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages ;; which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list. (setq chinese-packages '( (pyim :toggle (eq chinese-default-input-method 'pinyin)) (chinese-wbim :toggle (eq chinese-default-input-method 'wubi)) (fcitx :toggle chinese-enable-fcitx) find-by-pinyin-dired ace-pinyin pangu-spacing org (youdao-dictionary :toggle chinese-enable-youdao-dict) )) (defun chinese/init-fcitx () (use-package fcitx :init (fcitx-evil-turn-on))) (defun chinese/init-chinese-wbim () "Initialize chinese-wubi" (use-package chinese-wbim :if (eq 'wubi chinese-default-input-method) :init (progn (autoload 'chinese-wbim-use-package "chinese-wubi" "Another emacs input method") ;; Tooptip is not good enough, so disable it here. (setq chinese-wbim-use-tooltip nil) (register-input-method "chinese-wubi" "euc-cn" 'chinese-wbim-use-package "五笔" "汉字五笔输入法" "wb.txt") (require 'chinese-wbim-extra) (global-set-key ";" 'chinese-wbim-insert-ascii) (setq default-input-method 'chinese-wubi)))) (defun chinese/init-youdao-dictionary () (use-package youdao-dictionary :if chinese-enable-youdao-dict :defer :config (progn ;; Enable Cache (setq url-automatic-caching t ;; Set file path for saving search history youdao-dictionary-search-history-file (concat spacemacs-cache-directory ".youdao") ;; Enable Chinese word segmentation support youdao-dictionary-use-chinese-word-segmentation t)))) (defun chinese/init-pyim () (use-package pyim :if (eq 'pinyin chinese-default-input-method) :init (progn (setq pyim-page-tooltip t pyim-directory (expand-file-name "pyim/" spacemacs-cache-directory) pyim-dcache-directory (expand-file-name "dcache/" pyim-directory) default-input-method "pyim") (evilified-state-evilify pyim-dm-mode pyim-dm-mode-map)))) (defun chinese/init-find-by-pinyin-dired () (use-package find-by-pinyin-dired )) (defun chinese/init-ace-pinyin () (use-package ace-pinyin :init (progn (if chinese-enable-avy-pinyin (setq ace-pinyin-use-avy t)) (ace-pinyin-global-mode t) (spacemacs|hide-lighter ace-pinyin-mode)))) (defun chinese/init-pangu-spacing () (use-package pangu-spacing :init (progn (global-pangu-spacing-mode 1) (spacemacs|hide-lighter pangu-spacing-mode) ;; Always insert `real' space in org-mode. (add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'pangu-spacing-real-insert-separtor) t)))))) (defun chinese/post-init-org () (defadvice org-html-paragraph (before org-html-paragraph-advice (paragraph contents info) activate) "Join consecutive Chinese lines into a single long line without unwanted space when exporting org-mode to html." (let* ((origin-contents (ad-get-arg 1)) (fix-regexp "[[:multibyte:]]") (fixed-contents (replace-regexp-in-string (concat "\\(" fix-regexp "\\) *\n *\\(" fix-regexp "\\)") "\\1\\2" origin-contents))) (ad-set-arg 1 fixed-contents))))